Childhood enemies or Loving cousins [Part- 2]

"See... I completely forgot again... Let me introduce the butlers and main maidservants to you two.", said Selina while calling out the butlers and the maidservants.

"It's ok, Selina. We can meet them later too. Just don't be in a hurry.", said Merry gently to seeing Selina unhappy for forgetting things that she supposed to do. Merry knew Selina from her childhood and in the past also Selina was a carefree bird and nothing had changed at present too as she was still a carefree bird who still forgot her things to do.

"Don't worry, Merry. See, they are already here.'. Selina said happily while pointing her hands towards the butlers and maidservants who were standing on a line.

"This is butler Kaile. You can ask any help you want from him.", said Selina by calling a tall man in his early sixties who had grey hair and beard wearing a black suit.

"Hello, Mrs Whitlock and young miss.", said butler Kaile by coming forward the line while bowing.

"This is butler Zin. You can ask any help you want from him too.", said Selina by calling a tall man in his late thirties who had dark hair wearing a black suit.

"Hello, Mrs Whitlock and young miss.", said butler Zin by coming forward from the line and standing next to butler Kaile while bowing.

"This is our head cook, Mrs Rong. She can cook any dish you like and her food are delicious. And also the others who are standing behind her are her fellow chefs who help her in the various tasks in the kitchen along with the cooking.", said Selina calling a lady standing front of her team who was at her early fifties and was wearing a white chef uniform and chef hat. But her grey hair was somehow visible from it.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am and young miss.", said the head chef Mrs Rong along with her team of 10 members including both young and old females and males who were wearing the same uniform as her by coming forward and standing next to the butlers while bowing.

"This our head maidservant, Mrs Yun and the ones who are standing behind her are her fellow maidservants who work according to her orders and help her with her works. You can ask for any help from her and any of her team whenever you need.", said Selina while calling a lady at her late thirties having black hair who was wearing an ash colour uniform standing in front of her team.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am and young miss.", said the head maid Mrs Yan along with her team of 25 members including both young and old males and females who were wearing the same uniform as her by coming forward and standing next to the team of chefs while bowing.

"Nice to meet you all.", said Merry and Alora politely.

"Ok then, thank you for the precious time of you all. Now you all can continue the works you were doing.", said Selina politely.

All the butlers, maidservants along the chefs went back to continue their respective works again.

"So, Merry and Alora, do ask any of them if you want any help.", said Selina while petting Alora's head.

"Sure, don't worry.", said both Merry and Alora.

"Finally the introducing section is over. Now let me show you your rooms so that you both can get fresh.", said Selina excitedly.

"Sure, Selina. Let's go. After the long journey, both of us are tired. It's good to get fresh and change our dresses. Isn't it, my baby???", said Merry while petting Alora.

"Yes, mama and Aunt Sea. I am indeed tired and want to take a shower to get fresh and change my dress.", said Alora while hugging both Merry and Selina together.

"Ok, then let's go to your rooms.", said Selina while pulling Both Merry and Alora's hands.

Then three of them took the stairs to the second floor along with three maidservants with the hand luggage of Alora and Merry.

"This room is for my darling Alora. The right room next to this is Evan's room and the room left next to this is going to be Merry's room. This room has one more speciality. That is the top of this room changes its' design at night and in the morning. Isn't great??? Do you like the room, my baby???", said Selina while hugging Alora excitedly.

It was the first room between the right and left corridor on the second floor. From the front of the room, it was the beginning of the right corridor and from the left side of the room, it was the starting of the left corridor. The room was painted with light blue having white butterflies on each of the walls and the top of the room was designed to look like the sky and as it was the day time it was looking like the white clouds floating here and there in the light blue sky around the bright sun.

All the furniture in the room was white and the curtains of the windows were also the combination of white and light blue with two layers and there was a couch for three people to sit placing in front of the huge window. From the windows, anyone could enjoy the beautiful scenery of the garden and next to the windows, there was a glass door to the balcony of the room.

In the middle of the room, there was a queen-size bed having the bedding and the pillow covers of white and light blue combination matching to the walls of the room. And the AC was fixed on the top of the behind wall of the bed. Beside the bed, there were two bedsides along with the night lamps on each of them and one of them had a land phone on it and in front of the bed, there was placed a cushion bed bench. And on the front wall of the bed, there was a huge wall tv and under it, there was a tv stand and on it, there were two sound boxes and inside the cabinet of tv stand, there was some gaming CDs and daily sets of magazines, etc.

On the side of the main door of the room, there was a huge closet having the mirror door and inside the closet, there was a separate dressing room made with mirror glasses wall. On another side of the room, there was a huge washroom having a light blue pushing frosted glass door with white butterflies print on it.

In one word it was such a beautiful room that anyone likes to live in.

"Such a nice room. Why won't our Alora like it??? Alora obviously will like it.", said Merry happily.

"Of course, aunt Sea and mama. I like this room a lot. It's so beautiful.", said Alora happily hugging Selina.

"Thank god. You like it... Ok then, let the maids arrange your things properly. Now let's go to check Merry's room.", said Selina happily.

They went to the room which was on the left side of Alora's and it was as same as Alora's but the paint of the wall was soft green and the top of the room was white and all the set up of the furniture were also as Alora's room while all the furniture were white and the curtains were also two layers but the colour combination of them was green and white.

"Merry, do you like this room???", said Selina while holding Merry's hand excitedly.

"Wow, this room is also so beautiful as mine. Isn't it, mama???, said Alora happily.

"Yes, Alora. Selina, I like this room. It's a nice one.", said Merry happily.

"Ok then, finally you two like the rooms. So, Let the maids arrange your things.", said Selina.

"Selina, some of the luggage of mine and Alora's is yet to arrive. Maybe we will have to go to the airport again.", said Merry worriedly.

"Don't worry, Merry. I have already told Evan and Reo to fetch your left luggage before lunch. Till then both of you go and get fresh. I will go to downstair for some works.", said Selina.

"Thank you so much, Selina. You just save me.", Merry said in a relief voice.

"No need to thank me. Go and get fresh. Your luggage will be here soon. See you at lunchtime till then take some rest.", said Selina while leaving.

Both Alora and Merry went to get fresh while Selina went downstairs for the preparation of lunch. And Evan didn't know that Alora was living in the room next to his room as he went out with Reo and butler Kaile to the airport to bring the luggage of Alora and Merry's.