Childhood enemies or Loving cousins [Part-3]

When Alora got out of the washroom after getting fresh she found that maidservants had already gone by arranging her room. Then she went near the windows to enjoy the view of outside. While she was watching the outside of the windows she remembered about her granny and the time she spent with her. A few drops of tears rolled down from her eyes no matter how hard she tried to stop the tears.

Somehow 'The Jones Mansion' and 'The Ito Mansion' were the same in every aspect. But for her 'The Jones Mansion' was her own house where she grew up holding her granny's fingers and playing along with the maidservants and the butlers. So, it was not easy for her to forget about them and start a new life there in Japan.

Alora was crying harder by holding the teddy bear given by Merry while standing in front of the window.

Suddenly a knock on the door brought Alora back to reality from her memories. She quickly wiped her tears and turned toward the door to see who it was.

She saw it was none other than Merry. She came to check her after getting fresh. By looking at Alora it was easy for Merry to guess that she was crying by missing her granny and others back there in Britain.

"Alora, baby, Are you alright???", said Merry worriedly by rushing to Alora and hugging her while petting her head gently.

"Hmm... Mama... I am fine... Nothing is wronged with me... Don't worry.", said Alora in a cracked voice. Then Merry sat on the couch in front of the windows with Alora.

"My dear, I know that you are missing your granny. That's why you are feeling sad. Don't worry. She will call you once she reached. And you don't have to hide your tears from me.", said Merry while holding Alora's hands.

"Mama, what should I do about my feeling sad??? Whenever I remember about granny I can't stop my tears.", said Alora while hugging Merry and crying badly.

"Don't worry, baby. Once you get adopt to this lifestyle here you will gradually start to feel happy and fine. And mama is always there to support you. Whenever you will upset you can always come to mama. I will always help you to drive your sadness away.", said Merry while wiping Alora's tears.

"Thank you, mama and I am sorry to wake you worry.", Alora said while trying to smile.

"It's ok, my baby. I am your mama. So, as a mama, I should always try to make my daughter happy and console her when she is sad. Baby, there is still time for lunchtime. So, do you want something to eat???", said Merry in a gentle voice while fixing Alora's hair.

"No, mama. I am not hungry at all.", said Alora while rubbing her eyes.

"Ok then, I think you should take a short nap. Then you will feel better. Don't worry at all. Your mama will be here with you.", said Merry in a gentle voice.

Alora nodded obediently to Merry's words and went to the bed to take a short nap. Merry covered Alora with the blanket lovingly. Then Merry was petting Alora's head gently until she fell asleep.

Merry was happily watching the sleeping Alora. Alora was already about to15 years old but for Merry, she was still a baby of 5 years.

While Merry was busy looking after the sleeping Alora, Merry was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was butler Kaile who came with the male servants to handle the luggage of them.

"May we come in, Mrs, Whitlock???", asked butler Kaile politely.

"Yes. You may come in.", said Merry politely.

"Mrs Whitlock, these are the luggage of you two. Where should I place them???", said butler Kaile.

"Place them near it.", said Merry while pointing towards the bed bench.

"Yes, Mrs Whitlock.", said butler Kaile obediently. "I will ask maidservants to help you with arranging them in the proper places.", added butler Kaile while taking leave.

"Thank you so much, butler Kaile.", said Merry.

"I will take my leave. Please let me know if you want any help, Mrs Whitlock.", said butler Kaile while leaving the room.

After his leaving, Merry got busy with arranging the things in the Alora's luggage first with the maidservants. At first, she placed Alora's clothes and shoes in the closet properly with the help of the maidservants. Then Alora's books and study materials were arranged by them along with her other accessories and her toys which were given by her granny were placed carefully on her bed and inside the tv cabinet by Merry.

After completing of placing Alora's things Merry asked maidservants to shift other luggage to her room. Then she helped with them to handle that luggage at her room too.

After completing arranging luggage, Merry again went to check Alora and she found that Alora was still sleeping peacefully.

"Merry, Baby Alora, the lunch is ready. Let's go downstairs to have lunch together.", said Selina happily while entering to Alora's room.

"Oh... Merry, you are also here. It's good. But Alora is sleeping peacefully.", added Selina while looking at Alora.

"Yes, Selina. But I think that we should wake her up. Maybe she is hungry. After all, she didn't eat anything after we landed here.", said Merry worriedly.

"Ok then, Let's wake her up.", said Selina.

"Alora... Alora... Wake up, dear... It's already lunchtime.", said Merry.

"Yes, mama... I am up...", said Alora in a sleepy voice while rubbing her eyes.

"Alora, let's go downstairs fast. I told the chef to prepare a lot of tasty food items for you.", said Selina happily.

"Ok, aunt Sea... Wait for me till I come back from the washroom.", said Alora while getting down from the bed.

In a few minutes, Alora came out from the washroom by getting fresh. Then the three of them went downstairs together. After getting to the downstairs they could see that Reo and Evan were waiting for them at the dining table.

Alora took the seat between Evan and Merry according to Selina's instruction while she sat along with Reo on the opposite of the Evan, Alora, and Merry.

The whole table was filled with various items of special Japanese and British cuisines. It was not the first time for Alora to try Japanese dishes as she had tried them much more time with her Japanese

friends. But still, those dishes served by Selina were a little different than them.

At first, Merry and Selina were worried about Alora's liking Japanese food but when Alora started to eat without complaining they were at ease.

Reo, Selina, Merry, Evan, and Alora enjoyed good family time together by having their lunch together. It was the reunion of the four of them after serval years. So, they didn't miss any chance to celebrate it.