Childhood enemies or Loving cousins [Part-4]

After having lunch Reo again went to his study for completing his works and Selina was helping the maidservants to clean the dining table and busy with chefs to finalize the menu of dinner by asking both Alora and Merry to rest for a while until she finished her works and then Evan decided to hang out with Alora and Merry for a while before going his room.

Alora, Evan, and Merry took the stairs together to the second-floor while Evan was having a chit chat with Merry. Alora could feel that Evan was a different person than when he was a kid. But she was still confused about his changes.

While both Alora and Merry were about to enter their respective rooms Evan was a little surprised and said, "Aunt Merry and Alora, So, both of you are living in the right corridor and Alora's room is next to mine."

"Yes, dear Evan. Alora is your neighbour as well as mine.", said Merry happily.

"Oh... Aunt Merry, I completely forgot to welcome both of you home. Please forgive me for my impoliteness.", said Evan.

"It's ok, my baby. You don't have to stress out yourself.", said Merry while trying to pet Evan's head but failed as Evan was much taller than her.

"Thank you so much, Aunt Merry and Welcome home.", said Evan happily by hugging Merry.

Meanwhile, Alora was watching them silently by standing next to them and was trying to guess about Evan's changes.

"Thank you so much, my dear.", said Merry happily hugging Evan and petting his back.

Then Evan suddenly wrapped his right hand around Alora's neck by hugging her from behind while petting her head with his left hand he said happily, "Welcome home, little Alora."

Alora was surprised to see the warmth side of Evan towards her.

"Thank you, Evan.", said Alora while touching Evan's hand which was wrapping around her neck with a smile.

After the warm welcoming of Evan three of them went to hang out in Alora's room for some time.

"Mama, these toys... Did you arranged them???", Alora asked in surprised while seeing the decorated toys in her room by entering the room.

"Yes, dear. I know these are your favourite toys.", said Merry happily.

"Thank you so much, mama.", said Alora while hugging Merry.

"Nice collection of toys. Not bad little devil.", said Evan looking at the toy collection.

"Thank you, Evan.". said Alora.

Evan nodded with a smile to Alora. Then the three of them happily enjoyed some quality time with each other together. Selina also joined with them after finishing her household tasks. Then they decided to open the gifts Merry and Alora brought for them. And after finishing the first section of gift opening the second section was started with the welcome gifts for Merry and Alora from Reo, Evan, and Selina. Five of them were satisfied with their gifts and all of them were happy to spend time together and after spending some time together after receiving gifts everyone went to have some rest in their rooms.

Time passed with a blink of eyes and it was already evening. While others were having rest Alora was missing about her granny and was worried about her as she didn't get any news from her granny yet. So, she started to cry again while someone suddenly came to console her. She was surprised to see the person who came to console her as it was none other than Evan who was passing in front of Alora's room and noticed that Alora was crying.

"Hey, little girl. Are you alright??? Why are you crying??? What happened???", said Evan while rushing to console Alora.

"I am fine... Nothing is wronged...", said Alora in a cracked voice while wiping her tears.

"I know... I know... You are a brave girl. But sometimes it's not good to hide one's sadness. One should express it when they are sad. I know you are missing your granny. Don't worry... She will be fine and will contact you soon. I will ask mom or aunt Merry to communicate with your uncle. So, don't worry.", Evan said while rubbing Alora's head.

"Thanks, Evan.", said Alora in a calm voice.

"Now wipe your tears. And have some chocolates. I heard that you like chocolates a lot.", said Evan while wiping Alora's tear and then pulling out some chocolates from his jean's pocket.

Alora took the chocolate happily and grabbed a bit while Evan added by poking Alora's forehead happily, "I didn't know that the little devil has grown up into an innocent deer and become a cry baby who cries all the time."

"Evan, you are the cry baby...", said Alora screaming by making an annoying face.

Evan laughed to Alora's words by sticking his tongue out and then pulling her cheeks, saying, "Cry-baby... Cry-baby..."

"Evan, I hate you...", Alora threw her bed cushions and pillows by saying so happily.

Evan and Alora played for while like that and then they played video games together too. Evan was happy to see that Alora was fine. All he did was make to Alora feel better. Because last time when Alora was crying in front Merry, he was passing in front of Alora's door to accompany his father to bring the luggage and he stopped there by hearing Alora's crying and could hear their conversation. Evan and Alora spent their whole evening together happily playing and talking with each other while Selina along with Merry joined together with them to have evening snacks together.

After spending the whole evening time with each other both of them realized that actually what happened between them in the past was because of their immatureness as the kids. Actually, they had been lovely cousins than childhood enemies. Alora could understand that Evan was a good person with a warm heart and at the same time Evan could realize that Alora was an innocent girl with a pure heart who could easily get hurt.

At the end of the day, both Alora and Evan finally become lovely cousins from childhood enemies and decided to happily support each other whenever they would want one another's help in the future.