Getting admission into a new school

It had been a few days since Alora moved into her new house with her new family. They were passing a happy and lovely time together.

Where Merry and Johnathan had always been carving to have a child, Alora was always wanted to feel the warmth of parents' love. So, three of them never missed any single opportunity to enjoy their happy family time together, which was granted them by God as the fruit of their waiting so long.

Merry was busy to take care of Alora by being the best mother to her while Johnathan tried his best to become the best father for Alora by making sure that Alora was leading a happy life by being with them and also he tried every means to ensure her safety and to protect her. So, Alora was leading her life happily by having caring parents like Merry and Johnathan.

And it was already the starting of the month, April. The month where the school year starts in Japan.

Alora was going to start her school life freshly in Japan by getting admission to a new school. Alora was weak in Japanese.

So, they decided to get Alora admitted into an international school named 'Mingtang Royal High School' which was one of the best international schools in Asia for the students all over the world and was also the most famous school for the students of Asia. Most of the students who attended that school were from India, Bangladesh, China, Korea, Sri Lanka, Japan and other countries of Asia and most of them had the background of commoners. And also there were only a few numbers of students who studied there from Europe countries and also these students also had the background of commoners. And also in the history of that school, there was no British student studying in that school so far.

So, that was the best reason for Johnathan and Reo to decide to get Alora's admission in that school as there was less chance for anyone to know about Alora's identity in that school and to get disclosed about Alora's information to anyone who was after her life.

Then with the help of Reo, Johnathan became the president of the management community of that school by being the biggest investor and took the school under the control of 'The Whitlocks'. And the information about Whitlocks taking over the school was a secret that was only known by Merry and Reo. This step was taken only for the sake of Alora's safety so that they could protect her outside of their home secretly without letting anyone know about it.

On the following days, Alora went under the procedures for her getting admission into the school like taking the entrance exam and going under the paper works of the school and she was so busy with her paper works for the admission that she didn't get an opportunity to explore the school or take a look at it properly as he used to enter the school from a small pocket gate situated on the left corner of the school which was only used for emergency cases and then directly used to go to the office room for her paper works without looking here and there.

After successfully completing the whole procedure for getting admission finally it was Alora's first day at school and it was also her first time to enter the school from the main gate. So, she decided to look around the school properly when she reached to the school.

After reaching the school, she entered the school from the main gate. Then when she tried to catch a glimpse of how her school looked like from the main entrance she was surprised to see the view she got to witness.

"Wow... The school is indeed beautiful. There is no doubt that it's one of the best schools in Asia. How dumb I am!!! I didn't notice it during these few days.", Alora was thinking in her mind.

The school was indeed a beautiful place. Middle of the green environment full of various flower plants and green trees the buildings of the school in white were standing high with its own beauty. There was a kind of peacefulness and pleasure aura in the school which was making it more outstanding. The school had a look of a mansion or palace from the outside view with its natural green environment that was surrounding it. The peaceful and calm atmosphere of the outer of the school could soothe anyone's soul.

Alora slowly took her step forward by admiring the beauty of the school. She entered to a front corridor of the school and started to walked through it in search of the office room as she used the left corridors of the school in these days to go to the office room and it was her first time to go to the office room from the front corridor. So, she couldn't find it.

While wandering in a part of the front corridor she entered a part of a garden which was well maintained having green grasses full of its ground that was cut short maintaining a perfect length. There were a lot of students some were busy with studies, some were busy with chatting with each other by sitting on the green grasses, some were busy with walking around by having fresh air and some were busy with some other stuff like playing mini-games with their friends by sitting on the ground full of green grasses.

And the garden was surrounding the huge playground of the school which was situated middle of the school. The garden has an entrance in every four sides of it from the corridors which were also leading the path to the four entrances of the playground. The area of the playground and the garden was separated from the fence around them which was made out of well maintained and sized small green trees that were three feet taller from the ground.

In the playground, there were many students who were busy playing different games.

Alora was enjoying the view of the garden and playground by standing beside the entrance of the garden from the front corridor.

And a ray of sunshine was falling on her which was touching her fair white skin and her soft silky hair gently. She was wearing a naive blue dress with matching shoes and a high ponytail. With the sunshine fallen on her, the hair of her was shining light brown colour and her fair white skin was shining more brighter. In her naive blue outfit, she was looking like a goddess. Everyone was looking at her with the curiosity to know about the mysterious beauty who was attracting their attention.

After all, it wasn't their fault because as always she was shining like a star in the sea of people by capturing the eyes of everyone around her and was unintentionally attracting other's attention.

Alora could see that everyone was looking at her curiously and it was making her nervous. So, she turned to go to another direction as if she wasn't aware of her being the spotlight.

When she was about to walk away from the place where she was standing to avoid their glazes, that time all of sudden a voice came out from the crowd.

"Hi, I think that you are a new enrollment student, Right???"(in Japanese)

Alora turned and saw a girl who came forward from the crowd to her whom Alora noticed a few minutes ago playing badminton with some of the other students. She was an Indian. Anyone could identify her nationality with her perfect facial features. She was a beautiful girl with a positive and energetic vibe. And also she had a friendly aura. Alora could understand that she was a senior to her than age and class.

Alora obediently nodded to her words as she wasn't good at speaking Japanese.

"Good, don't be afraid. If you need anything, just say it to me.", said the girl in Japanese.

Alora again nodded to her obediently without knowing how to respond to her because of her lack of the ability to speak in Japanese.

"Today, the school is giving the textbooks, book list and uniforms to the new students. So, are you searching for the office room???", said that girl curiously in Japanese while counting her fingers to guess the activity that school had with new students.

"Yes...", Alora said with a hesitant voice in English.

"Don't worry. The office room is this way. You can see it from here.", said the girl in Japanese while pointing toward the building which was situated some step ahead from the right in front of where they were standing. The office room was situated on the opposite corridor of the front corridor where Alora and that girl were talking.

"Thank you so much.", said Alora happily in English. For Alora, that unknown girl who appeared from the crowd to talk with her became an angel who came to help her in the time she wanted.

"Welcome. See you around later.", said the girl by waving her hand to Alora while going back to play.

Alora headed immediately toward the office room to collect her books and uniform. While heading to the office room also she was capturing everyone's eyes by her beauty.

Once she reached the office room she met more three classmates of her who were Indians and was waiting out of that room and they got admitted to the school that day. They exchanged a gentle smile with Alora on their first encounter by waving their hands as hi from where they were standing as they were standing a little far away from Alora. Then by exchanging a gentle smile back with them by waving her hand as a hello, Alora went inside to the office room.

Then she greeted the teachers who were resting in the staff room while passing from there for entering the office room as both staff room and office room were situated beside one another. Then after completing some more formalities, Alora got her uniforms and the necessary books along with the book list. After that, she had a good time talking with her teachers before leaving.

She got to know that she is the first British student in that school since the starting of the school. So, the teachers were so glad to have her. She was happy with her new teachers as they were so friendly and helpful and also so kind. All the teachers in the school were from different countries too.

That day Alora didn't get to attend the classes as the enrollment procedures of most of the students were yet to compete and there were still some more students who were hanging to go through some procedures for the admission. She heard from the teachers that the procedures to enrol in the school was so tough that year than before because of the changing in the management community of the school and to ensure the security.

After finishing all procedures she got out of the school and went with assistant Eric and Merry who was waiting outside to pick her up from the school. In her whole journey to way back home she was sharing the details of school happily and after reaching home also she did the same.

After hearing about how happy she was about her new school from her both Johnathan and Merry were happy and also were at relief.