Welcome home

Finally in a couple of minutes Alora, Merry, and Johnathan reached their new house. The guards opened the gate by welcoming their car. And they parked the car in front of their house and some guards rushed to open the doors of the car for them and all of them get out.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Whitlock and Young Miss", said a bunches of maidservants who were standing in two lines to welcome them in front of the entrance of the house along with a butler who was standing near the door.

"Thank you so much.", said Merry and Alora politely.

"Let's go in. I will introduce you to everyone.", said Johnathan happily.

All of them got inside the home and sat on the couch to take rest while having the introduction of everyone.

"Ok then let me introduce our assistant. Merry as you know him it's only the introduction for our little princess. Alora this is our assistant, Eric. He is a loyal man to the Whitlock's. So, if ever you face a problem and can't contact your mama or me, you can contact him", said Johnathan happily while calling a man at his early thirties wearing a black suit and glasses for his weak sighting who was having black hair without a beard.

Alora obediently nodded to Johnathan while Merry was holding her hand gently like a caring mother.

"Nice to meet you, young miss.", said assistant Eric.

"Nice to meet you too, assistant Eric uncle.", said Alora with a smile.

"So, then this one is also for our little angel not for you, Merry as you already know him. He is one of the butlers of the Whitlock's and also is the butler whom I grow up with, Butler Freddy.", said Johnathan by calling a man of his late fifties having gray hair and beard due to his age wearing a black butler suit and a glass for his short sighting.

"Nice to meet you, young miss.", said butler Freddy gently.

"Nice to meet you too, butler Freddy.", said Alora happily.

"This is for both of you. She is going to be our head cook, Mrs. Yang. She was introduced to me by Reo. She can cook any dish you like and her food are delicious. I have been trying her cooking after I came to Japan. And also the others who are standing behind her are her fellow chefs who help her in the various tasks in the kitchen along with the cooking. And Merry you can cook whenever you want as always if you have time.", said Johnathan calling a lady standing front of her team who was at her early fifties having a kind face with a gentle smile and was wearing a white chef uniform and chef hat. But her grey hair was somehow visible from it.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Whitlock and young miss.", said the head chef Mrs. Yang along with her team of 10 members including both young and old females and males who were wearing the same uniform as her by coming forward and standing next to the butler while bowing.

"This our head maidservant, Mrs. Ruan and the ones who are standing behind her are her fellow maidservants who work according to her orders and help her with her works. You can ask for any help from her and any of her team whenever you need.", said Johnathan while calling a lady at her late thirties having dark brown hair who was wearing a black color uniform standing in front of her team.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am and young miss.", said the head maid Mrs. Ruan along with her team of 20 members including both young and old males and females who were wearing the same uniform as her by coming forward and standing next to the team of chefs while bowing.

"This is our head bodyguard Mr. Black. He is the chief bodyguard who is handling all management of the security of us with assistant Eric and butler Freddy according to Reo's and my instructions. And the ones standing behind him are his team who are appointed to take care of our security.", said Johnathan while pointing to a man of his early forties having a tall, healthy, strong and masculine body wearing a uniform fully black and black sunglasses. But he was bald and was also wearing a Bluetooth on his ear.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am and young miss.", said the head bodyguard Mr. Black along with her team of 15 members including both young and middle-aged males who were wearing the same uniform as his by coming forward and standing next to the team of maidservants while bowing.

"Nice to meet you all.", said Merry and Alora politely.

"Ok then, thank you for the precious time of you all. Now you all can continue the works you were doing.", said assistant Eric politely according to Johnathan's instruction.

All the butlers, maidservants, chefs along the bodyguards went back to continue their respective works again.

"So, Merry and Alora, Now you can ask any help you want from them if you are in any need.", said Johnathan while petting Alora's head and holding Merry's hand.

"Sure. of course, we will. Don't worry at all.", said both Merry and Alora.

"Finally the introducing section is over. So, tell me, did you like the arrangement so far???", said Johnathan while holding Merry's hands gently and looking into her eyes with hopeful eyes to hear her praising her and Alora was busy trying the taste of chocolates given by assistant Eric on order of Johnathan as her welcome gift and sharing them with others.

"Hmm, I like the arrangements so far. So, good job, hubby. And I am looking forward to your other arrangments.", said Merry while placing a soft kiss on Johnathan's cheek secretly hiding from other's eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, my dear wifey. Now let me show you two our rooms so that you both can get fresh and have rest.", said Johnathan excitedly.

"It's good to get fresh and change our dresses. Alora, dear. Come here. Let's go to check your room.", said Merry happily.

"Sure, mama. Let's go.", said Alora cheerfully by promising to join the others later.

"Ok, then let's go to explore our baby Alora's room.", said Johnathan happily while pulling Both Merry and Alora's hands. Then three of them took the stairs to the first floor.

"Our master Johnathan is so happy to have the young miss of Jones family as his daughter. See how happy three of them look together. Finally master and madam can have a happy and complete family because of this little angel.", both butler Freddy and assistant Eric discussed happily.

"This room is for our darling Alora. The right room next to this is for your study room and the room left next to this is for you too and you can use it as whatever you want. These rooms have a specialty. It has a secret passage to each room of these three rooms by connecting together. And in any dangerous situation, you can hide here safely. So, do you like it, little princess???", said Johnathan while hugging Merry from one hand by patting Alora's head.

"Wow. I like the rooms. they are well arranged and the bedroom is almost like the bedroom that I had at aunt Sea's place. Thank you so much, mama and uncle Johnathan.", Alora said while hugging both of them together happily.

"We are glad that you like it.", said Merry and Johnathan hugging her back.

"I heard from Reo that you liked the bedroom of you at their place a lot. So, I designed your new room as same as it but with a little different.", said Johnathan happily.

"Alora, baby. Mama has a request for you. Will you keep it if you can??? I won't force you to do anything against your will. But still if possible for you, then please fulfill it.", said Merry in a gentle voice while holding Alora's hands.

"What is it, mama??? I will do whatever you want. Say it.", Alora said happily.

"Dear, if you don't mind or if you don't feel bad, can you address your uncle Johnathan as papa??? This is what I wanted from you.", said Merry in a sad voice.

"Merry, don't force our little angel.", said Johnathan sadly.

"It's ok, papa. Mama has the right to make that request and I will love to address you as my papa.", Alora said happily while putting Johnathan and Merry's hand together.

"Thank you, my dear. You are really an angel.", said Merry by hugging Alora happily.

Johnathan was surprised to hear her call him papa and couldn't believe his ears and said, "Little princess, can you please tell me what did you call me just now for one time."

"Papa... Papa... Papa and Mama...", said Alora happily.

"Thank you, my dear angel. Thank you so much. Your papa promised you that no matter what I am going to protect you and keep you happy.", said Johnathan while hugging Alora and breaking down to tears.

"Johnathan, now both of us can have a complete happy family with our angel.", said Merry while trying to console Johnathan.

Johnathan, Merry, and Alora the three of them cried and smiled together happily hugging each other. Merry and Johnathan were so happy to have a daughter like Alora. It was an extreme joy for them to become parents after waiting for years. And for Alora, it was huge happiness that couldn't describe in words to have parents love after her waiting for so many years.

Butler Freddy and assistant Eric were also crying and smiling happily after seeing the beautiful view of the family get together of three of them.

In a while, Johnathan said happily while wiping Alora and Merry's tears, "Wifey, let our princess rest a while and you too have a rest."

"Ok, hubby. As you say.", said Merry while wiping Johnathan's tear.

"Mama and Papa, let's go and explore my rooms together. Please...", said Alora while pulling Johnathan and Merry's hands.

At first, they went to Alora's study room. It was a well-decorated room with a huge reading table in the middle while having big bookshelves having various useful books and empty shelves so that Alora could keep new books that she wanted in them and lockers for Alora to put her things. And also one of the bookshelves had the key that used to open the secret tunnel for her safety. The top of that room was designed with a huge world mad covering the whole room. In one word the study room was exactly looking like a library.

Alora was so happy with her new study room. And the happiness that was visible on Alora's face was enough for Merry and Johnathan to be happy.

Then they went to her bedroom. It was almost the same as her bedroom at 'The Ito Mansion'. It was also the first room between the right and left corridor on the second floor. From the front of the room, it was the beginning of the right corridor and from the left side of the room, it was the starting of the left corridor. The room was painted with white having light blue flowers on each of the walls and the top of the room was designed to look like the sky and as it was the day time it was looking like the white clouds floating here and there in the light blue sky around the bright sun and at night it would show the moon and the sky full of stars.

Johnathan specially designed it in Alora's room as she liked to have that design of the rooftop at Reo's place by hearing it from Reo and Selina. Alora was extremely happy to have it in her room top.

All the furniture in the room was also white and the curtains of the windows were also the combination of white and light blue with two layers and there was a couch for three people to sit placing in front of the huge window. From the windows, anyone could enjoy the beautiful scenery of the garden and next to the windows, there was a glass door to the balcony of the room.

In the middle of the room, there was a queen-size bed having the bedding and the pillow covers of white and light blue combination matching to the walls of the room. And the AC was fixed on the top of the behind wall of the bed. Beside the bed, there were two bedsides along with the night lamps on each of them and one of them had a land phone on it and in front of the bed, there was placed a cushion bed bench. And on the front wall of the bed, there was a huge wall tv and under it, there was a tv stand and on it, there were two sound boxes and inside the cabinet of tv stand, there was some gaming CDs and daily sets of magazines, etc.

On another side of the room, there was a huge washroom having a light blue pushing frosted glass door with white butterflies print on it.

On the side of the main door of the room, there was a huge closet having the mirror door and inside the closet, there was a separate dressing room made with mirror glasses wall. The closet was full of new clothes and shoes for Alora while her old clothes and shoes were also placing properly on one side of the closet.

"Wow... Mama and Papa, it's full of new clothes and shoes.", said Alora excitedly.

"Yes, dear. Your papa arranged them by asking me about your likes and dislikes.", said Merry happily while patting Alora's head.

"Thank you, papa. I like it very much.", said Alora happily by holding Johnathan's hands.

"As far as you like it our little angel.", said Johnathan while patting Alora's head.

Alora liked her new room a lot. Seeing her happy both Merry and Johnathan were also very happy and satisfied with their arrangments.

Then they went to her another room which was decorated for Alora to spend her leisure time. As Alora liked the teddy bears. Johnathan has designed that room full of teddy bears and other toys. And there were lockers which were full of different snacks and chocolates. And also there was a fridge which was full of various juice products and some ice creams.

Alora liked her that room a lot too. Then three of them spent their time together by exploring their new house. After exploring the whole house together happily three of them went have some rest in their rooms.

Then with the passing of the time three of them started to have their new family time together happily. Selina and Reo often came to visit them expect Evan. According to Selina, he was busy with his studies. So, that's why he couldn't come to visit them. Meanwhile, Alora's granny was also in touch with Alora and others. Alora also became the apple of the eye for all the members of her new family. Everyone cherished her and got along with her happily.

For Merry and Johnathan, Alora was an angel who brought happiness to their life being their daughter. Alora has also got adapted to the environment of Japan and was happily living her new life with her lovely family members.