Moving out [ Part-2]

Then while the elders were busy chatting with one another, all of a sudden someone pulled Alora's hand from behind. But before she could react, the person covered her mouth and pushed her to the wall next to where all of them standing to avoid others watching them. Alora failed to guess the situation no matter how hard she tried and closed her eyes in fear.

"Hey, little thing. Did I scared you???"

A familiar voice touched her ears and she immediately opened her eyes and was shocked to witness a familiar figure to stand in front of her.

"Did u get scared, little cry baby???", the person said in teasing voice and smirk on his face while removing uncovering her mouth.

"Evan... You... Idiot... Demon... Devil...", Alora said in annoying voice while punching Evan's chest.

"Hey... Stop it... Little bunny.", Evan said while laughing.

"You are really a bad boy.", Alora said while pushing Evan away and heading back to where others were.

"I am a bad boy??? Then what are you???", Evan said while dragging Alora by holding her hand and pushing her against the wall again.

"Let me go, Evan...". Alora said while trying to get away from there.

"No, I won't.", said Evan by blocking her way by pressing his left hand on the wall behind Alora.

"Ok, fine. I can go from there.", said Alora by turning to another side.

"You are not allowed to go.", Evan said while blocking another side with his right hand by pressing it on the wall behind Alora.

Alora was right between Evan's hands which were resting on the wall behind her.

"Evan, what do you want???", said Alora in anger.

"Ask yourself what may I want...", said Evan by leaning down to her ear.

"Evan, what are you up to??? Why are you behaving weird???", Alora said in hesitation.

"You should know, why I am doing this...", said Evan by looking into Alora's eyes.

Evan could easily say that Alora was blushing. Because at that moment they were standing somewhat too close to each other that one could easily felt ones breathe.

"Evan, it's better that you let me go... If someone sees us like this, it's not going to be good for any of us. So, please let me go. You can mess with me some other day...", Alora said in hesitation while trying to avoid Evan's gaze.

Evan could feel that Alora was blushing more. So, in order to tease her more, Evan pretended to place his face rest on her neck area by slowly leaning down his head towards her face.

"So, are you sure you want me to let you go???", Evan said slowly to Alora.

Evan's soft minty breath touched Alora's neck by running an unknown chill through Alora's whole body. Her heart was beating fast. Evan could guess that she was blushing again.

Evan pulled back and saw that Alora was closing her eyes tightly and was blushing.

"Little bunny, why are blushing so much???", Evan said in a teasing voice as if he didn't know why she was blushing.

"Evan, let me go.", Alora pushed Evan's left hand and rushed to go out while Evan was resting his right hand on the wall.

"You are not allowed to go. So, listen. This is your punishment for going away without biding proper leave from me", Evan held Alora's hand from his left hand from behind while he was leaning on the wall with the help of his right hand.

His words touched Alora's heart. She could understand that Evan was doing this because she was leaving without wishing him goodbye.

Then he walked toward Alora from behind while he was still holding her hand with his left hand and then he held Alora's right hand with his right hand slowly from standing behind so close to Alora while letting drawing back his left hand placing it to his jean's pocket.

After pulling something from his jean's pocket he placed his left hand in front of Alora while he was still holding her hand behind with the right hand.

"Alora... This is your goodbye gift.", he said while burying his face on Alora's right shoulder and he was holding her right hand with his more tightly. Along with these words his soft breath touched her ears.

Alora took the little box from his hands.

"Evan... this is..." before she could complete her words Evan interrupted, " ShShSh... Don't say anything... Just open and see if you like it. Do it fast. Time is running out. Someone may come and call you to go." Then he released her right hand so that she could open it using her both hands by wrapping both hands around her waist while his face was still burying on Alora's shoulder. Alora still could feel his breath over the bare skin of her neck and shoulder which was making her heart beating faster.

"It's so beautiful... Did you choose it???", Alora said in a happy voice by opening the little box Evan gave to her in a hurry. It was a beautiful wristwatch that Evan had spent so much time in order to choose it for Alora.

"Yes, I chose it for you. So, you like it???," said Evan while rising his face up and realizing Alora from his hug.

"Yes, I like it so much. But how did you know that I like watches.", Alora said in a curious voice while turning back to face Evan.

"I heard it from Aunt Merry. Thank god... You like it.", Evan said while scratching his hair with a shy voice.

"Thank you so much, Evan. I really like it.", Alora said while smiling happily.

"Little bunny, if I scared you today or you don't like my behaviour, I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. I couldn't control myself. I am so sorry.", said Evan in an embarrassed voice.

"It's ok, Evan. Let's go now. Everyone is waiting for us.", said Alora while pulling Evan to go.

"Little bunny, come to visit us often and have a safe journey. Take care of yourself. Contact me if you ever want anything. May you have a happy time ahead with your new family.", said Evan while pulling Alora to a warm hug placing her head on his chest. Alora was shocked because of the sudden hug and was also blushing. She could hear Evan's heartbeat. His heart was beating fast like it was uncontrollable.

"Thanks, little devil Evan. You too take care. And Goodbye.", said Alora while hearing his heartbeats.

"Goodbye, little cry baby.", said Evan before releasing Alora from his embrace by placing a soft kiss on Alora's forehead secretly not letting her realizing.

Then both of them went to the place where the elders were talking.

"Finally both of you arrived. Where did you disappear together???", said Selina by looking at them.

"Mom, this cry baby left her one belonging. So, I took her to take it back.", said Evan.

"Thank you, Evan. Alora, dear is anything there you want to take???", said Merry gently.

"No, mama. I took everything.", said Alora happily.

"Ok then, let's hop into the car and go to our house.", said Johnathan happily while opening the doors of the car for Merry and Alora.

"Ok, let's go.", said Merry and Alora happily.

Then for one last time, Merry and Selina hugged each other where Reo and Johnathan shook hands each as a final goodbye.

Then Merry patted Evan's head before she got into the car and Selina placed a soft kiss on Alora's forehead while Evan patted Alora's head before she got into the care.

"Goodbye.", said Reo, Selina, and Evan waving their hands standing before their car left.

"Goodbye.", said Johnathan, Merry, and Alora waving their hands while starting leave.

Evan watched Alora leaving and it was so painful for him to bear. His heart was aching as if he was losing something dear to him. He couldn't understand what was wronged with him. And he was also thinking about why he hugged Alora and kissed her secretly, why he lost his control in front of Alora and why he couldn't resist getting close to Alora that much while taking farewell.

He was still unaware of his feeling that Alora had occupied a special place in his heart in those few days. He was unaware of the fact that somehow he had lost his heart to Alora.

After watching them leaving Reo, Selina and Evan went inside the mansion. But all of them could feel the lack of Alora and Merry's presence at their house. Evan took the stairs to his room but before going to his room he went to the room where Alora used to stay so far. He could feel that he badly missed Alora. He lied down on the bed of that room and by closing his eyes he could only recall Alora's memories.

While Merry, Johnathan, and Alora were heading towards their new house, Alora could remember that in Evan's eyes there was an untold pain to let her go away from him. And she could remember the uncontrollable heartbeats of Evan while hugging her.

The words he said before her taking leave was something that the old Evan would never say. She could feel that Evan was behaving so different while bidding her goodbye. He was totally changed into a different person than he had been before. She could clearly see that there was a strange kind of sadness in his eyes while she got into the car for leaving.

She was confused about why Evan got so close to her today by breaking some of their limits, why he was feeling sad about her leaving, why his heart was beating so fast that time, why the little devil Evan who used to cause trouble for her in the childhood became a nice guy Evan who took great care of her and was feeling heartbroken for her leaving.

Alora had so many questions running on her mind which she failed to find the answers. But Alora was totally unknown about the factor that she had unknowingly made a very special place in Evan's heart which caused so many changes in Evan. And also she was completely unknown to the truth that somehow unknowingly she was the one who stole Evan's heart by making him fall for her that caused Evan's heartbroken for her leaving.