Life of the new school in the first week [Classmates (Part-1)]

Alora came back to the classroom from the playground. Yet there was none in there except the bags that she saw before leaving the classroom.

After a few minutes of her returning back, the bell rang by notifying that the classes were going to be started. So, she waited until Mr Baron's arrival to take the lesson.

Then in a few minutes, Mr Baron entered into the classroom and when Mr.Baron and Alora was about to start their one of the peons of the school brought ten to twelve students to the classroom with their documents and all of them were boys.

"Mr Baron, they are some of the newly enrolled students and there are more in the office room. They will be sent here in a little while.", said the peon.

"Okay, let them all in and send the rest fast. All of you come in and take your seats.", said Mr Baron.

Then all of them went to the seats together where their bags were kept like bees in a beehive.

After there taking seats Mr Baron told them, "Ok then, as you all have taken your seats now start to introduce yourselves one by one and then we will have roll calls later."

Alora was feeling awkward as she was the only girl.

Her heart that filled with expectations and happiness to have new friends shuttered to pieces and she was feeling like an isolated penguin in Japan.

According to the instruction of Mr Baron, the boys started to give their introductions.

At first, a tall boy like tree stood up who had a brown complexion and the vibe of a bad boy that was giving a cold chill to the spine of Alora out of unfamiliar fear.

Then the boy started to introduce himself by saying, "I'm Tanvir San and I am a Japanese-Pakistani. I'm looking forward to making friends with all."

"Ok, sit down. Then you stand up and give your introduction. Keep going with this serial everyone.", said Mr Baron while pointing his finger towards the boy sitting next to Tanvir.

Then Tanvir sat down according to Mr Baron's instruction while the boy next to him stood up who was the equal height of as Alora. That boy had a fragile body structure. He was so thin that the bone structure of his face was visible through his brownish-yellow skin and his huge dark circles under his eyes were somehow making him looked like a walking dead body.

Looking at him once was giving Alora a vibe of being in the hunted house and she didn't dare to look at him for the second time. Her feeling of being the isolated penguin in Japan was getting stronger.

"My name is Ayato Sakamaki.", said the boy who looked like the walking dead body and his voice was sounding so depressed and slow like he was so tired of speaking.

"Ooo... So, you are a Japanese. Good...", said Mr Baron.

He nodded his head as yes. Then Mr Baron said, "Ok then, the next..."

The boy named Ayato was not only looking like a walking dead body but also was a person with few words.

After Ayato's sitting down another boy stood up who was pretty shorter than other boys and even of equal or little less than Alora's height. He had a whitish skin tone with a pair of golden brown eyes and dark brown hair. In total he wasn't appeared to be a high school student but a student of Junior high and he was kinda cute with his appearance and also it was hard to guess his nationality by looking at him.

The boy started his introduction by saying with a smiling face, "Hi, everyone. My name's Park Mee Zun and I am from South Korea. Hope to be friends with you and have a nice high school life."

"Good boy... Take your seat and next, keep going...", said Mr Baron while patting his shoulder.

Mee Zun was not only looking cute but had a kind of cute voice. He was really appearing like a good and kind person with no harm to Alora and others too. Somewhat Alora was relieved to have an at least someone nice like him as a classmate.

After Mee Zun, the next boy stood up who was a little bit taller than Alora and he had a vibe of a funny person along with a kind and gentle appearance. He had a light brown hair alone with a pair of greenish eyes and a yellowish bright skin tone. Though he was looking like a northeast Asian it was hard to guess his country by looking at him.

The boy said with a happy face in a cheerful voice by waving his hands to everyone, "Hello, friends. I am Kim Ju-Yung and I am a South Korean. Hope to have a great school life with all of you."

Ju-Yung had a soothing happy voice and was appeared to be a person with no harm and innocent personality. Everyone along with Alora was feeling easy and find around him.

After Ju-Yung the next boy stood up who was taller like Alora and had a yellowish-white skin tone along with dark brown eyes and black-brown hair. He was seemed to be a mischievous and funny person who had a playful personality.

The boy said by moving like dancing while looking at everyone and smiling widely, "Hi, sir and my dear friends. My name's Samuel Hikaru. My whole family lives in Tokyo from centuries. So, obviously, I am proudly a Japanese. I am also the neighbour of Ayato. So, my dear friends, we all are brothers and will be sisters too. I mean to be brothers and sisters."

Hearing Samuel's words everyone laughed happily for a few seconds. Indeed as his appearance, he was a mischievous person with a playful voice who could easily make people laugh.

"Nice speech, Samuel. As for the future, I can see the bright side of you pulling other's leg during classes. Next, stand up.", said Mr Baron while laughing happily and pinching Samuel's cheeks while Samuel was behaving like an unharmful puppy.

After Samuel's lasting introduction the next boy stood up who was taller like a coconut tree and had a whitish brown skin tone along with pitch-black hair and a pair of pitch-black eyes. He had a strong healthy physical appearance along with mature face structure that was making him more senior than others in the class and he seemed not to be a quiet person.

The boy told gently, "My name's Farhan Fardin Singh and I am a half Japanese and a half Indian. Nice to meet you all."

Farhan had a deep mature voice like his appearance yet was not that much talkative and appeared to be a gentleman.

After Farhan, the next person stood up with a happy smiling face who was taller than Alora and had a brownish skin tone alone with pitch-black hair and black-brown eyes. He had a thin body like a skeleton and was appeared to be a funny and mischievous person with a gentle character.

The boy said while smiling happily and looking around, "Hello, friends. My name's Emmanuel Peralta and I am an African Japanese. Consider me as a good friend of yours."

"So, you are the brother of Eithan in Senior year-2, Class-A. He said that you are really a cunning wolf wearing a sheepskin.", Mr Baron said while flicking his forehead in a teasing voice.

"No, sir. What are you saying??? Nothing like that..", Emmanuel said while rubbing his forehead and laughing by avoiding Mr Baron's gaze.

After Emmanuel, another boy stood up who was taller than Alora and had a brownish white skin tone along with dark brown hair and golden-brown eyes. He seemed to be a gentleman with a kind and gentle vibe who had a quiet and serious personality.

The boy said gently, "Good morning, classmates and sir. My name's Tanjim Hachiro and I am a native Japanese. Hope to be friends with all."

Tanjim not only appeared to be a gentle person but also had a serious gentle voice. He was seemed like not so friendly person due to his cold calm appearance.

After Tanjim another boy stood up who was the equal height to Tanjim and had the same brownish-white skin but black hair along with light brown eyes. He seemed to be a gentleman with a quiet personality and had a quite innocent vibe around him.

The boy said in a gentle voice, "Good morning, everyone. I am Kian Dai and I am a native Japanese in Tokyo. Hope to have a peaceful high school days with you all."

Kian not only had a gentle voice but also he talked so softly. He also seemed to be a person of few words who liked to maintain his quiet and serious personality.

Both Tanjim and Kian appeared to have so much in common like siblings or relatives. So, Mr Baron curiously said, "Are you a relative of Tanjim???"

"No, sir. But we are neighbours and friends who grew up together.", Kian said politely and Tanjim was nodding his head as a yes to his words when Mr Baron looked at him.

After Kian, another boy stood up who was equal height to Alora and had a yellowish-brown skin tone along with light brown hair and brown eyes. He seemed to be mischievous and playful person who had a funny and gentle personality.

The boy said while waving his body like dancing with a cheerful voice, "Hello to all. I am Roy Ken and a native Japanese from my birth. See you all around and we will all be good friends."

He seemed to be like the second Samuel according to his behaviour and personality.

After Roy, another boy stood up who was much taller than Alora and others but not that much like Farhan and Tanvir. He had a pale brown skin tone along with a pair of brown eyes and black hair. He seemed to be a friendly person along with a kind and gentle vibes and also seemed to be a funny and mischievous person like Roy and Samuel.

The boy said in a cheerful voice by wearing a big smile, "Hi, everyone. My name's Lablu Singh. I am an Indian because my parents are Indian but I was born in Japan and I am also the neighbour of Roy since my childhood. Hope we all can get along well and be good friends in future."

Lablu was indeed a talkative person yet he was a nice guy who liked to and used to get along with everyone around him easily.

After Lablu another boy stood up who was equal height to Alora and had a bright yellowish skin tone alone with pitch-black hair and a pair of coffee brown eyes. He had a carefree and playful vibe and he appeared to be a friendly person like Lablu along with a hidden mischievous side of him.

The boy started to introduce himself like he was delivering a speech to his subordinates like a happy politician along with his body movements, "Hello, sir, brothers and pretty lady over there. My name's Racel Ren and obviously, I am a native resident of Tokyo since my birth. The few of our class are playmates of mine too. So, nice to meet you and let s have a bright future together."

Racel was indeed a playful person who had a teasing voice and behaved like a carefree mischievous guy who could give a headache to Mr Baron too.

It was clearly visible in Mr. Baron's face that he was having a headache after hearing his speech.

After Racel another guy stood up who was taller like Lablu but had a thin figure than him. He had a yellowish-brown skin tone alone with brown hair and a pair of brown eyes. He appeared to be a quiet and shy person. He had a calm and cold vibe around him. He was the quietest among the all-male students so far expect Ayato.

The boy started his introduction with a soft gentle voice and every word he uttered could tell that he was kinda nervous, "Hello, I am... Ziang Dai... and ... I live... in Tokyo. Hope to... be friends in future."

Ziang's way of introducing himself proved that he was such a shy person who easily get nervous in front of a lot of people yet he seemed to be a nice guy with a calm and quiet appearance.

After Ziang another boy stood up who was equal taller to Lablu and Ziang and it was written on his face that he was going to be the leader of the mischievous gang of the class due to the strong mischievous vibe around him. He had a dutch white skin tone along with a honey brown hair and a pair of greenish-brown eyes. He was appeared to be not so calm or a gentle person.

The boy started to give his introduction while laughing and jumping around as he knew the rest of the class from nine lives and the teacher was his best friend from the next line, "Hi, everybody. Good morning. What's up all??? I am He Xun and I grew up and lived in Tokyo since my childhood though I am from China. The shy Ziang, Racel, Tanvir and Farhan, we all are neighbours and friends who went to the same junior high. Hope to be friends with all of you in the future too. Thank you all."

He Xun finished his introduction while pointing towards his old classmates and friends. His introduction and way of behaving was enough to prove that he was going to be another headache of the year.

Alora who was listening to the introduction of him and his friends and was assumed to herself sadly, "No doubt all of them behave similarly because they are the childhood buddies who get along together so well. And all of them are good in Japanese. They can fluently speak in Japanese. All of them introduced themselves in Japanese so well but I can barely talk in Japanese. All of them are boys... What am I going to do among of them??? Am I the isolated penguin at the end???"

Finally with the introduction of He Xun the introduction section came to the end. After the introduction section Mr. Baron happily said while opening his teacher's copy, "Ok then now we know everyone's names. Let's start the lesson. Alora, which page we were supposed to learn today???"

"Sir, It was page no: 20 in the second textbook.", said Alora politely while standing up.

"Thank you, Alora. Sit down. Everyone, open the page no: 20. Let's start the lesson.", said Mr Baron with a kind smile to Alora and turning to the rest of the class.

"So, she is Alora...." "Yeah... Yeah..." "Alora... such a nice name..." "Such a pretty lady..." "But she seemed to be little mighty..."

The boys were talking with each other and discussing about Alora after hearing Mr Baron calling her name.

"Keep quiet everyone. Pay attention to the lesson.", said Mr Baron while looking at the boys from the top of his glasses that he wore usually to read the textbooks or check the copies for his short sight.

After Mr Baron's warning, the class returned back to the normal flow and all of them enjoyed the lesson peacefully without any disturbance.

During the lesson, Alora noticed that all of the boys in the class were quite good at learning. So, no doubt that they could pass the entrance exam and get admission into The Mingtang Royal High which was known to have a one of the hardest entrance exam.

As the introduction took half of their class time they could only enjoy Mr Baron's lesson for the rest of the spared time. So, Mr Baron's class got over earlier than they expected and he had to go to attend the rest of the classes.

Once Mr Baron set his foot out of the classroom the boys in the classroom started to show their true colours. All of them were creating such a noise like there was going on some kind of party or celebration.

Although few of them were staying quietly in the classroom, the rest of them ran off to the playground to hang out while laughing loudly and talking like speakers.

Poor Alora was having that feeling of isolated penguin getting stronger inside her as she was feeling so bored and there was none to talk with as Samia and her friends were busy with their exam and also there was no female classmate in there either. She was staring at the watch again and again so that she could catch up with Samia and the gang during the lunchtime.

So, the rest of Alora's time was passing like that while checking the time in her watch again and again or reading the textbooks or drawing some sketches sitting in the classroom along and being bored to the end.