Life of the new school in the first week [Meeting Mr Perfect & The Free Bird]

On the following day, when Alora entered the school from the gate she could hear that a bunches of students were discussing the news of a British student getting enrolled was on a hit and creating hype.

But till then none of the students had seen the British student attending the school. So, none of them recognized Alora is the one about whom they are talking.

Finally avoiding the gossips Alora arrived in the classroom and got to see that there were some school bags on the benches which were indicating that some of the students would attend the class that day.

Alora was happy that she would finally have some classmates and wouldn't have to be alone during any lessons in future. But she was as well as worried by thinking about how her new classmates would be...

Then, as usual, she placed her bag on the first bench of the middle row as none had taken over the seat yet.

After placing her bag she went out of the classroom to the corridor in order to catch up with Samia and others before the class.

Meanwhile, a familiar voice interrupted her waiting, "Hi, Alora... How are you???"

Alora could hear the voice of a boy which seemed to be similar to her. So she looked toward the direction the voice came and found out that it was Shawan the guy she was introduced to by Samia and others on the day before.

"Hellow, it's you. I am fine and what about you???", Alora said in a gentle voice.

Shawan could understand that in somehow Alora was a little scared due to his sudden calling out to her. So, he said in a gentle voice, "I am good and I am sorry if I scared you by calling out of blue. Hope you didn't mind."

"No, no, no... It's alright. Actually, I was a little confused who greeted me in English without using Japanese... Because all most everyone talks with each other in Japanese at the school.", said Alora while shaking her hands and head in a sad voice.

"Ooo... It's alright. I heard from Samia and her gang that you are not that much good in speaking Japanese. That's why I greeted you by using English. You know what, Samia and her friends all the time keep talking about you. By the way, Are you waiting for Samia's gang???", Shawan said in a gentle voice.

By hearing his voice Alora nodded her head as a yes.

"Oh, sorry to say today we have a class exam in a few minutes so they are taking preparation. Maybe they won't be able to come now but definitely will be here by the lunch break.", Shawan said her.

"Oh, it's ok. Say them if possible that I wish them best of luck. And best of luck to you, too.", Alora said with a smile.

Seeing Alora's cute smile Shawan was startled and his ears turned red. To avoid his gaze from her out of being shy he looked at his watch to check the time.

"Oh no!!! Only a few minutes left. I am sorry that I got to go to. Actually, I came to collect the question papers for the test according to the teacher's instructions. But after seeing you, I thought to have a word with you and it completely slipped from my mind.", said Shawan in a hurry and Alora could see that he was actually holding a file in his hands.

"It's ok. You got to hurry before it gets late.", Alora said in a quick voice.

"Yup, ok then I will catch up with you later and also sorry that I got to rush now. I will definitely deliver your wishing and thanks for your best wish for me, too.", said Shawan while rushing to go by turning by with a smile and adding, " See you later..."

"See you, too.", said Alora with a smile while waving her hand.

Shawan ran back to his class but he could hear a voice from the left side of his chest while heading to the class, " Thump... Thump... Thump..."

He stopped in front of his classroom without entering and slowly touched his left chest and could feel his fast heart beating and also, the smiling face of Alora was running continuously on his mind.

"Indeed she is cute as a kitten.", he whispered to himself while smiling and his ears were totally red due to being flushed.

" Shawan, where were you??? Are alright??? Why are you panting???" Did you run the whole way???", the teacher who told him to bring the question papers said in worry.

"Sorry, sir. (exhale... exhale...) I was late and I am alright.", said Shawan while gasping.

"Ok then, come in.", said the teacher while petting Shawan's shoulder.

Shawan nodded his head as a yes and entered the classroom and before going to his seat he delivered Alora's best wishes to Samia and her friends.

On the other hand, Alora was standing alone in the corridor and was watching the students who were playing in the ground while someone called her from behind in Japanese, "Hey, hi, how are you??? Finally, I got to see you again."

Alora turned around to find out that it was none other than that senior girl who helped her last time to find the office room when she first came to the school.

Alora was so happy to see her again. So, she excitedly said in English without realising the fact that the girl greeted her in Japanese, "Hellow, I am fine. How are you???"

"I am fine, too. By the way, where have you been after that day??? I didn't get to see you again.", said the girl happily in English. She could understand that Alora had a weakness in Japanese. So, their rest conversation was continued in English because the girl didn't want to make Alora uncomfortable.

"I come to school every day since then and I tried to find you out but I couldn't... Actually, I wanted to thank you for helping me that day...", said Alora in a sad voice.

"Ooo... I am sorry that I wasn't available in the last few days. So it's not your fault for not able to find me out because after I met you last time, I had to go to a tennis tournament on behalf of our school.", said the girl.

"You are a tennis player...", Alora said to the girl excitedly.

"Yes, I am. By the way, little thing, it's not that excited to be a tennis player when one has a huge load of studies as your expression showing it.", said the girl while pinching her cheek and added in a sad voice, "Being a student and a tennis player at the same time is a little difficult to handle together when one is in the last year of senior high."

"I am sorry, senior. I can understand. By the way, thank you for your help last time.", said Alora with a smile as a console to her words.

"Hey, why are you being sorry and you don't have to thank me for such a small thing.", said the girl while poking Alora's forehead and then added, "By the way, what is the meaning of senior??? Do I looked that old??? Humph...", said the girl while showing tantrums by pouting her face.

"No, no, no... Actually, I don't know your name or how to address you... That's why....", Alora said in an awkward voice with a guilty feeling.

"Ohhh... you are right. I forgot to tell you my name... Sorry about it. By the way, I am Derora Whitney and you can call me Derora or sis Derora. Now tell me what your name is...", said the girl happily while holding her hands.

"Nice name, Sis Derora. I am Alora.", said Alora happily.

Alora thought to herself, " No doubt that her name is Derora which is a Hebrew name meanings 'free'. However, it also translates as 'bird' or 'swallow'. In one word, it stands for 'free bird'. Her name really matches her personality."

"Nice name... Alora... It sounds nice.", said Derora while patting her head.

" Derora... Derora... Derora...", both of them saw a girl calling her from the playground.

"Hey, wait... I am coming...", said Derora loudly to the girl that was calling her and then again added while being irritated and pretending cry on Alora's shoulder, "Ohhhh nooo... They are calling me again. Ufff... I wanted to talk with you more."

"It's okay, Sis Derora. You can meet me another time or whenever you want.", said Alora while holding her hands.

"Wait... I got an idea.", said Derora by looking at Alora while shining like Amitabh and then she again added, "Do you have class now???"

Alora waved her head as a no and then Derora again added, "Good... Then let's go and accompany us."

"But, sis Derora...", Alora was about to tell something but before that Derora interrupted her while pulling her to the ground by holding her hand and saying cheerfully, "Leave it... You don't have to worry... My friends are very friendly. They are going to like you a lot. And you too will enjoy their company."

Then for not having a reason to say no Alora nodded her head as a yes. Then Derora happily said while pulling her cheeks, "No doubt, you caught my eyes on the first time we met, you are really a cute little thing."

Alora was feeling shy to hear those words and said with a smile, "Thank you, sis Derora."

Then both of them started to walk together to catch up with Derora's friends.

"No need to thanks. You are really an eye-catching thing. If you don't believe then, look around. See everyone is looking at us.", said Derora while walking with Alora.

After hearing the words of Derora Alora took a peek at the ones who were on the playground and she got to realized that Derora's words were somewhat true. Then she quickly turned to Derora with a surprised gaze.

"Don't worry. They won't do anything. They are just curious about you.", said Derora while holding her hand.

"By the way, sis Derora, how was your last tennis tournament???", said Alora to break the ice of the situation.

Then Derora said in a tired voice, " It was a great one but after returning from there I got so busy with my studies as I missed some lessons because of the tournament. You know what Alora, I like to play tennis but now I am in the last year of senior high and doing studies and tennis has become a somewhat hard for me to handle at the same time..."

Alora could feel the stress in her voice and thought to remain silent.

Then Derora again added in a cheerful voice, "Hey, you don't have to make face like that, little thing. This has been always my choice to do two different things together. So, let's see how long I can stick to my choice."

Alora looked at Derora and got to see a bright smile on her face and also her independent and strong personality was shining too.

In Alora's eyes, Derora was a free bird like her name who is always ready to fly in the high of the sky without any obstacles or boundaries.

"By the way, Alora, where are you from??? Are you a mixed or totally belong to a different country???", said Derora in a curious voice.

"Actually, sis Derora, I am from Britain. What about you???", said Alora.

"What??? You are from Britain???", said Derora in a shocking voice while looking at Alora with wide eyes.

Looking at Derora such a reaction Alora said hesitantly after nodding her head as a yes to her words, "sis Derora, did I say something wrong???"

"No, no, no... not at all...", said Derora while shaking her hands in the air by closing her eyes.

Then she again added by holding Alora with her hands and shaking her, "So, you are the new British students... Do you have any idea how popular you have become among the students??? Little thing, you are the hottest topic in our school from the last few days."

Alora was surprised to hear her words and was about to say something before she was interrupted by Derora's excited words again, "OMG... I can't believe that I am meeting you this fast... The one I was searching is finally in front of me... Hehehe..."

"sis Derora... Actually, I...", while Alora was thinking to what to say to Derora, she was again interrupted by Derora's words who was holding her hands and waving it in the air, "Really, I am so excited to meet you. You are the first British student in our school. OMG... I am so excited and happy to meet you..."

"Little thing, you are really a nice girl. Nice to meet you.", said Derora again by hugging Alora.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you up and I am sorry for just now, maybe I scared you with my excitement.", said Derora while releasing Alora from her embrace and patting her head.

"It's okay, sis Derora. I can completely relate to you.", said Alora with a cute smile.

"Do you know what I was eager to meet the British student but I didn't know that this whole while I was roaming around with the one I am searching. Yay, I am so happy. Hehehehe...", said Derora while pulling Alora to a side hug.

Alora was giving an awkward smile to her as she herself was confused about how she should deal with Derora.

"Ok... ok... I won't make you more uncomfortable. By the way, you wanted to know where I am from. So, let me tell you. Actually, I am an Indian-Japanese.", said Derora while patting Alora's head.

" Ooo... Indian-Japanese???", said Alora while making her eyes wider with surprise as she never thought Derora to be Japanese as she didn't have the facial features like Japanese. Yet it was also true that if someone observed carefully, they could notice a light touch of facial structures in Derora. But it was a little hard to judge her nationality from her appearance. That's why in the first meeting Alora thought her to be an Indian.

"Yea, indeed I am. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. Actually, my mother is an Indian while my father is Japanese. My father met my mother while he was on a business trip to India and they fell in love with each other. Then after dating for some years, they got married. As for the result of their marriage, here I am... an Indian-Japanese.", said Derora happily while walking with Alora.

"By the way, I am a native of Tokyo. If you ever face any problem, make sure to tell me. I will definitely help you, the cute little thing...", added Derora while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"Sure, sis Derora.", said Alora with a smile while touching her cheeks as her cheeks were aching a bit due to Derora's continuous pulling.

The whole way to meet Derora's friends, Derora shared various funny and happy incidents of the school and her with Alora and Alora was also enjoying Derora's tails by being a good listener. Meanwhile, Alora also shared about herself for Derora's asking.

"Hey, Derora. Come here and sit.", said a girl who was sitting there with another girl.

"Ok fine, I will sit. Little thing, come and sit next to me.", said Derora while sitting and indicating the empty space next to her.

Alora obediently sat there according to Derora's instruction. However, Alora managed to come there because of Derora's request but she was still so nervous as she was sitting with a bunch of unknowns.

"Little thing, this is Sonia. We both are in the same class and same department. We are childhood playmates too. Hey, Soni just say hello to the little thing.", said Derora while slapping on Sonia's shoulder.

"Hi, I am Sonia Khanna and am from India. My parents are working as tech engineers in Japan. Derora and I grew up together as you can say that we both live next door. And in school, we are studying in the business department during the group studies. Although my parents are from a science background but I don't like that field. So much to study.", said the girl named Sonia. She had a beautiful face features and she was taller than Alora along with a slim body figure and a dusky skin, she was looking so attractive than any other girl. She had a sharp high nose where she was wearing a nose ring and a pair of dark eyebrows and light brown eyes with long eyelashes. She also had a pitch-black long straight hair. In one word she was so beautiful and attractive. But it was also true that she was a talkative person who wouldn't stop once started to talk.

"And also you know what it's also not easy to be in the business department. There are so many hard work and..." before Sonia could complete her words Derora interrupted while pinching and tickling her, "Soni, will you take a breath??? How can you be so busy body. You will scare the little thing. Look at her cute face."

"Humph. You never let me talk. Who is being busy body??? It's you who is being a busy body... Little cutie, look at my pretty face am I scaring you??" said Sonia while making faces to Derora and acting cute in front Alora.

Alora who was surprisingly and enjoyable enjoying their funny acting waved her head as a no to the point that Sonia's scaring her.

"See, the cutie agreed that I am cute and not scaring her. Derora, you always do this to me. How can you be so mean to me???", said Sonia while complaining and making a sad face.

"Ohhhh... I am so sorry, Soni. You are taking me wrong. Aren't we friends???", said Derora while pulling Sonia closer to her by holding her shoulder.

"Humph... Are we???", said Sonia while playing mad.

"Yes, of course. We are. You know we are childhood buddies. I just stop you because we have to introduce Setu to little thing too. After introducing her you can keep up with your talk.", said Derora while pulling Sonia's cheeks.

"Ohhh... You are right. Then let me introduce Setu to the cutie. By the way, cutie this is Setu. Hey, Setu stop meddling with the chocolates and introduce yourself.", said Sonia while pulling the girl who was sitting beside her.

"Hi, I am Setu Yang. I am a Bangladeshi-Chinese. I am in the same class as these two but I study in the science department during the group studies.", said the girl named Setu. She had a gentle and kind face along with both Chinese and Bangladeshi mixed face features. She had a fair skin tone yet not that much whitish. She had a beautiful pair of coffee brown eyes along with dark eyebrows and long lashes. Her nose wasn't that much high yet it was pretty cute. She had a kind gentle smile and a calm aura which make people comfortable around her. She had a little bit wavy curly black-brown medium length hair. She was a person of few words yet a very understanding person. In one word she was a beauty with a calm and gentle personality.

"Little thing, Setu is one of the best students in our grade. Don't go with her kind face when it comes to the study she becomes a witch.", said Derora while poking Setu's cheek.

"Stop pulling my leg, Derora. There is no such a thing.", said Setu while rubbing her cheek.

All in all, Alora could see Setu as a baby lion cub who was being tortured by a baby wolf cub named Derora and a baby tiger cub named Sonia. Alora was enjoying the sweet time of three friends who were busy pulling one another's legs.

However, the leg-pulling section got over with Sonia's curious and excited voice by saying, "Derora, actually, I forgot to ask you about this little cutie. Is she your sister??? Wow, you little sister got admitted to the same high school as ours. But wait a second. As far as I know... do you have a sister???"

She again added while making faces, "How bad you are... You hide such cute little sister under your sleeves so long that even being friends with you from my childhood I never could discover about her."

"Don't be silly, Sonia. We have never heard about Derora's having a sister. I think she is Derora's little cousin sister. So being cousins also means being sisters. By the way, Derora, your cousin is so pretty and cute like a doll. Your responsibility has increased to protect your little sister.", said Setu happily.

"Ohhhh... I didn't think it like that. How silly I am!!! So, this cutie is your little cousin. I am so happy to have one more member to our gossip group.", said Sonia happily looking at Alora and then again she added while being mad at Derora, "But still you didn't tell me about her. Now at least say something. Has a cat stolen your tongue... Humph."

"Don't be mad, Sonia. Indeed, you guys are right about little thing.", said Derora happily while her Setu, Sonia and Alora three of them were looking at her shockingly.

Then Derora added happily while patting Alora's shoulder, "I truly agree with you that the little thing is really cute and she is like a younger sister to me but she is neither my little sister or my little cousin."

"Ooo... She is not your sister... What??? She is not your little sister???", both Setu and Sonia who were giving a normal expression suddenly said by dropping their jaws down by the shock.

By seeing their shocking expression where Alora was little confused, Derora was waving her head as no to their question as an answer with a secret smile.

"So, this cutie is not your little sister I mean cousin. No wonder that both of you don't have any matching face structure.", said Sonia while looking at them carefully with her spy eyes.

"What??? You are impossible. Humph... Then how did you pair us as sisters at the first place???", said Derora while making faces in an irritated voice.

"Ohhh... About that, everyone in the school knows that the mighty Derora doesn't approach any unknowns and especially the juniors. So, it's little unusual for you to roam around with a newly enrolled student so affectionately if she is not your relatives or familiar. That's why we thought her to be your little cousin.", said Sonia while poking Derora's forehead.

By hearing Sonia's words Alora could understand the reason for their jaw-breaking expression from before and also she was slightly shocked by thinking about the fact that the free bird Derora also had a cold side toward the others.

"Derora, I think that Sonia has a point. Actually, the whole school knows about your personality that you are a friendly open-minded social person but you never approach anyone that easily. So, this is the reason we were making free guesses. By the way, if she is not your sister, then who is she that could attract your attention??? Won't you introduce her to us???", said Setu curiously.

"Ok, ok, fine. Stop complaining guys. Obviously, I will introduce her to both of you as I especially pulled the little thing here to make her introduce to you guys.", said Derora while pulling the cheeks of Sonia and Setu with her both hands at the same time.

Then again Derora added by releasing their cheeks, "Ok then now tell me what is the most trending topic of the school nowadays???"

"Hmm... about the trending news... Then the top trending one is the news of how the new management committee is making it hard for the new students to get enrolled to the school by being too much strict this year and also this time they're only giving the enrollment to the few students that too after going through a procedure that is too much tough and strict.", said Sonia with her full mode of gossiping on.

By hearing Sonia's words while Alora was phew in relief because she was not in the trending or hot topic anymore, Derora was getting mad at Sonia and said by flicking Sonia's forehead, " Ufff... Sonia, you always pretend like the BBC of the school and also all the time you behave like the gossip queen yet you didn't understand or know what I asked you about. Humph... What you said is the news but I asked you about the hot trending topic. It's topic... topic... But is what you said is the hot trendy topic now??? Isn't there anything more???"

Setu, Sonia and Alora could see that Derora was behaving like a fire emitting angry dragon who would burn them down in any second.

"Cool down. Cool down. Actually, I messed it up. Let me see... Ohhhh... Yeah. There is a hot trending topic about the first year enrolled students. Actually, it's the hottest and topped news among us seniors. I didn't mention it as I messed up the topic and news together and thought you only wanted to hear about the news of the school during your absence for the sports league.", said Sonia while rubbing her forehead and patting Derora's shoulder.

"How long are you going to baffling??? Come to the point directly. Don't beat the bush.", said Derora irritatedly while Alora was sweating up from inside with the fear of being the hot topic.

"Ok fine let me tell you. Actually, among the newly enrolled students, there is a British student. In the history of our school, this is the first time a British student took part in the enrollment procedure in our school. To be honest, the enrollment of a British student is a historic moment for our school. So as a result this has become the hottest trendy topic that everyone is talking about as everyone is waiting to see the new student because every teacher who has met her is always praising about her to be an excellent person with a down to earth personality and a pure sweet smile.", said Sonia with the expression that worth proving that she was the gossip queen.

"Here at last it still came to the light. No matter how much hard I want to avoid or hide my nationality, I can't avoid it or hide it as my enrollment news has spread out faster than I thought. But if things continue this way what if someone discovers about who I am in real, then it will be such a mess... ", thought Alora while sweating up from inside out of being anxious.

"Indeed, teachers are right about her. She is such a sweet and cute person. There is no doubt about it.", said Derora while being the fangirl.

"By the way, Derora, how did you know that??? Have you already met her???", said both Setu and Sonia excitedly in a curious voice.

"Yes, of course. I have not only met her but also have become her friend. Even our names sound similar. Am I right little thing???", said Derora proudly while looking at Alora happily.

While Alora was giving an awkward smile to Derora by nodding her head as an agreement to what Derora said because it was awkward to hear her own praises and agree to it, both Setu and Sonia said in a curious voice, "But when and how???"

"Ufff... Stop giving me such looks. I will tell you. Actually, it's a long story. But before that let me introduce the little thing to both of you. So, leave the rest for later.", said Derora while looking away to avoid their suspicious gazes on her.

"Here it comes...", whispered Alora to herself by biting her lower lip anxiously.

"So, meet the little thing. I mean Alora.", said Derora while presenting Alora by pointing her hands towards Alora and Alora gave a sweet smile while saying, " Hi, seniors. I am Alora and nice to meet you. Hope to be friends with you."

"Wow, not only her face is cute and pretty but also she has such a cute and soothing voice.", said both Setu and Sonia happily by looking at Alora with shiny eyes.

"Hello, nice to meet you, too. But senior sounds so old and it doesn't suit to my pretty image. Call me Soni. Ok, little sweetie???", said Sonia while winking to Alora with a playful smile.

Alora nodded her head as a yes to her words with a gentle smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you. You are so adorable. You can call me by my name like others. So, don't need to be formal with me.", said Setu with a gentle smile.

"Ok then, the introduction section is over. The little cutie has officially become a member of our gossip queen club. Wow, she has such soft cheeks. So, let's get back to the topic where you were saying about the British girl.", said Sonia while pulling Alora's cheeks with glittery eyes and then poking Derora's forehead.

"Ok then, are you guys ready to meet the British student???", said Derora cheerfully.

"What??? Meet??? How can we meet the British student here right now??? She maybe has lost it. That's why she is blabbering.", said both Setu and Sonia together while giving a shocking expression at first and then giving a given up expression at the end.

"Oh, come on. Don't be disheartened. I am serious. The hot trending person is among us now.", said Derora happily.

"How can that be??? Here is only three of us. How can there be the British student??? Expect than us there is only the little cutie whom you brought with you. Unless she is the...", said both Setu and Sonia together in a questionable and disheartened voice at first and then with a curious voice while looking at Alora and Derora in a shock.

"Finally, here it came...", whispered Alora to herself being worried.

"Hehehe... Now you guys got it. Let me make you guys meet the British student. Tadada... Here we go. The little thing is the one you guys are searching for so long.", said Derora happily while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"Oh my God!!! So the little cutie is the British student...", said Sonia excitedly.

"Hmm... We should have understood it when she said her name is Alora.", said Setu while smiling gently with Alora and searching something in the pocket of her blazer.

"Yup, you are right. Truly both Alora and Derora sounds somewhat similar like Derora's saying.", said Sonia while pinching Derora's cheeks.

"So, the words of Derora and the teachers are indeed true. She is really a cute and gentle person.", said Setu while still searching something in her pocket with one hand and patting Alora's head gently.

"See, I told you guys.", said Derora cheerfully by agreeing to the words of both Sonia and Setu.

"By the way, little cutie, So, you are indeed the one I am searching. Oh my God!!! I can't believe my eyes. You are the British student. Hehehe.. Now tell me more about you. How you meet Derora??? How you guys become friends??? How do you like our school??? Everything... I want to know everything. Won't you tell me??? I am your friend too...", said Sonia while holding Alora's shoulder and giving an expression of big fat wolf who was going to devour a helpless little bunny.

"Hey, Soni, don't scare her. Stay back. Do you want to have some chocolates???", said Setu while pulling back Sonia like a saviour of the innocent little bunny and fixing Alora's hair.

"Are you kidding??? None is a mad fan of chocolate like you, who is always busy with trying different kinds of chocolates.", said Derora while pulling Alora close to her.

"Ufff... I didn't ask for your suggestions. Here... Alora, take it.", said Setu while offering a packet of chocolate to Alora with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, sis Setu.", said Alora while taking the pack from Setu with a gentle smile.

"So, the mighty Derora approached the little cutie because of her being the British student??? No doubt that you were interested in the junior.", said Sonia while glaring at Derora with the suspicious eyes.

"No. It's not what you think. Actually, when I first met the little thing I didn't even know that she was from Britain.", said Derora in a gentle voice by looking at Alora.

Alora somewhat felt relief after hearing Derora's words as she felt little upset and curious after hearing Sonia's words that were indicating that Derora approached her only because of her nationality.

"What??? Really??? Then what happened???", said both Sonia and Setu curiously to know forward while Alora was hearing the part of Derora's story curiously.

"I first met her in this playground. I saw a little bunny who was searching for something but had lost her way. But everyone's eyes were attracted to her because of her standing out aura in the crowd of people. Everyone could see her beauty but I could see her anxiety among the unknowns. So, I approached her and offered my help by showing her the way to the office room. And then the little bunny accepted my help and happily went to the office room by thanking me. But that time both of us forgot to introduce one's self. But still, I really could see her cute personality and decided to be her friend. But I had to go to the sports tournament and I didn't get the time to find her or know her better.", said Derora in a gentle voice while looking at Sonia and Setu.

"Then how did you got to know about her name???", said Sonia curiously.

"Even though I searched her after returning from the tournament but I couldn't find her. But fortunately, I found her standing in the right corridor today and rushed to meet her. So, like you two I also got to know her nationality and her name today. So, it's out of the question that I approached her for her nationality. To be honest, I wanted to be her friend because of her cute and gentle personality like a cute innocent bunny.", said Derora while patting Alora's head.

Alora was flushed to hear the explanation of Derora and also she felt happy to be a friend of Derora.

"So, this is the whole story. Sorry for judging you early. But it's not my fault. This thing is not like usual you. So, you should have explained it earlier.", said Sonia with a guilty voice while flicking Derora's forehead.

"It's okay. After all, we are all friends. And now we have another member in our group.", said Derora happily while pulling the three of them, Alora, Setu and Sonia to a group hug.

"By the way, we have another mission to do, too.", added Derora while releasing them from the embrace.

"What is that now???", said Both Setu and Sonia curiously.

"Actually it's about the little thing. We have to help her with improving Japanese.", said Derora by pointing her finger towards Alora while Setu and Sonia were curiously looking at Alora.

"So, you mean to say that Alora can't communicate in Japanese.", said Setu curiously.

"No doubt that Derora started the conversation in English who usually doesn't use to talk in English during our conversations and today till now all of us were talking in English from the beginning.", said Sonia in a serious voice.

Alora was looking at Derora with the curious eyes where it was written, "So, you knew it from the beginning."

Then by patting Alora's head Derora said with a gentle smile, "Yes, I knew it from the beginning when you replied to me in English while I greeted you in Japanese at the first time."

Alora was flushed and happy to hear Derora's words which were having a concern in them for her.

"I know that Setu is good at teaching things and Soni is good at picking conversation. That's why I brought you to them at the first place. So, what do you think Setu and Sonia??? Would you guys mind to help the little thing with her Japanese???", added Derora in a serious voice while looking at Setu and Sonia.

"Obviously we are in it. We will definitely help the little cutie.", said both Setu and Sonia cheerfully while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"Ok then, it's final from now on when we have time we will help the little cutie to improve the Japanese and also we will have a lot of fun together too.", said the three of them, Derora, Sonia and Setu together happily while hugging Alora together.

Then Derora, Sonia and Setu spent their time with Alora by asking about her previous school and her life in Britain while they were also sharing about their lives and funny incidents that happened in their lives at school and during their time in Japan.

The stick of time passed without letting any of them realizing it. With the passing of time, Alora gradually got ride of her feeling of being uncomfortable around Derora, Setu and Sonia. She gradually accepted her funny and friendly seniors as her friends by letting her guard down towards them because they were so kind and nice than she thought them to be.

Alora felt so happy while spending time with them while they also had a good time together spending with Alora. Everything went smoother than what Alora thought before she went to meet them at first place.

However, their time together got over when the warning bell before the class starting rang. Finally, the time for them to return back to their class came by separating which was a little unexpected for them as they thought they had more time to talk with little Alora. But as it was time for their classes they got separated from each other with the promise to meet and spend their time with Alora again when they would get free time.

After bidding goodbye to each other until they would meet again Derora, Setu and Sonia headed back to their class which was totally opposite and far away from Alora's class and Alora also rushed back to her class, too by having some more happy memories attached to the album of memories in her life which was named as the memories of the first week of the school.