Life of the new school in the first week [Getting along]

On the following days, Alora kept up with going to school with the company of either Merry or assistant Eric.

Like previous days she was the only student attending to the lessons in the first week and expect Mr Baron and Mr Mijan she didn't get an opportunity to meet other teachers who would take their rest lessons in the upcoming days.

And also whenever there was spare time Samia and her friends used to hang out with her.

In the morning, before the classes started while Samia was helping Alora with her some Japanese lessons given by Mr Baron, Mr Mijan invited Alora to have a conversation with his fellow teachers named, Mrs Momtaz Begum and Mr Shomaz Hossain so that Alora could get more familiar with the school and its classes along with the subjects.

Mrs Momtaz and Mr Shomaz were taking rest with each other by seating in one of the resting areas around the playground while having a conversation.

After going to them, Mr Mijan gave her introduction as the newly enrolled student who was the first British student in the school. Then Alora paid respect to them by greeting them and then Mr Mijan happily asked his fellow teachers to give some advises and help to Alora so that she could improve her Japanese fast.

Then both the teachers introduced themselves to her. At the first encounter, she was highly liked by them.

Mrs Momtaz was a woman in her late forties who was about to step in her early fifties and had beautiful, kind and calm facial features. She had a yellowish skin tone and was shorter than Alora, maybe she was barely 5'. She was a Bangladeshi and Muslim. So, she was covering her head and hair with a scarf. She was wearing a sari and was also wearing glasses due to her being short-sighted.

With her beautiful face features, there was no doubt that she was so beautiful and graceful when she was young.

She had a gentle and soothing voice which could make the front person who was hearing her comfortable to talk with her.

She was a good English speaker but mainly her subjects were Japanese and mathematics.

And on the other hand, Mr Shomaz was a man of his late fifties and was a little bit taller than Mrs Momtaz. He had a brown skin complexion with grey hair and beard and had a weak thin body frame due to his age. He was so thin that his bones structure was visible from his skin. He was from Pakistan. He was wearing an oversized shirt with matching pants.

He had a gentle and calm vibe. He talked in a soft, gentle and slow tone. Due to his age, it was hard to understand what he said sometimes but it was pleasant to talk with him. From his way of talking it was so clear that he was a knowledgeable person. He was an English teacher and was so good at English.

By having a conversation with them, she got to know that Mr Shomaz was a man of his sixty and he had already retired on that month yet he came to school regularly as he loved the school environment and it made him feel comfortable and happy when he spent time the students and his colleagues. And also he said to Alora that he would like to take one or two classes of the new enrollment students to meet them too.

And also she got to know about more information about her classes from Mrs Momtaz that she was going to take their mathematics class and it would be held in the fourth period before the lunch break after the classes would start to continue in a due way from the second week.

She also told Alora to feel free to pay a visit to her whenever she wanted any help.

In their conversation, Alora shared many things about her student life in her previous school in Britain as the teachers were interested to know about it.

And in return, she got to know many details about subjects, classes and students and also about the school.

All of them had a happy conversation and with the music ringing bell, their conversation ended and all the teachers went to follow their routine and Alora also took leave from them too.

Before leaving, Mrs Momtaz promised Alora to help her improve in Japanese as much as she could.

No doubt that Alora had a great conversation with her teachers. During that conversation, she also got to know one more thing that was that she had got very supportive and friendly teachers who were willing to help her whenever she wanted.

So, Alora was looking forward to having a happy school life.

After taking leave from them Alora went to her classroom and her classes were going in the same way as the day before without any lesson except for Mr Baron's class.

And the only difference was at least she didn't have to seat in her class alone as Samia and her friends often used to come and chit chat with her.

Meantime during the lunch break, when they were hanging out in the corridor, she was introduced to some boys in Samia's class by them.

"See, Alora... That is Joy", said Purnima by pointing toward the playground.

Alora looked at the direction Purnima was pointing and got to see a tall and handsome Asian boy heading towards the playground from where they were standing.

" Hey, Joy... Come here... Gotta tell you something...", Jothi called out the guy loudly.

"Don't get fooled by his looks, sweetie... He is such a bad boy...", said Morsheda while making faces.

Alora was looking at Happy to know more details about what was going on but as usual Happy said while giggling, "Don't worry, dear. You will get to know soon.."

Then Alora again looked at Jothi who was pulling the boy to come. Alora was clueless about what was going on. She was like a cute and innocent bunny among them.

"Here he comes... Get prepared.", said Morsheda and Purnima together while Samia was busy with reading without giving damn to it.

"He is Ye Joy Chin. He is from China. The second boy in our class. ", said Jothi while pulling his hair with one hand and adding more while pulling Alora's cheek with her another hand, "This is little Alora and she is our new enrollment student from Britain."

The boy was also confused as Alora about what was going on there and was being pretty much annoyed with Jothi's pulling him suddenly to the mess. But he was being reserved when he saw the cute Alora and he had an expression like he had no regrets for going there.

"Show is going to begin...", said Happy in Alora's ears while giggling.

"Be alert... The danger is here.", whispered Samia in Alora's another ear slowly.

Alora was more confused and was giving the innocent bunny looks.

"Hi, I am Ye Joy Chin. As you hear, I am from China. You can call me Joy or Jo. No need to call me senior or brother. It makes me feel awkward.", said the boy named Joy while smiling happily.

"Hellow, I am Alora. Nice to meet you.", said Alora calmly.

"Alora... Nice name. By the way, you are the first British student in our school. Anyway, no doubt you are so beautiful... Nice to meet you. Let's befriend.", said Joy while expending his hand to hold Alora's hand.

"Wipe your drooling... You sneaky brat. Don't ever think about to lay your dirty hand on our little Alora.", said Morsheda while slapping his hand away.

Alora was looking at them with a shocking expression.

"Mean Morsheda, What's up with you??? You always stuck your nose in my business. I don't want to lose my temper in front of Alora. So, I am leaving for now and I will deal with you later. By the way, bye Alora. See you later." said Joy while leaving from there while making faces to Morsheda and giving a smile to Alora.

"Cough, cough, cough... Ok then, let's start the lesson of identifying the senior boys.", said Samia while clearing her throat in a nagging voice like a teacher and others sat tightly while Alora was looking at them with a confusion and also she saw that all of sudden Samia was totally looking like a typical nagging teacher by holding a stick in her hand and wearing a pair of old lady glasses which Alora couldn't guess the way how Samia got into that appearance.

"Ok then, The guy who you saw just now is Joy or Jo. He is the no.1 playboy in our class-B senior year-2.", said Jothi in a serious voice while behaving like a lawyer putting her words forward about a criminal.

" So, little sweetie, you are going to maintain your distance from him.", said Morsheda in the same way as Jothi did.

"His best job is to make a few girlfriends from different schools to play. You know what, I mean...", said Purnima while making faces and waving her hands-on air in different poses.

"So, you have to ignore him. It's fine till hi and hellow but not more than that. He has the whole gang of hooligans like him who love to spread know what I mean.", Said Happy in a serious face.

"But how do you guys know him this best???", said Alora in a confusion.

"We all are classmates and you can say that he is a kind of far distance neighbours from our childhood.", said Purnima like it was the most annoying thing in her life to know him.

"Even though he is good in study and looks friendly and also behave gently yet he is a bad boy with a lot of bad qualities like fighting, beating others often or picking up with others and especially creating messing situation for girls. So, it's better to avoid him.", said Samia in a gentle voice.

"Yes...we have to talk to him because we are classmates and we need his support or help in the class works yet we try our best stay away from him.", said Happy with a helpless voice.

After hearing all the explanations Alora agreed to their words by nodding her head.

"Okay, then next... Jothi, come on...", said Samia again.

Then Jothi again went to the playground and was calling a boy who was busy playing with his friends.

"Now, let's meet the Mr Perfect in our class.", said Morsheda.

Yet he was busy playing with his friends still he was coming with her to meet them.

Then Jothi brought a boy who was following her like a gentleman and was also tall and handsome. He was an Asian, too.

"This is Shawan Hyuang and he is from South Korea and also the first boy in our class.", said Jothi while patting his shoulders.

The boy was a little shocked about the situation as it was a little awkward for him to hear praises about him in front of an unknown girl.

The Jothi added by holding Alora's hands, "This is little Alora. Our new enrolled student this year and she is from Britain."

Finally, with the words of Jothi, the ice of that awkward situation broke out and the boy felt little easy.

"Oh!!! Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Shawan and from South Korea. You are the first British student to our school.", said the boy with a gentle smile.

"Hellow, I'm Alora. Nice to meet you, senior.", said Alora gently.

"Don't have to be so polite. You can call me by my name. Senior sounds little too old. Hope you don't mind.", said Shawan in a gentle voice.

"How is your preparation going on for the match, bro???", said Morsheda.

"It's going well. Hope to win this time, too.", said Shawan cheerfully.

"By the way, he is one of the best players in the football team of our school.", said Happy cheerfully.

"Shawn...Shawn...", a boy from the playground started to call him.

"You guys are just flattering me. Anyway, I got to go. They are calling me. See you guys later. See you around Alora and once again nice to meet you.", said the guy with a smile and ran back to the playground.

Alora said in a low voice, "See you, too."

"Now let's get back to the calculation, as you see he is really a nice guy in real, too.", said Samia.

"He is good at everything like study, playing and other extra activities. Even he is gentle and kind to everyone. At least he is not a show-off like that stinky Joy." said Morsheda happily.

"Before you ask, let me tell you that we know him since we are kids as he is our neighbour.", said Purnima proudly.

"Not like Joy, he is a good person. Where Joy is a devil, Shawn is an angel. So, you don't have to be afraid of him." said Happy happily.

"Even though this guy is my one and only rival in the study yet it's true that he is a perfect person.", said Samia in a helpless voice.

"Yes, true... After all, he is the first in the whole grade along with Samia. Especially during the exam, Samia behaves like an anaconda and if possible she would swole him so that he can't score high...", said Morsheda.

"Ha Ha Ha...", all of them laughed happily.

After that, they introduced more classmates of them like both good and bad boys with their grade and qualities.

They also said that most of the girls in their class hadn't attended yet as it was the first week. Like that, they spent their time happily together. When they were free they always used to accompany Alora and chat with her. While Happy and Samia helped Alora with her studies by giving her advanced lessons and guides along with notes Purnima, Morsheda and Jothi used to entertain her with various acts.

Another day of Alora's at her new school passed like that, with the happy and beautiful time that she spent with Samia and her friends by creating some more happy memories as her first week in her new school.