Life of the new school in the first week [Making friends]

Then from on the following day, Alora started to attend the school happily. It was her second day at her new school and she was planning to have a peaceful and great school life in Japan without any difficulties.

And also she was looking forward to making new friends with her new classmates and to meet different people who belonged to different cultures and countries as the school was famous for the enrollment of the students of various countries.

She was also eager to meet and know the name of that senior female student who helped her the day before. She was regretting a lot for not having an opportunity to know her name. Most importantly she liked that girl for her personality like a free bird flying in the higher of the sky with a positive vibe.

Alora was wearing her new school uniform which was similar to the uniform of her last school except for its colour as it was black in her new school and red in her old school.

She was looking so beautiful as a doll by wearing the uniform which was white long sleeves shirt having the school badge of 'Mingtang Royal High School' on the left chest along with the black-tie around her neck and the black short skirt having two thin borders of white around the whole skirt at the end of it along with the black shoes and high white socks having two thin black borders on the top of each of them which were up to her knees.

She was holding the blazer of her school uniform in her one arm which was black having the badge of the school on its left chest along with the thin white border around every edge of her blazer and its pocket along with the sleeves of it.

Alora came to school with assistant Eric as Merry got to attend a business meeting with Johnathan at the last minute.

Alora entered the school happily taking farewell from the assistant Eric and then went to the office room directly.

The school wasn't that crowded that day. Yet she attracted the attention of everyone she met while heading to the office room.

From the office room, she got to know that her classroom was situated on the down floor in the right corridor and next to the staff room and the office room. it was also informed to her that the class would be taken in that classroom temporary for the time being and the classroom of new enrollment students was going to change after a few days.

By knowing where her classroom situated she headed there happily.

After entering the classroom she got to see that there was none in the classroom.

The class had the benches where three students could sit in one and there were three raws of benches that had twenty benches in each. She entered and sat randomly on the front bench of the second raw.

She looked around her classroom. The classroom was huge. The sunlight was entering into the classroom from its huge windows and out of the window she could see the view of the parking area which was full of the various kinds of vehicles of the teachers and other school transports.

The classroom had a digital clock on its front wall along with the whiteboard and the projector for the multi-media class. And there was the teacher's bench in front of the class.

The classroom was simply decorated with the white painted walls.

Alora was waiting for the other students' arrival. But none was coming.

Then her class teacher came to the class. He was a middle-aged man with a tall and strong body. And had a well maintained short length beard with black hair.

He introduced himself. His name was Baron Thomas. He was a Russian Japanese. He would take their Japanese class. He informed that Alora's serial no was 7 in the name list of the students in the class according to her enrolment time to the school.

Then Mr.Baron asked about Alora's information and also give her some tips to learn Japanese fast. Mr.Baron wasn't good at speaking English. But he was a genius in Japanese. No doubt that he was one of the best teachers for the Japanese in the whole school.

During their conversation, he informed her that in the next few days maybe she got to attend the classes alone without any other students or with few students.

Because most of the students applied for the school enrollment were from outer countries, they got to go through a huge enrollment procedure which consumed a long duration of time for them to attend the school.

And also it became a little impossible for teachers to take classes in the first week as most of the teachers would also get busy with these enrollment procedures.

So, the class time would be reduced until the enrollment procedures would end completely for the first week of the school starting.

But from the second week, everyone would be able to attend the classes on the due time regularly.

And also he informed her that the security system of the school had been increased than previous years by the new management community of the school and it was the best reason for the delaying of the enrollment of the new students.

Both Mr Baron and Alora had a smooth conversation during the whole class even though they both had a language gap and none of them realised the passing of time until the class time got over.

After class time got over, Mr.Baron took leave from Alora for attending to take his other classes.

Then after Mr.Baron left Alora waited till the next teacher's arrival but none came. So, she went to the corridor in front of the classroom to scroll a little and to watch out the school more.

Then while she was standing there, alone all of sudden a voice came from her behind by saying, "Hi, are you new here???"

Alora turned back after hearing the voice and got to see a girl standing there. She was beautiful and had an innocent and positive aura. From her face, anyone could say that she was a gentle and kind person. But it was hard to judge her country by looking at her as she was also looking like an Indian but sure that she didn't belong to China or Japan.

"Hello, Yes, I am new here.", said Alora happily as she was the first person who spoke with her in English at school on their first encounter till then.

"Ooo, I see. I could guess it because you were standing alone. By the way, what's your name??? and where are you from???", said that girl with a kind smile on her face.

"My name is Alora and I am from Britain. And what about you???", said Alora curiously to know about her region.

"I am from Bangladesh. You thought me to be Indian right???", said the girl while excitedly.

"Yes, I thought first but I was confused.", said Alora in a cheerful.

"Hey, I think that I forget to introduce myself. By the way, I am Samia Islam and I am in the second year.", said the girl while introducing herself.

"Ooo, nice to meet you. So, you are a senior to me. It was great to chat with you, senior.", said Alora in a respectful voice cheerfully.

"Ufff, don't call me senior. Call me Samia or sis.", said Samia happily.

"Ok, I will call you sis. Thank you so much, sis.", said Alora happily.

"You know what you are the first British student in our school so far. Even though there are students from different Europe counties in our school yet there is no single from Britain. It's great to have you here.", said Samia.

"Hmmm, I heard it from the teachers.", said Alora while thinking about how easily she was becoming a hot topic of the school by being the first British student as she wanted to keep herself low profile.

"So, how long have you been in Japan???", said Samia curiously.

"It has been only a month since I moved to Japan. and what about you, sis???", said Alora.

"Ooo, I have been in Japan for a long time. We moved here when I was 8 because of my father's job. He is a banker and also I can understand how hard for you to get adjust here.", said Samia in a little sad voice.

"By the way can you speak in Japanese or don't tell me that you are not good at it???", she added curiously.

"Mmmm.. me and my Japanese... I can't speak well in Japanese. I can only say a few words. That's why I was so happy to talk with you as you are the first person who talks with me in English after I got admission to this school.", said Alora in a helpless voice.

"Ooo, it's ok. Don't worry. I will help you whenever you want, and my classmates are very friendly too. And I think that they will also love to help you. After all, we are friends now, aren't we???," said Samia in a cheerful voice.

Alora looked at her in shock and said happily, "Of course, I would love to be your friend. Thank you so much, sis. You are the first friend I made after coming to Japan.", said Alora happily.

"Samia, Samia... Where are you??? The next period is about to start...", both of them could hear a voice calling out for Samia from the staircase.

"Ok then, I will see you in a while. Now it's time for our other class. See you after that. Don't worry at all if you want anything then come to the first floor. My class is right at the starting of the corridor on the first floor. The class-B of the second year.", said Samia in a cheerful voice.

"Ok, sis. See you later. ", said Alora happily.

Samia left for her class and Alora happily entered to her class and started to read a textbook. She was so happy that she made her first friend at school.

Time flew in the blink of eyes and it was already the lunch break. After ending the class, Samia came to find Alora who was busy with reading the textbook in her classroom to have lunch together with her.

Samia entered the class of Alora with her friends and found that she was reading and sketching some paintings.

"Hi, Alora. I am back. And see who came to meet you.", said Samia happily.

Hearing Samia's voice, she looked at the entrance door of the classroom and got to see that Samia with her three friends who were standing next to her.

"Hello.", said Alora happily.

"So, you are the new student that Samia was talking about. Nice to meet you. I am Morsheda Rahman.", said a girl who was standing next to Samia. She was a beauty with black hair and black eyes. She had had a mole on between the left corner of her upper lip and her left cheek, which was making her more attractive. Her height was like Samia, who was a little shorter than Alora.

"Nice to meet you, too. I am Alora.", said Alora happily.

"I heard that you are from Britain. The first British student in our school. I am from Bangladesh too like Samia and also live a few houses away from her house.", said Morsheda happily.

"By the way, you are cuter than I thought you to be.", Morsheda added while pulling Alora's cheek. "Stop it, Morsheda. Don't scare the little cutie. Hi, I am Purnima Sharma, and I am an Indian. And also I am the neighbour of this talkative Morsheda. Nice to meet you.", said Purnima, one of the girls who was standing with Samia while pulling Morsheda's hands back. She was a beautiful girl who was taller than all of them with a healthy and robust body. She had black curly hair with dark brown eyes.

"Whom did you call the talkative???", Morsheda said on fire.

"Whom else than you.", said Purnima in a mocking voice while putting her right hand on Morsheda's shoulder.

And then started the funny catfight between Morsheda and Purnima. Both of them were looking like two cats fighting over a biscuit. On others eyes, Purnima was like a huge Persian cat while Morsheda was like a Mixed Munchkin Persian cat.

Alora and Samia along with Samia's another friend were standing there and were watching them silently in a shock how those two were behaving like elementary school kids.

Morsheda was about to say something when Samia stopped her by saying, "Guys, stop being childish. You will scare Alora like this."

"Oh... We completely forgot about the cutie's presence. Sorry cutie if we scare you.", both Purnima and Morsheda said together in a sorry voice.

"But we will continue this catfight later. If you want to enjoy watching it, let us now.", said Morsheda in a cheerful voice.

"It's ok and thank you for the invitation.", said Alora smiling happily.

"Ufff... You all completely forgot about this little bunny.", said a cute girl who was really cute as a bunny and was shorter than all of them by making a sad face. She was a beautiful girl with a charming smile and a soothing voice. She also had the black medium length hair and brown eyes.

"Oh... I completely forgot about you. Let me introduce you to her Alora. She is...", said Samia.

But before she could complete her words, she was interrupted by the bunny girl by saying, "No... please... I am going to introduce myself to her. Hi, little Alora. I am Lamia Islam. I am from Bangladesh too."

"Hello. Nice to meet you. Lamia and Samia ... Are you two...", Alora said in a cheerful and curious voice.

"No no, no... Don't get it wrong. We are not siblings. Samia and I are just neighbours. You can call me Happy. It's my nickname.", said Lamia happily.

"Ok, sure. Thank you so much.", said Alora happily.

After the introduction section, all of them were busy chatting with each other and to know about life in Britain from Alora.

Alora was so happy to spend time with them. They were involved in chatting that they didn't realise the passing of time.

Meanwhile, they were interrupted by someone's voice.

"Samia... Happy... Purnima and Morsheda... Where are you all disappeared??? That too, without me... Come fast... I need to tell you something...."

"Oh no... here comes she...", said Morsheda.

"We are here... in this class.", said Samia while stepping to the door of the classroom.

Alora was curious to know about the one calling, and the curiosity was written on her face.

"Who is the one calling??? Is she your friend too???", said Alora to Happy in a curious voice.

"Yes, she is our friend and the funniest one. You will get to know in a minute.", said Happy in a cheerful voice while giggling.

"We are here.... in the classroom...", said Samia again while waiting outside of the entrance door of the classroom.

"Ohhh... you guys are here... ufff... I was searching for you all everywhere....", Alora could hear the voice of a girl who was talking with Samia outside the classroom.

"We came here to meet someone. I searched for you, but you were in washroom. So, we headed here directly without you.", said Samia while trying to explain the girl.

"By the way, whom did you come to meet???", said the girl while peeping into the classroom.

"Of course, there is someone that I got to meet. Even you will also like to meet that person.", said Samia proudly.

"Ooo, Samia baby, don't tell me that you have fallen for a young handsome new enrollment student with masculine foreigner body.", said the girl winking her eye to Samia while giving a love-hungry drooling expression.

"Ufff, yaar...there is nothing like that... Behave yourself...", said Samia in an irritated voice.

"Don't lie to your friend... It's a bad habit, baby... Why enjoying the beauty of masculine foreigner body alone without your friend...", said the girl in a teasing voice.

"Hehehe... Let me see too... Hey handsome, I am coming to enjoy your beauty...", added the girl while breaking into the class.

"Hey... Stop...", said Samia by rubbing her forehead by thinking about the embarrassing situation while trying to stop her.

Meanwhile, Alora and Happy were giggling by hearing their conversation outside the classroom while Purnima and Morsheda were emitting black air demon aura due to that girl's words by being both angry and embarrassed.

"Hey imported handsome, here I am...", said the girl in a cheerful voice while standing in front of them by a long jump from the entrance door.

"Hey, Jothi... Behave yourself...", said Samia while pulling her back.

"Hey... Where is the guy???", said the girl in confusion while scratching her head.

"That's why I told you to behave.", said Samia in nagging voice.

"Here we go.", said Morsheda while rubbing her forehead because of the embarrassment.

"See... I told u...", said happily in a low voice to Alora while giggling.

Alora nodded her head as a yes to her hand while giggling too.

"Hey, there is no boy... Here is Mean Morsheda... Moody Purnima... Bunny Happy... The top student you, Samia... and Intelligent Me... Hey, wait... Who is this cutie??? I haven't met her before???", said the girl while pointing towards everyone with a detective gaze.

"Cough... Cough... Cough... We actually came to meet this cutie... Not any handsome hunk... So, according to you, she is the handsome hunk that you wanted to get laid.", said Samia with a serious look while clearing her throat.

"Hahaha....", after hearing Samia's words everyone broke into a laugh.

"By the way, I am Jothika Khanna. You can call me Jothi. What is your name cutie???", said the girl who was talking with Samia. She had long black hair which was tied as a plait. She also had the same height as Samia. She has gentle facial features. Around her, there was a gentle and kind aura. By looking at her, anybody could tell that she was someone who has a great sense of humour. She was beautiful with her light brown complexion, which was making her exceptional from others.

But it was hard to guess her nationality by looking at her.

"My name is Alora... Nice to meet you.", Alora said happily while introducing her to Jothi.

"So, you guys abandoned me for this little cutie. Then I will forgive you guys for this time as this little cutie is such a charming soothing for the eyes. But she doesn't seem to be an Asian. Is she a mixed???", said Jothi in a confession.

"Guess what, Jothi. She is the one that is going to change the history of our school.", said Happy in a cheerful voice.

"What do you mean???", said Jothi being more confused than before.

"Ufff... stop beating the bush around. Jothi, she is from Britain. The first British student of our school ever...", said Morsheda proudly.

"What??? Really??? The little Alora is from Britain. That's great. I am from Kolkata. I am a neighbour of the little bunny and Samia. We grew up together.", said Jothi in an excited voice.

"Ooo, you are from Kolkata... I thought you to be a Bangladeshi too...", said Alora in a low voice.

" It's not your fault... Actually, the ones who meet me always get the first impression for me to be a Bangladeshi. So, chill out. Don't take the pressure.", said Jothi happily.

"Hey, little Alora, did you draw them???", said Morsheda excitedly by holding few pages of sketches that were made by Alora before they arrived.

"Yes, I made them while I was sitting alone here.", said Alora while scratching her head.

"Wow... They are so beautiful... It's really looking great... Let me see... True yaar... So beautiful... You have a good hand in the drawing....", said all of them to praise Alora while appreciating the sketches.

"Thank you so much for your admiration.", said Alora happily.

Alora got along with Samia, Happy, Morsheda, Purnima and Jothi very well in that short time. They talked with Alora for a long time while having a great conversation together by sharing difference details about the school and other pieces of stuff by enjoying their lunch together.

Meanwhile, they could hear beautiful music that was ringing in the background.

"This music... Isn't it the bell that uses as notification for the next period???", said Alora who was hearing that music whole day during the beginning and the ending of the periods.

"Yes, it is...", said Samia.

"The sound of the music is good, right???", said Happy with a smile.

"Yes, it is a nice sound.", said Alora.

"I wish I could say it like you. But I can't... Because we have to rush to the class now.", said Happy in a sad voice.

"Hey, it's now Mijan sir's class. It's going to be fun.", said Samia while cheering others.

"Mijan sir...", Alora said in a confused voice as she had only met Mr.Baron.

"You will get to know him. He is a great teacher. You will have his class too.", said Jothi happily.

"Ufff, We got to go now. See you later, little Alora...", said Morsheda in a hurry.

"Yup, it's now time for our next class.", said Purnima while standing up to leave from where she sat.

"Don't worry. We will catch up with you later.", said Jothi while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"See you later.", said all of them together while taking their leave from Alora.

"See you...", said Alora while seeing them leaving.

After their leaving she again sat alone in the class while reading and completing her sketches. In that period also no teacher came to the class. She was hoping to meet a new teacher in the next class as it was going to be the last period for her before school ended for the day.

She was a little upset about not having the classes properly but she was happy about her making new friends with Samia and her classmates.

After the 45 minutes class, the bell with soothing music rang again.

Alora arranged her things on the bench to get ready for her next class.

As she expected, in that period the teacher attended to take the class.

Alora stood up and paid her respect to the teacher.

The teacher was a man of his late fifties. He had a long grey beard to his neck. He was wearing a round white cap along with a long white dress which was called Jubba in Arabic countries that were an ankle-length, robe-like garment, usually with long sleeves, similar to a kaftan.

He had a kind and gentle aura along with healthy physic.

He introduced himself to Alora. His name was Mijanur Rahman. The students called him as Mijan sir. He was the great teacher that Samia and her friends were referring. He was from Dubai and was a Muslim.

He was indeed a kind and knowledgable person. He was supposed to take their history class.

He was good at speaking English.

After having Alora's introduction, he gave her a lot of instruction to improve her Japanese and also a lot of information about the school that was important for her to know.

From him also, she got to know that usually the first week of the school always got stuck with the enrollment procedures by causing the teachers not to attend the classes on time for the overworking and as a result, the class started on the second week properly.

And the new enrollment students who were interested in getting familiar with the school environment would attend the school in the first week.

Meanwhile, Samia and her friends came back to Alora's classroom to meet her.

"Sir, may we come in???", said Samia and her friends.

"Yes, come in.", said the sir gently.

"Thank you, sir.", they all said together while entering the class.

"By the way, why are you all here during the class hour???", said the sir politely.

"Sir, we got the lectured done 10 minutes early as the teacher was called to complete some duties regarding the enrollment procedures.", said Morsheda happily.

"So, as we have time, we came to meet the little Alora.", said Jothi with a smile.

"Sir, if we are disturbing you during the lecture then we will come later.", said Samia in disappointed and obedient voice.

"No, it's ok. As it was just the introduction class we have already completed it. So, you all can stay.", said the sir gently.

"Thank you so much, sir.", all of them said together happily.

"You are welcome.", said the sir with a smile on his face.

All of them had a good conversation with the sir along with Alora.

They also said the sir about Alora's amazing drawing ability and Alora was highly praised for her good hands' work.

The sir also said to Samia and her friends to take care of Alora as she was new to the school and was also weak in Japan.

And also he said them to accompany her more in the future as until the second week there was no sign for other students to attend the classes and also having a conversation often with them could improve her skill of speaking Japanese.

Meanwhile, the bell which had beautiful music rang out as the declaration of the end of the school for that day.

So, the sir took his leave and Samia along with her friends also went to collect their bags by telling Alora to wait for their return to take her along with them.

Then Alora also carefully picked her things and got ready to bid goodbye to the school for the day.

Meanwhile, Samia and her friends came to take her along with them to walk back home.

Alora happily accompanied them while chatting with each other till the school gate because she already knew that assistant Eric was waiting to pick her up from the school in the parking area.

So, Alora got separated from them from the school gate by making the excuse to go in a different direction so that she could meet the assistant Eric to go back home without letting anybody noticing.

It was highly instructed to Alora to hide her identity of being a part of the Jones family with a powerful background in the school or any public place by her granny and Johnathan for her safety.

After going to the parking area, she finally went home with assistant Eric. After going home she was so busy to share about her new friends and the school with Merry and Johnathan.

Both of them were so happy that Alora was getting familiar with her new school along with making friends and also they were happy to see Alora happy and lively even after the sudden change of her life.