Happy Valentine's Day [EXTRA EPISODE]

"Ring… Ring… Ring…", early in the morning Alora's phone was ringing next to her pillow.

Alora was trying to search her phone in sleep with the help of her hand. After a few minutes, she finally got the phone and picked up it while she was still in sleep and held it to her ear.

But before she could say something, she got to hear Adrian's voice from the other side of the call who was screaming and exhaling by saying, "Alora… Alora… help me. Please, talk to me…"

"Adrian… Adrian, can you hear me??? What's going on??? Hello… Hello…", said Alora while getting up from the bed immediately in a worried and scared voice.

"Alora, I am so sorry… Maybe I won't be able to keep my promise. I'm sorry… so sorry…", said Adrian in a voice full of guilt and sorrows while panting.

"Adrian, please don't be upset. Please… please, tell me where are you now??? What's going on there??? Please tell me…", said Alora in a worried voice while few drops of tears rolled down from her eyes.

"Today I got out of home early to give you a surprise by picking you up from your place and also I thought that this way we would have some more time to spend with each other while heading to the place we decided to go today… But, when I was heading to your place, I met some hooligans. There were like ten to fifteen of them and all of them had weapons. After encountering me they surrounded me in a circle and asked me to give them everything that I had. Then I gave them everything that I had with me except for one thing. Yet they wanted that one, too. I refused them yet they were after it… I would have given it if it were anything of mine. But it was something that I got for you. How could I give it to them??? Yet they were insisting me by force and I didn't have any other option but to fight back. I am sorry, Alora. I know I promised you not to involve myself in any dangerous situation. Yet I fought with them and managed to take back my phone and the gift for you… I am sorry…", said Adrian in a sad voice while exhaling after saying every word.

After hearing him, Alora broke into crying and said, "Adrian, why you did that for the gift??? This whole thing is because of me… If you didn't come to meet me then it wouldn't have happened… This is all my fault… I am really....", but before Alora could complete her words Adrian interrupted while saying, "Shhh… nothing is your fault. You are my dear Alma… Now stop crying. You know I don't like to see you crying. I love so much…"

"I love you too. Adrian, please tell me where are you now??? Text me about your address. I want to meet you right now.", said Alora in a serious voice while wiping her tears.

"No, Alora, you don't have to come here, It's very dangerous. Please don't come and I'm sorry that in this valentine's day I can't be with you… I'm sorry but you know that I love you… Happy Valentine's Day, Alora.", said Adrian in a voice that is full of pain and sadness.

"Happy Valentine's Day, too… I love you so much, Adrian. Please be safe. Please…", said Alora while breaking into tears again.

"Hey, there is the guy… Hey, you wait… Let us catch you once…"

Alora could hear some voices of boys from the other side of the call.

"Adrian, are they referring to you??? Say something, Adrian. Please…", said Alora while being worried.

"Alora, they are coming for me. I got to go. Please don't cry. I will call you later. Please listen to…", before Adrian could complete his words, Alora said while crying, "Adrian, please I beg of you… please… for my sake, please tell me where are you? Please… please…"

"Okay fine, calm down. I will text you the address. But now I got to hang up…", said Adrian in a hurry.

"Wait, Adrian. Promise me, you will text your location right now.", said Alora in a serious voice while wiping her tears.

"Okay, I promise. I will send you the location of mine right now. I promise… But now I got to hang up. Always remember I love you…", said Adrian in a hurry.

"Tut… Tut… Tut…", Alora could hear that Adrian's line was disconnected.

"Adrian… Adrian… Hmm… I love you, too.", said Alora while breaking into tears.

She cried by kneeling down on the floor like she was about to lose everything that dear to her.

"Ding… Ding… Ding…", notification of Alora's phone popped out with the text of Adrian.

Alora quickly checked the text and she got to know that it was not that much far from her place.

"Adrian, wait for me… and be safe…", said Alora while wiping her tears and standing up from the floor.

Alora rushed and got ready. Then she was about to sneak out from the house without letting anyone know but someone caught her from behind by saying, "Young Miss, where are you going early in the morning??? If you want I can drop you…".

Alora turned and find out that the person was assistant Eric and then she said while stammering, "Assistant Eric…, I… actually… I…".

"Young Miss, are you alright??? You are looking so pale and weak. Should I call madam???", said assistant Eric curiously in a worried voice.

"Shhh… Don't call mama… I'm perfectly fine. Actually, assistant Eric, I'm going to my friends place… She is in trouble and wants my help… Hope you can understand… So, don't have to trouble mama… And I can go by myself because it's near…", said Alora while stammering and giving an awkward smile in between.

"Okay then, young miss. Have a nice day. If you want any help, make sure to inform me.", said assistant Eric politely.

"Sure. Ok then, see you. Bye, assistant Eric and inform mama if she asks about me.", said Alora while running away by waving her hands to assistant Eric.

After leaving her place she took a taxi and quickly rushed to the location sent by Adrian.

And the address of that location only had a small but beautiful house with an area of the huge garden but there seemed to be none in that place.

So, Alora was confused about where Adrian might be and started to call out for him loudly, " Adrian... Adrian... Adrian... Where are you???"

She kept calling him out again and again, but there was no sign of him which leaded Alora to break down into tears by being worried for him.

"No, I can't give up like this... I have to find him... Let me call him.", whispered Alora to herself while wiping her tears.

She then took her phone and called him immediately.

"Ring... Ring... Ring...", she could hear that Adrian's phone was ringing from the inside of that house.

She quickly rushed to the door of that house and again called Adrian to confirm one more time, "Ring… Ring… Ring…", then one more time she could hear the phone was ringing inside the house.

At first, she was hesitating to go inside the house as she didn't know whether it was safe or not. But when she thought about Adrian her hesitation started to disappear.

"I don't have any choice. For Adrian, I must do this…", whispered Alora to herself while gathering courage.

Then without hesitating, she pushed the door and it was opened by itself. Then she slowly entered into the house holding her fists together.

Inside the house, it was too dark that she couldn't see anything yet she could hear that Adrian's phone was ringing there as she was continuously still calling him.

She took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Adrian… Adrian… Are you there???", Alora called out for Adrian.

But all of sudden the door from which she entered was closed automatically by making a loud sound behind her.

She was so scared yet she didn't give up as she was so worried about Adrian. So, she kept calling while exhaling and panting.

"Adrian… Are you there??? Please come out… You know that I'm scared of the darkness. Adrian… I'm really getting afraid… Adrian… Adria…", before she completed her words someone from behind hugged her.

And she could feel the familiar warmth embrace that made her feel safe.

She immediately turned back and said, "Adrian... Adrian... You are alright, aren't you???"

She hugged him tightly while breaking into tears.

"Shhh... Calm down. I am there with you and Don't worry, I am totally fine.", Adrian whispered to her ear while hugging her tightly and creasing her hair gently.

"Alora, I have something to show you.", added Adrian while placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Then he gently held her shoulder with his one hand and by covering her eyes with his other hand, he turned her around to face the front and hugged her from behind.

Then he slowly whispered to her ear by making his soft breath touching the ear which left a ticklish sensation, "Alora, look at there..."

And then he gently removed his hand from her eyes which was covering them and then all of sudden the light turned on and rain of a lot of rose petals started to fall on them like the raindrops.

Alora was both happy and surprised. So, she looked at Adrian by tilting her head while resting it on his chest with the eyes full of happiness plus emotions.

Then Adrian noticed that few drops of tears were rolling down from her eyes.

Then he gently wiped her tears by holding her face in between the flat of his both hands.

"I am sorry... I made you cried.", he said and then placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

She could feel the gentle touch of his soft warm lips on her forehead which was expressing how much he cared about her.

Then he kneeled down in the proposing style in front of her and held her hand gently.

"Happy Valentine's Day... I love you so much.," he said with a gentle smile on his face by placing a soft kiss on her hand.

After that, he gently put on a beautiful bracelet in her hand that was customized by him especially for her which had the first letters of their names designed on it beautifully between the shapes of roses.

Then he slowly raised his head to take a look at her with a gentle smile and he could see her surprised and blushing face due to his actions.

"I love you, Alora. You are the one and only Alma for me. I will always be there with you.", he said happily holding her both hands.

Then Alora also kneeled down and hugged him happily by saying, "I love you, too. Adrian, I will always be with you by being your Alma."

Then Adrian hugged her tightly and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. After that, Adrian took her to show around the house.

"By the way, Adrian, how did you get to know this place???", said Alora curiously.

"This place is one of my family properties. It has been since long that none live here or visit here. Only I am the one coming to this place sometimes. Actually, none of my family is interested in this small house. So, none will come to this place and will disturb us. And that's good for me to spend more time with you.", said Adrian while pulling Alora closer to him.

Then while looking around the place Alora's eyes caught a wall which was totally decorated with his and her photos. Then she rushed there while pulling Adrian with her to see it more closely.

"How did you get all of them???", said Alora curiously while looking at the photos excitedly.

"It's magic.", said Adrian by winking his eye with a teasing smile while hugging her from behind.

Every corner of the house was expressing how hard Adrian had worked and how many plans he had made to decorate the whole house to make her happy.

The whole house was decorated with red roses and the heart-shaped balloons along with their photos. And also the whole floor was decorated with rose petals and colourful balloons. So, those things were enough to see through his hard work.

"Adrian, so all that hooligan thing and you to be in danger was just an excuse to make me come here so that you can give me this surprise... Right???", said Alora while pulling his cheeks.

"Actually, about that unpleasant lie, I am really sorry. I didn't mean to make you cried or worried about me. And it never crossed to my mind that you would be crying that much for me and would be that much worried about me. I am sorry for bringing tears on your eyes and making you worried.", said Adrian in a voice full of guiltiness while placing a soft kiss on Alora's eyes.

"It's okay. You don't have to be too much sorry about it. Actually, it's true that I was so worried and was feeling helpless at that time. It was like my whole world turned up-down. But now everything is fine and you did all this for me. So, I forgive you.", said Alora happily.

"Thank you. I just want to see you smiling like this all the time. But still, if you ever get to know that I am really in danger, then please don't risk yourself to save me like today. Alora, I don't want to see you getting hurt.", said Adrian while resting his head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Adrian. Nothing will happen to me. But whenever you will be in danger, I will always risk myself to save you. Because without you, I am incomplete.", said Alora while holding his hands and placing her head on his chest.

"I love you so much, my wild kitty.", said Adrian while pulling her cheeks.

"Ok then, let's go. I have some more things to show you.", said Adrian happily while carrying Alora in his arms.

Then he slowly took her to the sofa and put her down by making her sit on it.

"Sit here like a good girl. There are more things that we haven't seen yet. I will be back in a minute.", said Adrian while rushing away by placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

A few minutes later Adrian came back with a cart full of gifts while holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"This one is for you and the rest of them are also for you.", said Adrian while giving the flower bouquet to Alora and showing her the other gifts.

"Now please open them and let me have a glimpse of your cute happy face.", said Adrian by pulling the cart full of gifts next to Alora.

Alora was clueless for a moment as she hadn't expected to receive so many gifts and then she nodded her head as a yes to open the gift and then started to open them one by one.

Every and each gift was giving her a surprise and a heart touching lovely note from Adrian by expressing his love to her which was making her believe in his love towards her and taking her more close to him by connecting her heart with him.

And Adrian was quietly enjoying Alora's smile and excited happy eyes while opening the gifts and reading his notes while leaning his back on the sofa comfortably and resting his head on the flat of his hand.

Then after opening the gifts and reading the notes, Alora said by looking at Adrian who was quietly watching her with a sweet smile on his face, " Thank you so much, Adrian, for making me feel this much special. I like everything you gave me."

Then she added in a low voice while hugging the flower bouquet to her chest, "Adrian, you gave me so many things and arranged all of this for me but I didn't even bring the present that I made for you in hurry. I am so sorry..."

Adrian could feel the sadness in her voice and then he pulled her into his embrace by making her sit on his lap while her hands were placed on his chest which caused the fall of the flower bouquet from her hands to the sofa.

After that, by leaning close to her ear slowly he gently whispered, "I don't need any gift or anything but you. Because you are the best gift that I received so far. So, be with me for the rest of my life by holding me tightly so that no storm can separate us."

Both his soft minty breath and his sweet gentle voice touched Alora's ear while leaving a ticklish feeling. Alora's heartbeats were raising, "thumb... thumb..."

Then Adrian gently touched her face with his one hand while his fingers were gently creasing behind her ear and by wrapping his other hand around her waist he hugged her more tightly and pulled her more close to him.

Then by looking into her eyes, he said, "You are my girl and you will always be..."

Alora could feel that Adrian's heartbeats were growing faster as her, "Ba-dum... Ba-dum... Ba-dum..."

Then he gently nibbled her ear which made an unknown sensation running in Alora's body by making her sounds, "Ahhhh... Adrian... hahh..."

Then he pulled Alora's face so close to his that both of their noses and foreheads were touching each other. Both of them were so close to each other that both of them could feel their breath and heartbeats.

"I love you, Alora and I will always be with you.", Adrian said while his lips were gently touching Alora's lips.

Then both of them lost in a sweet kiss while wrapped in each other's arms tightly.

Alora could feel that Adrian's sweet tongue was moving inside her mouth while playing with her tongue.

She could feel his heavy breath which was becoming one with her breath and the heartbeats of them were racing like a horse.

His warmth was gradually taking over Alora's body by making her realise that she was only his.

"Alora, I will always be there with you. On this Valentine's Day to the upcoming every Valentine's Day in our lives, you will always find me next to you, holding your hand and walking with you.", said Adrian while setting her free from his passionate kiss and still hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Adrian," said Alora while resting her head on his warm chest.

Then he gently kissed her neck while creasing her hair which was running a ticklish chill on her whole body.

After that, both of them again lost with each other while smiling happily and dreaming about the sweet future of their togetherness.

Their laughter and sweet talks along with their warm close moments with each other were filling that small house with a lot of liveliness and happiness.

In between there sweet chat Adrian again passionately locked his lips with Alora's sweet lips while pulling her closer to him and his soft touch on her body was raising her heartbeats high and both of them were gradually losing in the warmth of each other while pushing their limits.

Like this way, two love birds were lost in one another on Valentine's Day.

"Honk... honk... honk...", a lot of noises of the vehicles were echoing in Alora's ears all of sudden which was making her feeling irritated and disturbed as she enjoying her quality time with her love, Adrian.

"What the hell... Why is there such a huge messy traffic jam today??? Aaaaaaaa... I am getting angry... Uff... Damn it..."

Alora could hear a familiar voice and opened her eyes and looked around in a confusion to see that she was in the car with her best friend Jennie and there was no Adrian.

"Hey, sweetie, you are up," said Jennie with a smile on her face.

Alora nodded to her words and whispered to herself, "So, it was again just a dream of him. I really took it to be the reality..."

"Hey, what happens??? You look a little upset. Didn't you have a sound sleep??? But you seemed to be happy in the sleep. I think you were dreaming something interesting. By the way, here have it. A teenage girl gave me a lot of them by wishing the Valentine 's Day. See there are they", said Jennie while giving chocolate to Alora and showing the basketful of chocolates.

"Hmm... Thank you..."', said Alora while rubbing her eyes and taking the chocolate. She was still having the heaviness in her head due to the sudden wake-up from the sleep.

Then Jennie said while looking at the road ahead full with vehicles, "I don't think this jam is going to be ended soon. Today is Valentine 's Day. That is the reason which caused this traffic jam. Only lovers will understand the fun of this day, not the singles like us...

She again added while resting her head on Alora's shoulder, "Where is my Mr Perfect??? Why am I single??? TT"

"Don't be sad you will find the one for you soon. So, stop your melodrama, otherwise, your Mr Perfect will run away before even coming to you.", said Alora while patting her head.

"Humph... Alora, how can you be so mean to me... You are simply bullying me with your words.", said Jennie while making faces by raising from Alora's shoulder.

"Hey, Jennie. Look there, the jam is over.", said Alora while showing her the front.

"Oh yeah. Let's go...Happy Valentine's Day to the singles like me.", said Jennie while starting driving the car happily.

And Alora gave a nod to her words with a smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day... Where ever you are please be happy... I miss you so much... Wish you were with me.", whispered Alora to herself while looking outside the car window by looking at the lovely couples and secretly wiping her tears without letting Jennie noticing.