Fun class time on the last day of the first week

The next day Alora went to the school happily as she didn't have to attend the lessons along anymore as she was having more classmates to attend them together.

But when she was heading to go to her class, Susan came running to her out of nowhere and pulled her to the playground where Chen Feng was sitting with Derora and Sonia even without letting her leave her bag in the classroom.

"Hi, Little thing... Hi, little cutie..How are you???", said Derora and Sonia together happily to see Alora.

"I am fine. How are you doing???", said Alora with a smile.

"We are good. Come and sit with us for a while.", said Derora while showing the empty place next to her.

"Sure. But my bag...", said Alora confusedly but before she could complete her words she was interrupted by Sonia by saying, "Leave it. You can place it later. First stay a little bit with us."

Alora nodded to her words and sat down there quietly.

"It seems like you guys already know each other.", said Susan curiously. 

"Yup, we know each other well. It's not the first time that we are meeting the little thing.", said Derora happily pulling Alora's cheeks.

"It's good. Then we don't have to take extra time to introduce and explain about each other.", said Cheng Feng happily. 

"Yes, you're right. To be honest, we like to spend time with the little cutie too.", said Sonia while patting her head.

"Yes, since you are in the same class help her around.", said Derora while looking at Susan and Cheng Feng.

"Of course, I will. She is my friend too.", said Cheng Feng happily. 

"Yes, me too. I like little Alora a lot. She is so cute and her cheeks are so soft.", said Susan by hugging Alora.

"Ok fine. Stay away from the little thing. You will hurt her.", said Derora while pushing Susan away from Alora and pulling Alora close to her.

After that, they continued with their chatting and after some time, Alora freed herself somehow from them with the excuse to go to the classroom. 

When she entered the classroom she could see that Samia and her friends were waiting for her there while chatting with Suzuki, Belinda and Sachiko.

All of them rushed Alora while pulling her to the corridor by saying, "Hi, Alora. How are you???"

"Hello, I am good. What about you???", Said Alora happily.

"We are good. First, tell me. Did you miss us???", said Morsheda happily while pulling Alora's cheek.

"Yes, of course. I did miss you all yesterday. I was waiting for you but I also knew that you all were having an exam.", said Alora while touching her cheek.

"Sigh...We are sorry that we couldn't come to yesterday even wanted to come. It was such a tough day.", said Purnima in a tired voice.

"Yes, she is right. Ufff... such a hard exam. I am still tired.", said Happy in an irritated voice.

"Yup, but thanks to Shawan you got to know about our exam and we got to know about you.", said Jothi cheerfully.

"Leave the exam. It's gone now.", said Samia in a tired voice.

"You are the top. So, you are not worrying. But we are worried about the hell and tired to the sick.", said Morsheda while poking Samia's forehead.

"What do you mean by I am not worrying??? Obviously I am worried about the exam too. Who know if that foxy Shawan take more no than me and be the first??? What am I going to do??? I will

then push himself off the stairs and jump from the second floor.", said Samia while being sad and being irritated like a fire emitting dragon.

"Cool down, Samia. Let's see it.", said Happy while hugging lifeless Samia.

"Yes, you are right. I won't give up. Let's see. But he was smiling a lot during the exam like he was so confident in himself.", said Samia while shaking Happy.

[P.S: Shawan was smiling happily, again and again, not only because he was confident but also for his being happy to meet Alora and was remembering about Alora.]

"By the way let it go for a while. It's good that finally your classmates are attending to the school and now you are no longer alone.", said Samia happily.

"By the way little cutie, they are also our friends and neighbours too.", said Jothi by pointing Sachiko, Belinda and Suzuki with her hand from the door who was talking with each other and smiling at them from there seats.

"Not only them, the rest of others to our neighbours and classmates. They are friendly and will help you.", said Happy cheerfully.

"Finally, this week is going to end and after today the classes is going to continue on its right order.", said Morsheda.

"Yes, and we are going to have more and more classes and class test every day.", said Purnima worriedly.

"That's why we came to meet you early today. Because from today on we are going to have extra lessons all-day long. Oh our poor life!!!", said Happy sadly.

"Once it's started it will be hard for us to catch up with you, little thing.", said Jothi in a sad voice.

"But we will obviously catch up with you whenever we have time.", said Morsheda while patting Alora's head.

"Take care of yourself cutie.", said Purnima while hugging her in a sad voice.

"Here are some notes. It will be helpful for you.", said Samia in a sad voice while handing a book full of important notes to Alora.

"We are going to miss you.", said all of them in a sad voice while pulling Alora to a group hug.

"I am going to miss you too. Best of luck for your exams. Do well.", said Alora in a sad voice.

"Samia, Purnima, Happy... Are you there??? Are Morsheda and Jothi with you???", they could hear a familiar voice coming from the staircase.

Then they pulled Alora with them and were heading to the staircases while they saw Shawn was coming to them.

"You guy are here. Finally found you. By the way, Hi, Alora.", said Shawn with a gentle smile.

"Hello...", said Alora gently.

"What happened??? Why were you calling us???", said all of them curiously.

"Actually we are going to have a competition with the students of class-A. I called you guys to take preparation.", said Shawan politely.

"Ohhh...OOk... we are coming.", said all of them together.

"By the way, is something wrong??? I mean, you all look upset. What happen???", Shawn said curiously.

"We came to catch up with Alora because we are going to be busy soon and won't get time to hang out. That's why we are a little bit sad.", said Morsheda.

"Yes, you are right. We are going to be so busy and I think it is starting from today.", said Shawan in a worried voice.

"Ok then, let's go.", said Samia sadly.

"Don't worry, guys and Don't be sad. We are in the same school. So, you will be able to meet each other.", said Shawan while trying to cheer them up.

"Yes, you are right. Ok then, Bye, Alora. See you around. Best wishes for the upcoming days.", all of them said sadly while holding her hands.

"See you around. Best of luck. Take care.", said Alora sadly.

After taking their leave Samia and her friends left for their class sadly while Shawan was still standing there.

"Hey, Alora. Don't be sad. They will be able to catch up with you soon. Cheer up.", said Shawan gently.

"Yes, maybe. Let's see.", said Alora gently.

"Ok then, I will take my leave. Take care and see you around and also best of luck for your studies.", said Shawan with a gentle smile.

"Thank you. Take care too. And best of luck for your exams. Do well. And don't rush or run like last time. Be careful.", said Alora with a smile.

"Thank you. Ok then, bye.", said Shawan happily with a smile.

"Bye.", said Alora with a smile and rushed back to her class.

Shawan was charmed by Alora's smile and flattered to hear Alora's caring words for him.

He quickly returned back to his class. His ears were red and his heart was beating fast. It happened to him every time when he met Alora or remembered about her.

Alora was the first female student that he interacted with expect Samia and her friends because in his eyes Alora was different from other girls. So, she was special to him and her every word made him happy and his heart beating fast.

Alora entered into class and was curiously thinking where to sit while Shika came from behind and took her bag by saying, "Hey, Alora you can sit with me and give me your bag."

"Make her sit middle so that I can sit with her too.", said Sora happily while placing her bag on the first bench of middle raw.

Then Alora happily sat down with them without any hesitation. After a few minutes, the class started with the ringing if the bell and Mr Baron rushed to the classroom with three more new students who were two boys and one girl.

Everyone stood up and greeted Mr.Baron and took their seats. Then Mr. Baron said while pointing the new students with his hand, "They are also your new classmates. Before the class, we will have an introduction. Come forward and introduce yourself."

"Hi, everyone. I am Hridik Oebroi and I am an Indian but I have grown up in Japan and my whole family lives here. Hope to be a good friend of you all.", one of the boys said in a deep serious voice by coming forward who was taller like Tanvir and Emon. He had a strong and healthy body like a bodybuilder. He had a brownish-white skin tone along with pitch black curly hair and dark brown eyes. Even though he was an Indian he had the face structure of a Japanese. He seemed to be a cold and quite reserved person but he had a friendly and mischievous vibe around him which was declaring that he was a wolf in sheepskin.

"Thank you, Hridik. You can go and take a seat. Next come forward and start.", said Mr Baron politely.

Then Hridik went and took the seat next to Lablu as Lablu invited him to sit next to him and Roy.

"Hello, everyone. I am Thomas Shin and I am obviously a Japanese. Hope to have a memorable high school life with you all.", said the boy named Thomas in a gentle voice by coming forward who was the equal height of Tanjim and Kian. He had a bright yellowish skin along with a pitch-black hair and a pair of pitch-black eyes. He was a little overweight than others with a little bit of fatty body. He was a gentle and calm person with a friendly and peaceful vibe. He was appeared to be a warm-hearted person to get along with everyone easily.

"Thomas, you can go and take a seat. Next start with your introduction.", said Mr Baron gently.

Thomas went and took the seat next Kian and Tanjim and both of them greeted him happily.

"I am Daichi Yui and I am a Japanese. Please be friends with me. Thank you.", said the girl with a sweet smile. She was of equal height to Shika and Sora. She had a honey brown skin colour along with the medium length curly dark brown hair and a pair of dark brown eyes. She was a pretty girl who appeared to be a gentle and warm-hearted person with a calm and friendly vibe around her. She seemed to be a shy person too.

"Daichi, go and take a seat. The introduction section is over with Daichi's introduction. Let's get back to discuss some important pieces of information.", said Mr Baron while looking at some papers in his hands.

Meanwhile, Alora said in a curious voice while the rest of them were staring at Daichi weirdly, "She seems to be a nice girl, doesn't she???"

"Alora, don't go with her innocent look.", said Sora and Sakhi in a serious voice while poking Alora's cheeks from both sides.

"Little Alora, she is not as simple as you think. Stay away from her.", said Himari and Rikami together from the next bench.

"So, she is that famous girl that boys refer.", said Susan and Cheng Feng from the bench behind them.

"If you love your image, maintain a safe distance.", said Suzuki and Sachiko from another bench.

"To be honest, don't talk with her without any necessary.", said Mai while making faces.

Alora was curiously looking at them as she couldn't understand why they were detaching her that much.

"She is someone who has so many boyfriends and yet finds out for more.", said Sasaki in a disgusted voice.

Alora was so shocked to hear her words that she immediately looked down toward her textbook.

"By the way why is this face powder here??? Alora, we call her face powder. She is our neighbour and a playmate too. But we maintain a safe distance from her because of her bad image.", said Sora while patting Alora's shoulder.

"So, you should maintain a safe distance from her.", said Shika while creasing Alora's hair.

Alora nodded her head obediently their words by agreeing to them.

Daichi took the seat next to Mai and Ava as they had an empty seat next to them.

Mai was so irritated and everyone could see it from her face.

Meanwhile, Mr Baron said after finished reading the documents, " Listen to me, everyone. From next week your classes will continue duly and your classroom will be changed to the first floor of the left corridor. It is the first thing which we encounter while going to that floor and in the down floor of the same building there is the class of third-year students. And also you will have a seat plan according to which you are going to sit. So, let's see you all in the new classroom next week. That's all for now. Let's continue our lesson from yesterday.", said Mr Baron while putting away the documents and opening his teacher's copy.

Although everyone got busy with the lesson of Mr Baron yet all of them were excited about their new classroom and were looking forward to beginning their happy high school life.

After the classtime got over Mr Baron left the classroom with the bell ringing and where the boys got busy with hanging out with Hridik and Thomas, the girls were busy with their own world like Himari, Sasaki and Rikami was talking with each other while Sachiko, Belinda, Suzuki, Susan, Ava and Cheng Feng were playing and Mai and Daichi were sitting idly.

Meanwhile, Alora, Shika and Sora were reading together and both Shika and Sora were also helping Alora.

"Alora, Leave this book and read this one. This book has many words for you to learn. First, check if u can you read this or not.", said Shika while handing a book to Alora by taking away the book she was reading.

"Okay, thank you.", said Alora with a smile.

Then she started to read it with Shika and Sora while they were helping her to find out her wrong pronouncing and help her understand the proper meanings of the words.

Their happy reading time was interrupted with a familiar voice of Lablu by saying, " Hey, can I join you guys??? I want to help Alora too."

"Lablu, what are you doing here??? Go and hang out with your friends.", said Shika while pointing towards the boys.

"Please, Shika. Don't be rude. Let me help her too.", said Lablu like a begging puppy.

"It's okay, Shika. Let him help her too. After all, he was also one of the top students in our Junior high.", said Sora while turning the book they were reading towards Lablu.

"Ok then, sit down and let's start then. But make sure that you won't eat our brains.", said Shika while rubbing her forehead.

Then Lablu took a spare chair and sat in front of their bench happily. Then three of them started to help Alora with learning. But Lablu was giving them a headache by his blabbering and his way of saying was too difficult for Alora to understand that Alora's head was going blank again and again and Alora's helplessness was clearly visible on her face which was making Shika mad at Lablu.

"Aaaahhhh... Enough Lablu. You are making it hard for Alora. Not only Alora but we are also having a headache because of your blah blah blah.", said Shika madly while turning off the book.

While Alora was curiously looking at them. She didn't have the idea that doll-like Shika could get angry that much.

Looking Alora's curious eyes Sora whispered to her ears, "Don't be surprise. You will see more like this. Cute Shika is such a short-tempered person. She often loses her cool and gets mad. Not just her every one of has some unusual behaviours. You will get to know slowly."

Meanwhile, Lablu who knew Shika's temper well said with a smile while requesting Alora, "Shika, don't be mad. I am just helping her. If you want to ask her, she will say whether I was helpful or not. Alora say something. Please..."

"What should I say??? I mean... I...", Alora was hesitating as she didn't know who to defend but before she could say anything Shika interrupted them by saying, "Stop pushing her, you dumbhead..."

"Please... Alora, save me from this mad witch queen...", said Lablu while requesting and crying fake.

"Actually... I... what... I...", said Alora while being more confused.

"Ok... Idea!!! Let's do this. How about you say my name???", said Lablu happily in a curious voice.

"Your name... What is it with your name???", said Shika while making faces to Lablu.

"See, it's a little harder one, right??? So, let's start with my name. Alora, say Lablu...", said Lablu happily.

"Ok... Lab-Lu. Lablu.", said Alora without hesitating.

"Hey, pronounce it a little bit wrong.", whispered Sora in her ear.

"But why???", said Alora in a low voice confusingly while looking at her.

"Please... for us...", whispered Sora while making a puppy face where Shika was winking by looking at Alora.

"Ok then, Lab-bu. Labboo...", said Alora hesitantly.

"No, it's Lab-lu. Say Lablu. She was producing fine a few minutes ago.", said Lablu confusingly.

"Ok, let me try once more. Lab-du.. Labdu..", said Alora again.

"No... no... It's s Lablu. Say it properly. Please...", said Lablu while making a puppy face.

"Alora, say Laddu. You will see his funny reaction.", whispered Shika in Alora's ear.

"Ok then, Lad-du... La-du... Yup, Laddu..", said Alora with a smile.

"No... it's not Laddu. Please, say correctly.", said Lablu while making a crying face.

"Hahaha.. Right, Laddu. It's s the perfect name.", said both Sora and Shika while laughing.

"No, it's not. It's a food not my name.", said Lablu in a complaining voice.

"Laddu, why are you being upset??? Laddu, it's a tasty Indian sweet that we have last time when you brought it.", said Sora and Shika happily.

"But it's not my name. Alora, please say Lablu.", said Lablu while begging Alora like a puppy.

"Ok, Laddu.", said Alora innocently.

"Nooo... this is a conspiracy of you two.", said Lablu while looking at Sora and Shika suspiciously.

"No, Laddu. We didn't do anything.", said both of them while making innocent faces.

"Yes, Laddu. They are right.", said Alora in an innocent voice with a smile.

"Nooo... I am not going to stay here. I am going. Bye..", said Lablu in a fake crying voice while running off from there laughing secretly.

"Bye-bye, Laddu. Hahaha...", said Sora and Shika while laughing loudly.

" I am sorry, Laddu. Will he be upset???", said Alora in a guilty voice.

"No, he won't. Actually, he is a funny guy. We know him and have been teasing him like this from we are little.", said Shika happily.

"Now one more member has added to our group. Because now you are our friend and so is his.", said Shika while hugging Alora.

"Somehow he also likes that name. That's why it has become his nickname. So, he won't mind you calling him with that name.", said Sora while hugging Alora too.

"Ok then, let's continue with our reading.", said Sora while opening the book again.

Then after a few while along with the bell, Mrs Momtaz came to take class while greeting everyone. At first, she took a short introduction from everyone and then told about herself to them. She was their math teacher and would take their class before the lunch break.

After her conversation with them, she first gave a lecture on the topic she was going to teach and then gave them some exercise to do by saying, "Alora will collect the copies of girls and Lablu will collect the copies of boys."

Both of stood up and nodded their heads to her words and then started to do the exercises.

After completing the exercises both of them collected the copies of everyone and gave them her to check. Then she told Alora to stay there with her while sending Lablu to distribute the copies.

While checking copies Mrs. Momtaz said with a smile, "Alora, how are you doing??? Are you liking our school??? Is everyone getting along with you???"

"I am doing good, ma'am and I like it here a lot and also everyone is nice to me.", said Alora happily.

"It's good. If you want any help, please tell me. Ok then give these to Lablu.", said Mrs Momtaz happily while hanging some copies to her.

"Laddu, distribute them and let me help you.", said Alora with a smile while offering the copies to Lablu who was already distributing the copies.

"It's okay. I can do it. First please learn to say my name properly.", said Lablu in a teasing voice.

"Ok, Laddu. Bye, Laddu.", said Alora while teasing him with a smile and going back to Mrs Momtaz.

Lablu was smiling there and again started to distribute the copies.

With the sound of the bell, Mrs Momtaz took her leave from them happily while another new teacher entered their classroom by talking with Mrs Momtaz outside the door and greeting them happily.

He also took a short introduction of everyone and then gave his introduction. His name was Jun-Kun and he was a Japanese. He was going to take the first part of their English class after Mr Baron's first period.

Mr Jun-Kun was a man of his late twenty with a tall and strong body. He had a yellowish-brown skin along with a pitch-black hair and a pair of pitch-black eyes. He was a gentle and friendly teacher who appeared to be a tough and rough teacher with a cold and quiet vibe around him.

After the introduction section, all of them focus on their lesson.

After teaching their topic for that day he gave them some more free handwriting to finish and while he was scrolling around them by checking their copies he stopped in front of the bench where Shika, Alora and Sora was sitting to check their copies too.

While Cheng Feng happily said, "Hey uncle, why did you come to our class??? You were supposed to come from next week."

"By the way, uncle the girl in the middle is the one we said to you about yesterday. Our new friend Alora.", said Susan happily while creasing Alora's hair.

After hearing them address the teacher like that Alora, Shika and Sora were looking at them curiously and worriedly while observing the teacher's face who was expressionlessly looking at them.

"You two spoil brat. I told you not address me as uncle during the class time. Why can't you keep something this simple on your mind???", said Mr Jun-Kun in a serious voice.

"Sorry, uncle. We will be careful next time.", both of them said with an awkward smile.

"Sigh...You two will never grow up.", said Mr Jun-Kun in a frustrated voice.

"Hey guys, don't worry. He is our uncle. So he won't mind.", said both of them to Alora, Shika and Sora who were looking worried.

"By the way, Alora, don't mind these two brats. I heard about you from teachers, Senior students and them. Whenever you have a problem or issue or any difficulty, tell me. I will obviously help you.", said Mr Jun-Kun politely with a gentle smile.

"Thank you so much, sir.", said Alora politely.

"Ok then, take care.", said Mr Jun-Kun said to Alora while heading to another bench.

"See, I told you that our uncle is the best.", said Susan and Cheng Feng happily and Alora nodded his head to their words with a smile.

After the bell ringing, Mr Jun-Kun took his leave from them happily and their lunch break started as it was the class time before the lunch break that Mr Jun-Kun took for his class only for that day.

Like the day before all of them accompany Alora during the lunch break happily while playing and laughing. There was also a section of leg-pulling and teasing Lablu with his nickname and the way Alora was pronouncing it. They happily hang out together until the start of the last class.

In the last class, Mr Mijan entered to the classroom while greeting happily. Then he held a small introduction section about everyone and himself.

After that along with the bell ringing their school hours came to end with the enjoyable and interesting lesson of Mr Mijan. 

Mr Mijan told everyone to help Alora so that she could improve in Japanese before leaving the classroom.

After Mr. Mijan's leaving, all of them accompanied Alora till the gate and departed with each other like the day before.

Alora went home with assistant Eric as usual by sharing about her new skill on their way.

Somehow the last day of the first week of the school became one more memorable day of Alora's book of life with sad and happy memories like the sadness for not having enough time to spend with Samia and others for their busy schedules and the happy and enjoyable fun time she had with her classmates during the class time.