Sleeping beauty & The caring prince

After getting admission to the school Alora completely got so busy with her studies and getting adjusted in the school that she didn't even get the opportunity to count the passing time.

And time flew so fast without even realised that it was already her birthday the next day.

Where everyone in her family was excited and eager to celebrate her big day but Alora completely forgot about her birthday due to the busyness with her studies and the school affairs.

As Alora didn't have to attend the school the next day, she went to bed earlier than other days after enjoying the dinner with her lovely parents. Because she was so tired after the whole day attending the class and staying in the school but she was also happy about her new school and her classmates.

So, it was already out of her mind that what was the occasion on the next day but others remembered that day very well and were taking preparation to celebrate it from a month.

That's why, Evan, Reo and Selina arrived to Alora's place late at night after her falling sleep to help Merry and Johnathan to prepare the surprise for Alora's birthday as they had planned before.

Where all of them were busy to decorate the whole house, Alora was busy sleeping like a tired rabbit.

Right on the 12 O'clock at night all of them went to Alora's room to wish her with the hope to see her cute surprised face but nothing went according to their plan as they could see that the tired Alora was sleeping so soundly and peacefully.

So, by deciding to give her the surprise birthday wish when she would wake up in the morning they thought not to disturb her sound sleep and went back to do their rest tasks that were left for her birthday celebration

After decorating the whole house and making the whole arrangements for the birthday party all of them went to their respective rooms to take rest.

But before going to take a nap Evan went to Alora's room to place his gift there. When he entered the room he got to see the little Alora was sleeping soundly without worries.

He slowly went to the bedside beside her bed and slowly placed his gift on it. Then he turned to have a glimpse of little Alora before leaving her room. Evan could see a few of her hair had fallen on her face and her blanket had fallen off from one side.

By seeing her like that Evan smiled to himself saying, "Little fool… You will never grow up."

Then Evan sat on his knees next to her bed. After that, he held her face carefully and gently and then slowly moved the hair from her face and gently tucked the hair behind her ear. The closer he was being to her his heart was beating so fast.

Then all of sudden Alora held his hand while turning to his side. Evan freaked out by thinking that little Alora woke up. But then he got to realise that she was still in deep sleep.

His heart was beating so fast as Alora's face was so close to his that he could feel her breath.

Evan's ears had turned red and he could hear his own heart beating which was raising like a horse, "Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub..."

He wanted to touch her pinkish soft lips and he couldn't resist his urge to kiss her passionately.

But he controlled himself from doing that and by taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and said to himself, "Cool down, Evan. What are you even thinking??? You don't have the right to be flushed because of her or touch her with any intention to violate her and most importantly she is someone for whom you can never lose your heart to."

Then Evan slowly broke his hand out from Alora's holding and replaced it with one of her favourite soft toy. After that, he slowly stood up and covered her properly with the blanket carefully by making sure she didn't wake up.

Then he slowly placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered to her ears, "Happy birthday, little trouble maker."

After that, he slowly walked out from her room to his room.

Evan's heart was beating fast. He also couldn't understand why there was an urge in his heart to kiss her lips or have her. He couldn't understand at the end why he still kissed Alora's forehead in spite of controlling himself so much and why he wanted to see her once more before going to sleep.

He just made himself believe that the impulsiveness of his actions occurred only because of his meeting her after a long time or maybe because he or she couldn't meet each other after Alora's moving to her new house or it was just because of the situation.

After consoling his restless heart, he finally went to take a nap. But still, he couldn't understand or he didn't want to accept that he was in love with Alora and his heart was beating faster to see Alora or the want of him to be close to Alora was because his heart had already become Alora's belonging.

But the stubborn brat called Evan didn't want to admit or understand his feelings for Alora. Only time could say what would happen between them. Could Evan be able to realize his feeling before it would be so late or would he lost her to someone for his not wanting to understand his feelings???