Happy Birthday

Early in the morning, the first ray of sun was peeping into Alora's room through the window. It was Sunday and as the school was off that day, Alora decided to sleep for a little while longer.

"Ring… Ring… Ring", Alora's alarm clock was ringing on the bedside.

By hearing the Alarm, Alora extended her hand and shut it down. Then she tossed and turned on the bed. Then while rubbing her eyes Alora sat on her bed and slowly opened her eyes and then she was so surprised to see the view of her room. The whole room was decorated with pink and white roses and a lot of gifts were placed on the couch next to her window.

She excitedly turned to get down from the bed when she saw something was shining on the bedside and it was a gift wrapping in the glitter paper and there was a note beside it. Alora took both the gift and the note. She slowly removed the wrapping paper and got to see a shiny red box. Then she excitedly opened it and she got to see a beautiful bracelet which had her name cut on it in a hidden manner.

She liked it a lot and then she took the folded note and read it. It was written on it, "Happy Birthday to little fool." [From-Evan]

Alora's eyes widened with the surprise to see Evan's note. She quickly took her cellphone and check the date fast.

"Oh no… It's my birthday… I completely forgot it", Alora whispered to herself by biting her lips.

Due to the busy schedule of her study, she completely forgot about her birthday.

She jumped off the bed quickly to run down to the downstairs to Merry by grabbing Evan's gift when she noticed that the whole floor of her room was covered with various colours of balloons.

She was more surprised and her cheeks were flushed by remembering the note of Evan. She got to know that it was Evan who had done all these things.

"How could that devil Evan be so nice to do all these!", Alora whispered to herself while touching her cheeks.

"No, no… What am I thinking…", Alora whispered to herself.

"I should go to mama… How could that devil come here?", she whispered to herself again while rushing to see Merry.

"Young Madam, the young miss is coming to the downstair.", assistant Eric rushed to others while shouting who was waiting there since morning to notify others about her arrival as he was ordered.

"Everyone get ready to execute our plan.", Johnathan told to everyone.

"Yes, sir.", said others energetically.

"Mama… Mama…", Alora got out of her room by calling out Merry and she got to witness that the holders of staircases and every floor of the corridors were decorated with the same way as her room with the pink and white roses along with the balloons.

She then rushed in front of the staircases that were heading to the downstairs and paused to take a breath and then called out, "Mama… Papa…" by seeing them standing happily down there.

"Everyone, now…", Alora could hear Evan's voice and looked to search him. When she got to see a rain of various shining colour paper falling on her and the flying colourful balloon on which it was written Happy Birthday and got to hear the happy birthday tone was playing from every corner of the house.

"Happy Birthday, Alora…", everyone said it happily to her.

Alora could see the happy face of Johnathan, Merry, Reo, Selina, Evan and every each workers of her house. By seeing all those preparations Alora was frozen out of being surprised and was so touched and happy that tears of happiness started to flow down from her eyes slowly.

"Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much…", by saying this Alora rushed down from the stairs to hug Merry and Jonathan.

"Ow… Our dear child…", both Merry and Johnathan hugged Alora happily.

"Ow… this is so much happy to witness…", Selina wiped her falling tears by saying this.

"Indeed, finally Merry and Johnathan got an angle in the form of Alora as their daughter after waiting for years.", said Reo happily while looking at Selina.

Then both Evan and Reo hugged her from back. Then Alora said happily by expanding her hand towards them, "Aunt Selina and Uncle Reo, won't you join us???"

Then, Evan, Selina and Reo rushed there too and whole family Evan, Johnathan, Reo, Merry, Selina and Alora hugged each other in a circle. Then assistant Eric captured this lovely moment in the camera.

After that, Merry said in a gentle voice while patting Alora's head, "Dear, are you happy with this surprise???"

Alora then said happily, "Yes, mama. I am so happy. Thank you so much."

"If you are happy, then it's enough for us.", said Johnathan happily while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"Thank you, mama and papa. You are the best.", said Alora with a lovely smile.

Then both Merry and Johnathan hugged Alora one more time.

After that, while releasing Alora from their embrace Merry noticed that Alora was holding something in her hand and said curiously by looking at it, "Dear, what are you holding in your hand???"

"Mama, actually I was about to ask you.... This is...", before Alora could complete her words Selina interrupted by saying excitedly, "Wow... It's so beautiful. Sweetie, can I see it???"

"Of course, aunt Sea. You can.", said Alora while handing it to Selina.

"Merry, isn't this so beautiful???", said Selina while showing it to Merry.

"Yes, it is... It really have a unique design. It's really a masterpiece.", said Merry while holding it.

Both Merry and Selina were admiring the beauty of that bracelet like two nursery kids admiring a new limited edition toy.

Meanwhile, Evan was about to sneak out from there slowly when Selina could remember something and said, "Evan, don't you think this looks familiar??? Let me remember... Ohhh!!! Isn't this the bracelet that you have been designing from last few weeks??? I can't be wrong. I clearly remember how hard you were trying to make a perfect design and also the dustbins and the floors of your room and the study room was full of the papers containing various sketch of this."

"Yes, mom. it's the same bracelet that I have been designing from last few days.", said Evan while scratching his head wearing an awkward smile on his face which was clearly expressing that he was embarrassed.

"Is it really designed by you, little Evan???", said Merry in a surprising voice by looking at him.

Evan nodded his head to her words while looking at Alora.

Alora was so surprised to hear that the bracelet was designed by Evan himself.

"Wow... Evan, such a great job. It's so beautiful. My little prince charming has grown up to a genius designer.", added Merry while patting Evan's shoulder.

"Thank you, aunt Merry. But I don't think, it's that much good.", said Evan while hugging Merry.

"No, it's a good handwork.", said Merry happily.

"Hey, this is not fair. You two are praising him this much for his work. Let us see it too.", said Reo happily while Johnathan was already waiting there by expanding his hand to take it.

Then Merry and Selina who were holding it handed it to Johnathan.

Mid time, Alora was a spectator who was observing the behaviour of a bunch of adults who was behaving like the kindergarten school kids after a bracelet.

"It's really a good piece, isn't it Reo???", said Johnathan while showing it to Reo.

"Yes, it is indeed a good piece. I am proud of you, my son.", said Reo while patting Evan's shoulder.

"The whole bracelet is designed carefully. Each every stone and shape is adding extra beauty to it.", said Johnathan while examining the bracelet carefully.

"I think that Evan is now ready to take over the responsibility of The Ito's jewellery branch to a new extent.", said Reo happily.

"Yes, indeed. He is ready for the takeover.", said Johnathan happily while patting Evan's back.

"Hey, did anybody notice that this has Alora's name composed on it???", said Reo while showing the hidden composed name of Alora on it.

"So, my boy, you designed this bracelet for Alora???", said Selina curiously.

"Yes, mom. I designed it for the little one as a gift for her on her birthday.", said Evan in an embarrassed voice while wearing an awkward smile.

"No doubt that the design of this bracelet is well matching to Alora. Because it's also so beautiful and simple like my lovely little daughter.", said Johnathan happily while patting Alora's head.

"Ufff... John, give the bracelet to Evan so that he can put it on Alora's hand. Now stop examining it. Evan, my boy go and put it on Alora's hand.", said Merry happily while handing the bracelet from Johnathan to Evan and pushing him next to Alora.

"But... mama...", Alora was about to say something hesitantly when Selina said, "Come on, Evan make it fast. Alora, baby, don't be shy..."

Evan went to Alora and held her hand gently while raising her hand upwards slowly. Then he gently put the bracelet on her hand. After putting it on, he raised his head to look at Alora. Both of their eyes met with each other.

"Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub...", Evan's heart was beating faster while looking into Alora's eyes.

Alora's cheeks were slowly turning red and Evan's ears were already red. Both of them were flushed because of the situation.

"Wow... Reo, both of them are looking so cute...", said Selina happily while hugging Reo's arm.

"Yes, honey. Indeed...", said Reo happily while patting her hand gently.

Alora looked away from Evan quickly and got to see that the elders were being lovey-dovey and enjoying the view of her and him.

"Alora...", Evan gently called out her while he was still holding her hand.

"Hmm...yes...", said Alora by looking at Evan while biting her lips without knowing what to say.

"Happy birthday...", said Evan gently with a smile while looking into her eyes.

"Hmm... Thank you...", said Alora politely and then she got to see that Evan was still holding her hand. So, she pulled her hand away from him quickly by giving an awkward smile.

After that Merry stood next to her and said happily while looking at Alora's hand, "It's looking nice on your hand, dear. Nice choice, Evan."

"Thanks, Aunt Merry. Sorry, everyone. I got to make a call. Excuse me...", said Evan with a smile while pointing towards his phone and rushing from there to aside.

Everyone nodded their heads with a smile as a yes to his words.

Then Selina said while creasing Alora's hair gently, "Happy birthday, baby girl. May this birthday brings you a lot of happiness. Your aunt Sea and uncle Reo brought you a surprise gift. Do you want to see it???"

"Yes, aunt Sea. Of course...", said Alora excitedly.

"Reo, where is it???", said Selina while looking at Reo.

"Darling, here it is...", said Reo while carrying a wooden picnic basket which was decorated beautifully with various colourful ribbons.

Both Selina and Reo handed it to Alora happily while saying, "Alora, open and see if you like it or not."

Alora happily took the wooden basket from them but it was a little bit heavy and she could feel something was moving inside it.

Then Alora slowly put it on the couch next to her and opened the wooden basket curiously and a cute purr ball peeked out from it.

Then Alora was surprised to see a fluffy cute Alaskan malamute puppy which had black and white purrs was looking at her adorably.

She was so happy to see it and carried it slowly while saying happily, "Oh my God!!! Thank you so much, aunt Sea and uncle Reo. I liked it a lot. Mama, Papa... see how cute it is!!!"

"Little Alora, there are more left.", said Reo while pointing towards Assistant Eric who was bringing a lot of chocolates for Alora and all the necessary things for puppy-like toys, foods and dog house, etc with other workers.

"Thank you so much, aunt Sea and uncle Reo. I love you...", said Alora while hugging both of them happily.

Meantime, Evan who escaped out of there with the excuse to make a call was happily looking at Alora who was happily playing and dancing by holding the puppy in her arms.

"Indeed she is a fool but a cute fool.", whispered Evan to himself while smiling and enjoying the view of Alora happily playing with the puppy.

"Huh... what's wrong with me??? Why am I getting attracted to her??? It's strange... I know that she is someone that I can never fall for or I can't never be with... But still my heart beats always get out of control whenever I look at her...", said Evan to himself while touching his left chest where he could feel his fast-beating heart which was yearning for Alora.

"By the way, baby girl, don't you think that you should give it a name???", said Johnathan while patting the puppy.

"Yes, papa. I am thinking about it too.", said Alora happily while thinking about a name.

"Dear, do you have any name that you like to give it??", said Merry curiously while creasing the purr of the puppy.

"Yes, mama. I have already thought a name. We will call this fluffy purr ball 'Lucky'.", said Alora happily while hugging the puppy.

"Good name, little Alora. From now on we will call him 'Lucky'.", said Reo happily.

"Little princess, your mama and papa have prepared a special birthday present and surprise for you but to see them you have to wait till the evening. Hope you will like it.", said Johnathan while patting Alora's head.

"Thank you, mama and papa. Whatever you do I will always like it because you are the best.", said Alora happily while hugging them.

"By the way dear, why did you rushed to the down floor early in the morning??? Didn't you suppose to wake a little late today??? Did anything happen??? You wanted to tell me something. Are you not feeling well???", said Merry worriedly while checking Alora's body temperature by touching and examining properly like a typical extra careful mother.

"I am perfectly fine, mama. I accidentally woke up at six o'clock because I forgot to undo the alarm last night. And when I woke up I got to see my whole room was decorated beautifully and there were a lot of gifts on the couch near the window and also the whole floor was covered with balloons. Then, I got to see Evan's birthday wish with his gift. So, I got confused about how Evan came to my room and where all those gifts came from. That's why I rushed to you. But now I know that all those in my room were done by all of you to surprise me and I really like it. Thank you so much for all of your hard work to make me happy. Love you all. You all are the best. ", said Alora happily waving the puppy in her arms cheerfully.

But everyone was confused to hear Alora's words and was looking at each other with the same question in their eyes that who was the one decorated Alora's room as none of them did so as they didn't want to disturb her sound sleep.

So, there was a huge silence all of sudden in the drawing-room which was lively a moment ago.

Then Alora looked at their confused faces and said curiously, "What happen??? Is there anything wrong???"

"Actually, dear, it's true that we all went to your room last night...", said Reo in a guilty voice.

"But none of us wanted to wake you up as you were sleeping peacefully...", said Selina confusingly.

"Yes, true. Then we came back immediately out of your room without disturbing your sound sleep.", said Merry while creasing Alora's hair.

"Hmm... so that our little princess could sleep peacefully. So, none of us did anything at your room, dear. Papa is very sorry for that dear.", said Johnathan in a sad voice.

"It's okay, papa. But then who made the arrangements in my room???", said Alora while making a confused face.

"It was me who did that last night.", said Evan by raising his hand while walking towards them from where he was standing.

"What??? Evan, you.... did all that???", said everyone together surprisingly while looking at Evan with wide eyes.

"Yes, mom and dad, uncle Johnathan and aunt Merry. It was me... I am really sorry if I did any mistake or cause any inconvenience for you, Alora.", said Evan with a guilty expression.

"No no no... Evan, it's not like that.", said Merry happily.

"You did a great job, my boy.", said Johnathan while patting Evan's shoulder.

"Yes, Evan. You don't have to be sorry, my dear.", said Selina while pulling his cheeks.

"By the way my boy, how did you do it in that short period without disturbing Alora's sleep???", said Reo curiously.

"Actually, dad before our going to wish Alora last night I got a call from butler Kaile which was also on the behalf of all workers at our home by saying that they wanted to wish Alora and give her the gifts that they had prepared for her. As all of them are busy with their respective works they can't make it here at the same time. So, they wanted me to pass their wishes and presents to Alora. Then after hearing it, I told butler Zen and butler Kaile to collect all of their gifts and bring them to here. Then when you all fall asleep I again went to Alora's room with butler Kaile, Zen and Freddy by calling Mrs Yun and Mrs Ruan with us. After that, we all together placed the gifts and decorated the room for Alora. It's true that decorating idea was my plan and they helped me to execute it. Then after decorating the room and placing the gifts all of them went back and also with that opportunity, I placed my gift there too. This is the whole story.", said Evan.

"So, it was really him.", whispered Alora to herself while biting her lips.

"Oh my god!!! Poor boy has worked so hard to make Alora's birthday special with others. And especially Sea, I am so grateful to the workers of your place. Thanks them behalf of us.", said Merry happily while holding Selina's hands.

Then she again added in a cheerful voice while looking at Alora with a smile, "Alora dear, the one you should thank is Evan for decorating your room."

"Yes, mama... Thank you so much, Evan and I would like to personally thank others.", said Alora happily.

"It's okay. It's my pleasure.", said Evan with a smile.

"Ok then dear, go and get fresh. It's already 7.30 am. Time for the breakfast.", said Merry.

"Oh no!!! I forgot that I am still wearing my pyjamas. I am so sorry everyone. I got to go. Who will hold Lucky for me???", said Alora in an embarrassed voice in a hurry.

"I will take it.", said Evan while taking Lucky to his arms.

"Ok then, let's have breakfast and then chit chat. Little princess, see you in the breakfast table.", said Johnathan.

"Hey, everyone let's check the decoration in Alora's room first before eating. I really want to see.", said Selina excitedly.

"Oh... I completely forgot about it. Let's go and check it.", said Merry happily.

Then all of them went to Alora's room and admired the decoration done by Evan.

After showing them the arrangements of her room, Alora went to get fresh with the promise to open the gifts of her room with everyone. And Evan was again highly praised for his decorating her room beautifully.

After getting fresh Alora came to join the everyone who was waiting for her to have the breakfast together with her.

It was another get together for them to spend time with the members of the family by getting out or pausing their busy schedules.

After having breakfast all of them together helped Alora to open her gifts as meanwhile assistant Eric and Mr Black also gave her a trolley full of gifts that were given by all the workers of her place along with their ones.

Then she happily continued unboxing all the gifts given by everyone from the two houses.

While unboxing each gift she got to see that every gift was full with their love and best wishes for her which really touched her heart.

She liked all the gifts so much and decided to keep them safe forever carefully as a memory of her one of the best birthday.

Then after playing with Lucky for some while, Alora wanted to meet the workers of Evan's place personally to thank them.

So, Evan took her there to meet them after their family get together lunch and also for others to get enough time to arrange for the biggest surprise of her birthday which would hold in the evening so that there wouldn't be any chance for her to know anything about it beforehand.

After meeting everyone at Evan's place and spending some quality time together with them, Evan and Alora was going to start for their evening destination to explore Alora's special surprise arranged by Merry and Johnathan.

But before started to heading there, Evan had to follow some steps as he was instructed by Johnathan which was unknown to Alora.

Alora got into the car after taking leave from everyone at The Ito Mansion. Then after sitting in, she was trying to put on the seat belt but she was failing again and again because it was getting stuck.

"Ufff... what's wrong with it now??? It was fine before...", whispered Alora to herself while making an irritated face.

Meanwhile, Evan who was busy talking with Butler Kaile got into the car and saw Alora was struggling with the seat belt.

"What happen???", said Evan while looking at her curiously.

"Ufff... this seat belt is stuck. I can't pull it.", said Alora in complaining voice while making a sad face.

Seeing her making a sad face, Evan thought to himself while chuckling, "So cute..."

Then he immediately got near to her seat while placing his one hand on her seat while going to pull the seat belt from the other hand.

"What are you doing, Evan???", said Alora nervously.

"What happen???", said Evan curiously who was only focusing on the seat belt by looking at Alora whose face was so closer to his that they could feel one another's breathing.

Then Evan could understand why she was questioning him. Alora was right in between his arms like they were going to hug each other and her face was only a few inches away from his. Only a few inches and his nose would touch her and their lips would touch one another slightly.

Alora's cheeks were red and Evan's ears were red for being flushed. Both of their heart was beating fast, "Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub..."

A lot of things were running on Evan's mind like wanting to taste her lips by kissing it or to place a soft kiss on her fair white neck.

But he somehow controlled his feelings and said while flicking on her forehead, "Little fool, what kind of wild things are running on your mind??? Keep quiet and let me fix the belt."

"Hmm...", said Alora while nodding her head.

"Little fool... Huh.. He is the one causing trouble without noticing around and calling me fool. This one time, I will let you off. Humph...", thought Alora to herself as she couldn't confront him at that moment.

Evan then quickly pulled the seat belt and made her wear it while Alora was sitting nervously like a statue without moving an inch by closing her eyes.

"Done, let's go.", said Evan by pulling back himself immediately after putting the seat belt on her.

Alora took a deep breath with a relief and said with a smile, " Thank you, Evan."

"Hmm, it's ok. Wait, I have to do one more thing.", said Evan while taking out a black ribbon from the glow box of the car.

"What are you going to do with it???", said Alora curiously.

"You will get to know soon.", said Evan while covering her eyes gently with the ribbon.

"Evan, what are you doing??? Hey stop it...", said Alora while trying to pull the ribbon off.

"Sh..., keep quiet. I am sorry. I don't have any choice. It's the order from uncle Johnathan. I can't do anything.", said Evan while tying the ribbon gently.

"What??? Papa's order??? But why???", said Alora curiously.

"He wanted me to take you to the surprise destination by blindfolding you. So, don't complain.", said Evan gently while patting her head.

After hearing his words Alora sat obediently without complaining.

"Let's go then.", said Evan while starting the car while Alora nodded her head to his words.

After a drive of a few minutes both of them reached to the destination and on the way to there, both of them talked about Alora's new school and her happy experiences with her new classmates and schoolmates.

Then Evan stepped out of the car first and then opened the door for Alora and said, "Step out carefully. Let me help you."

Then he held her hand gently and helped her to step out. After that, he unfolded the ribbon on Alora's eyes by saying and showing the view there, "Now you can take it off. Tell me, do you like it???"

Alora opened her eyes slowly and looked at the way he was pointing. Then she got to see that both of them were standing in front of the entrance of a beautiful mansion.

Alora looked at Evan curiously and Evan said while smiling, "Hey, what are you looking at with that face??? This is the first step of your surprise. Uncle Johnathan bought this mansion a month ago to celebrate your birthday."

"What??? Really???", said Alora while looking at Evan surprisingly.

"Yes, dumbo. He always knew that you like the glass mansions like this with the huge garden and water pools around it.", said Evan while poking her cheeks.

Then he added, "To be honest, he bought this place back then to live here with you and Aunt Merry. But for your safety, he chose to live in the bungalow that is situated in the same area with my place instead of here. So, that time he decided to give this as a present to you on your birthday."

"Hey, why are you making a face like that??? It's true that uncle Johnathan loves you and pampers you a lot because you are the only daughter of him. So, cheer up.", added Evan again while pulling Alora's cheeks who was hearing his talk with an emotional face.

"Are we going to talk here standing the whole day??? Let's go inside and explore more about your birthday surprise.", said Evan happily by holding Alora's hand while pulling her and running to the main door of the Mansion.

"Push it.", said Evan by stopping in front of the door and then placing her hand gently on the surface of the door while looking at her happily.

Alora curiously pushed the door to open as the way Evan said and both of them entered in.

The moment they stepped in, a rain of colourful glitter paper started to fall on them and Merry, Johnathan, Selina and Reo who were happily standing there wished her happy birthday again and little Lucky wearing a cute dress was coming to her by running towards her from them with its tiny paws.

Alora sat on her knees and carried Lucky by saying while looking at them happily, " Thank you so much, everyone."

After that she went to them along with Evan while carrying Lucky in her arms and hugged them happily.

"Thank you so much, papa. I really like this place.", said Alora while hugging Johnathan happily.

"This is just the start, little princess. There are still more...", said Johnathan while pulling Alora's cheeks happily.

"But to see them, you got to get ready first.", said Merry while creasing her hair.

"Yes, everyone will be here soon.", said Reo while checking the time in his watch.

"But who is coming???", said Alora curiously.

"Some of our close family friends will attend to your birthday party to celebrate it with us.", said Reo with a smile while patting Alora's head.

"Don't worry, little princess. They are trustworthy people. None of them will harm you.", said Johnathan with a smile.

"Ok then, I know that you all will protect me and won't let me get hurt.", said Alora with a cheerful smile.

"I think, little angel should start to get ready now. Everyone will arrive soon.", said Reo while checking his phone.

"Yes, we all should get ready. Let's go, baby girl.", said Selina happily while holding Alora's hand.

"Ok then, we will also get going. Let's go, Evan.", said Johnathan and Reo while heading to change.

After that, Merry and Selina took her to the dressing room of the second floor to get ready.

There she could see something was covered in a huge white silk cloth that was looking mysterious.

Then Merry said to her while creasing her hair gently, "Dear, go and check if you like it..."

Then Alora pulled the cloth and got to see a dress form with a beautiful and gorgeous gown and a beautiful birthday card attached to it.

Alora took the card and read it.

It was written there, "For my little angel. So sorry for not accompanying you on your big day. Happy Birthday, cutie pie. Love you so much... And I miss you a lot...

From-Your mom."

"I love you too, mom and I miss you too.", said Alora while hugging the birthday card to her chest.

"Do you like it, dear. Princey has designed this by herself. You know that your mom is a good designer besides being a responsible nurse.", said Merry while hugging her.

"I like it a lot, mama. It's so gorgeous.", said Alora happily.

"Your mom wants you to wear this in today's party. You will look so gorgeous in this, baby girl.", said Selina while creasing her hair gently.

"Ok then, cheer up. There are more things that are yet to seen by you.", said Merry while releasing her from the hug and creasing her face with affection.

"Here take it and open it. We are also excited to see them all.", added Merry while handing her a beautiful antique jewellery box.

Alora took it and opened it curiously. Then took the card lying in it where it was written, "For our dearest angel, the heiress. Happy Birthday. Love you so much and stay bless.

From-Grandpa & Grandma."

Then she took out a beautiful necklace which was lying in the box under the birthday card.

"Wow.... Mama, It's so beautiful and unique.", said Alora while looking at it.

"Alora, this is the patrimonial necklace of our Jones family. Mom and Dad finally gave it to you. From now on you have to take care of it well, dear.", said Merry happily.

Alora nodded her head to her words obediently.

Then Selina handed her another gift which was somewhat looking like a violin case. It also had a birthday card attached to it. Alora took the card and read it first.

It was written there, "Our little fairy, first of all, wish you a very happy birthday. And uncle Martin is so sorry that this year also I couldn't make to celebrate the big day with you. Love you so much and take care.

From- Uncle Martin."

After reading it she opened the box and got to see something that she never expected, "Oh my God!!! This is the limited edition violin. Uncle Martin really bought this one for me. He is the best.", said Alora happily while jumping around.

"Thank God, my silly brother could come up with a good idea of a gift than the chocolates.", said Merry happily.

Then Merry showed her a huge box lying on the ground as her next gift.

Alora went near it and saw one more birthday card was attached to it.

She took it and read it. It was written there, "Many years ago, on this day I got a special gift, a beautiful and pure angel from the God. I can still remember and feel the first touch of you while holding my finger with your tiny hand when I held you in my arms for the first time. I love you so much, my little angel. Dada misses you a lot. Happy Birthday, baby girl. Always be happy.


"I love you so much, dada and I miss you too.", she said while hugging the card to her chest.

Then she took a look at the gifts inside the box and said happily while taking them out, "Mama and Aunt Sea, look at this. All of them are my favourite limited edition teddy bears. And see this, the best colour brand I like. There are all the necessary things for painting in here."

Merry and Selina helped her to take out everything in it happily.

After checking all the gifts she tried to contact her family members so many times to thank them for their lovely gifts but she couldn't get through to their numbers. So, she decided to call them back again later and then both Merry and Selina helped Alora get ready.

"You are looking like a fairy, my dear.", said Merry happily after Alora's getting ready was done.

"You are looking gorgeous, baby girl.", said Selina happily while touching her chin and looking at her in the mirror with her.

"But there is one more thing left.", said Merry while searching something in her bag.

"What is it??? Ohhhh... Earrings. Baby girl wants the earrings.", said Selina after examining Alora for a while.

"Yes, and here it is. Let's put it on.", said Merry while handing one more antique jewellery box in her hand.

Alora opened it up and said, "Mama, it's so beautiful. Thank you so much."

"Alora, this is the patrimonial earrings of The Whitlock's that I got when I married to your papa. And now it's yours. Because you are our daughter. Happy Birthday, my child.", said Merry while putting them on Alora's ears.

"Thank you, mama.", said Alora with a smile.

"You are looking gorgeous, my child.", said Merry happily while placing a gentle kiss on Alora's forehead.

"You are looking so pretty that I can't take my eyes off you.", said Selina happily while hugging Alora.

After helping Alora both Merry and Selina also got ready. Then assistant Eric came and invited them to go to the downstairs where the party was going to be held.

While walking through the corridors to head to the downstairs Alora could hear the sounds of laughing happily and the beautiful music that was coming from the downstairs by confirming that everyone had arrived there already.

She was a little nervous but was excited too. Then when they finally reached near to the staircases she could see that everyone was waiting for her while busy talking to each other and enjoying themselves.

Alora was gradually getting down from the stairs while she was catching the attention of everyone there.

Evan who was hanging out with his friends froze at the place by taking a glimpse at Alora as he was fascinated by her beauty.

"Hey, Evan, stop staring her like that.", whispered Charles He to Evan's ear who was one of his close friend from his school and grew up together with him since childhood and also Charles's father was one of the trustworthy assistant of Reo.

"Shut up. Who is staring at that little girl??? Humph...", said Evan while looking away while trying to avoid the gazes of his friends.

"So, she is the one who is our Evan is so protective towards secretly in these days.", said Lin Jinchen who also one of Evan's close friend that he grew up with and also his whole family had been the loyal partners of The Ito family since long.

"Stop pulling his legs. But it's true that he can't hide his feelings for her.", said Gu Qingcheng who has been a friend of Evan since young and was also the daughter of Reo's business partner.

"My brother is a shy person. So don't push him too much.", said April yan who treated Evan as her elder brother since childhood and also the daughter of one of the trustworthy investor.

"Ufff... Stop pulling the legs of the poor fellow. But I must say that she is much prettier than I have heard before.", said Bai Shenger while putting her hand on Evan's shoulder who was the daughter of The Bai family and everyone used to think Evan and her as a perfect couple since young but in reality, Evan was the helper of Bai Shenger's love life with his best friend.

"Darling, you too. Stop pulling his legs. You know him better.", said Tang Shi who was Evan's best friend and Bai Shenger's boyfriend since they were little and also he was the eldest son of The Tang family who had been business partners for years with The Ito family.

Where Evan's friends were busy pulling his legs in one side of the party area, Reo and Johnathan were busy having an emotional conversation while looking at Alora.

"Our tiny girl has all grown up.", said Johnathan emotionally while looking at Alora.

"Yes, John. You are right. She was so tiny yesterday and today she is looking like a gorgeous young lady.", said Reo emotionally while looking towards Alora.

"She is born to be an heiress.", said Johnathan emotionally.

"Yes, you are right, John. The necklace of The Jones and the earrings of The Whitlock's are suiting her well. She is perfectly carrying out the image of being the heiress of these two families.", said Reo happily.

"Not only the necklace and the earrings, but Evan's bracelet is also matching her a lot. See, it's looking so beautiful in her hand.", said Johnathan happily while showing Reo the bracelet of Evan in her hand.

"Yes, true. You are right. Today, she is also representing The Ito family along with The Jones and The Whitlock family.", said Reo happily.

After getting down from the staircases Selina, Merry and Alora went to join Reo and Johnathan who was busy with their conversation. Then Selina and Reo happily held each other's hands while praising each other where Johnathan happily hugged Merry and Alora while praising both of them.

"Attention everyone... Please, let's put your hands together and welcome the host of the party, Mr Johnathan and his wife Mrs Merry along with the star of today's party their lovely daughter Miss Alora.", said Reo happily while everyone welcomed them with applause.

"Thank you so much, everyone, for attending the birthday party of my lovely daughter, Alora. Hope everyone of you has a good time tonight.", said Johnathan happily.

"To everyone...", added Johnathan while tossing the wine to everyone and all of them tossed their wine too.

"Then let's start today's celebration with the first dance of Evan and Alora.", added Johnathan again happily while holding Alora's hand with his one hand and expanding his another hand towards Evan.

Everyone applauded happily by hearing Johnathan's words while welcoming both Alora and Evan.

"Wow, brother Evan, you are indeed lucky.", said Tang Sheng who was the younger brother of Tang Shi who thought Evan as his role model.

"Go fast, brother Evan. It's not good to keep everyone waiting. Especially the beauty.", said Tang Wan who was the younger sister of Tang shi and Tang Sheng and was treated as Evan's own sister since young.

Evan walked to Johnathan from where he was standing elegantly while fascinating everyone with his charm.

Jonathan happily took Alora's hand and held it on to Evan's hand while Selina, Reo and Merry were looking happily at them.

Evan gently held her hand and took her to the dance floor.

The music turned out to be a romantic and soft that was soothing the surroundings. Evan held her right hand with his left, and he held her waist pulling her body closer to his with his other hand and guiding her.

Then he placed her left hand on his shoulder tightly. They moved to the music slowly, twirling around in circles.

Everyone's eyes were on them as they were looking so fascinated and graceful as dancing partners.

Everyone was charmed by the perfect couple and their charming dancing and was busy talking about them,

"They are looking so good together." "They are a perfect couple." "Both of them are so charming." "Young master Evan is handsome and young miss Alora is gorgeous, a perfect couple."

Evan twirled Alora making her back faced him and pulled her closer by holding her waist with his both hands while resting her back on his chest and Alora was resting her hands lightly holding his which was wrapping around her waist.

"Thank you.", said Evan on her ear while bending down a little and moving their body slowly with the rhythm of the music.

His gentle voice and his soft breath touched her ear making it ticklish and her heart flattered.

"Thank you for what???", she said in a confused voice while trying to hide her being flattered.

Then Evan again twirled her while making her face to him and pulling her body close to him by wrapping her hands around his neck and holding her waist with his hands.

"For wearing the bracelet. It's looking beautiful.", said Evan while looking into her eyes with a smile.

"Oooh, for that...", said Alora with a smile while taking her eyes away quickly from his.

Evan nodded his head to her words while again holding her right hand with his left and moving their body gradually to the rhythm of the music.

Both of them ended their dance elegantly with a huge round of applause and then rest of the couples headed to the dance floor while Evan handed Alora over to Johnathan with a smile and headed to his friends.

"What a sensual dance was it!!!", said Su Nianhua who was Evan's close friend and the son of The Su family who had been the business partners with The Ito's for ages while resting his hand on Evan's shoulder.

"You two were looking perfect together.", said Feng yiyi who was the daughter of Reo's trustworthy staff and childhood friend of Evan.

"I just can't understand why you always try to run away from her or maintain the distance from her where you care about her so much...", said Lu Ran with a tired voice who was Evan's close friend since they were kids and his family was close family friends of The Jones, Whitlock's and Ito's.

"Yes, brother Evan. We really want to know.", said Gu Xieyicheng curiously who was the younger sister of Gu Qingcheng.

"Stop it, guys. Enough is enough. You know that I can never forget about what happened years ago. It was my fault.", said Evan in a frustrated and guilty voice.

"Evan, grow up. It has been years now.", said Tang Shi while patting his back.

"You should forget it. Move on.", said Bai Shenger while holding Tang Shi's hand.

"Guys, will you all drop this discussion or I will leave from here.", said Evan irritatedly.

Then he again added by taking a deep breath in frustrated sad voice while looking at smiling happy Alora from there, "And for the kind information of you all, listen to me carefully, that year what happened back then was all my fault and I have been atoning it for all these years. She is the beautiful pure flower that someone like me can only watch and dream about from the far but can never get hold of at the end..."

"Ok, fine. We won't say anything. We give up. But still we suggest you to reconsider it before it is too late.", said Lin Jinchen by resting his hand on Evan's shoulder while others were nodding their heads to his words.

Evan and his friends had grown up together with each other since they were kids. Among them, most of them are his classmates and rest are his junior schoolmates then. Like He Charles, Lin Jinchen, Su Nianhua, Tang Shi, Gu Qingcheng, Lu Ran, Feng Yiyi, Bai Shenger were his classmates where Tang Sheng, Tang Wan, Gu Xieyicheng and April Yan were junior classmates of Evan who was younger than him but was older than Alora.

All of them were so close to him that they all had been knowing everything about him. So, if he wanted also, he could never hide anything from them.

"Alora, let's cut the cake now.", said Merry happily while creasing Alora's hair by showing Reo and Selina who were bringing the beautiful birthday cake with the help of assistant Eric.

"Come on, dear. Let's cut the cake.", said Selina and Reo happily while standing hand in hand next to the cake carrier trolley.

Everyone happily gathered there and Alora was about to cut the cake while Johnathan interrupted her by saying happily, "Little princess, wait a little bit before cutting the cake. Because we have another surprise waiting for you."

Alora excitedly nodded her head to his words and Johnathan said happily by looking at assistant Eric, "Assistant Eric, do it now."

Alora and everyone was excitedly waiting to see Johnathan's surprise when Alora could hear a familiar voice coming from the huge screen behind them by saying, "Alora, our little angel..."

Alora and everyone turned towards the screen excitedly.

"Granny, Grandpa, Mom, Uncle Martin.", said Alora happily seeing her family members who were sitting together with each other on the video call.

"Hey, little fairy, you miss me out. Sorry everyone, I am late.", said her dada while connecting the line.

"Oh my God!!! Dada.", said Alora happily. She was so happy that she couldn't believe her eyes.

"John, when did you do this???", said Merry happily while wrapping her hand around Johnathan and Johnathan gave her a smile while pulling her closer to him.

"Good job, John.", said Selina and Reo together while standing next to them.

And by seeing the screen the surprising and shocking voices were coming from the crowd of the guests by saying,

"Oh my god!!!" "I can't believe my eyes." "The head of The Jones family." "The business legend couple, elder Mrs John and Mr Jhon." "See the business king, Martin Jones." "I can't believe my eyes." "Emperor and Empress of the business world whom we used to know years ago the couple, elder son and daughter-in-law of the Jones family"

"Happy birthday, little angel. Today you are looking so gorgeous like the young lady of our family. Love you so much. We miss you a lot.", said her grandparents happily.

"Love you so much and I miss you too.", said Alora in a shaky voice.

"Little angel, Happy Birthday. May you live a long and happy life. You are looking so pretty. Mom loves you so much.", said her mom happily while sending her flying kisses.

"I love you, mom.", said Alora happily.

"Baby girl, you are looking so pretty today. Happy birthday. Always stay blessed and happy. Later, we will have a lot of fun together.", said her uncle Martin happily while waving his hands.

"Yes, definitely.", she said while waving her hands happily.

"Finally, my turn. My fairy has grown taller like your dada and looks so beautiful like your mom. Love you so much, my dear. Dada misses you a lot. Happy birthday. Always be happy and smiling like this.", said her dada happily.

"I miss you too and love you so much.", she said happily.

"Thank you so much for the gifts of you all. I really like them a lot. I love you so much. So, this is why I couldn't connect any of you through the phone today.", she added happily.

"And mama, papa, I like your this gift a lot. Thank you so much. I love you both a lot.", she again added in an emotional voice with a smile while looking at Johnathan and Merry.

By hearing her words both of them stood next to and hugged her happily.

"Merry and Johnathan. Please take care of our little angle. From now on she is under your entrust.", said all of them in an emotional voice.

"Reo and Selina, we are looking forward to you two too.", added them happily.

"Of course, we will take care of the little princess welly without letting any harm come to her. Because she is also our daughter too.", said Johnathan and Merry while hugging Alora.

"Don't worry, we are always there with the baby angel.", said Reo and Selina while patting Alora's back.

"Enough talking let's cut the birthday cake of the baby angel.", said her grandpa happily.

Everyone agreed his words and cut the cake happily while the tone of happy birthday wishes was ringing through the whole mansion. Alora fed the cake happily to Johnathan and Merry, Selina and Reo and then Evan.

After the cake cutting, they all hung up the call with some more happy conversation and by bidding goodbye.

Then everyone again got busy enjoying themselves in the party while Johnathan and Reo were busy discussing about the business where Selina and Merry were busy introducing Alora to their friends and Evan was busy hanging out with his friends.