Save Alora

Alora's birthday party was going on smoothly and with the flow, while everyone was busy enjoying themselves happily.

After enjoying the dinner, Evan and his friends again started to hang out in one of the poolside while playing mini-games and talking with each other where Alora, Johnathan, Merry, Reo and Selina were spending their time with each other and were playing with Lucky while Mr Black and his team were ensuring their security by being next to them.


"Evan, the food is really tasty. Isn't it, everyone???", said Su Nianhua while tasting all the deserts.

"Oh, come on, Nianhua. Can you stop being foodie at least here???", said Gu Qingcheng while poking his cheeks.


"Leave him alone, Qingcheng. You know that he can't see anything in front of food.", said Lin Jinchen while wrapping his hand around Gu Qingcheng's shoulder.


"By the way, Evan you look worried. Is anything wrong???", said Tang Shi curiously.


"Tang Shi is right, Evan. We have been noticing it from the beginning that although you are with us physically, your whole attention has been focusing on strengthening the security system more and more.", said Bai Shenger while taking a sip of her fruit cocktail.


"She is right, brother Evan. Even we bring our personal bodyguard teams to ensure more protection as you instructed to us. What's really going on in your mind, brother Evan???", said April wan curiously.

"Brother Evan, your family owns the most powerful and strongest security organization called TTS which known as the largest security organization in the whole Tokyo.", said Tang Sheng with a cheerful smile.


"Yes, Evan. If I'm not wrong, the team of bodyguards who are protecting the little Alora is called The Black Tiger which is one of the best-trained security team of The Whitlock family. And none knows about how many teams like The Black Tiger, The Whitlock family has been hiding under their sleeves. Because The Whitlock family is well known to all as the most mysterious family among the biggest grand families in Britain and the business world.", said Charles while pointing out the bodyguards around Alora.


"Moreover, this party was a secret one which was known by none from the outer world.", said Lu Ran showing their special secret passes which were required to enter to the party.


"Yes, Evan. Don't worry. Look at the guests of this party. Most of them are the stuff of the secret security force called The Black Panther which is the most dangerous team owned by the Jones family. Whether it is a male or a female, each member of that team can defeat at least fifty healthy and strong fighters only by hand to hand combat without using any weapons.", said Lin Jinchen while showing the bodyguards who were roaming around the party in the disguise of the normal guests.


"Do you still think that anything will happen???", said Bai Shenger curiously.


"Yes, obviously. They have always been with her but still, people could get close to harm her back then.", said Evan in a shaky stressful voice who was quietly listening to them the whole while.


"Don't worry, Evan. We all have our personal teams with us besides that there is a tight security system that is providing extra protection for all from your and her families. So, nothing will happen.", said Gu Qingcheng while patting Evan's back.


"Hope so...", said Evan worriedly.


"Don't think so much, Evan.", said Su Nianhua with a smile.


"Let's keep this matter aside for a while. But the thing is that we have been here for so long yet you didn't introduce us to little Alora.", said Tang Wan while complaining.


"Yeah, it's true. She is right, brother Evan. It's not fair. Please let us meet her.", said Feng Yiyi excitedly.


"Huh... Do you guys really want to meet her???", said Evan amusedly.


"Of course, we do.", said all of them together happily.


"Okay fine, but you all have to keep your mouth Shut. No blubbering.", said Evan strictly.


All of them covered their mouth with their hands and nodded to his words obediently.


"Tch... you guys are impossible...", said Evan while getting up from there and going to bring Alora with him.


"Mom and Aunt Merry, can I please borrow Alora for a while??? Actually, My friends want to meet her.", said Evan with a smile.


"Sure, why not.", said both of them together.


"Thank you. I'll bring her right back to you after letting them meet her.", said Evan happily.


"It's okay. Alora, dear, accompany Evan for a while.", said Merry with a smile.


"Okay, mama.", said Alora obediently.


"Thank you, Mom and Aunt Merry.", said Evan happily.


After that Evan brought Alora to his friends who were sitting together near the poolside and admiring the sight of Alora and Evan as a perfect couple while they were heading there together.


"Hello, everyone.", said Alora with a smile.


"Hey hi, Alora. Happy Birthday.", said all of them together happily.


"Thank you.", said Alora happily.


"Come and sit with us.", said Gu Qingcheng happily while taking Alora to sit with them where Evan also sat down with others with a smile.


"Ok, let me introduce everyone to you. I am Tan Wan. She is April Yan. That's Bai Shenger and her boyfriend Tang Shi, this is Feng Yiyi, that one is Xieyicheng, she is Qingcheng. Next to Evan are Jinchen and Charles. That is Su Nianhua. This one is Lu Ran. He is Tang Sheng.", said Tang Wan happily introducing everyone while everyone was waving their hands with a smile to Alora when it was there turn of introduction.


"Don't feel shy or hesitated around us, we all are like family.", said Bai Shenger with a smile.


"True, we all have grown with brother Evan since we were little.", said Tang Sheng happily.


"Yes, he is right. And now you are also part of our group.", said Xieyicheng happily holding Alora's hands.


"Let's got o shopping together when you are free.", said QingCheng happily.


"Yes, we will do a lot of fun together.", said Feng Yiyi and Lu Ran together excitedly.


"And also we will have a lot of tasty foods.", said Su Nianhua happily.


Within a short time, Alora got along with Evan's friends so well. All of them were happily having a conversation with Alora while Evan was sitting and watching her quietly by smiling. Everyone was sharing about there funny and happy childhood memories with Evan to Alora. All of them were having a good time together with Alora but their good time was interrupted with the emergency call made by the secret guards by saying, "Young master, a team of intruders are trying to break in from the right-wing. We are trying our best to tackle them."


"What??? Damn it.", said Evan frustratedly while getting up from where he was sitting.


"What happened, Evan???", said his friends worriedly by standing up from where they were sitting and Alora was shockingly looking at Evan as that was the first time she saw him that much frustrated.


"Wait, guys...", said Evan to his friends by waving his hand for them to pause for a while.


"Ok, listen to me carefully. First, try to stop them at any cost. No matter what just hold in. I will handle here.", he added after taking a deep breath trying to calm him down while holding the earbud he was wearing with his one hand and rubbing his forehead in tension with his other one.


After hanging the call, he pulled out the earbud frustratedly and took a look at his friends who were standing there worriedly and then he again added in aggravated voice, "I told you that something might happen but you guys just didn't buy my words that time..."


"You mean to say we are... Oh my God!!!", said all his friends together worriedly.


"This is not the time to discuss all these things. Listen to me carefully. You guys know what to do, right???", said Evan while looking at them in a serious voice.


All of them nodded to his words and then Evan again added, "Let's do it guys. Bai Shenger and Tang Shi, you guys are going to be with Alora."


Both Bai Shenger and Tang Shi nodded to Evan and stood next to Alora who was standing among them worriedly.

She had a lot of questions running on her mind that she wanted to ask him. She couldn't understand what was going on there at all. Strange kind of fear gradually was overtaking her heart. But still, she didn't dare to question anyone by looking at their frustrated faces. She remained quietly but the fear, the worries and the anxiety were clearly visible on her face.


"Lu Ran, you go and immediately gather all our secret teams here immediately without making our enemies alert.", added Evan again while pointing out Lu Ran.

Lu Ran nodded to him and rushed from there while wearing his earbud.


"Nianhua, Qingcheng and Tan Sheng please guys take care of our younger sisters and take them to a safe place and sent more guards in.", said Evan while pointing out the younger ones among them.

Three of them nodded to his words while taking Tang Wan, April Yan, Gu Xieyicheng.


"Feng Yiyi, go and inform the headquarters of TTS to bring the best fighters among them to hear.", said Evan while wearing his earbud again.

Feng Yiyi nodded to him and immediately contacted TTS while heading to the hallway.


"Hello, Mr Black, I know that by now you have already got to know about the situation.", said Evan while making eye contact with Mr Black who was standing with Evan's family members inside the party area through the glass walls of the poolside where he was standing.


"Yes, young master. We are waiting for your orders to take actions.", said Mr Black while hinting his men by nodding his head.


"Good, we have to be careful. We can't alert our enemy at any cost. The way they are trying to break in seems little unusual.", said Evan in a serious voice.


"Yes, young master. If they wanted, they could break in while creating chaos but they choose to sneak in secretly.", said Mr Black.


"They know that we are well prepared. That's why they are sneaking in instead of breaking in. If they wanted, they could jam our mobile networks but they didn't do so because they don't want to alert us.", said Evan.


"Yes, younger master there planning seems to be clear. I think that there have more people who are coming for us. They are just waiting for us to take actions hastily so that they can execute their plan.", said Mr Black.


"We can't let that happen. We all know well about the target. We can't let them have success with their planing. Now tell me what is the condition in the right-wing now.", said Evan in a frustrated voice.


"Our people are tackling them. We have more people in number than them. But it won't take more time for them to gather more of their people. So, we only have left with sometimes before they gather in their people.", said Mr Black.


"Ok then, escort the guests immediately without creating any panic situation. It won't take much time as they are already in the downstairs. We can't alert those bastards. The safety of my parents along with her are now entrusted you. Make sure none should get hurt. You are getting what I am saying, right??? Do it fast.", said Evan in a serious voice.


"Yes, younger master.", said Mr Black while hinting his people by waving his head.


"Bai Shenger, Tang Shi, give cover to Alora from sides. Charles, give cover to Alora from the behind. Jinchen and I will handle the front. We have to stick together no matter what. If we die today then also we can't let anything happen to Alora.", said Evan in a serious voice.


"Yes, Evan. Don't worry. We can do it.", said all of them while taking their positions as Evan instructed to them.


"Evan, what's going on??? Who is coming??? Why are you guys talking like that??? Please, tell me.", said Alora in a shaky care-worn voice sounding like she was going to break down.

She who had been silent the whole time being anxious finally gathered the courage to question Evan. The fear and worries in her heart were growing more and more which was making her unstable to think anything. Evan could see the anxiety and the fear that was clearly written on her face. He didn't know how to explain things to her. He couldn't find a way to tell her that her life was at stake or some unknown people with evil intention was approaching there who were going to fight along with all of them to take her with them.

In that situation, the only thing he could do was consoling her as he didn't want to scare her or make her frustrated by telling her the truth because then it would make the situation further harder to control.


"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you this time. Please, trust me. You trust me, right???", he said in a calm voice by touching her face with his one hand and holding her both hands with his other wearing a forceful smile while trying to hide his worries, frustration and stresses from her.

She nodded her head to his words while holding his hands tightly and trying her best not to break down.

"What's going on, Evan??? Is what Mr Black saying true???", he could hear the voice of Reo coming from the earbud.


"Yes, dad. Don't worry. The situation is still in our hand. We have already informed TTS. They will be here soon and moreover we have enough backings here to handle the situation.", said Evan turning away from Alora.


"Evan, what about Alora??? Where is she???", said Johnathan in a worried voice.


"Don't worry, uncle Johnathan. She is with us and we won't let anything happen to her. You guys get ready to get out of here. We are also going to head there. Let's act fast.", said Evan.


"I trust you, Evan. Please, protect Alora. Nothing should happen to her.", said Johnathan in a relief voice.


"Sure, uncle Johnathan. I will protect her with my life.", said Evan while taking a look at worried Alora.

After their conversation, Evan and his friends took Alora to the place where Johnathan, Merry, Selina and Reo were waiting for them with the guards while the rest of the guards were busy escorting the guests and tighten the security around the mansion. They were so careful about not to alert the intruders so that they could capture the intruders who were hiding around the mansion to ensure the safety of outside to take Alora safely out of the mansion.


"What is the situation in the right-wing???", said Evan by connecting one of his special force members through the radio communication.


"Young master, everything is stable for now we have captured most of them alive and some are dead and the rest of them flee away.", said the guard from the special force.


"Ok keep updating me the situation.", said Evan while disconnecting the line.


"Young master, we successfully captured the intruders around the mansion who were preparing for the attack.", said one of the guard from the special force connecting Evan.

"Good. Take them to the dungeon of Dragon fire.", said Evan in a serious voice.


While Evan was busy handling the guards Merry said in an anxious voice, "John, we have to protect Alora at any cost."


"I know darling. Don't worry.", said Johnathan while side hugging her.


"We will protect her no matter what.", said Reo while standing next to them.


"Yes, Merry. Don't worry. We won't let anything happen to her.", said Selina while holding Merry's hands.


"I know that but still my heart is feeling so restless.", said Merry while touching her chest.


"Everything will be fine, Darling.", said Johnathan while placing a soft kiss on her forehead.


"Mama... papa... uncle Reo... aunt Sea... I am sorry. All because of me.", said Alora in a shaky guilty voice while her eyes were full of tears.


"No, baby. Nothing is because of you. You are our little fairy.", said all of them while hugging her and wiping her tears.


"What is the situation out now???", said Reo and Johnathan while standing next to Evan.


"Dad, uncle Johnathan, the situation is under control but it seems a little bit fishy. They are giving up before then we thought them to be.", said Evan losing in thoughts.


"You mean to say they are planning something else.", said Reo worriedly.


"I am not sure but I have a doubt. Their plan is bigger than what it seems to be. But whatever they have planned, we can't let them take it out. Let's take Alora and head out of here fast. We can discuss once we ensure Alora's safety.", said Evan in a serious voice.


"Ok, let's go fast.", said Johnathan and Reo together while patting Evan's shoulders.


They all headed together to go out of the mansion while being surrounded by the bodyguards.

But before they could make it to the main entrance door one group of guards from TTS rushed in there while covering their way by saying, "Master Reo, Master Johnathan, you all can't get out of here right now. All of sudden a lot of unknown forces are gathering outside and our people are trying their best to tackle them.


"What??? How is that possible???", said Johnathan and Reo together while both Selina and Merry were anxiously looking at them.


"Don't worry. We are here.", said both Reo and Johnathan while trying to console them.


"Master, stay in until we clear the path for you.", said Mr Black by showing them the path.


"Damn it... Not again Evan said frustratedly while looking at his friends.


"What about the guests???", said Reo and Johnathan worriedly.


"They all have been escorted safely with their families. And the special teams of their guards are helping us to tackle the unknown force.", said Mr Black.


"Special teams of guards??? How come they are still here???", said Reo confusedly.


"Uncle Reo, we all brought our own teams of special guards along with us while coming here as Evan's instruction.", said Bai Shenger by coming forward while Tang Shi, Jinchen and Charles agreed with her words by nodding their words.


"Evan, so you were guessing something like this might happen from the beginning.", said Reo curiously.


"Yes, dad. Though I wasn't sure about it yet I took enough preparation beforehand so that we can ensure more safety.", said Evan.


"So how many teams of guards we have here now???", said Reo.


"We have 7 teams of guards that my friends brought with them and one special force-dragon fire and also a team of best street fighters and shooters from TTS except for Mr Black's black tiger and black panthers and our guards from TTS.", said Evan.


"So you brought your special force and your fighters of TTS here too that you usually never take out.  Good job.", said Reo while patting Evan's shoulder.


"Young master is right, Master Reo. Young master's strategy has helped us to tackle the intruders before they could hurt anyone and we are outnumbered from them in both actions and people.", said Mr Black.


"How long will it take to handle the people outside???", said Merry anxiously.


"It won't take too long. I suggest you all wait for a little while, lady Merry.", said Mr Black.


After that, all of them waited in the mansion until the situation of outside would get under the control with enough guards inside there to protect them while Johnathan and Reo were discussing the situation along with Mr Black and Merry and Selina were staying with Alora where Evan and his friends were standing next to them.


But all of sudden Evan got an emergency notice from his secret guards by saying,

"Young master, some unknown helicopters are approaching the mansion."

"Young master, left-wing is under attack."

"Some people are getting down from the helicopters with the help of cables and all of them are fighters."


"What??? damn it...", said Evan in a frustrated voice.


"We don't have any option but to fight back young master.", said Mr Black standing next to Evan.


"Yes, we can't sit in like this.", said Johnathan and Reo while heading to Evan.


"Yes, we have to. Mr Black, get ready with our men. Dad, uncle Johnathan, we three will handle the front and Bai Shenger, Tang Shi, give cover to mom, aunt Merry and Alora and also Charles cover them from behind along with Jinchen.


"Ok then, let's do it.", said all of them while taking their places as Evan instructed.


Then all sudden they could hear the sound of the glasses breaking and got to see a bunch of unknown fighters were breaking the glasses windows who were getting down from the helicopters with the help of cables dressed in black head to toe by covering their faces only keeping their eyes without covering like Ninjas while breaking inside the mansion through the broken glasses windows.


"Ohhh shit...", all of them said frustratedly.


"They don't have weapons with them.", said Jinchen while examining them.


"Means they are fighters.", said Johnathan.


"Everyone, take out the weapons and start to shoot.", said Mr Black to his men.

"Guys now. Dad, uncle Johnathan and Mr Black let's get down to hunt.", said Evan with a sinister smile while hinting his friends.

Along with Evan's hinting, Bai Shenger gave cover to merry Selina and Alora while Jinchen, Charles and Tang Shi were fighting with them hand to hand combat by covering them from behind while Johnathan and Reo along with Evan were having krav maga style hand to hand combat while giving cover to them from the front.

Mr black's both teams along with the members of TTs and Evan's special force were fighting with them by using their weapons and various dreadful hand to hand combats.

Meanwhile Merry was hiding Alora from others eyes by side hugging her while burying her face on her crook of the neck and resting her head on her shoulder. Alora was frightened so much that she had been closing her eyes the whole while. She could only hear the sounds of chaos and people's screaming.


While the situation was coming almost under the control of them that time they all could hear a sound of blasting, "Boooommm..." which cause a slight shake like a mini earthquake all over the mansion along with causing the situation there even worse.


And Evan again got an emergency update from his guards by saying,

"Young master, a blast occurred in the right-wing causing huge injuries to our people tackling there and a bunch of intruders in black are breaking in with weapons."


"What??? With weapons??? Ok. Handle our people there. I will see here.", said Evan while freaking out.


"What's wrong, Evan???", said both Johnathan and Reo by seeing his frustrated face while they were still fighting.

"More people are breaking in with weapons.", said Evan while trying to control his anger by hitting the intruders around him.


"What??? With weapons???", said Reo frustratedly while knocking off the intruder he was holding.


"Yes, dad.", said Evan while joint cracking his neck bones by taking a break of a minute from his fighting.


"Evan, you just assure the safety of Alora. Don't worry about us.", said both Johnathan while touching Evan's shoulder.


"Yes, Evan. We can assure ourselves safety. Just take Alora out of here when you get the opportunity.", said Reo while patting his back.


"Ok, uncle Johnathan and dad. Let's fight together for Alora.", said Evan while clapping hand with Johnathan and Reo.


Meanwhile, Evan noticed that a team of unknown force dressing in black, wearing helmets while carrying guns were heading one by one from the right corridor of the first floor to the staircases that were heading to the downstairs.


"Guys, get back to your positions now. Mr Black, give cover to family members.", shouted out Evan while pulling Alora to his embrace and covering her.


With Evan's warning, all of his friends surrounded him while Tang Shi and Bai Shenger were covering his both sides and Jinchen along with Charles were giving cover to him from the front and behind. And Mr Black and his men divided into two groups while one was giving cover to their family members and another was giving cover to the people with Evan by carrying guns in everyone's hands.


"Get ready, guys and Mr Black, you know what to do.", said Evan with a sinister smile while pulling out a gun from the concealed carry holster under his blazer and hugging Alora to him by wrapping his another hand around her back and with his order, Jinchen, Charles and Tang Shi pulled two guns out from the concealed carry holsters under their blazers while holding each was holding two guns in their hands. And Bai shenger pulled out two guns out of the concealed carry holster of her thigh from the peekaboo leg slit of her yellow gown.


"Little girl, this is not something nice for you to watch or hear.", said Evan by covering her eyes and one ear with his hand while making another side of her head resting on his chest so that her spare ear could get cover.


"Guys, shoot.", Evan screamed while starting to shoot and along with him everyone started to shoot. The whole mansion was full of the sounds of gunshots.

Alora was so scared and she held onto Evan while clenching Evan's shirt so tightly.


"Evan, you are with me... What about our parents???", said Alora worriedly while trying to peek out to look for their parents.


"Don't worry. They can take care of themselves.", said Evan while focusing on shooting.


"I know that papa and uncle Reo is good at fighting but what about mama and aunt Selina???", said Alora anxiously while trying to look up to see Evan's face.


"Don't move. They are perfectly fine. Don't worry about them. They are not simple like you think them to be. Do you want to take a peek???", said Evan while moving away his fingers from her eyes that were covering them.


Alora took a peek in between Evan's fingers and got to see that both Merry and Selina along with Reo and Johnathan were shooting from one hand while having hand to hand combat from their other hand like they were professional fighters.


By seeing them fighting like that Alora said astonishedly without knowing what to say, "They are... The guns..."


"Happy??? got to see them. Nothing to be shocked. Four of them are professional fighters and sharpshooters who were trained since they were young to be like that. Each of them carries a gun when they are out of home for their safety. Enough story. Hold tight." said Evan while turning her face towards his chest making her forehead resting on his chest by pulling out another gun with the hand he was holding Alora and started to shoot with the both guns in his hands.


Alora held the chest area of Evan's shirt while clenching it tightly with her fits by burying her face in his chest. She could hear the whole mansion was on chaos with the sounds of gun shootings, the painful howling of people and loud screamings that were containing orders and directions.

After a long messy chaos and a huge battle of firing the situation was getting stable and everything was coming back under to them.


"Phew... Evan, finally the situation seems stable." said his friends while exhaling.


"Seems so. Are you alright??? said Evan while taking a look at Alora by creasing her hair.

She nodded him while letting his shirt off from her fits and standing next to him.


"Are you alright???", both of them said while looking at Johnathan, Reo, Selina and Merry who were gathering next to them.


"Yes, we are good. What about you guys???", said all of them to Evan and his friends by patting their shoulders while examining their bodies and hugging Alora.

All of them nodded their head to their words with a smile while shaking their hands with Evan.


"The situation outside is now under control, young master. Master Reo, master Johnathan, you all can leave immediately with young miss Alora and both ladies. Don't worry, young master. We will handle the rest with our people you and your friends can accompany them too.", said Mr Black.


"Good, let's go guys.", said Evan while standing next to his friends.


"Ok then, take care of here. We will head out.", said Johnathan while showing the way to Merry and Alora.


Then all of them started to go out together. Both Merry and Selina were walking by keeping Alora in the middle of them by giving her a side hug where Merry's hand was wrapping around her back and Selina's hand were on the back of her shoulder. Both Johnathan and Reo were standing next to Merry and Selina while Evan and his friends were leading the way from the front of them and Mr Black and his men's were guarding them from behind.


But when they were about to step out from the main door all of sudden a lot of smoke bomb appeared out of nowhere which were creating a huge heavy dense smoke that covered the area of the whole mansion from both in and out by making it hard for them to see anything clear.

"Cough... Cough... Everyone started to cough and Mr Black shouted out loudly while coughing, "Cough... cough... Everyone cover your faces and stay alert. Give a full cover to family members."


"Leave us. Give cover to Alora. Cough... cough...", both Jonathan and Reo said while struggling to talk.


"Protect Alora. They can't get her.", Evan shouted out by waving away the smoke with his one hand and covering his nose and mouth area with his other while turning behind and trying to reach towards where his family members were standing with Alora.


"Cough... cough... Where is Alora???", Evan shouted out while trying to clear the smoke in front of him by waving.


"She is here among the family members.", said  Mr Black while heading towards them.


The smoke was gradually disappearing when Merry and Selina shouted out anxiously, "Where is Alora??? Where is she???"


"She was with us just now.", said Reo and Johnathan while looking around.


"What??? Alora is not here???", said Mr Black and Evan in frustrated voices.


"Everyone, break into teams and look for Alora.", Evan shouted out while he was searching around Alora by looking around from where he was standing. 


Everyone looked around but Alora was nowhere to see. Along with the smoke Alora was disappeared from there without letting anyone notice.


"Damn it.", said Evan anxiously holding his forehead.


"Oh no... My daughter...", said Merry while breaking down and kneeling on the ground.


"What should we do now??? Our child...", said Selina while side hugging Merry.


"Don't worry. We will find her soon. She is here Everyone is searching for her.", said Johnathan and Reo while helping them to get up.


"Don't worry, uncle Johnathan and dad. Take mom and aunt Merry home. I will get Alora back.", said Evan while rushing to them.


"Evan, are you serious???", said Reo in a disturbed voice.


"How can you manage it here alone???", said Johnathan in a worried voice.


"Dad, uncle Johnathan, trust me.", said Evan.


"But Evan, how can we leave you here alone???", said Merry in a worried voice while touching his face.


"Even...", said Selina in a worried voice without knowing what to say while hugging him.


"Mom, aunt Merry, please don't worry. Go home and you two need rest. Dad, please take them home.", said Evan while hugging both of them.


"Ok, my boy. Go and bring her home safe. I will take them with me.", said Reo while patting his shoulder.


"Please... Evan, bring my Alora to me safely.", said Merry while holding Evan's hands.


"I will go with you, Evan.", said Johnathan while patting his back


"No, uncle Johnathan. I will go alone. Please take aunt Merry home. Please try and understand if we all stay here together, then it will be hard to get out of here. And I will be worried about the safety of you all and I won't able to focus. So, you guys should go. Please for one last time listen to me.", said Evan while holding hands of Merry and Selina.


"Ok, we will go. Evan, we are counting on you for my daughter's life.", said Johnathan while patting Evan's shoulder while others were nodding to his words.


"Yes, I will bring Alora with me. Tang Shi, Bai Shenger, Jinchen and Charles, my family's safety is entrusted to you guys. Please take them out safely. And take care of yourselves too.", said Evan while side hugging them.


"Sure, Evan.", said Charles and Jincheng together. 


"Don't worry, Evan. We will.", said Tang Shi.


"You just go ahead, Evan. Bring little Alora back.", said Bai Shenger.


Four of them stood with the family members and Johnathan and Reo started to head out with them while taking care of their wives, Merry and Selina. 


Evan accompanied them with Mr Black till the main entrance door and was looking at them standing there until they stepped out of the mansion and went out of the area of the mansion with their respective cars.


Before getting in the cars all of them looked at Evan with worried eyes without knowing what to say by saying "Evan .... "


After their going away Mr Black and Evan headed in together while gathering their people with them.


"Mr Black and the team of The Black Tiger come with me to search Alora.

Team of The Black Panther, get the rest of the members of the intruder force who are still hiding here. Get them alive or dead. I want all of them at any cost.

Team C-1 from Dragon Fire, close every exist of the mansion and rest keep giving me updating. 

 And the members of TTS, spread around and search for young miss everywhere in, out and surrounding of the mansion. 

Mr Black tell you people who are guarding outside to make sure my family members leave this place safely and reach home soundly.", said Evan while instructing each and every group of guards that was presented there at that moment.


"Sure, young master.", said Mr Black.


"Then, get hold of your weapon and let's get down to hunt the bastards who dare to touch my family.", said Evan in aggregated voice while opening the suitcases and boxes full of weapons.


After that, Evan and his teams started to search Alora spreading out through the mansion by following the instruction of Evan.