The Savior

Meanwhile, Alora who was unconscious for a while finally regained her sense. Her head was hurting a lot and her eyes were hurting so much that she was only having a blurred vision.

She couldn't understand what was going on with her. The only memory she could remember was that she was with her family in the downstairs and then with the sudden smoke, someone dragged her from there out of blue by covering her nose and mouth area with a piece of cloth.

"Mama... Papa...", she thought to herself with widen eyes.

"How much drug have you used to unconscious her???"

"Just a little bit."

"Then why isn't she waking up???"

"She will in a while."

She could hear the voices of some people who were talking around her. She couldn't understand anything and her head was hurting like it was going to explode. She was going to touch her forehead but her hands felt stuck somewhere. She was trying hard but her hands were still stuck with hard grips.

"Ohhh... See who is up???"

"Huh... Finally, she is up."

She could hear the words of a bunch of men who were smirking and amusing.

Her eyes were widened with anxiety. She quickly looked around and got to see she was stuck with a team of intruders.

Two intruders were holding her both wrists with strong grips like they were about to break them while leading the way through a corridor of the mansion. And three intruders were coming from behind by giving them cover. Each of them had weapons like guns, swords and many other kinds of weapons that they were carrying with them.

Then she could understand why she was feeling like her hands were stuck somewhere and also she realized that she was all alone with them. None of her family members was there with her. The fear was overtaking her heart. She couldn't understand what to do. She wanted to escape from there. No matter what she wanted to go to her family members.

She tried her best to pull out her hands from their grips but she couldn't. Yet she kept trying again and again.

Then she finally shouted out by breaking the ice, "Just let me go... Leave me..."

"Stop struggling little girl. There is no use of it.", said one of the intruders in an amusing voice by touching her chin who was holding her one hand.

She couldn't see his face as he was wearing a black helmet but she was confirmed that he was giving her a creepy look.

"None is here and none is going to save you from us. If we let you go then also you won't be able to find your family.", said another intruder who was holding her another hand while pulling her hand hardly and laughing out loudly with the rest of his team members.

"Please, just let me go... Please...", said Alora while trying to break from their grips harder.

"I just said, shut up. If you dare to make another voice, I will shoot you right here.", said the intruder pulling her hand in an irritated voice and then grabbing her neck firmly by pointing his gun fiercely on her forehead.

Alora couldn't breathe. She was running out of breath and she closed her eyes due to the suffocation. She was feeling like finally, the ending of her life had come.

"Hey, what are you doing??? Just let her go.", said the intruder holding her another hand while placing his another hand on the shoulder of the intruder attempting to kill Alora.

"She will die if you grip her neck like that. Just let her go. You will kill her.", shouted out the three intruders from behind while rushing next to them.

After hearing their words he finally let go off Alora's neck while pushing her to the ground by placing his gun back in the holster.

"Cough... Cough... My family will destroy you guys... Huf... Huf...", said Alora still sitting on the ground by touching her neck that was in pain by coughing and panting.

"Shut up. Your family??? Huh... They can't do anything. But the young master of The Ito family is really something. He was really giving me a headache.", said the intruder in an amusing voice which was filled with hatred towards Evan while gripping her hand firmly and getting closer to her.

"Yes, you are right. He was just a kid yet was so fierce. He had a great strategy. And his friends were not bad either. Only because we sneak attack in the end otherwise we could never get successful with our plans with him around.", said another intruder while standing next to them.

"But what to do... At the end of the day, they are all just a bunch of kids. Hahaha...", said the intruder while pushing Alora's hand away that he was gripping and laughing out loudly with his team members.

"What do you guys want from me???", Alora shouted out in agony by sitting in the ground while rubbing her wrist that he clenched a moment ago.

"If you ask me then obviously my answer is that I really want to kill you, little girl. But I can't do so because our boss needs you alive.", said the intruder in a murderous voice while gripping her face and clenching it firmly by sitting in front of her bending his legs.

"Who is your boss???", said Alora while struggling to talk as he was clenching it more and more tightly.

"It's a secret that we can't say you.", said the intruder by releasing her face from his gripping and pushing it away.

"I can't understand why he just doesn't order us to kill her...", he added in an irritated voice while getting away from Alora and standing next to his teammates.

"Why is your boss after me???", said Alora with agony while sitting on the ground and clenching a part of her gown with her fits to gather the courage to speak.

"It's your fault.", said the intruder while turning back to her.

"But I haven't done anything wrong to anyone and I don't even know your boss.", said Alora while looking at him.

"Huh... but it's your biggest fault to born as the only heir to The Jones family. It's enough for us to take your life.", said the intruder while getting closer to Alora.

"But....", Alora was about to say something before that he again firmly grabbed her hand while pulling her to stand next to them and giving her another hand to one of the intruders by saying in a voice full of irritation, "No more questions. Just let's drag her fast. We have to get out of here."

Five of the intruders started to walk through the corridor while two were dragging Alora with her by gripping her hands.

Without knowing what to do at that time Alora kept quiet and started to cooperate with them so that she could escape from them once she would get an opportunity. 

"I can't keep going like this without doing anything. What should I do??? They are five people with weapons and they are strong too. I can't tackle them alone. I have to find a way. Please God, show me a way. ", thought Alora to herself while keep going with them quietly. 

"Ring... ring...", out of the blue the guy who was being aggressive with Alora got a call in his phone.

"Boss is calling. Hold her carefully.", said the intruder by taking out his phone and looking at its screen while pushing her to the other one who was holding her other hand and walking away from them. 

"This is the chance.", thought Alora to herself. 

Then she immediately pushed the intruder who was holding her hand and pulled out a long stick and gun from his holster.

She hit the intruder next to her with that stick and a throw the antique vases to the three intruders who were rushing towards her.

"Bang.. Bang... Bang...", she started to shoot around and the intruder who was in the phone rushed there hearing the sound of the rucks by saying, "Hey, you wait there..." 

Hearing his voice approaching her from behind she turned back and threw away the stick that she was holding in her hand and ran away from there to the hallway.

But he could dodge the attack and headed there to see the rest of intruders were lying on the ground and screaming in pain, "Ahhh...."

"Damn it... She really can shoot. Thank God that she only aimed at the arms and legs.", he said while checking down the shot wounds on their body.

"Get up all of you. It's not time to care about the wounds. You guys can still do with them let's go.", he said while helping them to get up.

Meanwhile, Alora ran as fast as she could to get away from them and after confirming that there was none around her she stopped for a while to take a little rest while exhaling tiredly.

"There is she..."

"Catch the little bitch..."

She could hear them shouting out and turned to look behind and got to see they were heading towards her from another corridor. 

"Oh no...They are catching up.", said Alora while running away from there.

After running for a while she reached in front of one of the storeroom and she immediately went inside it. Then she hid herself behind a huge self among some sacks full of the files and documents. 

"Where is that little bitch???", she could hear their voices coming out from the room.

She was frightened and was clenching her fits together while hiding herself there.

"This seems to be a storeroom. She can be in here. Search her in."

She could hear their voices getting closer to her.

"Little girl, if I catch you this time, I will break your rabbit legs so that you can't escape the next time. Search her, everyone. She is hiding here.", she could hear the voice of that aggressive man from the intruders' team who was breaking in there with his people. 

Alora was scared and was sweating a lot. She wanted to cry out loudly for help but there was none to help. So she pulled herself together and hid there quietly while covering her mouth tightly with her hand and clenching her gown from another hand.

"Look behind that self.", she could hear him saying again to his men. Her eyes widened in anxiety. She couldn't understand what to do. She looked around and there was nothing that she could use to attack them again. 

"Oh no... he is heading here.", she thought to herself and hugged her legs tightly in fear by closing her eyes.

His step was getting closer to her and he was almost about to see her while he was interrupted by someone from the outside the door saying, "I saw someone running from there. It's maybe her. Let's go and catch her."

"Ok, let's hurry fast.", she could hear all of them hurried back immediately from there.

"Phew... it was such a narrow escape.", said Alora by taking a deep breathe and resting her head on one of the sacks.

Tears started to fall automatically down from her eyes that she was holding for the whole. She was feeling helpless. She couldn't understand what to do. 

"I can't be weak. I can't give up like this. I have to be strong. I have to get out of here fast and find out the rest of my family members.", she said to herself while wiping her tears and then getting up from where she was hiding. 

She then quickly checked around to see if there was any intruder around and then she immediately got out of the room and started to run fast through the corridor to head down to the downstairs. 

As it was her first time visiting that mansion she didn't have any idea about the location she was right at that time. So she ran next to the corridor railing and got to see that she was on the second floor. She looked around and there seemed to be none around her so she quickly ran towards the staircases of that floor which was heading to the first floor. And then she quickly rushed down to the first floor and looked around to find the way to downstairs from there.

Then she kept running around but she couldn't find any way. So, she stopped in front of a huge showcase in the hallways while saying to herself exhaling tiredly, "What should I do??? I can't find the way."

Then all of sudden someone pulled her behind the dark corner of the showcase into his embrace by holding her hand while making her head resting on his chest and touching her head with one hand where his other hand was on her back.

"Shh... keep quiet.", said the person while slowly creasing her hair.

She couldn't understand what that person was trying to do until she heard the voice of intruders who were passing from there while saying, "We saw the target coming to the first floor but we can't see anyone here."

She clenched the chest area of his shirt in fear. He again added in a relief voice while patting her head gently, "Phew... They are all gone. Don't worry. Are you alright???"

"Hmm...", she said while letting go his shirt and trying to get away from his embrace.

"Don't move. Stay like that. Don't take me wrong. I mean to say is that this place has less space. So, we don't have any choice. I am sorry.", he said in a gentle voice.

He really had a soothing voice that was pleased to hear by anyone. She could guess that he was a gentleman.

So, she nodded to his words. But she couldn't forget the things that were going on. She was still afraid for them to find her out again. She broke into tears while clenching his shirt. That time she couldn't stop the tears any longer. She cried her heart consent without caring anything while being in his embrace. He was gently patting her head to calm her down while hugging her in his arms.

"Don't be afraid. You are safe with me. Now they can't find you.", his gentle soothing voice again touched her ears making her feel secure and safe.

Whoever he was his arms were like heaven to her which was giving her a familiar feeling of warmth and ensuring her safety. Though he was a stranger to her he was like an angel who reached to her out of nowhere when she was in danger and lonely. With him next to her the feeling of fear and the whole frustration she had started to fade away. His warmth embrace was giving her a feeling of relief.

"Don't cry. I am with you.", said the boy by lifting her face upwards to face him and wiping her tears gently.

" Don't worry, they won't be able to find you out. So relax.", he again added while holding her hands.

Even though both of was standing by facing to each other none of them could see their faces clearly because the light that was entering there wasn't reaching till their faces. She could only see that he was dressed in whole black like a black shirt, black boots, black jeans, fingerless black leather gloves and a black leather long coat having a hoodie that was covering his head area which was making it unable to see his face more. He was looking mysterious with his dress up and wasn't appear to be a guest who attended to the party.

While trying to look at his face she could see a pair of alluring and mesmerizing blue eyes that was shining like two ablaze sapphires. His eyes were filled with a familiar gentleness and warmth. She was losing in them without even realising that.

"I am a little curious. Don't mind my asking. It's so dark here and I can't see your face clearly. But still, by touching your face, I can say that you are a beautiful girl. But why there are a lot of guys after your life??? You can choose not to answer if you want.", he said while still looking at her by wrapping his hands around her waist where her hands were resting on his chest.

"Because they want to kill me.", she said in a low voice while clenching his shirt fearfully.

"But why???", he said shockingly.

"Because I am an heiress.", she said in a shaky guilty voice.

"It's a stupid reason to kill you.", he said in an aggregated voice.

"But it is like that. Just because of it they are after me chasing me like hyenas.", she said in a shaky anxious voice.

"Maybe your legs are aching by standing for so long. Let's see if we can sit here.", he said gently by trying to change the topic while looking around and that caused.

"Come here, we can sit but like standing you have to sit close to me.", he added while sitting on the ground there resting his back with the wall by pulling her hand and making her sit next to him.

"I hope you are not minding my behaviour. I am sorry. But we don't have any choice. And you don't have to worry. I am with you.", he added in a guilty voice while he was still holding one of her hand.

"No... It's ok.", said Alora in a shaky voice.

"What is here???", she added while pointing towards the side of his waist as something was poking her arm from there.

"Ohh... I am sorry. Actually, it's my holster. It has a gun and a bending sword.", he said.

"Why are you carrying so many weapons??? Are you a member of our staff??? But I don't think that people of our staff dress like this??? And you don't like a guest who attended the party.", she said curiously.

"I am not a guard and it's true that I am not a guest either. But I can assure you I am not a bad guy. I came here to pick my friend but I lost my way and then got caught by these bad guys who dragged me in here. Then I somehow managed to escape from them and hid here. I picked up these weapons from the ground for self-defence before I hid myself here.", he said in a tired voice.

"Let's wait here until someone comes to rescue us. You seem tired. Take a rest.", he added while placing her head on his shoulder and then holding her both hands.

She didn't know why, even though he was a stranger his physical contacts weren't making her uncomfortable. By being with him, she no longer had the feeling of frustrated or frightened. He had a calm and peaceful vibe around him that was making her feel relief and safe.

Alora fell asleep on his shoulder without even realising. Then he gently placed her head on his lap by making sure for her to sleep comfortably.

Then he said while creasing her hair gently by looking at her affectionately, "You are still the same as before. You are still the innocent and pure girl who trust anyone easily. After so many years we finally meet each other in the same situation. But you seem to forget me where I still remember you for so many years. That kinda hurts. Sleep well, beautiful."

He added while touching her face with his fingertips making them run over her face gently, "After a long time, today I got the opportunity to hear your voice. You still have a cute soothing voice that make anyone wanting to hear it again and again. It's so unfortunate that I can't see your face. But still, I can say that you must be the prettiest girl like you were the cutest girl while you were little."

Meanwhile, he could hear some voices were approaching there.

"Young master, we found this here.", said a guard from Evan's team while picking a shoe from the ground.

"It's one of Alora's shoe that she was wearing. Search her around here. She must be around.", said Evan while holding the shoe.

His team members spread around there while searching for her.

"Sigh... How unlucky!!! I have just met you after years but have to let you go again so quickly. But we will definitely meet you again. Time to wake you up.", he said while placing a soft kiss on her forehead after hearing Evan and his men talking.

Evan's men were shouting there while searching for here by saying,

"Go there."

"Check here"

"Don't leave a corner."

"Search properly."

"What's going on out there???", she woke up while rubbing her eyes due to the noises coming from other side of the showcase and got to see that she was sleeping on his lap. Then she added in an embarrassed voice, "I am so sorry. Please, Don't mind..."

"It's ok. I can understand. You were tired.", he said while patting her head.

"By the way, what's going on??? What are the noises out there??? Are they back again???", she said in an anxious voice.

"I don't think that it's them. But it's true that some guards are searching for you. Maybe they are from your family.", he said while patting her head.

"Let me see then.", said Alora while taking a peek at the guards and then she again added happily by seeing Evan standing with them, "Oh my God!!! It's Evan and his guards."

"Evan???", he said curiously.

"Yes, he is my cousin. He is here to get us. Let's go.", she said happily while holding his hand and getting up together from where they were sitting to go to Evan.

"No. Wait.", he said while pulling her to his embrace by wrapping his hands around her waist.

"But Why??? What happen???", she said curiously while resting her hands on his chest.

"You go ahead first. I will stay here and check from behind whether those bad guys come or not.", he said.

"Ok then, let's do as you say.", she said hesitantly.

"Ok then, go out.", he said while releasing her from his embrace.

Then she was about to head back but she again turned back to him by saying happily, "Why don't you go first??? I will guard behind."

"Sigh... Dummy, they are after you not me. So, you have to go first.", he said while poking her cheek.

Then he again added in a sad voice, "Moreover, you said, I don't look like a guest or a guard. So, what if your cousin and his guards shoot me by mistaking me as a bad guy. Do you want me to die???"

"No, I don't want that. Ok then, I will go out first. But you have to be safe too.", she said happily while holding his hands.

"Don't worry. I will.", he said while touching her face.

"Promise???", she said holding his hand.

"Hmm, promise. They are coming towards here. Get ready.", he said while holding her hand tightly.

"By the way, thank you so much for saving my life. I promise I will definitely help you if you are in any kind of trouble.", she said happily.

"But none of us have seen each other's face. So, how will you recognize me???", he said curiously.

"Here, take this.", she gave him a hairpin that she was wearing.

"What is this??? It's a hairpin.", he said curiously.

"This hairpin is special and not a common one. Because it's made in pairs and see, I have one with me and you have another with you. Moreover, These pins are the limited edition that only made for my family. None in the outer world can have it. So, I will be able to recognize you if you have this with you.", she said happily while showing him her remaining hairpin.

"Ok done, I will treasure this to meet you next time. Now go out. They are coming.", he said while putting the hairpin in his coat's pocket.

"But before going tell me your name. Where will I find you??? Without your name how can I found you???", she said hurriedly.

"You can hear it once you get out of here. So if you want to know my name, then go out first.", he said while pushing her out from there.

"Ok then, I will go first.", she said happily while stepping out from there and rushing to where Evan was standing.

"Stand still. Don't move.", said one of Evan's guard point his gun towards Alora without noticing who she was.

"Evan, it's me.", shouted out Alora.

"Put your gun down. Little fool, we finally found you. You are safe now.", said Evan while rushing to her and hugging her.

Then he again added by releasing her from his embrace and examining her, "How long have you been hiding here??? Are you hurt??? Let's get out of here."

Evan turned back to go when Alora held his hand and said, "Wait, Evan."

"What happen??? It's not safe here.", said Evan worriedly while touching her face.

"There is someone with me. He is the one who saved me.", said Alora while holding Evan's hands.

"What??? Where is he???", said Evan.

"Behind the showcase. Please, take him along with us. Evan, we owe him it.", said Alora while pointing towards the showcase and holding Evan's hands tightly.

"Of course, we will take him with us. Now please, calm down. Get him with us.", said Evan while side hugging Alora and ordering his guards.

Then the guards headed there and started to search for me.

"There is none, young master.", said the guards.

"Please, check properly. He was there a moment ago. Please check around.", said Alora while being impatient.

The guards again check around there and said, "Sorry, young miss. There is none."

"Young miss, he maybe has gone away from the other side of the corridor. Don't worry, the situation is under control and all the intruders have been taken care of. So, he is safe wherever he is inside the mansion. Still, we will search for him one more time for young miss. But I suggest young miss to leave the mansion with young master now.", said Mr Black.

"Are you sure he is safe??? How can he disappear all of sudden??? Please, Mr Black, search him for me.", said Alora while still looking around for him.

"Alora, Mr Black will look for him. Let's leave this place first. Don't worry. He will be safe and fine. Please, Mr Black search for him.", said Evan.

Alora nodded her head to his words while still, her eyes were searching for that boy.

Then Evan took Alora from there by side hugging her to give her a cover while Mr Black and his men were searching for that boy and Alora was also still searching for that boy by turning behind again and again while walking with Evan. But she didn't get to see him anywhere.

Meanwhile, the boy who saved Alora was looking at her leaving there with Evan while being worried to search for him from another corridor and said, "You are still the same. Thinking about others before yourself."

He again added by taking out her hairpin from his pocket and looking at it, "Sorry to disappoint you. It's not the time for us to meet yet. I have to settle some old scores before going to be with you."

"Everyone, retreat. Today's part of the game has come to end. Let's meet in the headquarters.", he said while touching his earbud that he was wearing the whole while.

"This game is getting more interesting. I don't have any choice but to do this. I am really sorry. This was the only way to recreate the past. See you soon, little girl.", he added while touching the hairpin of her and then putting it back to his pocket while heading out from there.