The untold secrets of the dark past

While heading from there Evan noticed that Alora was only wearing one shoe and then he remembered that her other shoe was with the guard next to him as he handed it to him while rushing to Alora back then.

Then he took the shoe from his guard and asked him to bring a chair. Then he gently made Alora sat there and bent down on his knees to put the shoe on her foot but when he was about to make her wear it he noticed that there was a red bruise on her leg which seemed painful but he didn't react at that time.

Then while putting on the shoe he just touched the bruised area gently and Alora immediately reacted in pain, "Ouch..."

"I am sorry. Can you walk with it???", said Evan while getting up by putting her shoe on and looking at Alora worriedly.

"Hmm... I can. Don't worry about it.", said Alora while gulping to hide her pain.

Evan could clearly see the pain she was hiding in her words and said worriedly, "But it seems painful. Don't have to push yourself. "

She nodded to his words with a smile but Evan wasn't someone who would buy her words that much easier. So, he carried her in his arms.

"Evan put me down. You have more injuries than me. See your body is full of cut wounds. You are the one who is injured the most.", said Alora while taking a look at Evan's wounds.

"It's okay. I am totally fine. These injuries are nothing to me. Don't worry. So, now please stay still and stop struggling like a good girl.", said Evan while looking at her with a smile.

"Hmm... ok fine.", said Alora obediently wrapping her hands around Evan's neck.

"Hold in tightly. We will be getting out of here soon.", said Evan with a smile while heading to get out of the mansion together with some of his guards.

She was worried about Evan. His whole body was full of cut wounds and some of them were minor yet they seemed to be painful where some of them were deeper and seemed to be more painful than her imagination especially the ones in his arms, one of the shoulders and the back.

"Were you scared back then???", said Evan with a calm voice but still his voice was full of concerns and worries for her.

"Hmm.", said Alora while clenching the collar of his shirt.

"I am sorry. I couldn't protect you.", said Evan in a sad voice.

"No, Evan. You protect me well. See you have already rescued me and we are going home now.", said Alora happily.

"But still...", Evan was about to say something when Alora interrupted him by saying happily, "No but or what. I am saying it. So, it's final. Evan, thank you so much for saving me. And also hope you guys will find that boy, too."

"Ok fine, I gave up. So, now stay still. If you want, you can take a nap. I am with you and if I find that boy, I will bring him to you. Now close your eyes. Try to take some rest. I am right here with you.", said Evan with a smile.

"Ok, Evan. Thank you.", she said obediently with a smile while resting her head on his chest.

Evan kept walking with his guards while carrying Alora and when he was getting down from the staircases of the first floor that was heading to the downstairs he noticed that Alora had already fallen asleep in his arms.

"Finally, she has fallen asleep.", said Evan while looking at sleeping Alora with a smile.

"Listen to me, everyone. Gather the alive captured intruders and keep them in the dungeon of the TTS headquarters. Collect the bodies of the dead intruders and handle them. You know what to do.", said Evan in a serious voice.

"And also send me the footage of the spy cameras of the mansion.", he added while remembering the bruised marks in Alora's hands and Alora's ankles.

After that Evan got out of the mansion and got into his car where the guards were already waiting for him by opening the car's door.

Evan carefully made Alora lay down Alora the passenger seat of the car without disturbing her sleep and then he put on a long coat before getting into the car that he told his one of the guard to bring there to hide his cut wounds under it.

Then he got into the car and gently placed her head on his lap and asked his guards to drive them to The Ito mansion while patting her head gently and creasing her hair.

"Ring... Ring... Ring...", Evan's phone rang out and he immediately picked up the call so that Alora wouldn't wake up from it's ringing sound.

"Hello, Evan. How is Alora???", said Bai Shenger from the opposite of the call.

"She is not doing that much well. She has got some bruises and scratches. Silly girl is trying her best to hide her pain yet it's clearly visible on her face. Bai, I can't understand what to do. I am really scared that the past will repeat once again.", said Evan in a worried voice while creasing Alora's hair and looking at her with the eyes full of concerns.

"Evan, don't worry. Please calm down. Don't stress out. You know that it's not good for your psychological health. Nothing will happen to her and how can the past repeat. She is fine and is with you. So, now please close your eyes, take a deep breathe and cool yourself down. Now let me talk to her. Give her the phone.", said Bai Shenger.

"I am already calm, Bai and I can't give her the phone now as she is sleeping peacefully. I don't want to disturb her sound sleep.", said Evan in a calm voice.

"Ok then, I will talk to her later. So, when will you come to the headquarters???", said Bai Shenger.

"After taking her home and having the proper update on her health, I will directly head to the headquarters because I want to handle some matters by myself. What about you all???", said Evan while gently patting Alora's head.

"I just came home from the headquarters because my dad wanted to talk about some business and the rest of them are still in the headquarters. Even our boys got fresh up there. I will head back once I am done with the business at home. See you at the headquarters. Take care of yourself and the little one.", said Bai Shenger.

"Ok then, see you and keep updating.", said Evan while hanging up the phone.

"Please, be alright, little girl. Don't make me scared.", said Evan while creasing Alora's hair gently by holding her hand with his spare hand.

Evan finally took Alora to The Ito mansion after a safe drive. The whole way to the mansion he was taking care of Alora gently without disturbing her sound sleep or waking her up. Evan was feeling so guilty for letting Alora suffered from that dangerous situation and was angry on himself for not taking proper care of her.

Evan got out of the car while carrying Alora in his arms and went inside The Ito mansion and got to see that Merry and Selina were sitting together wearing a depressed worried face while Johnathan and Reo were scrolling around worriedly by rubbing their temples and sighing depressingly by waiting for them in the drawing-room.

"Mom... Dad... Uncle Johnathan... Aunt Merry...", said Evan while stepping towards them by carrying Alora in his arms.

"Evan... Alora...", said all of them while standing from where they all were sitting and pausing to the spots they were standing and then rushing to them.

"Oh, my child...", said Merry while creasing Alora's face.

"Thank you so much, Evan, for bringing Alora to us.", said Johnathan while holding Evan's Shoulder.

"Good job, my boy.", said Reo while patting his back.

"Evan, my son, are you alright??? Is little Alora unconscious???", said Selina while creasing Evan's face with her one hand and holding Alora's hand with her other one.

"I am fine, mom. Little Alora is just sleeping because she is tired as it was a long day for her. Can we talk after taking her to her room???", said Evan while looking at everyone.

"Sure, let's go.", said Reo by showing the way while everyone nodded to his words.

Evan carried Alora to her room and gently put her down on her bed while everyone was following him to her room.

After Evan's lying her down both Merry and Selina sat down next to her while creasing her hair.

"Dad, mom, uncle Johnathan and aunt Merry. I have already informed Dr Mark to come and give a check-up to Alora. As far as I saw, she has got some bruises and blue patches around her arms and legs but it's better to have a whole body checkup.", said Evan while standing next to Reo and Johnathan.

"Thank you so much, Evan, for taking care of our little princess so much.", said Johnathan while holding Evan's shoulder.

"It's nothing uncle Johnathan. It's my duty.", said Evan.

"By the way, Evan, what's the situation there in the mansion???", said Reo.

"Don't worry, dad. The mess is cleared and the situation is under control. The intruders who are alive have been taken to the headquarter of TTS and the dead bodies have also been taken care of by us. There is nothing to worry.", said Evan.

"Good, you know what to do next???", said Reo while looking at Alora.

"Yes, dad. I know. They will inform me in a while and once it's in our hand, I will take care of it.", said Evan.

"Ok then, we will wait for your update.", said Reo while holding Evan's shoulder.

"Yes, dad. Sure, I won't disappoint you.", said Evan.

"Ring…Ring…Ring…", Evan's phone rang out.

"Excuse me, I got to pick this, dad.", said Evan while heading out of the room.

Meanwhile, Alora woke up from her sleep. She happily called out everyone while hugging Merry, "Mama…., aunt sea..., papa…, uncle Reo…"

"Little princess, you're finally up.", said Johnathan happily by rushing next to her bed with Reo.

"My dear child…"., said both Selina and Merry happily hugging Alora.

"Are you alright???", said Merry worriedly.

"Yes, mama. I am fine. But have a little body ache.", said Alora with a smile while she was still hugging Merry.

"My poor child.", said Selina while creasing Alora's hair.

"Don't worry, everyone. I will be fine after getting fresh.", said Alora while releasing Merry from her hug and looking at everyone happily.

"By the way, why are we at The Ito mansion???", added Alora curiously while looking around.

"It's safer here than our home, for now, little princess.", said Johnathan while patting her head.

"Ok, papa. By the way, mama, aunt Sea, will you guys please help me to get fresh??? I am feeling too tired wearing this gown and these accessories. Mama, aunt Sea, will you please help me to get rid of them???", said Alora while looking at Merry and Selina.

"Sure, baby. We will.", said Selina happily touching Alora's chin.

"But aunt Sea, what will I get change into???", said Alora curiously.

"Don't worry, baby girl. I have some casual dresses that I brought for you last time when I went shopping but I didn't get the opportunity to give them to you back then. You can wear one of them now.", said Selina happily.

"Johnathan and Reo, can you wait outside for a while until baby Alora get fresh??? We will call you in later.", said Merry.

"Sure, why not??? Call us after you guys are done. We will get fresh too. Let's go John.", said Reo while heading out with Johnathan from Alora's room happily.

After that, both Merry and Selina helped Alora to get rid of the accessories and the gown. That time both of them noticed the blue patches and the bruises that Alora got around her arms and leg areas and they became so upset for her suffering at the mansion alone. But Alora managed to handle them and cheer them up at the end. Then, Alora went to get fresh after receiving the outfit from Selina. Afterwards, both Merry and Selina also headed to get fresh.

After half an hour, Alora got out of the washroom by getting fresh quickly and saw both Merry and Selina were entering her room. They paused for a while by looking at Alora with a smile and saying, "Wow, you are looking so cute."

"Thank you.", said Alora happily.

"Sea, you really have a good choice. The matching short skirt along with the t-shirt is looking amazing on Alora. She is looking adorable.", said Merry while pulling Alora's cheeks.

"Mama, aunt Sea, you two are looking pretty in same outfits. It's giving a good best friends' vibe.", said Alora happily.

"Ow…thank you, Merry and baby girl. So what I don't have a daughter but I know well to buy our baby girl the dresses. And, Merry and I used to get dress similar when we were young.", said Selina happily.

"Yes, Sea. Those days were fun.", said Merry with a smile.

"Have you guys finished your work???", said Reo and Johnathan while entering to the room.

"Wow, papa and uncle Reo is also wearing the same outfits.", said Alora happily while Reo and Johnathan were giving a helpless smile.

"This is reminding us the time when we used to go to the double dates.", said both Merry and Selina while holding the arms of Johnathan and Reo happily where Alora was smiling mischievously by standing there.

Reo, Johnathan, Selina, and Reo were on relief to see Alora smiling happily after the incident that took place. Somehow they were also happy that their planning to wear a similar dress code could bring a happy smile on Alora's face by making her forget about the wounds in her body as after seeing those blue patches and bruises in her body both Selina and Merry worriedly rushed immediately to Johnathan and Reo to inform it and also to think of a way to make Alora forget the bitterness for a while.

Then Selina and Merry sat with Alora on the bed while Reo and Johnathan sat on the couch next to the bed by talking with each other. Four of them were trying their best to hide their concerns and worries for Alora while accompanying her and were trying to keep her happy.

"Knock…Knock…", meanwhile, they could hear the knocks on the door of Alora's room and got to see that Butler Kaile was standing next to the door with Dr Mark.

"May I come in, Master Reo???", said Butler Kaile politely.

"Sure, come in.", said Reo.

"Master Reo, Dr Mark is here to give a check-up to young miss Alora.", said Butler Kaile while inviting Dr Mark inside and then he again added before leaving, "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave, master Reo."

"Nice to meet you, Master Reo and Master Johnathan. If you don't mind, I would like to give a check-up to young miss Alora.", said Dr Mark while shaking his hand with Reo and Johnathan.

"Sure, why not. All is yours, Dr Mark.", said Reo while showing the way to Alora.

Dr Mark went to Alora and started to examine her while Merry and Selina accompanied Johnathan and Reo to outside of the room.

After a while, Dr Mark came out of the room and four of them gathered in front of him worriedly.

"Is Alora alright???", said Reo and Johnathan worriedly while Merry and Selina were standing there worriedly.

"Master Reo and Master Johnathan, the young miss is fine for now. She is indeed a strong person. But it is hard to say how the accident she has been going through today will affect her psychologically.", said Dr Mark.

"What do you mean, Dr Mark???", said Merry worriedly.

"Lady Merry, young miss Alora isn't showing her stress in front of you all and she is trying her best to hide her pain. Maybe you have noticed she had so many blue patches and bruises in her arms and leg areas. But have you noticed she has got finger marks around her neck area???", said Dr Mark.

"What???", four of them freaked out.

"Yes, these marks prove that someone attempts to struggle her neck to kill her. Moreover, the marks all over her body say that young miss has undergone physical violence like getting hit or roughly being pushed or falling down.", said Dr Mark.

"That means those bastards dare to hit her and torture her.", said Johnathan aggressively.

"Yes, Master Johnathan. Young miss has been under a physical tournament. So I would like to suggest you as her family now you all have to take great care of her. She is still a teenager of her fifteen. This is her time of growth. Physical wounds can still be cured by medicine but mental wounds need time to heal. And about the time needed to heal the mental wounds is totally depends on how much deeper the mental wound she has got.", said Dr Mark.

"Don't worry everyone. Young miss will be fine. I have already prescribed her medicines. She may have a slight fever due to the wounds. But it will be fine and nothing to worry. Her wounds will take some time to heal. And please try to give her more time and spend time with her. And also try your best to keep her away from the unpleasant memories of today. She will be totally fine and if you all feel anything unusual of her, please contact me whenever you want. I will take your leave now.", added Dr Mark.

"Thank you so much, Dr Mark for your valuable time. Butler Kaile will show you the way.", said Reo.

After Dr Mark left, all of them breakdown while thinking about the depressing situation Alora had been. After waiting for a while four of them pulled them together and went to accompany Alora.

"By the way, where is Evan??? He is nowhere to be seen.", said Alora curiously while looking around and peeping outside the door the middle of their conversation.

"Dear, Evan is…", before Selina could complete her words Evan who was busy attending the phone call came there rushing by saying, "Dad, uncle Johnathan, I got the information about the attack."

"Oh… you are up. How are you???", he added while looking at Alora who was busy eating chocolates.

"I am good, Evan. What about you???", said Alora with a smile.

"Thank god. You are fine.", said Evan in a relief voice.

"By the way, Evan, what were you saying???", said Reo curiously.

"Dad, we got the information about who is behind today's attack. You guys want to discuss it here or in the study room???", said Evan while secretly pointing towards Alora.

"Let's go to the study room.", said Reo and Johnathan by getting up from where they were sitting.

"Wait… Please, I want to know too.", said Alora from behind.

"But Alora…", said Merry worriedly while Evan, Reo and Johnathan turned to look at her surprisingly.

"Yes, mama. I want to know too. I can't always be a burden to you all. Today because of me you all could have lost your lives back there. And Evan risked his life to save me. What right do I have to be the heiress of our family if I am so weak to protect you all??? I want to be strong too. I want to protect you all too. Today when you all were fighting to save me, I could only do nothing but to hide under the wings of Evan and you all. I want to fight with my enemies, too. I want to stand in front of you all as a shield to protect you. I don't want to be a coward who hides behind the shadow of you all. So, I totally have the right to know about my enemy. Don't you think you all owe me an explanation about today's incident??? Please...", said Alora while looking at all of them emotionally.

"Dad, uncle Johnathan, I think that Alora has got her point right. We should respect her opinion, don't you think so???", said Evan while looking at Alora with a smile and then trying his best to convince others with begging eyes.

"Ok then, we will discuss the matter here. Our baby girl is no longer a baby. She has become a fearless lioness.", said Reo while going to sit back there.

"What do you mean, Reo??? Our baby Alora has always been a lioness.", said Selina while hugging Alora.

"We are proud of you, little princess", said both Merry and Johnathan together where Merry hugged her happily and Johnathan patted her head.

"So, listen, everyone. It is the same enemy that we have been having for the past few years. These sly foxes haven't changed their way till now.", said Evan while taking a seat there.

"You mean to say, the same family from past...", said Reo in an aggregated voice and Evan nodded to his words.

"What??? Those bastards dare to hurt my child even after we move into Japan. Unforgivable... How dare them to do such a low deed!!! They have tortured my child by using physical violence and have attempted to kill her by struggling her neck. How dare them!!! We are not going to spare them this time.", said Johnathan in an aggregated voice.

"What, struggling Alora's neck and physical violence???", said Evan while freaking out.

"Yes, Evan. See the marks on her neck and the rest of all the areas around.", said Selina while moving away Alora's hair that she was keeping there to hide her neck.

Evan could see the mark on her neck and said while holding his temple and clenching his fist, "Damn it. How dare them to lay a finger on her!!!"

"How brutal they are!!! My child.", said Merry while hugging Alora in a sad voice.

"They are animals.", said both Johnathan and Reo disgustingly.

Alora's neck had dark blue finger marks on it where she had dark blue marks on her wrists and blue patches in her arms. Her both ankles had bruises and legs had small wounds and scratches due to her struggle during confronting the intruders that time who were being aggressive with her.

"Don't worry, everyone. They just tried to scare me by pointing a gun on me and trying to be violent that time but see, I am still fine and am in front of you all.", said Alora with a smile.

"What they pointed a gun towards you???", said Evan while freaking out where others were looking at her worriedly.

"Yes, but I am fine. Don't worry. But please can you all tell me, about which family are you all talking about???", said Alora curiously while trying to change the topic and divert their attention from her wounds.

"It's Scott family.", said Johnathan in a frustrated voice while dashing out by looking away from others. His eyes were filled with untold pain that he had been hiding for years.

"Scott family???", said Alora curiously.

"Yes, dear. Scott family... They have been against our Jones family for a long time.", said Merry with a frustrated voice while being lost in some unpleasant memories.

"To be honest, none can erase that dark past. Because of this enmity, not only the Jones family but also the Whitlock family has to face a huge disaster where the Parker family and the William family along with the Mathew family have to witness unforgettable wounds too.", said Selina melancholy while Reo was sitting there with a stressful face.

Everyone's eyes were filled with an unknown pain which was greatly expressing how much the secrets of the past that they had been burying in their chest for years had caused them a terrifying scar that only mentioning it for a while could make them doomed in unknown sorrow.

"What has happened in the past??? Please tell me. I want to know.", said Alora in a curious but begging voice.

"Are you sure that you are ready to hear it???", said Merry worriedly which caused Alora to be more curious to know about the past.

"Yes, mama. I am ready to hear them all. Please tell me.", said Alora.

"Let her know, Merry. Little princess will get to know about it sooner or later. It's better to tell her now than later when it would be too late. Moreover, I don't want her to know about the buried past from someone else.", said Johnathan while looking at Alora and Merry.

"Ok then, listen, my dear child. Those mishaps began to take place before you or Evan's birth and that time none of us was married.

Everyone knows that there are six grand families in Britain. The Jones, The Whitlock, The Mathew, The Parker, and The William are well known five grand families among these six families to the world.

But still, there is one more grand family called The Scott who has been away from the limelight for years yet it is as powerful as The Jones family.

The Jones, The Mathew, The Parker and The William have always been open books to the public eyes where The Whitlock has always been mysterious and The Scott has been secretive with their actions.

Everyone in the business world knows that except for The Scott family the rest of the grand families have been partners and friends for the ages. And also none of these five grand families gets touched with The Scott family as the five families are sworn enemies and the competitors of The Scott family due to their past plotting against the rest of the five families that caused them huge loses.

But in the past, before this enmity began there was a time where these five families had a great friendship and strong bonding with The Scott family.

But unfortunately, in the past because of the shallow and dreadful actions of The Scott family, they have to fall out with the rest of the five families by causing them such dark and painful memories that none of us can forget ever.

Before all these dark incidents took place The Jones and The Scott were known as one family with different last names where The Parker family was the best friends of these two families.

And The Mathew was already in the terms of a good relationship with The Jones and The Scott family as my mother, the elder daughter of The Mathew family was married to my father who is the head of The Jones where my aunt, Aerine Mathew, the second daughter of The Mathew family was married to uncle Hank who was the head of The Scott family. It's true that my aunt Aerine died when we were so young due to a serious illness. This was also a reason for us to grow up with the children of The Scott family as my mother used to take care of my aunt Aerine's children as it was the last thing that she wanted from my mom before she took her farewell from everyone.

The members of The Scott family and The Jones family used to get along with each other very well and they also had the same appearance with each other as they were from one family.

Where The Jones family used to shine like royals with their blue eyes and dark blonde hair, The Scott family was the shiny sun itself with their golden blonde hair and alluring blue eyes. And The Parker was the knight in the shiny armour next to these two families with their brown hair and eyes.

The friendship between these three families has flown for ages from one generation to another.

Even in our generation, we have been great friends with each other until that painful incidents took place.

That time The Jones family had three children. The eldest is brother Henry who was so charming and handsome to steal anyone's heart with one glimpse of him, The second is Me and the youngest is Martin who was the cutest and was popular among everyone. As neither I or Martin was interested in the heirloom or the fortune of our family and brother Henry was the most capable one among three of us, he was declared as the heir of our family.

And The Scott family also had three children. The eldest is Rony Scott who was two years older than brother Henry. He was the dream of thousands of girls' heart and was also so popular among everyone because of his prince charming appearance with alluring blue eyes and the golden blonde hair like sunshine and also for his great academic achievements along with his good behaviour.

The second was Rosa Scott who was as the same age as brother Henry. She was a true beauty who could attract everyone's heart around her easily. She was indeed a rose that used to spread her fragrance everywhere like her name. Rosa's magnificent blue eyes along with long golden blonde hair and pinkish-red lips, she was like a goddess herself. But later on because of her some personal interests she permanently changed the colour of her eyes into red like roses from blue which made her looks perfectly go with her name 'Rosa'.

The youngest was Alyn Scott who was at the same age as mine. He was a kind and a gentle person with a friendly and cute vibe around him who could attract everyone to accompany him and befriend with him. He was sun himself with his bright smile and sapphire blue eyes along with the golden blonde hair who used to rule the heart of everyone.

And The Parker family had three children too. The eldest was sis Princey who is as the same age as brother Henry and Rosa. She was the greatest competitor to Rosa's beauty as she was so pretty and pure like a goddess with her dark brown hair and dark brown eyes who used to stand out in the crowd like a shining star with her beauty and used to amaze everyone with her talents and achievements.

The difference between Rosa and sis Princey was that Rosa used to carry a perfect image of a young delicate lady of a rich family with her beauty where sis Princey used to carry a perfect image of a young heiress of a rich family with her beauty and brain. Where Rosa owned a soft and delicate personality, sis Princey owned a strong and elegant personality.

The second was Sea who is the same age as me and was well known among everyone as the princess because of her beauty and bubbly behaviours.

The youngest was Franco who is as the same age as Martin. Franco was also as cutest as Martin and was popular among others.

Nine of us grew up together since our childhood and it was not only because of the promise my mother made but also because of the great bonding between the three families. Even we went to the same schools, the same college and the same university together.

Rony was like a guardian to all of us as he was the eldest. Rosa, brother Henry and sis Princey were best friends who used to study in the same class and they were like the best buddies to us too. Alyn, Me and Sea were classmates and best friends who used to cause a lot of mischievous and devilish pranks on the rest of us. Franco and Martin were also the best friends and classmates who were the cutest younger brother pair to all of us.

There was no place for any kind of secret among us. So, we all knew that Rosa had a crush on brother Henry since we were young.

But for brother Henry, Rosa was just his good friend and he had always been considering her as his biological sister as she used to resemble a lot like me in her appearance and everyone often used to mistake her as one of the daughters of our family. So, he never felt any attraction towards Rosa or her beauty. Somehow this was the biggest reason for Rosa to change her eye colour from blue to red because she wanted to look different and attract the attention of my brother by changing his opinion about the relationship title between them from siblings to lovers.

But her those attempt and all those wishes were on vain because, in his eyes, there was only one person who he desired to be together with his whole life long was sis Princey. His heart and soul have only belonged to sis Princey and it had always been known by everyone around them.

So, we all knew that what Rosa was chasing after was just her wistful dream and one-sided, unrequited love.

That's why we thought that she would forget him eventually and move on in her life with the passing time. As a result, none of us had judged her for being in love with him.

But Rony, brother Henry and sis Princey didn't have any idea of Rosa's feelings. So, none of us felt the necessity to tell it to them too.

Brother Henry and sis Princey used to take part in the business activities of their respective families since they were in the first year of high school.

And at the age of 17, both of them won the title of the business emperor and the empress with their hard work by setting the new peaks in the businesses of The Jones family and The Parker family.

This was just the beginning of Rosa's jealousy with sis Princey as her name got linked with brother Henry even though it was not planned. Rosa thought that sis Princey was climbing the ladder that was set up by brother Henry. But Rosa never expressed her jealousy but we could clearly see it from her face where sis Princey and brother Henry didn't have any idea of it.

After years of friendship, this was the first cracked that occurred on the wall of our friendship with Rosa.

Then we all were at the university when we met Reo who returned to Britain from Japan after serval years.

Alyn, I and Sea got along well with Reo as we were classmates and later on we became good friends of him. Then after several months later, Sea and Reo started to date each other where Alyn and I used to accompany them or help them exchange letters, gifts etc.

Mid time, Alyn fell in love with a freshman junior girl who came from France to study in Britain and was also belonged to a commoner background. Afterwards, he tried his best to woo her with our help and then started to date.

Even though we were best friends and helped him to woo her, he never let us meet that girl or know any information about her. Moreover, she also didn't have any chance to know any of us as in the elite classes there was no place for commoners. Alyn also accidentally discovered her when he was being to the commoners class to run some errands. And on one hand, maybe it was their destiny to meet each other.

And we also never force him to let us meet her or never tried to get to know her as he didn't want us to do so.

We also thought that maybe it was due to his thinking that because of being parts of renowned families, we wouldn't be able to accept a commoner like her or maybe she could be uncomfortable around us or we also doubted that maybe she didn't even know that he belonged to one of the grand families.

Everything was going on smoothly but at the last year of university life of Rosa, sis Princey and brother Henry something occurred which caused Rosa to lose her mind along with her innocence and decency. She turned into a rose that full of poisonous thorns from a pure delicate rose.

Brother Henry publicly and officially proposed sis Princey and asked for her hand to spend the rest of their life together and she accepted his proposal happily. And this news of the emperor and the empress of the business world finally being together, became headline whole over the business world by receiving a lot of blessing and best wishes.

And both of them got the acknowledgments from both of their families as our parents knew from a long ago that someday that day was going to come.

After this incident, Rosa secretly started to plot dirty schemes against sis Princey with the hope to make brother Henry separated from her so that Rosa could have him to her.

Even after trying her best for a long time, she couldn't separate them from each other. Both of them kept passing all hurdles together one after another and at last, both of them revealed the true colour and the ugly evil side of Rosa to everyone which she was hiding under her fake innocent pretty pure girl image.

But Rony who used to dot on his sister a lot never believed their words and stood next to support Rosa. So, this made the boundary of our friendship fell weak without even notifying any of us.

But sis Princey and brother Henry still chose to forgive Rosa and gave her another chance by ignoring her all bad and wrong deeds in the past.

Somehow this turned out to be the biggest mistake of their lives that they committed that time which they didn't realize in the beginning.

Because Rosa took their forgiveness as a grant from them to break them apart. She took this incident to raise a false hope that brother Henry had some feelings for her in his heart and sis Princey was the one who was standing in between them.

After that incident, Rosa's madness for brother Henry began to grow day by day and then she started to seek help from her father to have brother Henry.

Her father, the elder Scott named Hank Scott was a sly wolf in a human form. When it came to the point to understand and secure the best benefits and treasures for The Scott family, he never thought twice to even take someone's life or to ruin the whole place or destroy the things from the roots. He could even sacrifice the lives of his own children to acquire his own benefits and he wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill his own children to achieve his desired goals. Even a vicious tiger spares its cubs even though it's an animal yet Hank Scott was a heartless beast in the human form who was even so lower than an animal without having any conscience.

He knew that if Rosa could marry brother Henry, then it would bring a great fortune for The Scott family as brother Henry was the heir of our Jones family and also the most successful businessman of Britain at that time. So, he didn't want that opportunity to slip from the hands of The Scott family and also he didn't want to let it go to the hands of The Parker family.

So, with the help of their father, Rony and Rosa secretly sided together to separate them.

After that one by one incident started to take place which somehow was shuttering the wall of our friendship which was years old and slowly the friendship had also started to damage day by day.

Things kept continuing its way and I, Selina, Reo and Alyn completed our studies and got busy with travelling around the world while involving ourselves in our family businesses for sometimes.

Meanwhile, uncle Hank hit upon one more plan to lay his authority in our Jones family by suggesting a marriage alliance between Alyn and me.

But as his friend, I already knew that he was in a serious relationship with that junior girl for years and mid-time he also informed us that he registered a court marriage with her.

As a result, both of us rejected that marriage proposal right at the moment we came to know about it and at last, without finding a proper excuse to avoid the marriage Alyn finally disclosed his hidden marriage to his father which caused uncle Hank went mad with anger and he grounded Alyn in the house arrest. Then he ordered his men to find the girl with whom Alyn was married and then to kill her.

But with our help, Alyn somehow managed to escape the captivity of uncle Hank and save the life of the girl he loved. Afterwards, Alyn decided to run away from Britain with his wife and move to France. Then he first safely sent his wife back to France and then he also flew to France the next day.

Brother Henry and sis Princey were the ones who accompanied us to take him to the airport and also were the ones who arranged everything for him without letting any elders from our families to know and also ensured their safety.

That was the last time we all saw Alyn as after moving to France he once contacted us to say thanks for the help we offered him. And also he left his blessings for sis Princey and brother Henry and also to Reo and Selina. But after that, he never contacted us or stayed in touch with us.

The strange matter was that after doing so many things we still couldn't meet or see the face of his wife or get to know any single details about her.

After a few months of Alyn's incident, sis Princey and brother Henry knotted tie with one another by holding a grand wedding by receiving a lot of blesses and best wishes from everyone after successfully being in a relationship with one another for years by overcoming all the dirty plots of The Scott family.

Along with their marriage, uncle Hank's dream to become a part of our Jones family's fortune and expending his family power shuttered into pieces. But he didn't let anyone know his ulterior motives that easily and maintained his fake good relationship with our Jones family.

He attended the wedding of my brother and sister-in-law along with Rosa. Rosa was trying her best to hide her jealousy and anger under her smiling face.

But Reo, Sea and I could easily see through her and we found her a bit stranger and weird as if she was planning something big with the help of her brother and father. Yet we couldn't find out anything suspicious that day.

But the next day something big happened by proving that our doubt from the day before was right.

I can still clearly remember everything that happened on that day. The memories of that day are still green in my mind. There was such stormy weather that day and later on, it rained a lot with thunders and lightings and along with that rain, the last thread or brick that was holding the wall of our friendship was also finally broke down and washed away.

On that day we got the news of Rosa's death early in the morning and all of us attended to her funeral. Even brother Henry and sis Princey who were on their honeymoon came back to attend her funeral.

We only got to know that she died in a car accident while returning from the wedding ceremony.

It was raining heavily and after paying their final respect all the guests left and then The Scott family and The Jones family were the only ones left in the graveyard and Rony who was controlling himself for a while finally busted out in anger and grief over the sudden death of his lovely sister and started to accuse my brother and sister-in-law as the murderers who murdered Rosa. While handing a copy of the suicide note written by Rosa he started to scream in anger by saying that because of brother Henry didn't value Rosa or her love ever, she committed suicide. And sis Princey came between them by ruining their happiness. So, both of them were responsible for her sudden death. His every word was echoing in our ears like thunderstrikes and those thunderstrike were directly falling in the wall of our friendship by making it shuttered down completely.

Brother Henry denied all his accusing with proofs that were proving all the inconveniences caused by Rosa to them while standing by the side of sis Princey hand to hand as one.

Uncle Hank got to know that if those proofs leaked in the media, it would cause huge damage to The Scott family which would be hard to tackle.

So, he slapped Rony and quieted him down. Then he ordered his men to take Rony home and apologised to us from the behalf of Rony and Rosa.

But it was clearly visible that he was planning something big to get back at our Jones family and also going to avenge for his lovely daughter's death sooner or later.

After a few days of Rosa's death, as the only child left in the family, Rony became the heir of The Scott family but none in the outer world knew about Alyn's breaking his ties completely with The Scott family as the old fox uncle Hank kept it as a secret and managed the sudden disappearance of Alyn with the fake news that he had sent Alyn overseas on a business trip where it would take a boundless time for him to return back to Britain.

After that both Rony and uncle Hank started to pull dirty schemes secretly against our Jones family and The Parker family. But no matter what they did they couldn't get successful with their dark plans as my brother and sister-in-law always used to overtake them by letting them tasted the taste of failure.

Meanwhile, every one of The Jones family was about to happily welcome a new member to our family and my brother was also eagerly taking preparation and was waiting to open the next door of their relationship which was titled as being happy and proud parents as my sister-in-law was pregnant with their first child.

But that happiness didn't last for too long because the moment The Scott family got to know about her pregnancy they started to take their preparation to kill the unborn child and my sister-in-law to revenge against The Parker family and The Jones family and then they began to wait for a suitable time.

And that time they were waiting for finally arrived, sis Princey went to the hospital to take her monthly check-up section with Sea and me.

Then Rony asked his men to kidnap the three of us and brought us to one of their abandon factories. But his men failed to kidnap me as I went out to make a call to our one client.

But still, they succeeded in kidnapping Sea and sis Princey and when I came back after making the call, I couldn't find any of them and then I immediately contacted brother Henry and Reo.

We all started to search for them everywhere but couldn't find any news about them until brother Henry located them by using the GPS that was hidden in their wedding ring on sister-in-law's finger.

We all reached the location of that factory with our men and got to see that Rony was marrying Sea forcefully where sis Princey was struggling to save her.

Luckily we reached there by time and Reo saved Sea before any misfortune took place to her and my brother saved sister-in-law. And Rony also ran away from there on time before we could do anything to him.

But still because of the stress and the struggle caused by the situation sis Princey had a miscarriage and she and my brother lost their first child.

With this incident, The Parker family and The Jones family finally cut their all ties with The Scott family.

And also the head of the William family, Reo's father, Egan William declared the wedding of Reo with Sea on the same day while expending the hands of the partnership of The William family to The Jones and The Parker family by blocking their all contacts with The Scott family.

But before two days ago their wedding ceremony Rony again sneak attacked with the help of his men to kidnap Sea. But he couldn't get success as Reo's parents saved Sea at the time on the cost of their lives. Reo's parents died on the spot. And after holding their funeral, Reo got married to Sea on the next day and they left Britain along with his position as the heir to The William family for good and moved to Japan to inherit The Ito family according to his mother's will.

This incident somehow caused a deep wound in Reo's mind that he never gave a second thought to live in Britain ever again.

But still, the position of the heir of The William family remained the same as Reo's uncle Eithan William never had a child and he and his lover Gorge Dragon used to consider Reo as his own son.

Even till now, they are guarding the position of the heir to pass it to Reo's son.

Anyway, after that incident, Reo's uncle sued The Scott family for killing his younger brother and sister-in-law and forced Reo to give up his family fortune and to move to another country. And he won that case so easily with the help of his lover Gorge as Gorge Dragon was the best international lawyer in the whole of Britain and so is he now.

As a result, Rony was imprisoned for a few years.

After Rony's being imprisoned, Uncle Scott started to secretly find for Alyn to make him his heir as he no longer wanted the position of heir to fall in the hands of someone who had the criminal records as it could tarnish his so cold pride and the reputation of his family.

So, for the time being, all the attack from The Scott family discontinued and everything returned back to its order.

After waiting for a few years after their first child's death, my brother and sister-in-law along with our families finally welcomed a baby angel who brought a lot of happiness with her.

Her arrival in our families was like a beautiful dream. So, we named her Alora.

We all used to treasure the little angel as she was the gift that we received from God after the endless waiting and the unbearable pains.

Everything was going on smoothly but when you were three years old, The Scott family kidnapped you along with your mom from the outside of your kindergarten school.

None of us knew anything about it until your mom came and fell unconscious on the doorstep of The Jones mansion with you covering in wounds and blood.

Your dada didn't know about any of this incident as he was busy in a business meeting for the whole day.

That day he secured the best deal for The Jones groups of industries as a successful businessman.

But when he returned home he could see that your mom who was covered in deep wounds and was in a coma for a few hours and little you who was covered in light bruises and skin damages. The doctors said that your mom could never become a mother because of the heavy injuries she got during her last pregnancy and that day's accident.

That time he realized that he failed as a father and a husband that day while being a successful businessman.

Somehow, this incident hurt him a lot and after your mom's regaining conscious, along with your mom he declared the decision of their leaving businesses world together.

Their this decision became a headline that shocked a lot of people.

That's why the people at your birthday party was referring to them as once Emperor and Empress of the business world.

After that incident, he gave up the title of the heir of The Jones family and started to live his life as a commoner with your mom and you. Your dada and mom love you a lot and treasure you a lot that they gave up their hard-earned dream careers and their successful lifestyle for you.

Even though I and Martin along with our parents never accepted his decision heartily yet we decided to respect his decision. But before reaching to any consequences we made him gave us his words to make you as the next heiress of The Jones family and without having enough excuses to refuse it they both had no options but to give in with our this decision.

Somehow our this request made your parents who were about to leave the country with you by changing their identities to keep you safe from their enemies to stay in Britain and live with us in The Jones mansion again but still, they chose to work as an engineer and a nurse under hidden identities as they didn't want to get involved with the family businesses any longer.

Then Martin and Franco who was out of the country for a long time finally returned to handle the business of The Jones and The Parker's.

After that three of us who didn't have that many experiences in the business fields started to tool hard with our parents to keep the peaks of our families businesses built by your mom and dada.

Then when you were about to be five years old, we decided to gather our all relatives to celebrate it with us grandly. The arrangements started to take place a week ahead of your fifth birthday. As a result, after a few years, Reo and Sea returned to Britain with Evan who was only seven years old that time.

Little Evan used to like you a lot and used to take care of you the whole day. He also used to accompany you to our family martial arts centre where Martin, I and your parents used to practice. Your dada started to teach you how to aim and to shoot when you were three years old after that dreadful incident.

And Evan had good self-defence skills as a 7 years old kid which he received from Reo and Sea as they were good fighters.

Evan and you used to get along well and used to follow me everywhere. Where you used to call me mama, Evan used to call me princess.

Everything was fine until your birthday party began. Middle of the birthday party you went missing while playing with Evan.

Later on, we found wounded Evan covered in blood on the ground.

Your parents and we all along with our men kept searching you like mad but you were nowhere to be found.

In the security camera footage, we got to see clearly that as a 7 years old kid, little Evan tried his best to protect you by fighting with those intruders and was trying his best to stop them from taking you away. But those people were animals in the form of humans and they injured little Evan brutally. Yet Evan kept fighting until he was knocked unconscious by them. It was clearly seen in that footage that little Evan failed to protect you from those bad guys because of his age gap and the differences of his physical strength with them.

Little Evan still kept crying while being unconscious and was calling out your name. Where the doctors were busy in giving treatment to Evan we all were busy in searching you but you were nowhere to be found and we all lost it.

In a short while, we received the news of Rony's being out of the jail that made your parents went mad in anger and both of them destroyed two basements and four camps of The Scott family while searching for you.

Then like today, you were found after midnight. A handsome young man appeared in front of the doorstep of The Jones mansion by carrying you in his arms and handed you to your grandparents. We received the news and we all gathered to the mansion. Your parents didn't recognize him at the first place but I recognized him immediately as he was one of the business partners of mine, the only son of The Whitlock family, Johnathan Whitlock who was known as cold prince due to his calm and cold appearance. It was normal for my family members not to recognize him as The Whitlock family had always been mysterious among everyone.

Then Reo returned to the mansion with his men and he immediately recognized Johnathan. Then he told us that Johnathan was his childhood best friend and his business partner.

Afterwards, we shared the issue with him and asked him where he found you. Then Johnathan said that he found you near the highway around the area of one of the villas of The Scott family with one more little baby boy who was around one year older than you.

Johnathan also told that the little boy had sapphire blue eyes and golden blonde hair. After talking with the baby boy, Johnathan got to know that he was the one who helped you to get out of the place where they were capturing you.

Johnathan found both of you when the little boy came in front of his car while trying to escape from the guards and that time he was carrying you on his back as you were unconscious due to the high fever and was unable to walk.

Johnathan saved you two from the guards by knocking them out. Then the boy handed you to Johnathan to take you to your family by saying you belonged to our Jones family.

Then Johnathan had tried his best to convince that kid to come with him but he denied his offer by saying that he had to save his family by returning to the villa where you were captived. Afterwards, Johnathan even tried his best to offer him his help to save his parents but he denied it by saying that some bad grandfather would kill his parents along with his brother if he took Johnathan's help.

At last, Johnathan agreed to let him go and before going away, he took the promise from Johnathan that you would be safe and fine. And also the little boy told him to protect you well until he would come back to find you next time to play with you.

And when Johnathan asked him about how he would find you again as an answer to his question the little boy showed him a hairpin given by you to him as the symbol of you two's friendship and as the promise to meet him again and as a sign to recognize him whenever you two would meet again.

Then by promising to meet you once again that little boy ran away while holding your hairpin to his chest as a treasure that you offered him to recognize you whenever he met you the next time.

Johnathan helplessly watched him going away while holding you to his arms.

After that, he brought you to us by finding the way to our home.

You had been suffering from high fever for two days and two nights but in that unconscious state of your, you always said in your fever talk about that blue eyes boy who saved you back then.

And little Evan who woke up after being unconscious for one day and one night saw unconscious you crying in pain and then he started to accuse him as the culprit for your that state and that affected him psychologically as a kid.

Because Evan had some deep wounds he took time to recover than you who had only bruises and light skin damages. As a result, we suggested to Reo and Sea to live with us until he would fully recover without staying in any hotel as Reo didn't want to go to The William's mansion as he always felt there suffocated after his parents' death.

Even after your recovery, Evan began to keep a safe distance from you for the rest of the days he stayed at our place. All of a sudden he became too cold towards everyone by shutting himself inside and distancing himself from others. He only got along with me and Johnathan who came to visit you almost regularly and always used to cried alone by hiding himself in a corner and also he always said that he wanted to be the strongest.

But after recovering you no longer remember about the little boy who saved you or the little Evan who used to take care of you and also you forgot about those self-defence tricks and shooting skills that you learned from your parents. You had a short memory loss that was caused by the fever and the trauma you received from that incident of sudden kidnapping and being captivated. As a result, we couldn't find any information about the little boy who saved you as we expected to find from you.

And also after your recovering as Evan used to be so cold towards you by avoiding you all the time while thinking it to be the best way to keep you safe, you became to get irritated of him by thinking him as a bad boy and Evan also intentionally maintained an image of a bad evil boy in front of you to keep you away from him.

No matter how much we tried but we all failed to stop him from living with a pang of guilt for something that he had never caused and day by day, Evan's condition was getting worse. The more he saw you the more he felt guilty and with the time he started to lose his confidence and he was shutting himself from the rest of the world day by day by being colder and colder from a happy smiling child. The situation became worse when he started to fall sick because of his psychological damage and was almost unable to recover and was about to lose his life.

On the other hand, you used to get irritated and agitated with the sight of Evan and started to detest him more and more that caused him to believe that you hated him because he couldn't save you that day. At last, you couldn't stand Evan for a second and used to get too much hyper with his presence.

As a result, Reo and Sea returned to Japan with Evan, even he wasn't recovered completely and never returned to Britain until now for the wellbeing of you and Evan.

And as for Evan, he took a long time to recover even after returning back to Japan and also even though he recovered gradually yet he has almost lost his sense of physical pains and still now he can barely feel any pains from any wounds that he receives and besides it, he still remains colder and indifferent as a person than others and also he hides his emotions and feelings inside him by locking down every possibility for others to approach him. As a result, he could never return back to his old happy carefree self after that incident.

That's why we are always encouraging both of you whenever we see that Evan and you are doing well together. Somehow, we all feel like by being around you somehow he is returning back to his old self that he lost years ago.

After that incident, your mom and your dada moved out of Britain and started to live separately from each other and you in Italy and Australia. They thought that they could protect you better by being far away from you. Your mom owns her own teams of spies that have always been protecting you secretly and your dada has his own teams of forces that are still carrying on missions against The Scott family. As they couldn't be with you in the same house that's why they started to spend money as the river flows after you since you were young to make you feel that they love you a lot.

Both of them still think that the more they stay together with you or closer to you the more you will get hurt and attract the dangers that will put your life at risk. That's why even after the years of that incident they still don't dare to live together with you and try their best to stay away from you. They still consider themselves as the biggest risk of your life because of which your life is always on the deadline of danger.

According to us, your parents were and are great lovers, are great husband and wife and also protective and caring parents who become helpless to keep themselves separate from their lovely daughter for her own safety.

That incident not only effected your parents and Evan but also Martin because it caused such a fear in his mind that he decided to never get married and protect you all his life by being single.

Meanwhile, we also tried to find about that little boy who saved your life but we could only get a few information about him from our secret sources.

According to the information we got, two kids were living at one of The Scott's villas who were around 12 years old and 6 years old but their parents were not spotted anywhere around them. The kids were appeared to be the grandsons of The Scott family. But still, there was a possibility that they were held captivated in that villa with their parents.

As Rony weren't married and Rosa was dead the only one who got married was Alyn. So, we could easily guess that the kids were his. As his wife was from an ordinary background the sly old fox uncle Hank would never accept her as the daughter-in-law of The Scott family.

And Alyn who loves his wife and his children a lot would never let uncle Hank have his own ways by hurting his wife or let the old fox use his children as his puppets to achieve the dirty goals of his and also as a righteous and an honest person he would never surrender himself for money or property.

So, the only way for the old fox to use his children was to hold Alyn and his wife as captives to control their children by scaring them or threatening them with their parents' lives. That's why he was holding Alyn and his wife as the captives to control their children and to use their children as one of his puppets by making him the next heir of The Scott family.

But when we reached there to help them, they had already fled from their claws by saving their lives and also they had moved out of France after that incident to another country but where none of us knows.

After that incident, Johnathan used to visit you and accompany you whenever he got free time and you used to be happy around him. I also got to discover a secret side of him that he used to love kids and get along with them well.

Then after a few years of being in a relationship, Johnathan and I got married. Then after a year of our marriage, we were going to be parents but uncle Hank and Rony who were still after our lives even after so many years somehow managed to cause a break fail in our car and we lost our baby who was still growing inside me in it.

Afterwards, doctors declared that like your mom, I can never carry a baby in my womb. So, as a result, we could never become parents.

Because of this incident, Johnathan got so mad at The Scott family and Rony that he once again sued Rony. Later on, we got to know that Rony met with a car accident while trying to get away from the police and died after falling from a hillside. But his body was nowhere to be found.

We all somehow doubted that it was one of the schemes of uncle Hank to keep Rony safe by hiding him under his sleeves to use him as his trump card against us whenever he wants to as the only reason Rony was living for was just to revenge against The Jones and The Parkers for his lovely sister's death that somehow involved The Whitlocks and The Williams along with The Mathews because of their marrying into The Jones and The Parkers and being the business partners.

After all these incidents, Johnathan and I took you as our destined child and started to spend more and more time with you. By spending time with you, we got to enjoy the parenthood and we also got an angel in the form of daughter to us. And we have always wanted to adopt you as our daughter from the beginning and God heard our prayers and now finally we have you as our daughter.

However, uncle Hank lost his three children because of his greed for power and status. And along with his children because of their creating too many rucks and troubles, the friendship that has been flown between the six families from generations to generations for ages were also buried down and got lost with that dark past.

Still, uncle Hank managed to maintain the status and business of The Scott family from falling apart as none in Britain wanted to deal with The Scott family business because neither of them wanted to go against the rest five big families for one Scott family.

But still, uncle Hank managed to stable deals and threads with the foreign countries that helped to establish the businesses of The Scott family to a huge success which later took their business to another peak.

But still, The Scott family shut themselves from every kind of social activities and communications and became more hideous and secretive than they were before.

Somehow from the inner sources, we got to know that he declared the youngest son of Alyn as the next heir of The Scott family yet he was nowhere to be found.

And it was also said that uncle Hank decided to accept the wife of Alyn so that he could take that little boy as his heir because the little boy was a genius at such a young age and also he almost looked like the child version of Alyn. And also it was said that the elder child of Alyn adopted the mother's surname as he hated his father's family and also even though he had golden blonde hair and similar facial features with his father he had the same light brown amber eyes like his mother's.

It was also found later on that the younger child of Alyn shared the same blood group of Alyn and the rest of The Scott family where the elder child of Alyn had the blood group similar with his mother. This was also one of the best reasons for uncle Hank to chose the little boy as the heir because uncle Hank always used to hate commoners as a successful businessman and the eldest child's blood group was matched to his mother who was a commoner whom uncle Hank used to hate most as because of her his son went against him.

It was also stated by uncle Hank that even if Alyn didn't let his younger son be the heir then he would still have many other ways to have that child to be the next heir of The Scott family and at the end of the day by hook or by crook he would make that child the heir of his massive wealth.

We still don't know anything regarding this matter as there is none till the date who has met Alyn and his family and also knows where about his family.

But it is still true that after causing so much destruction and grave losses to all of us, uncle Hank is still not willing to let the five families live a peaceful life and to let The Jones family have their heir.

We somehow still believe that Rony is alive and along with him uncle Hank is still trying to harm you.

These all were the secrets of the past that were buried down deep inside our hearts for years now.

When we still look back to those days we still think that how love made Rosa blind and turned her into a villainess with an ugly hidden face from a sweet girl with great beauty and how the prince charming elder brother Rony who was admired as a gentle and kind angel went mad in anger and turned into a devil who became thirsty for the lives of the younger brothers and sisters whom he raised with his own hands and fought to protect them and ensure their safety.

And also we are still confused about one thing and it has remained as a question in our mind for years now that is it too much bad to fall in love with a commoner by being from a well known rich family that Alyn had to give up his family fortune to stay with his lover???

We still think and ask ourselves that was Rosa's love that much important and deserving for causing the fall out of The Scott family with the rest of five families by being enemies???

My dear baby girl, to save you, your family have made so many sacrifices and faced so many hurdles like your parents leaving their successful careers and choosing to live separately, Evan spent his whole childhood by being considered himself guilty for not having the ability to protect you, your uncle Martin gave up his idea of marrying, etc, etc.

Because your life has been always at risk your grandparents decided to let you live a life of a commoner. After your five years old birthday, your life took a huge turn.

Your existence became a secret. None in the outer world know about the heiress of The Jones family. Your life has been a secret that we kept away from everyone. None from outer world know that how you look or what your name is.

From your childhood to now you have always been surrounded by guards and secrets forces who are always accompanying you like a shadow and protecting you secretly even without letting you know about their presences.

Always be safe my child and be always happy.", said Merry by ending the stories from the past.

Alora and the others who were in the room were quite after recalling about such a dark past.

Alora's eyes were filled with tears and she could see that everyone in the room was wearing the long faces while tears were shining in their eyes.

"Oh... come on everyone. Now stop being sad. Now you all have me to take care of. So, please stop wearing those sad faces and cheer up.", said Alora while wiping her tears by wearing a happy big smile.

And all of them came back to the reality with Alora's voice and wiped their tears while fixing their looks and then looked at Alora.

"I love you all.", said Alora while inviting them to hug her and Reo, Selina, Merry and Johnathan happily hugged her by saying, "We love you a lot."

"Baby girl, do you know what you used to call your papa when he used to visit you often back then???", said Selina happily while freeing Alora from her embrace.

Alora said while shaking her head, "No..."

"You used to call him Mr handsome at first. Then you used to call him mama's boyfriend and last uncle John and now papa. The funniest matter is that your papa had to take permission from Evan back then to meet mama and also before marrying her, he had to give fire exam to Evan because back then Evan had a secret crush on your mama from the first time he met her while she was training archeries and from that time he found her cool and strong. So, he used to address her princess.", said Selina happily while everyone fell into laughter.

"By the way, where is Evan???", said Alora while searching for Evan.

"He sneaked out when we were talking about the past. I will go and bring him to you. Actually, he didn't want us to spoil his image as a strong person in front of you. That's why he hid before it came to that point.", said Merry happily.

"I will bring something for us to eat.", said Selina happily.

"Ok then, we will accompany little princess.", said Johnathan and Reo together happily.

Afterwards Selina and Merry went out of the room while Reo and Johnathan were accompanying Alora happily.

Alora came to know about the past that was kept dark from her for all these years. Her misunderstandings about her parents loving their careers more than their daughter became clearer to her.

And her curiosity about why everyone was after her life also came to light with a perfect explanation.