Episode 158- Grandpa!

[Ez PoV-1 day later]

Opticx huh?

This stupid world and all its problems.

I swear even if a random person were killed in the street I would be dragged into it somehow by the world just because the world doesn't want me to sit still for a moment.

*Beep* I looked at my PCD.

'The number of beasts above level 50 exponentially drops as the level increases to the point there are no beast ingredients above level 65 in this world.'

I sighed seeing this message sent from my satellite.

I had concluded earlier that there was some kind of qualitative changes for beast ingredients above level 50.

When I had asked this to Albert and Merlin during the final round of exams a year ago both had stated to me about the explanation about the qualitative transformation of a magi at rank 6.

They wanted me to assume that the beast went through a similar transformation and was incredibly strong to the point none could be seen or captured, hence the lack of records of level 60 or above beast ingredients.

They knew I wouldn't believe that bullshit but what other explanation was there for me to accept when they are so secretive about it. As a person who always likes to be informed I wanted to know why they kept everything about level 60 and above beast so secret.

But now looking at the data I got I had an idea of why they are so secretive about it.


'Assignment to clear another grey zone in the south-west region. Rank 4 grey zone.' Man can't these guys leave me alone.


[Random person PoV- 1 year ago]

"Ian, punk wake up." I opened my eyes tiredly.

"Old man let me sleep for a few more minutes." I groaned.

"Sure, go ahead, but you will waste all your effort so far in wanting to learn the sword technique I promised you if you sleep any longer." The old man in front of me grinned.

"I am awake!" I got out of bed jumping around causing the old man to laugh.

"Ian be quiet!" My mum called out to me from the kitchen.

I sighed as I quickly washed up and wore my training clothes as I went out.

I grabbed the sandwich on the table while looking at the PCD in my dad's arm jealously. "Just once dad," I begged him to which he shook his head.

"I don't trust you, kids, with such expensive equipment anymore. Not after what happened to the last one." I exhaled remembering how my stupid siblings started a fight for the PCD as soon as dad passed me his PCD.

After all, it is very rare to see Earth tech in an almost medieval kind of world.

This world was very different and weird from Earth and the novels I read.

Sometimes I thought this was a medieval world only to be proven wrong by the occasional techs like hoverboard in the capital, transportation like bus, the PCD and SAD etc.

Then if I thought this was a sci-fi world setting, I was once more proven wrong when I saw magi and spells.

If I thought it was a combination of both(a magi sci-fi world) I was proven wrong once again when I saw the people of this world behaving with the mindset of 15th-century people.

"Besides this is my work PCD," Dad stated as he hugged the PCD in his hand close to him.

I missed phones, PC, internet, games, and my novels. Only if I could get one of them.

"Hurry up Ian!" The old man told me in seriousness as he looked at the PCD in worry.

My dad not noticing my old man carried on with his work in the PCD.

This was my cheat in this world. The famous grandpa in the ring.

Although mine doesn't seem to come from a ring but rather is attached to my body. However, unlike all of them, my grandpa is the best. He pretty much knows everything from survival to socialising aspects.

Both he and I have no idea how he ended up with me.

I was one-day binge gaming and fell asleep in front of my PC. I then woke up the next day to see I was in the body of this 4-year-old kid who also like me was named Ian.

I at first freaked out, especially when the old man, Levi, appeared in front of me in the middle of the night at the same time. But the countless amount of reading novels and seeing transmigration manga's let me calm down quickly and accept my situation happily.

It was after all my dream to transmigrate.

The old man at first was apprehensive about me and tried to kill me several ways thinking I had used some kind of spell or something on him. But after a while, he calmed down as none of his attacks worked. He was a ghost that wasn't allowed to interact with the world and only I can see him.

Along with that was the depressing fact for him that he can't move more than 20 meters away from me. Thus leading to me being the only person he can socialise with him.

We got along pretty well after a few months of my arrival in this world. I trusted him more than enough to reveal to him my secret of being a transmigrator. He was very apprehensive of my claims at first and ended up just believing it. After all, he was a ghost attached to me, so who says something like my situation couldn't happen.

I began training after a few months. I wanted to be strong not because I had any goals but just because I knew in these kinds of settings something will definitely happen to the people who transmigrated with a cheat.

Naturally, the old man began guiding me, seeing me do ineffective training to the point he was now my mentor in everything.

So, for the next 6 years, I trained with the help of the old man to become strong and here I am.

I ran out and went to the secret woods I trained while noticing Levi brooding. This has been the case ever since he saw the PCD for the last 1 week.

"Are you alright old man?" I asked him in confusion.

"Opticx." He sighed as he looked ahead in worry.

"Optics? You need glasses now?" I asked him in confusion.

Levi shook his head. "Not optics punk, Opticx. You remember my story don't you?" He was still brooding.

"Yeah, you being the most powerful general of some space army only to be killed in a space battle after your spaceship was rigged with explosives by a traitor, I assume," I told him.

"Do you know why I decided to train you?" The old man suddenly changed the topic to ask me which confused me.

"Because I asked you nicely and I was your only companion for a very long time?" I asked him back only to see him shake his head.

"I wish." He chuckled.

"I can't exactly tell how many years have passed, but if I got attached to your soul right after I died then I believe there are roughly only 10 to 15 years left till the beginning of a great universal war." I looked at the old man in shock.

"I need you to be as strong as possible before then to lend your assistance to correct the mistake I partook in creating." The old man smiled sadly.

"War? And that to universe scale war? Are you mad old man? I have not even killed a single person in my life let alone fight in a war!" I was scared.

"It's either you get strong enough to stop the war or leave your fate to chance." I groaned hearing this.

"Fine, but only because you helped me so much," I grumbled as I began my training session ignoring the happy smile on the old man.

I began training with the fake wooden sword I had made to practise with. The old man told me I could be a sword whisperer or something as long as I follow his training methods.


[Ez PoV- 2 days later]

*Whizz* I got out of the rank 4 grey zone with my hover boots- I had recently created- just in time before the whole place crumbled down under the pressure of the river above.

*Boom* *Splash*

Water splashed onto everyone by the riverside as the depth of the river now grew.

"I am getting too old for this shit!" I cursed as I called Dexter.

"I presume it was a success." He saw the view of land with low water level and our drenched state.

"I need retirement from active field duty," I complained.

"See you back at the capital." He hung up without saying anything.

My eyebrows twitched.

I looked at Ellis, Luke, and the small unit of 2 award users and 3 magi's send for my protection. "You guys need anything from the locals?" I asked them to which they all shook their head.

"Let's get going then," I told them.

However, just as I prepared to take off I noticed something.

"On guard 3'o clock!" I shouted as I skidded back behind my protection unit with my new hover shoes.

Luke was the second one to notice the slightly crunched grass and small indentation of shoes on the ground.

*Shing* He drew out his sword and slashed the air sending out an air projectile.

*Bam* The air projectile clashed onto the ground however it met no one and the feet imprint disappeared.

Ellis followed suit as he took his sword out and carefully observed his surroundings while the 5 protection units formed a circle around me.

"Any of you have any solution for finding an invisible enemy?" An award user in the circle formation enquired. While Ellis and Luke were on active duty in attacking. I began fetching the software package on my PCD.

"The only solution I have is forming a dye and throwing it in the air. But that amount of spell requires a rank 5 high capacity magi." One of the magi replied.

"Turn your PCD's camera mode on," I suggested to them.

They were confused for a moment. "Just do it!" They nodded as they turned their PCD's on.

"Now I was planning to roll in this software update for military units next week since the PCD already has prebuilt hardware's for this but here we go." I connected their PCD's to mine and installed a package.

"Click accept!" All of them did.

"Huh?" All of them were confused about seeing their screen filled with a mix of green, orange and red.

"Is that heat signature?" One of them quickly deduced to which I nodded.

They smiled as they began aiming the PCD around.

"Ellis 10 meter to your right!" One of the magi shouted out.

"Luke 5 meter's behind you!" Another award user shouted out.

Ellis and Luke without question slashed the air sending air projectiles in the direction mentioned to them.

My PCD connected to theirs allowed me to see live feedback of what was going on through their screens.

I saw how 2 people standing still quickly jumped out of the way of the air projectile.

"Retreat!" Both of them got up and quickly began running away.

"Don't chase!" I gave the order to both Ellis and Luke who were about to follow the imprints.

"Let's get to the capital first," I instructed all of them.

We moved in the circle formation with Ellis take the front as attacked and Luke taking the back.

As for me, I kept moving with my self-driving hover boots while I worked on my PCD.

'So, they were planning to capture me after the surprise attack.' I deduced looking at the plans in their communication device.

Both of them were the agents send by those aliens monitoring me from above thinking I had some sort of connection with this Opticx.

And here I thought they would take a more subtle approach.

I planted a tracking software on their device. I would get an alert on my PCD if they were even 10 minutes within my area and moving towards me.

7 hours later we arrived back in the capital.

"I will be in my lab."

"Your highness…" Ellis began in concern, but I waved him off.

"The R&D is the most safest place in the empire after the imperial palace. They would need more than invisibility to barge in there." I assured them as I walked in.

"Give Dexter an update on what happened. I just got an inspiration for a great idea and I am going to work on it. Don't bother me for the next 2 hours." I dismissed all of them as I went to my lab to inject myself with my regular dose of principle particles.

I needed to formulate some plans against these invisible stalkers.