Episode 159- The History!

Please see the comment section(for those on webnovel platform) where I will post a link to view the world map of the world. For those on phone reading on Webnovel platform, I recommend reading in RoyalRoad, where you can copy and paste the link.



[A few days later]

*Skitter* My bot came to me with the final dose for rank 2.

Injecting it I began visualising my 2nd mutation.

'My power will also affect any and all objects and inanimate things.' My power so far was heavily reliant on people.

However, if people figured that out and decided to send droids or homing projectiles after me it will be troublesome. This way my power would affect both people and object.

If I gave a simple order like 'You don't notice me.', to a person they won't notice me at all when they get affected by my power.

However, should they send something like an autopiloted mech to solely target me before my award mutated, then even if I said, 'You don't notice me.', it would simply affect the person viewing through the mech. However, the code behind the programme of mech will still keep track of me and try to attack me/ capture me.

This way I can affect both the object and people at the same time. Even if a mech came and I said 'Notice me not', it would affect both the being viewing through the mech and the mech.

I was sure those assholes from space will definitely have visual techs to keep track of me now that they think I am being assisted by this tech lord Opticx. They would probably take precautionary act against any invisibility tech I might employ like them.

So this way if I wanted their visual techs to not notice me it won't.

I felt a great rush of energy rushing through my body strengthening me to the limit. "Ha…" I breathed out as the process ended and I became a rank 2 award user.

Walking towards the cube I began strengthening my physique.

30 minutes later I walked out with the physique befitting of a rank 2 award user.

"With knowledge comes power. With power comes strength. And in strength comes either responsibility. But I choose laziness over responsibility." I chuckled as I noticed the tracker on my PDA.

[Stalkers inside the capital.]

*Clack* Hitting my heels together my bots travelled to my feet forming the hover shoes. I prepared to go out. However an alert stopped me.

*Ping* [Chosen ones found!]

A world map came up.

5 continents.

2 of them being a huge wasteland of ice that surrounds the globe, separated by 3 continents and smaller islands.

1 continent belonging to the empire itself, 'Ash Life Empire'.

A continent separated by countless kingdoms. Each kingdom ruled by countless churches and religions. A land submerged in war and crusades. That was the 'Federation of the Faithful'.

The other a land dedicated only for the deities, their church, the HQ, their holy land etc. The paradise on earth or so they say, 'The Land of Pilgrim'. In this land, there are no people from different countries. It is just devotees.

The map zoomed in towards the Ash Life Empire.

Soon the location of all the chosen ones appeared.

It was ironic seeing the location where the chosen ones had appeared in.

The Ash Life continent used to once be land so dangerous and filled with beasts that it was dangerous for humans to step on it.

The religious groups used to send their heretics and blasphemous people etc to this land in order to not stain their hand with blood. Exile was a common punishment for murders, those that questioned the deities etc at that time and everyone knew being exiled meant certain death in the beast filled continent.

However, that changed when a group of people were sent here to their deaths when they began practising Magi. However, instead of dying this group of magi's survived with teamwork.

The group of magi then began rescuing every single exile that appeared on the shore and grew their team to resist the beasts. Over the decades the group grew powerful and large enough to establish a territory for themselves deep into the woods. And the leader of them was the 1st emperor.

He named the continent Ash Life because in this hell where they were supposed to die and turn to ash they found a new life. By the time the other 2 continents realised what was happening it was too late as an empire consisting only of people who hated the religious group with all their hearts was formed.

The religious groups couldn't even wage a proper war against them because of how isolated the continent was from the rest not to mention being surrounded by dangerous beasts.

Declaring war meant huge cost and huge losses for both the continent, hence they could only helplessly watch the empire growing in power before their very own eyes. As the empire grew they began to see the other 2 continents as a land filled with uncivilised barbarians.

They did this by simply showing the freedom of religion. No one was forced in the empire to worship a deity or punished for speaking blasphemy, unlike the religious continents.

Without the limitation of religion, the empire boomed with magi and tech.

And the same was true for the other 2 continents as they cordoned off the empire as the land of blasphemers and heretics. They ceased and stopped anyone from even making a contact with the empire.

To see the greatest of all deities, chose 6 individuals inside the empire that they hate must have been the greatest blow to them.

Anyway back to the topic at hand.

3 out of 6 of the chosen ones were already in the empire and I knew about them. So, I took them off my PDA.

"Next!" 3 other icons enlarged.

1 in the north. 'That's Dean and I already know about him.' I minimised Dean's icon.

"Now for our finalists." I smiled as I enlarged the 2 icons into 2 separate images.

"You think we went too late into the night old man?" A boy spoke to no one. It was as if he was crazy. However, I knew he wasn't, not when he had traces of divine energy in him that made him a chosen one.

"How boring? The grandpa in the ring cliché." I instantly deduced his cheat seeing him looking and talking to someone in the air.

Picking up the nearest SAD, PDA devices nearby I realised there was one in the home he was going in. I soon got everything on the boy, Ian, who lived south of the empire.

"Next." I minimised his icon and looked at the next one.

"Oh, now this is interesting." This icon was inside one of the danger zones were many of the high levelled beasts resided. The blood forest.

"Oh VICTOR!" A busty naked woman in her 30's embraced by a beautiful black wing with gold feathered tip screamed in ecstasy as a handsome boy who looked no older than 20 pounded the woman. His wings holding her up while his hands pleasured 2 other women, one who seemed to be 18 and the other less than that.

"Harem protagonist are we?" I grinned seeing the live action session.

"Keep a target on the pedo boy and record his movement for me." I ordered the satellite which began its focus on the boy.

There was no way that boy was human. No humans in this planet had wings or any genes related to resembling wings. That was no award either as award users in this planet resided only in the empire and was controlled by the empire.

The only exception to that was Linda and her group of rag tags. However, I don't believe anyone can easily escape from a group of members who managed to capture an angel.

So that concluded the person there wasn't using an award and since no trace of Magi particle was picked up meant he was not human.

"Let's see a levelling system user, a skill system user, a transmigrator, a plot armour protagonist and a grandpa in the ring. That leaves him to be some kind of power/ ability absorber or evolution cliché power up guy." I deduced as I closed my PDA.

I would come back later to observe his day to day life more to deduce his power more accurately.

My boots took me forward and I quickly came out of the tunnel to my normal lab.

"Solidify!" I ordered and the tunnel closed off fully. I won't be using this tunnel for a while.

I walked out of the R&D to see Ellis and Luke waiting outside. "Good evening both of you." I nodded towards them.

"Evening your highness." Both of them bowed.

"Go sleep," I instructed them seeing their tired face.

Before they could argue I spoke up. "The restaurant is watched by our agents. They are looking out for invisible enemies as well."

They nodded and went to sleep. My bots could take rest for the next 2 weeks till they advanced to rank 3.

Unlike other award users both their progression was insanely fast.

Others took months to years to achieve what they are doing in the matter of weeks.

Meh part of it was due to me guiding them.

"I am so humble and kind." I stated out loud as I walked into the store.

My PCD showing the stalkers moving close to my store.

I laid on the table waiting for them as I started counting down.


The door slowly opened as 2 people walked in.

"Hi, is this where we come to apply for the R&D?" I turned my head to see a little girl about 12 years old.

She carried with her a file followed by another older woman who was holding onto her PCD like it was the most precious thing. Both of them looked like they came from an impoverished family.

"Yes, but you have to send in an application first." I turned back to face the ceiling seriously wondering if these idiots were really thinking about using seduction to get me.

"Please, we just…" Suddenly the little girl stopped talking as she realised something.

"Sorry, your highness." Both of them bowed to me as they 'realised' they were talking to the 3rd prince.

"Wassup?" Placing my hand over my eyes I decided to sleep.

"Your highness please have a look at this construct both me and my sister designed." The older girl tried to plead the case.

"Sure." I got up from the table and sat up.

Both of them were surprised that I agreed so quickly.

"Uhh…" The woman quickly began opening a hologram on her PCD for me to see while the little girl came towards me with her book.

"Your highness we have been thinking about a system to connect all the PCD and SAD devices together in the continent..." The girl began flipping through her folder showing me initial idea design of the internet.

"Interesting. How do you plan to enact this?" I acted the part of being surprised just as a hologram came up.

They plan to use tech so great and advanced to get closer to me.

"Like this your highness…" The older woman then began showing me a general set up of a collective database accessible to all.

"Can I?" I pointed at her PCD.

She nodded as she passed me her PCD.

Taking the PCD I began copying the data onto my PCD and gave it back to her.

"Your idea is pretty neat." I began formulating through their shabby designs extracting key parts and improving on it.

"However, there are plenty of improvements to be done." I showcased them the reworked design.

"This…" The little girl's eyes shone seeing a hologram structure of her design improved.

"Do you want to create this?" I asked her to which she nodded eagerly.

I chuckled seeing her eager self. "Very well. What is your name, little girl?"

"Ashely." I nodded as I looked at the older girl.

"I presume you are her sister?" The girl nodded.

"Annie, your highness." She replied politely.

"Okay, then how about I provide you with all the fund you want and a job in R&D in return for developing this net." Both their faces glowed, while the little one had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, your highness." The older one bowed in gratitude.

"Stop crying little one. Tell me which room do you want?" I brought up a map of the dorm showcasing plenty of available rooms.

"This one." She pointed at a random room.

"What about you?" I asked Ashely.

"The room next to her if possible your highness." I nodded as I stood up.

"Let's go." I led 2 trojan horse into the most secure place in the empire.