Nightmare's Call

Nightmare's Call

Fantasy586 Chapters2.3M Views
Author: Get Lost
Table of Contents

This is a story of an ordinary boy gaining unusual powers from his nightmares... It all started when Lin Sheng experienced something strange on what he thought was just another normal day. He begins to have recurring dreams that lead him on an incredible journey of discovery as he encounters spine-chilling monsters and elusive secrets.

463 Reviews
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(actual review below) Chapters: 926 Chapters Status: Complete Year Started: 2019/01 Year Ended: 2019/11 --- Views: 13.13M Total Recommendation: 1.41M Fans: 660K --- QiDian Rating: 8.8 (278) QQ Rating: 6.1 (1026) --- Author: Get Lost 滚开 Rank: Great Author's Other Works (Translated): 【The Wizard World】 【Mystical Journey】 【Way of the Devil】 --- Link: --- Rank 【All Categories】 * #64 Men's Monthly Ticket List (August 2019) * #64 Men's Monthly Ticket List (September 2019) * #60 Men's Monthly Ticket List (October 2019) Rank 【Genre】: * 【XuanHuan】#15 Men's Monthly Ticket List (August 2019) * 【XuanHuan】#13 Men's Monthly Ticket List (September 2019) * 【XuanHuan】#13 Men's Monthly Ticket List (October 2019) - * 【XuanHuan】#76 Men's All Time Recommendation Ticket List +++ [1] Recommendation Ticket/Pass is similar to WN's Power Stone, you get them daily. Users usually get 3 if the level meets. [2] Monthly Ticket/Pass is a higher tier Power Stone in which you could only acquire by becoming buying and spending paid coins. Users are usually limited to 5 tix monthly. ◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽ I've seen at least 2 novel pickup request of this in the forums and have been looking forward to it ever since this has been on the voting pool. [Ch15 read] ✔️Great start, very descriptive. I like it that way so much, makes my reading experience imaginative. I don't know why some readers claimed it as fillers or dragging ✔️Calm and rational MC. ✔️Very intriguing dream world with horror and thriller tone but very bearable to readers weak at those. I hope there would be a review who actually read further from translations.

5 years ago

Like it so far, Great premise. Have to rate it 5 stars as nothing has given me qualms so far. Will update review later on where there is more content to judge on

5 years ago

Great story so far. I like author's unique style, the characters and the plot. It's not as usual as some other webnovel stories. I am looking forward for the next chapters. Thanks for picking this up!

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Holy ****. Is this bad. The writing (translation quality) is totally fine, stability of updating as well. No qualms there. But boy oh boy is the story boring. Started out kind of interesting, and it felt like the story could develop to a gem, but I was wrong, so wrong. There might be some small spoilers for the first ~100 chapters. Didn't (couldn't) read further. Alright, let's get this over with. Worldbuilding could be worse I guess but that would be a story written by a 3 year old. The dream world has a few interesting points but the author only touches them and moves on. Imo that is one of the worst points about the book; it seems like the author has a story outlined in his head (more or less) but he keeps forgetting to write everything coherently. He touches on some subjects and forgets them completely, or he just talks about stuff he hasn't introduced before but thinks he has, I don't really know. Everything is so incoherent... Now for the MC... My god is he dumb and boring as hell. He is introduced as a not especially genius or strong guy, his main feature according to the author, is being able to keep calm in every situation. But soon it becomes clear that the MC is a powerhungry, emotionless, loner dimwit. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems whatsoever with a dark, powerhungry, ruthless MC. Quite the opposite, I normally like those storys. But while reading this I found myself either being incredibly bored, cause the next moves where obvious, or hitting my head on my wall in frustration, cause the MC changes his mind, doesn't think at all and is unbelievable slow (in the brain department). I think I could rant on for quite awhile but it's not really worth it. This is one of the worst books I have ever read. My compliments to the translator for making it at least bearable. Definitely NOT recommended. Hope I didn't screw up my english, not my first language. Yours truly, Korriberg

5 years ago

Stopped at Chapter 25. Introduced best friend and some side characters but due to the fact that he's actually a 30+ year old transmigrator douche-bag, they get pushed to the side simply because he was too "mature" for them. Don't introduce characters in detail and with significance, especially "best friends" then dump them 10 chapters later because he's too grown for them. Lazy a$$ writing. And makes for a very unlikable MC. Verdict: dropped.

5 years ago

Not sure why people are raving about this story. It's going all over the place: MC is a Reincarnator, then he gets power-up in dreams. The prologue seems to introduce an horror story but it's more like a cultivator story or western fantasy D&D style. The MC is introduced as intelligent but makes dumb after dumb decisions. The power creep between dream and reality is ridiculous and supported by flimsy character development. Plot devices are dropped like bombshells in a very forced manner.

5 years ago

Pretty disappointed that such a great storyline would end with such pathetic and stupid main character and stupid world . Such a waste for it .

5 years ago

Pretty alright book so far, it's just a shame the book has been out for 2 days and already missed a release. Hopefully this isn't a sign of what's to come.

5 years ago

Although I like the book, there is no way the rating is so high... The book has lots of plot armor and story holes. The writer self contradicts what was written earlier a lot too. Also this is not really a horror genre... To me it feels like a cultivation or action as the horror is pretty bland, it only sets up the premise of the story. Lots of things in the story also seemed forced, and the story flow needs work. The further into the story you get (at 80 chaps right now) the more the story turns into a boring flat storyplay. The characters are some of the most illogical ones I've ever seen in reading, though they aren't strictly 2D like most Isekais, they are definitely stupid and are also used by author to heavily force plot and armor. MC makes lots of illogical decisions too. The MCs best friend also quickly devolves into a flat forgotten character that is obviously going to be used to force the story in the future with all the hints... The story is somewhat frustrating to read because of how dumb the MC is, how the author made the characters in the story... From a story standpoint, this is a mess other than the grammar.

4 years ago

The book started at a very slow pace, but it must be part of the plot so it's okay. World building is there and it has many rooms for growth. Character development has not yet progressed much, but with this type of writing quality, then it will surely improve. The plot itself is very interesting and mysterious. It definitely is a good read and not boring. Commend!

5 years ago

Updated review as of around chapter 150: The novel is focusing less and less on the dream world and more and more on the MC's organization, which imo was excecuted very poorly. The ironfist society chapters are so boring and the way the MC goes about expanding his society so far has been executed so poorly, at times i just want to skip those chapters and get back to the chapters about him doing other stuff; whether it be doing rituals, anything irl not involving the society, or him back in the dream world. Tbh im really hoping soon that something happens that disbands the society all together, because it seems like a plot point that is dragging the novel down, but seeing the way the story is progressing, that aint gonna happen any time soon.

5 years ago

Damn you all for dropping this novel. I hope you get sent to cliffhanger hell and suffer there for 99 thousand years! No commitment to finish novels. No notification or update. Where is your pride in your work?

4 years ago

Start was good but then it went to sh*t. It looks like author changed his mind halfway and decided to throw away the current plot and decided to start a new one out of the blue.

5 years ago

I think the story is good so far but since it has such a slow start building up the world, the character, his family and life at school it's hard to give it a go ahead so soon since release. Looks good through chapter 15 so far though. The story has a slow start, it picks up around chapter 12 and 13 where a bit of action starts. The story begins with the MC having strange nightmares daily and goes from there. I kind of thought it would turn into House of Horrors but it ends up being a bit more like a students horror anime. The translation quality is great, nothing translation wise took me out of the immersion so yeah good job. I'll give it a 4 for updates, it released with the standard 15 chapters. Not good or bad so yup. As for how the story is going so far, well the story is really slow at least in the beginning. You learn about the MCs recurring nightmares, his personality is a bit warped from having his past life memories from the original earth. Family issues and financial problems it's actually a really well thought out world he's in. As for the main character himself, he has a fleshed out and well made background. His character is a little bit too passive, almost like he doesn't have much of a personality but I think most teens are a bit like that. Unfortunately the MC supposedly has his past life memories from earth so his undeveloped personality is a bit of a plot hole in my opinion. The world itself is very well developed, it's basically the earth in the 80s or 90s. I can only tell the worlds age by the fact people are buying cassettes and CDs also exist. The internet exists and is in lower tier Chinese high school facilities but is slow. As for the world he travels to in his nightmares, it's still to early to tell but he seems to be affected by what happens there. He dies in his dream and suffered for two days in reality. Overall the story up to around chapter 12 is just building up the world and characters, the MCs family situation and his friendship at school and the world of nightmares.

5 years ago