Tang Ling never thought himself as a schemer since he relied only on his intelligence.
The giant Leicester silverback bear was a lot more cunning and suspicious, so it would not be that greedy and stupid like other beasts that would devour the meat that Tang Ling fed it.
The only way for him to make it consume the meat would be a show to hint to the bear that the meat was not for it but for him.
Life was like a movie in which one relied on acting, was it not?
A faint smile hung over Tang Ling's lips as he pocketed both his hands. He would sometimes walk and stop as he watched the bear growl frenziedly in the cage. It tumbled around and rammed itself at the cage.
The huge bear caused a huge commotion as it shook the entire iron cage, but a threat dissolved was a threat dissolved. All Tang Ling had to do was simply dodge the bear sometimes as if he was taking a stroll so that the crazy creature would not run him over.