Dark Moon Era

Dark Moon Era

Sci-fi433 Chapters1.5M Views
Author: Sansan
Table of Contents

When a glorious old civilization was toppled overnight, a strange purple moon rose and thus began the Purple Moon Era.

Damn it! What kind of ecosystem was this? The evolution was messy. Even rabbit bites and plants were not to be messed with. How can one survive all this? Evolve into a Purple Moon Warrior? What did this have to do with the Purple Moon?

What kind of map was this? The Safety Sector? The Floating Domain? The Darkness Port? The Storm Voyage? The True Capital?

The Horror Lullaby List? The resurrection of the Underground Race and the prospering Underground City? The Chaos Black Market that suffused the world? The Bloody Road?

More importantly, one could end up in a bloody slaughter when dreaming and enter the Dream Domain? Fine, this damned era!

234 Reviews
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The novel is good, in fact it is very good if we compare to the immense number of garbage that has here in QI, I would not give a review so soon (only 12 chapters), but these retards who did not read the novel and who came here just to hate (because his Chinese novel cliche / harem / stupid protagonist / full of "young masters" and slaps in the face was not the chosen one), get xp or are just idiots wanting attention made me do this review. The novel is apparently good, but there are very few chapters to make a decent review, read and ignore these idiots of "Hur dur, xp xp, hur dur, I level up but I can't read, hur dur".

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

CN Name: 暗月纪元 Author: 仐三 Author Rank: Lv 5 Rating: 8.7 (311) Status: Ongoing Chapters: 537 Year: 2019/02 Total Recommendation: 4.69 million Fans: 955K

5 years ago

Honestly the first few chapters were really very intense (like in chap 13 and so). It was quite suffocating too cause of the appearance of zombies and how the protagonist feels helpless and all. It's basically till now seems to be an apocalyptic book.

5 years ago

I know this novel is good but let's refrain from using only emojis to Express our opinions and absolutely not bad reviews with only emojis so let's all be civilized here people😊 also yes this novel is indeed intriguing to this swordsman 😤

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Retarded MC...............................WHO........................wants to become.....................PHILOSOPHER......................in..............POST APOCALYPTIC ERA....

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Review by selweron until chapter:252 Bad side of the novel: First 100 or so chapters are tr*sh. Short chapters. The author is a cliffhanger lord! The chapters are often very confusing: jumps between various speakers, dreams, dimensions, past, memories etc Characters act all ambiguous and mysterious (bland, artificially created secrets for the grand finale of the arcs), leaving the poor clueless MC hanging and spacing out during the day Adults are very petty, childish and shortsighted. Either MC is their centre of attention or a target. Their intelligence is on author's level - they have no idea about wisdom, development, unity, tactics, nothing... how did they even build the cities or technology in this apocalyptic setting???! The globe revolves around MC from the very beginning, there are always people in the dark who know what or where MC is, have info about him, observe him secretly, every arc is somehow connected to his origins, powers, family and so on MC has no control over his fate: from the very start, the enemy faction and protector faction push the plot forward by making appearances into his life Spoiler His destiny was decided 16 years ago, there's even a list of people, newborn kids from back then who will fight alongside MC in future. As he adventures, he meets them cuz such is fate LOL. This also explains why everyone knows everything and chase him or his future comrades he didn't meet yet. What a s*upid plot Singular plot: all enemies are connected to the final boss throughout the novel Numbers don't make much sense. A family has more than 80 members, but the whole Safety Sector has maybe 600 warriors. Thousands of zombies swarm barrier and despite high casualties ranging from 30-70% as author goes in the detail, the best camp has the nerve to be selective among the pitiful number of 7 talented youngsters and threaten them with disqualification while raising test difficulty. The author would probably be better off writing "My Highshool Prince Gets Best Marks" because he has no idea about natural or realistic behaviors Soldiers who enlist to fight for peace, more food or accommodation are ruthlessly killed by MC's side only because they follow orders of the publicly acknowledged ruler (antagonist) MC is a hypocrite. Spoiler He claims that he would never hit girls and even embarasses someone for doing so. Just a month later, in chapter 206, he snaps a little girl and her mother's spines only because they belong to a big family he takes revenge upon Good side of the novel: Likeable characters Infinity genre (?) is included, and hopefully will be well executed: this one places people in settings of old civilization era before apocalypse Smart, calculative MC who knows when to stay low and when to bare fangs, but also one who experiences character growth as he matures Story background is interesting, but it takes a while to learn about the world Both individual and collective powers are in effect, it's not all about MC being OP MC can be bold and the scenes of him going ham are pretty exciting Author copied One Piece: the MC is making nakama who will join his 'fleet' in future once they get stronger A lot of well-baked character interactions/onversations and their good sense of humour Verdict: narrow plot, MC is but a boat that flows with the current, because everything everywhere is prearranged for him (including friends). Not to my taste, but some people might like it...

4 years ago

I start to read this book because of the author San San. His first book was 7 years ago about Taoist priests and it was the most popular web fiction! Dark Moon Era is his 3rd book after a long break. It's not easy for an author to change his style from fantasy to science fiction, but San San never fails me. keep it up! Bring us to the world of Purple Moon!

5 years ago

Sadly people smashing keyboards keep giving this novel bad ratings like the einstein that wrote "Hgfhhhvvvvcffghhhhggcgg" in a display of it's IQ This novel is actually good, it slowly develops a good post-apocalyptic atmosphere, it's gritty and cold-hearted, it takes the innocence of a child (the MC) and ravages it, doesn't look back after using him, so on and so forth, it has an intriguing world, all in all it's a promising novel.

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

I'm angry to see so much lousy accounts to spit here. They never read this book, if you can browse their info, all of they are "Brushers". It's a worthy book for everyone, it has a huge world in this book. The author is a man full of positive thought. If you have some trouble with your friends, parents or lover, you'll get some keys from this book. Believe me, you'll

5 years ago

Expppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Expppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Expppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Expppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Expppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

5 years ago