Who would care about Tang Ling amidst the cheers?
There were several warriors beside Tang Ling who heard him and they showed sympathy him, but asking for an explanation at this kind of timing was a little immature of him. A friend dying on the battlefield was a common occurrence for warriors, especially in a cruel battlefield like this.
Listening to the cheers that enveloped the sky and land while watching the show that Clyne and Aber put up, Tang Ling sneered at all of them with a cold chuckle. He told Christina, "Take care of Vian." He then strode forward to the Patrol Ground.
Clyne arrived at Aber's side where two other Purple Moon Warriors were using a warcry to deliver the victory announcement. They told stories about how great Aber was during the battle and his valiance when facing the enemies, and how he defended the enemies' onslaught and gained the right to negotiate.