Universal Source Rock Part 1

Tang Ling had questioned it from the very beginning and he thought about it a lot more after watching Anthony's battle.

Of course, he could think of all this as an effort to defend against the danger behind the Cliff of Hope. Those zombies and wild beasts sieged the Cliff of Hope day and night, and they certainly threatened the safety of the sector.

However, why would the zombies and wild beasts siege the Cliff of Hope? Would it not be better for them to circle the cliff and flank the sector from both sides? Both sides of the sector were covered in forests connected to the cliff anyway.

 Due to the sheer number of defenses needed behind the cliff, no warriors were stationed in the forests at the flank of the sector as Instructor Thuja said.

If that was the case, why not concentrate the forces at the flanks and build defensive structures around it?