CHAPTER THREE- hospitalized

Shortly after the two got taken into the hospital, sakashi was on her way down the halls to the emergency room. The paramedic called out to some nurses to come help assist as they rolled down the hallways. Two nurses came running over then jogged alongside sakashi's bed and began asking questions about their new patient. "all I know is this girl is dying, I'm told this girl had been injected with a deathly illness.." he told the nurses. They looked at sakashi before nodding. The nurses checked her pulse and checked her injuries jogging along down the hall. "We need equipment before we start evaluating this girl." The nurses told the paramedic while they stopped following to ran into the supply room to find the proper equipment. The paramedic continued rolling her down the hall quickly. Sakashi barley opened her eyes only to see a pattern of bright lights shining down towards her face, she began to slightly gasp at that point trying to inbreathe air. few seconds later She began gasping more rapidly, her vision blurred while her head pounded. She began to see everything spin around her, with no strength left to speak, sakashi felt like this was it for her. She didn't know where she was. Or where that man was. Fear fell soon he as some tears fell from her eyes. she closed her eyes again and stopped breathing, falling unconscious once again. The paramedic rolled her into the emergency room and placed an oxygen mask over her mouth Immediately.

Several Nurses had quickly ran into the room with gowns and masks quickly sliding gloves on. Gathering around sakashi. The paramedic washed his hands sliding gloves on and swung a curtain closed. two nurses gently lifted her body and transferred her onto the room's bed and strapped her to the machines placed around the bed. One nurse looked at the machine to see her heartbeat rate. Her heart beat hard; beating faster than normal then stopped suddenly becoming a long beep with a solid long line. "we are losing her." a nurse called out before attempting to write down the time of deaths. "Hold it.." the parametric spoke firmly as a machine was turning on and could be heard clearly echoing its sound throughout the room, and throughout the halls, seconds later the paramedic could be heard shouting "clear." following a shock wave sound jerking sakashi's body.

During the same time while sakashi was in the Er, the other paramedic was rolling kalebize to another room. He knew the boys injuries wasn't as serious as the girl he carried to his knowledge, So he went slower. Kalebize was unconscious from exhaustion in the bed being rolled to another room. His body twitched frequently from the pain pulsing through his body. Once the paramedic arrived in a room he called in some nurses to continue the rest. Walking out as three nurses walked in. "ladies." The parametric said to the nurses. The nurses washed their hands, slid gloves on and got examinations tools together, one nurse, Spotting his bitten up arm became slightly stunned "oh my, this man is strong for not loosing his arm, They just look terrible." the nurse told the other two nurses as she examined his arm. "looks like he got attacked and bitten by a wild hungry animal." she spoke shortly after examining. The second nurse noticed his back and began examining. "well, his arm isn't the only terrible wound, he's got 9 deep slashes from looks like a blade all around his back. They looked scabbed over and very infected." the nurse spoke with concern. "how is this man still alive, he's got several dark bruises near his ribs and chest, he's got a deep scar a crossed his chest and looks like swollen ankles." the third nurse asked examining the rest of his body. They all shrugged in amazement while discussing information and cleaning out his wounds.

A few minutes later they began wrapping his wounds with bandages to help heal and protect them from getting affected again. "wait, what's this?" one of the nurses asked suddenly moving his hair back showing his right ear and the side of his skull. There appears to be a lot of dried clumped blood by his ear. The nurses all examined closely before discovering he had been struck by an object cracking that part of his head open. "again, how is this man alive? So many deadly wounds and he's alive." they are shrugged and began cleaning the clot of blood while cleaning out the wound. After they finished, they wrapped more bandages around his head for proper healing. Kalebize's body still pulsed in pain causing his body to twitch. The nurses began giving him ex-rays to see what's going on in the inner part of his body. While giving him some pain reliever into his body to help relax him. Nothing was broke or harmed within his body, but only bruised ribs that can heal properly on their own. At least that's what they believed at first. The three nurses later discovered the man had three broken toes on his left foot, a damaged cracked ribcage on his left side and a bullet near his heart. The nurses became more concerned and amazed how they man is honestly still alive. "hes gone through some hell " one of the nurses had stated.

Checking back with sakashi, the nurses and paramedic happen to be successful in rebooting her heartbeat. Unfortunately, They all decided to keep her in the ICU area of the hospital. Due to the fact, her life is in a risky life-threatening matter still.

Sakashi was placed into a coma while her illness began to increase once again. The paramedic began immediately examining her body through ex-rays to find a solution and fast. The nurses began observing her outer body. They found a few cuts, bruises, and marks showing she was strangled. searching her head and found a large lump with dried blood from the back part of her skull. The nurses took notes and began caring for the wounds and marks, cleaning out the wound on her skull and examined for more detail, after they took images of her wounds and written detail, a nurse wraps a bandage around her head. "well this is terrible." a nurse spoke out suddenly. "what is it now?" another nurse asked immediately after. "this girl went through a gang rap, from what I just discovered under the scope, and DNA generator from the swabs I took from her virginal area because I had concerns from how it looked. she has DNA inside her virginal area belonging to three different men, she looks ripped apart, along with dried blood also." she replied placing her swabs of samples into testing tubs shortly after examining closely. "I'm going to go and find out who these men are using the DNA. Please Check for a possible pregnancy," she spoke walking out fast with the samples. "that's terrible." the other nurse spoke softly looking down continuing her scans and observation. "well that's not all." the paramedic spoke in concern. "what's up?" the nurse replied looking up towards the paramedic. "from what I see, I found the poison that had been injected into her.

I managed to steal some to scan and find out what it is. But if you also look inside her brain. You can see she has a lot of brain damage. The girl maybe has a 5% chance to remember anything. Then looking for a pregnancy she thankfully has nothing showing. She's not pregnant." he spoke firmly in concern. "The boy who got her here, got her here just in time. I can get this poison out in an hour, unfortunately, if she is anything special to the boy, he might have lost her in a way. She might not remember him with so much brain damage giving her permanent memory loss, there's also a chance she might not survive the surgery either." he looked down at sakashi taking his gloves off Before washing his hands. "such a sad story." the nurse mumbled to herself finishing up cleaning the small wounds around sakashi's body. " I will be right back to find out what poison this is and return with information," the paramedic told the nurse as he walked out.

The nurses began leaving their patients rooms, gathering all together sharing information amongst each other about the two patients. They had become worried and concerned for both patients and updated information into their systems. They worked hard to search and find the proper medicines to help them recover. Back inside kalebize's room he laid in the bed asleep and bandaged up. Sakashi was, however, being monitored while unconscious in a coma. "does anyone know who these patients are? Their names? Anything?" a nurse asked politely. "Nope, nothing they only came in a panic and that was it." the paramedic replied. Moments later the nurse who had taken samples of the DNA from sakashi ran eagerly and panicked down the hall into the room everyone was gathered and discussing in. "I know the three men who raped the girl!!." she yelled out. "we need to get the police department involved due to the fact the three men are wanted magic user stealers." slamming pictures of the three wanted men on the table. " their names are Wesley Azusa and Luke, they scope out girls, kidnap them and steal the magic power from them before raping them, after they finished their crime they kill their victim," she spoke out loud and frantically. "This girl was a magic user, based on her DNA she had the power to fly, create fire and form into a half dragon. She was a dragon mage user and now she's dying as a normal human because of these men!!! We need to test the boy and find out who he is." she intensely spoke.

Everyone in the room began gasping and sighing before becoming extremely worried and panicked themselves. "ok calm down, I'll contact the security and get the business going to investigate this." the manager spoke as he walked into the room unexpectedly. "thank you all for your hard work to help our patients. Is there anything else I need to know?" the manager asked them all. "well, the poison I discovered injected into the girl's body is a mixture of midazolam and hydromorphone, which will cause a slow death." The paramedic told his manager. "may I go and perform immediate surgery to remove and drain this from her system?" he asked moments after. The manager nodded. "go on, everyone else continue your work. Report anything that should be reported." the manager told them before walking out.

The paramedic immediately ran towards sakashi's room. He grabbed the tools needed and gathered surgeons to join him. Once everyone and everything was placed properly they began the procedure to remove the deadly illness within sakashi. The available nurses all began to scatter to continue with other patients. One nurse went to check on kalebize walking into his room and checked his pulse and process as she smiled softly. "well at least your progressing in health perfectly." she mumbled softly to herself. Moments after she slides gloves on and opened a swob packet, looking at the boy she opened his mouth swobbing a DNA example from his throat and placed the sample in a tube. Kalebize coughed from the sudden swob but stayed asleep. The nurse walked out down the hall then and into the lab room for testing.

Thirty-five minutes passed and kalebize slowly began to wake up. His eyes slanted open before sitting up fast holding his head from a sudden head Rush With his right palm. He focused his eyes to adjust before looking around. "sakashi!." he spoke panicked and worried, flipping his blanket off shifting his body and dangled his legs over the bed to stand up. He pulled the attachments off his body and He began to run to the door. The nurse returned suddenly and squealed as she bumped into kalebize. "oh!!." the nurse spoke loudly. "oh my, my apologies, please forgive me, what is your name?" He asked her politely. The nurse responded with a smile. " my name is asha. kalebize smiled and nodded and asked her immediately after. "I'm sorry but where is sakashi? Is she ok?" he asked Asha with worry in his eyes. His eyes filled with concern and heartache fearing the worst. Asha looked at him and sighed. "you're supposed to be resting, please get back into bed." she replied to him avoiding to look at the boy. Kalebize looked firmly at the nurse, his eyes went dim and pail before completely falling to his knees punching the ground. His eyes began filling with tears. "she's dead, isn't she?" he spoke heartbroken.

"what? No, no no no, she's in surgery right now to get this injection that's killing her removed. " she looked at the boy on the ground worried.

Kalebize immediately looked up at her with hope and stood back up. "then please don't make it sound like she died." he told her relieved wiping his tears from his eyes with his left hand. "my apologise sir, now please sit down. I will go and get the girls files and fill you in, but first I need to get permission from my manager and you need to tell me who you are first and your relation to the girl." she replied to him. Already knowing who he is from the testing of his DNA, she wanted to make sure of his identity. "fine." kalebize replied as he walked back to his bed and gently sat down. "my name is kalebize, I am a magic user who creates things, uses fast speed, my strength can increase and can also teleport. I known sakashi since really young. I." he paused as tears suddenly drips from his face. "this girl is my childhood best friend, I fell in love with her and I hope she can pull through this and live, so I can tell her, So I can tell her how I feel." he spoke before pausing again. "do as you need to do. All I need to know is if she's alive." he spoke softly after. The nurse nodded quickly. "wait here." she replied before walking out the room closing the door. She leaned against the door and covered her mouth as tears left her eyes. "this man's love is so strong for this girl." she mumbled under her breathe. She took a deep breath and walked to the manager's office. Knocking softly and waited for a response. "yeah, please enter." the manager yelled out, as Asha opened the door and walked into the office and closed the door.

Kalebize sat there on the bed before standing up again pacing back and forth. He became anxious and worried about sakashi watching the time. He paced and paced for 20 minutes until he was greeted by Asha and the manager. "Mr. Kalebize?" the manager spoke firmly. "yes?" kalebize replied. " I understand that you're in high concern for your lady friend correct?" the manager asked. "yes, is she ok?" he replied back with a question. The manager looked at the boy and sighed. "well here's all we know." the manager replied while handing kalebize a paper report of every last detail. Kalebize gently received the paper report into his hands and began reading. His face had gone from worry to pure anger and frustration, He gripped the paper and his face turned firm and serious. "Wesley is dead, I killed him." kalebize suddenly spoke with a stern voice. The manager's eyes had widened looking at the boy. "would you mind being interviewed by authority explaining what happened from your perspective. We need to catch these criminals." knowing kalebize only killed to save the girl. "yes." kalebize replied. "you know this could put you at risk for being charged with murder as well don't you?" the manager asked him firmly. "yes, and I don't care, I'll reap my punishment, but I couldn't let them destroy the life of the girl I love without reaping the wrath of my anger, I will accept my punishment, I want the other two survivors who are still out there to be found and either dead or in prison!!!." he replied back with a serious passion for their arrest or death. "alright, well I will call for you when the security arrive, your a good man kalebize." the manager told him with a smile leaving the room. Asha looked at kalebize and bowed. "she's lucky to have a man like you." she told him before following after the manager. Kalebize nodded and sighed sitting down. "Sakashi my love, please, please live, Be strong," he mumbled to himself as he laid down on the bed to read the report again reflecting back to when he found sakashi.

Beeping sounds and silence in the surgery room with sakashi. The surgeons where all very focused making sure they don't make the wrong move. The sounds of Beeping and tools sucking liquid and blood up from each area the illness flowed through that was spotted could be clearly heard. "and that's the last bit of this injection." one of the surgeons called out. They begin searching for any sudden missed areas of the injection, checking the heart once more making sure the injection had fully left her heart again before confirming the finish. They all began to close operation up making sure she's stitched properly and wrapped up. There wasn't any reason for her to be cut into that much but only in certain areas the injection had traveled through. They made sure they removed all of this illness that spread through her bloodstreams. they knew she desperately needed blood shortly after losing so much blood, her body turned pail and colorless, She looked lifeless with so much blood drained. After they fully stitched her successfully. They injected her with the right amount of needed blood into her body. Unfortunately, Sakashi was still going to be in a coma for at least three days before waking up again. They finished the task and looked at the machine that showed her heart rate making sure everything went correctly. They monitored her heart rate for one hour. The heartbeat beated at a normal rate with no complications detected. "her heart is cleared and healthy, well done everyone." the head surgeon called out. They all cheered and sent a report to the nurses of success. They shortly afterward, began cleaning up and rolled sakashi back into a recovery room, still in a coma they kept the oxygen mask over her mouth for safety purposes. Asha glanced over at a printer hearing something print. She walked over and took it, began reading the report followed with a high pitched squeal in excitement and ran towards kalebize's room.

Moments later, Asha bursts through the door causing kalebize to go defense mode quickly jumping up off the bed and gets into a fight stance. "kalebize, it was a success, your lady is going to be just fine now." she shouted in joy. Kalebize looked at the nurse but Not seconds later, kalebize collapsed to his knees immediately allowing sudden tears of relief and joy flow from his eyes and down his cheeks. He slammed his palms on the ground and shortly clenched his first then shut his eyes. "thank you." he paused "Thank you so much." he spoke softly eventually falling Into harder tears.

The nurse smiled softly and backed up and closed his door to leave him be then walks to report the news to her manager.