CHAPTER FOUR- Trouble with the boss

Inside the managers office was dark with I slight light glowing. There where two windows, and his desk was in the left corner of the room. "Alright thank you, see you when you arrive" the manager spoke before hanging up the phone. The manager sat in his chair and kept silent while he turned right to face the window. With the back of the long black soft Chair facing the desk. He looking out the building watching the sky and began to think of everything that was going on. He heard a knock shortly after and turned his chair back around showing himself before permitting the employee to enter with a loud reply. "you may enter" he spoke as the nurse with the successful report walked in. The manager had medium length black hair with thick bulky glasses. His body was thin and lengthy, He has a scar above his right eye that looked like he was in a knife fight before. "Whats the news?" The manager leaned forward setting his elbows on the desk and locks his fingers together asking the nurse as she walked inside the office. "The girl is going to be perfectly fine, she will just need to recover in a coma before she will be able to wake." The nurse replied with a smile. This specific nurse was also a magic user. She has the ability to heal and examine with her eyes. She also had a unknown magic power. Her name is known as asha. She is 6'1" tall and had long black silky hair that travled down her lower back. Her eyes where a light tent of green. Her smile was breathtaking and the number one nurse rated. "That's great news." The manager spoke softly before standing up and began to walk around the desk.

He smiled and walked past Asha and over to the door then locked it before turning back around looking at her. His eyes changed from a gentle concerning expression to having a different look of cold and dark eyes. "Tell me young lady, did anyone find anymore Information about the wanted magic stealers?" He asked Asha with a firm voice leaning against the door folding his arms. Asha looked back at him and grew A tad bit nervous noticing a sudden change in her managers personality and slightly Stuttered replying to him. " I um... we are not.. not sure, why do you... um... why do you ask?." She turned around and faced him. "Hmm because I already know everything about them my dear." he smirked and narrowed his eyes. Asha gulped looking at him silently. She began to question and wonder if her manager was apart of the criminals. She wanted more proof before even accusing him. She could be right or she could be wrong. The manager chuckled slightly. "No need to be nervous." He spoke firmly before he stood straight and begins walking to her. "Your my number one nurse. I want you to be the first to know all the detail about these people.

But first I want something else from you.." the manager tells her and watched her back up slowly acting uncomfortable. The nurse's back bumps into his desk behind her making her stop. " oh uh ok. I... ." She stutters before looking down at the desk spilling his coffee on an accident. "Oh I'm sorry I, let me get that." She spoke nervously looking back up only to find herself face to face with her manager. She looks into his eyes noticing his right eye turning neon blue. The manager leans forward closer and sets his hands on his desk around asha forcing her to lean back. Asha became fearfully nervous looking to the left of her closing her eyes. "Your making me uncomfortable.." she spoke softly before shaking in fear. "Oh am I now!? I'm sorry." He told her before grabbing her right leg with his left hand and gropes her left breast with his right hand pushing her back on his desk leaning down to her right side of her face. "I want your body." He speaks silently In her ear before taking a sudden nibble. The nurse becomes petrified as her body shakes more rapidly before she looks at the door. " please stop, I'm married christopher." she spoke with a voice in pure discomfort and fear. The manager leaned up looking at her before smirking. "Does it look like I care if your married or not? Besides, you clearly don't know your place with me do you? And the guts to address me by my first name, why are you using my first name instead of boss? this says a lot about you. And it turns me on even more." the manager told her with a more frightening voice. The manager is known to be named Christopher, his hair turned dark blue and pressed his body completely on top of Asha. he stands 6'5 " and suddenly appeared well ripped. Asha became overwhelmed and scared seeing her managers appearance changed. His suit is shiny silver and has shiny black shoes. His original eye color is dark blue but occasionally turns light blue.

The manager gets heated and kisses her and slides his right knee up between her legs as his left hand grips her breasts. Asha looked at him and glared in anger, bit down hard on his lower lip and used as much strength as she could to used her leg power and kicked him in his groin as hard as she could. immediately pushing him off of her then punches him on his mouth. " I QUIT, NO JOB IS WORTH HURTING MYSELF AND MY FAMILY." She yelled in anger loudly before running quickly towards the door.

She reaches for the knob and tries to turn to open the door only to realize it's locked. Christopher chuckles and wipes his face. "so feisty, but I'm sorry my dear. Your stuck here until I say so." He says softly to asha looking at her playfully. He lifts his hand and faces it towards the door knob. " if you say one word about this woman you will regret it. Ill ravish you and kill your husband. I'll kill anyone you tell aswell. And if you leave. I'll bring you right back here." He spoke to her firmly before using a power to unlock the door. "Now beat it and do your job." He told her before walking to his chair and sits down. Asha shakes and takes a deep breathe before opening the door and runs out. She ran fast down the hall shortly beginning to cry. She runs towards kalebizes room trying to think of how to ask for his help without saying a word.

Shortly afterwards the phone rings in the managers office. He picks it up as he looks out the window. " yep?" He spoke firmly. "Ok let them in." He replied. "Yes... do it." He replied with a sudden excitement in his voice before hanging up and continues to look out his window.

The nurse walks into kalebizes room finding him laying down asleep in peace. She smiles softly and backs up and walks down the hall. She looks down thinking to herself how she doesn't want to be a bother with her issue right now. She looks up and wipes her eyes and heads towards the bathroom. She turns the corner and is suddenly greeted by two men in police uniforms. "Hello, are you the police here for questioning?" She softly and calmly asked them. The two men looked at each other then looks at her and smiled. One had blond hair and the other had green hair. They wore sunglasses and the blonde stood six feet tall, the green haired man stood close to 5'9. They both wore brown and white security clothing. One answered her shortly after. " Yes we are, where Is this man we need to question? " he asked her. " he is in the room down the hall to the left. He's resting so you will have to wake him." She replied. " now will you please excuse me. I need to use the restroom. I will return to help with anything you need. " she speaks as she bows and takes a step to the side to pass them. The Two men watched her pass before one of them wrapped his arm around her neck covering her mouth with his hand pulling her into him while she struggled. the other man stuck a needle in her arm forcing her to slowly sleep and watched her loose her consciousness until she eventually fell asleep, going limp and collapses. The man who held her lifted her up over his shoulders. " go on ahead I'll catch up. Just need to, well you know! take her somewhere first. ." He told her groping her bottom left cheek. "Go on. I'll wait. ." The other man replied before walking towards kalebizes room.

The two men appearing to be police men parted ways. One continued to kalebizes room for questioning while the other took the nurse somewhere Unknown. The man walked into the room and sees Kalebize asleep. He walks over and moves his right arm forward to grab kalebize' shoulder to waken him. only to find his wrist suddenly grabbed tightly. " don't touch me please. ." the man heard before looking up at kalebize seeing him opening his eyes. " hrmph, nice awareness boy. Get up. Time for your questioning to determine if your going to prison." the man told kalebize firmly. kalebize released his wrist and sat up looking at him with an angry stare. I protected my precious friend. So either way the result goes, it will always be worth it. " he told the police man before standing up. The man glared at kalebize and stayed silent.

"why the hell does your face look familiar, " kalebize suddenly asked the police man looking at him curiously. " not sure man but let's get to this Questioning room. You're going to be greeted by another officer.." he replied quickly. Kalebize looks at the ground walking with the man into a room for his questioning, soon finding the other officer waiting patiently. He walks over to the chair and sits down and leans back. " alright, what is it you want to know?" kalebize asked them closing his eyes. The officer behind him slowly closed the door and closed the blinds before continuing their conversation.

Christopher stood up from his chair and walked over to a counter and began making himself a cup of new coffee. A sudden lightning struck brightly flashing through the window. The manager looked up and smirked. His grin was pure evil and his eyes became blood red. "And so it begins" the manager spoke before letting out a loud laugh."