CHAPTER FIVE - Questioning kalebize

Kalebize sat silently in a chair and glared at the two security guards, He folded his arms waiting for them to start asking questions. He blinked a few times and thought about updates on sakashi. He looked at the door then back at the table. One of the security men walked over to the table and sat down a crossed from kalebize setting a note pad down. " Tell me everything that happened, everything you did, and what you saw that night." The security guard spoke firmly and clicked the pin in his right hand. This security guard that had sat down had medium blond hair and his name on his name tag shown to be Matt. His eyes were dark green and has a scar on the left side of his neck. Kalebize glared at Matt and learned forward and tilted his head to the left. "Everything you say?" The other security guard looked directly at kalebize and leaned against the door folding his arms and glared. His name is known as zora, his hair color was dark green and long down to his shoulders. He wore a ear piercing and a scar a crossed his left cheek down to his chin, Eye color hazel.

Matt Replied immediately to kalebize. "That's what I said now didn't I? Now start speaking! Kalebize smirked then sighed, learning forward kalebize began to speak. "that night was mine and sakashi's normal training day. She has some unique powers that she hasn't fully gained control over. So I try to help her control that power every Wednesday.." Matt wrote down something and interrupted kalebize. "what power does she have? And what are yours?" He firmly asked. Kalebize tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "she holds the fire element and she's a dragon mage, she is able to convert into a half dragon. Well she was...." he paused before getting frustrated. "Mine is creation, teleporting and ability to increase my physical strength." He replies to Matt. Kalebize closed his eyes and huffed.

Matt took notes and nodded. "I see now continue." Matt said focused. "We were training in the Forrest because it's away from the city and she needed to practice her fire wielding control. We were in the open lake so she wouldn't set trees on fire. I helped her for three hours before we realized we forgot to bring lunch, so I told her to keep working on her fire wielding while I quickly go and bring some lunch back. So I left and teleported myself home to gather some sandwiches and fruits. Then I grabbed a ring." Kalebize paused and thought for a second "what's the ring for?." Matt asked him curiously. "I was going to tell her my feelings for her and ask her to be my girlfriend with a promise ring to always stay loyal and only hers." Kalebize replied and reached into his pocked and set the ring in the table. "I known this girl since she was 5 and I was 6. So childhood sweethearts you could say." Kalebize spoke passionately.

"I see." Matt spoke and took notes. Zora, walked over and grabbed the ring and placed it in a bag. "Excuse me?!." Kalebize glared at zora and furiously spoke. "That's mine. What do you need it for?" Kalebize asked zora with a bold stern voice. "sit down boy, it's for evidence what else?" Matt stood up and yelled glaring at kalebize. Zora kept quiet looking at kalebize enraged slightly. Kalebize huffed and sighed, "Fine." Kalebize sat back down and glared at zora. "Now continue." Matt told him in a calmer voice. Zora then placed the bag in his left pocket and looked at kalebize keeping silent. Kalebize looked back at Matt and looked back down towards his feet.

"When I returned to the lake sakashi was gone, all I found was her right shoe floating in the water. I dived into the water to see if she could have drowned, not there, looked and searched around the lake, still nothing. It began to get dark but I didn't want to go home. Not yet at least. So I walked and started to search the whole Forrest. About two hours after dark. I stumbled along this hidden cave. That's when I saw something that boiled my blood." Kalebize spoke before getting tense, his eyes narrowed in anger and clenched his left fist on his left leg. "Go on." Matt spoke calmly taking notes. Kalebize glanced at zora then looked up taking a deep breathe to calm himself down. "A fire in a cave caught my eye and I thought it was just sakashi wanting to camp out because she is adventurous, I thought maybe she wanted to test my ability to always find her. So I smiled and thought I found her. When I looked inside I stopped and hid quickly because I saw three men instead. They looked like they were doing something, they were hunched over a table shirtless, I thought maybe cooking? unpacking maybe.? Nope, that left the possibilities when I heard a girl, the closer I looked, the girls wrists and ankles had been strapped down to a small table and her clothes were ripped apart. She was crying and struggled to move her body. It came to my realization these three men where doing some things to her against her will. So I became furious."

He paused and grit his teeth hard and closed his eyes then continued to speak. "I decided to show myself and walk Into the cave to help this girl. When they saw me, they got defensive and stepped away from the girl. I noticed it was my dearest friend sakashi." Kalebize spoke in a more hurt and angry tone of voice. "They had physically ravished my cherished friends body, At that time, I was beyond angry and was ready to kill.." with tears starting to fall from his eyes he paused. "Alright stop right there for now." Matt spoke.

Zora sighed, "I'll be right back, need to get this ring into the evidence room. excuse me." Zora spoke softly and walked out closing the door gently. Kalebize sat there as he looked back up towards the ceiling and blinked fast and swallowed his saliva to take control of his emotions. Matt sat there silently waiting for him to recollect himself. "Whenever your ready, no rush." Matt spoke softly.

Kalebize took a few deep breaths before continuing. "I went into there and told them to release the girl and they all laughed at me." He paused and closed his eyes. " Mocked me. As if I was some weakling to their eyes." Kalebize became a little furious again in his voice. Been interrupted he heard Matt ask. "Why didn't you use any of your powers immediately? Like strengthen your body to look stronger ? Or teleport yourself to the girl? Or even create a weapon?" Kalebize opened his eyes and looked directly at Matt. " When I looked at sakashi and she looked like she was terrified, the look of distress and pain in her eyes. Trying to break free from the straps holding her down, I lost focus and all three of them jumped me at the same time.." he spoke calmly and sat up and took his shirt off, unwrapped the bandages and showed his scars on his back. Matts eyes widened and cleared his throat quickly looking away taking notes. "Oh my." He spoke quietly. "They thought they got the best of me, they cut deep into my back with blades. Two of them pushed my body to the ground and stood on my arms and I felt a foot press into my head. The leader of them, Wesley; walked over to sakashi and unstrapped her, grabbed her hair and yanked her up to her feet then forced her on her knees. I was face forward flat on the ground, my body felt so much pain. I slowly looked up at sakashi and watched her shake in torment. Her clothing shredded apart so much revealing most of her body. The other two idiots handed their leader a knife that they eyes on my back. That's when I noticed their leader held that knife to her throat and was going to kill her in front of my eyes. I couldn't just let that happen.."

kalebize spoke furiously and faster in frustration. "Relax, breathe and calm down." Matt calmly spoke taking his notes looking focused. Kalebize focused and breathed slower then continued. "That's when I forced myself to stand up, I grabbed the two men's heads and slammed their heads together then ran straight at their leader, I ignored the pulsing pain in my back, created a sword and teleported myself directly behind him, by that time I had used my ability to increase my strength and stabbed the man once through his chest and into his heart, then I created a gun and shot him directly in his brain. After I knew he was dead I dropped his dead body to the ground. I went to lift sakashi but The other two men became cowards fast and began running. One of them held sakashi over his shoulders, but I teleported myself in front of that man, that's when he got scared and dropped her, but he pushed her back aggressively so she looses her balance. He used some kind of bright power that caused me to loose sight of him. The third man was completely gone. When I went to catch sakashi, I failed to grab her and watched her slam her head hard into a bolder and knocked herself out." kalebize leaned forward and held his head his his left palm speaking calmer. " I'm guilty of murder yes, but I honestly don't give a damn, her safety was my only concern and I failed to protect her."

Kalebize spoke softly and frustratedly. "Ok that's enough." Matt interrupted him and sat the notepad down on the table placing his pen on top at a left angle. looking at him, he slid some water to him. "Take a break and relax now. I will be back in a few. I need to speak to my partner." Matt stood up and walked out silently.

Kalebize rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his eyes with his thumbs. He began thinking about everything and looked up towards the door. "Damnit, why do they look so familiar?" He asked himself before leaning back into the chair and wiped his eyes, took a deep long breathe. And exhaled out a short and loud breathe.

Matt approached zora in the break room and closed the door and grinned. "Should we kill him? He knows to much." Matt asked sternly. Zora let out a slight smirk. "no, not yet. He doesn't suspect anything. From the looks of it. We need him alive for now. In the mean time, focus on how we can get the girl to transfer hospitals so we can finish the job, and since Wesley is dead we can do as we please now.." he spoke viciously. Matt shrugged in slight disappointment. "well let's get back and wrap up this questioning.." Matt spoke before opening the door and walks out. Zora followed Matt until they both arrived to the questioning room and opened the door, both walking in they looked at kalebize seriously and calmly.

"Do you know the names of these three men? Besides Wesley ? Can you identify them? Describe their appearance? " Matt asked curiously sitting back down.

Zora walked over behind Matt and leaned against the wall placing his hands in his pockets.

Kalebize looked over at the two men and smiled aggressively. Kalebize began to suddenly identify them accurately. Kalebize's eyes slightly began to shimmer into a dark red scarlet color. "You know? Kinda looks like the two men I'm looking at now! Their names are Wesley, Azusa and Luke, I read all the information found about them." Kalebize spoke before starting to laugh murderously. Matt and zora looked at each other before looking at kalebize. "What makes you accuse us?" Kalebize grinned. "Because you gave yourselves away! Your disguises are terrible, your appearances match and because I never told you I had any power, Only sakashi. How did you know I had power?!?!" Kalebize questioned them angrily and began laughing. "Stop laughing and get serious." Matt yelled before slamming his hand on the table. "What the hell is so funny to you? And you really have no authority to question your questioners" Matt yelled again. Kalebize sat there and grinned, leaned his chair back on the back two chair legs, put his feet up on the table and folded his arms glaring at them. "You scared? or are you both unaware I know who you two really are?" His eyes looked at the two mean fearlessly with scarlet eyes.

Matt and zora glared back at him silently. Feeling a slight fear but they both kept calm. "Look let me be real with you. We only assumed you had power because you talked about helping the girl train. How can you train if your powerless? And those two men your accusing us to be. They are our brothers, Our twin brothers. That's why we look the same, my brother is Luke, his brother is Azusa. Zora and I took this job to also stop them. Wesley was the man who deceived them with gaining more power. Thanks to you, The leader is dead. now if you would calm down and let us wrap this up the sooner we can decide your placement and charges and the sooner you can see sakashi." Matt spoke calmly and in slight shame.

Kalebize looked at the two men, his eyes stopped glowing and simmered down back to normal. He looked down and held his forehead from a sudden pulsing headache. "Sorry, I." Kalebize spoke quietly, repositioned his body to sit normally in his chair. leaning forward looking down towards the ground, tears began to fall. "Whatever you choose is fine, but I will not stop hating your brothers and I will not rest until I kill them." Kalebize spoke sternly full of complete pure hatred. Matt sighed and stood up. "Understandable. I will have someone escort you to take a few minutes to be with the girl while we decide."

Zora walked over to Kalebize, rewrapped his bandages, grabbed his shirt and handed it back to him. "Get this back on and I'll take you to sakashi." Kalebize nodded and slide his shirt back on before standing up.

Matt opened the door and walked out "meet me in the private room when you drop him off." Matt told zora and walked left. "Roger that." Zora replied as he held kalebize's arm and turned right. "I'm sorry my brother is a criminal. But I will assure you, we will find them and stop them." Zora told kalebize. "Hmph, not if I beat you to them." He replied immediately after.

Zora, kept silent and walked him to the coma room, opened the door and walked in with kalebize. "Here you are, but first, don't move." Zora firmly said before kneeling down placing a tracker device to kalebize's right ankle, stood up and placed a power canceller on his right wrist. Kalebize immediately felt his mana Diminish into nothing, becoming physically unable to use his power. Kalebize kept silent but kept his eye on sakashi. Tears fell harder from his eyes watching her unconscious. "Wish I didn't have to but since your a mur..." Zora stopped, being interrupted by kalebize. "yeah I know, it's fine. No need to fill me in." Zora nodded and walked out the room closing the door and locked him inside. Then began to walk to the private room.