CHAPTER SIX- Transferring and charges.

Sakashi Laid unconsciously in the coma, machines attached and the sound of beeping clearly heard. She wore white baggy clothing, her hair had been washed and groomed well, there was a memory helmet attached on her head and a mask over her eyes... Her hands laid crisscross over her stomach and her arms were attached to some tubs to allow the medicine to flow through her body every 15 minutes. The monitor that kept her heart rate beeped normally. Kalebize walked over to sakashi and sat in the chair next to the bed on the left side by the wall. He looked at her silently for a few minutes before breaking down in heavy tears. With tears in his eyes flowing down his cheeks rapidly, he leaned forward and placed his hands over sakashi's hands and gently cupped them into his hands. He then gently lifted her hands with his and leaned their hands together until they touched his forehead. He kept silent holding her hands tightly with his eyes closed. Minutes later he opened his eyes, his eyes had been puffed up and appear to be red, glossy eyes of pure sorrow and pain that left his eyes in tears. "sakashi." he softly spoke her name. " I don't know where to start." he spoke softly to her. He laid her hands back down but never let go. He gently squeezed her hands as he looked at her. "Sakashi, I am so sorry for not being strong enough to protect you, I'm sorry for failing to keep you safe. Now, look at you. You might never remember who I am again. So this, I promise you, I will do anything it takes to revenge you, I will do what I can to help you remember me. Even if you don't, I will restart a friendship with you, because I have something I want to tell you." He spoke softly to her. Sakashi laid in the coma with no response.

Kalebize placed her hands back down over her stomach and leaned back into the chair. He began rubbing his face and glanced down at his ankle. He sighed. Moments later after that, a nurse unlocked the door and knocked before slowly entering the room. "Mr. kalebize? " she spoke in a soft question. "Yeah?." Kalebize leaned forward and stood up walking over to the nurse. "Here are the updates and everything about your friend you need to know." She told him before handing kalebize a folder of sakashi's medical recorded documents. "And these are also your updates and everything you need to know about yourself, you are permitted to take some of the listed medications," she spoke then pointed at something important on one of the papers. "And this is what your charges might be, the security guards who questioned you earlier are currently having a meeting with the police about what to do with you. So you are not permitted to leave the hospital." She spoke to him firmly yet softly. "Ok, thanks, may I stay here with sakashi?" He replied with a question. "You May for a few hours, because she's being transferred to a more protected preferred location. And you will be placed in a secured locked location until your charges are completed." She replied to him before looking down.

Kalebize glared at her at first then looked directly at sakashi. "May I ask what location?" He asked. "That I do not know sir." She told him softly.

Kalebize nodded. "Alright." He replied not leaving his eye off of sakashi. He began to fume inside not liking the thought of a transfer. The nurse silently left the room, closed the door and locked him inside again. Kalebize looked back at the door then back at sakashi before he walked over to her once more, kalebize remembered that he had been completely sealed from his power so he sighed and looked around the room. He first looked for any sort of recording device. This room was a room yet to have higher security. With no hidden camera, He found a drawer accidentally left unlocked, set the folder of information down and began to look through it. He put on some rubber gloves and took a pair of scissors and a small plastic zip-lock bag out of that drawer and looked at sakashi. Then slowly walked over to her, snipped a small piece of her hair and placed it into the small bag, rolled it up and slid it inside some of the bandages. He gently placed the scissors directly in the same spot and gently closed the drawer.

Kalebize pulled the rubber gloves off and placed them into the recycling bin before he walked over to his beloved friend and kissed her cheek. " I'm sorry." He told her once more tenderly. He sat down into the chair, leaned forward and held her left hand and slides his thumb over her hand back and forth keeping silent his his left hand, Gently caressing her cheek with his right thumb and tucked her hair behind her ear. He eventually leaned further forward until his head laid on the side of her bed. Without releasing her hand he slowly began to fade off to sleep.

3 hours passed; sakashi was still unconscious, kalebize asleep peacefully and the sound of the clock ticking could be well heard. The door could be heard unlocking and opening. A nurse opened the door fully and walked inside with Matt and Zora. Matt looked at kalebize and gently smiled. "Awe isn't that the cutest picture ever." He spoke quietly. Zora glances at Matt then looked at kalebize and slowly approached him. "Hey, kalebize, wake up." He spoke firmly towards kalebize while the nurse was disconnecting sakashi from certain equipment to get her ready for a transfer. Kalebize woke up startled slightly and bolted straight up releasing sakashi's hand and held his forehead with his palm from a sudden head rush leaning against the wall until the room stopped spinning.

Matt chuckled, "you alright there ?" Matt asked. Kalebize placed his hand down and looked towards Matt and adjusted his eyes. "Yeah, sorry." He replied and walked over to Matt and glanced at sakashi. The nurse then looked at kalebize and politely asked. "Would you like to say anything to her?" Kalebize looked at the nurse and sighed. "No, just take care of her. And be sure to tell her that she has a friend that will find her and take her back to happiness." He replied before closing his eyes and looked away from her. The nurse signed and nodded. "Alright" she responded then pushed the bed that held sakashi out the room and down the hall.

Zora kept silent holding a folder of papers, he looked at kalebize then Matt. "So what's the punishment?." Kalebize asked firmly as he opened his eyes looking at the ground. "Well, we have decided to split it up a bit. The police and the judge all agreed to only charge you for 1st-degree murder for 3 years in prison. Because it was intentional that you had a desire to kill someone and you succeed. But also because it was for defending a young girl and stopped a highly wanted criminal, that they favored to give you a low charge. After three years you will be released. You will be staying in our prison called 'magic prison' where we will monitor you and study your power to further help you control your own emotions of hate. So next time you won't snap so easily. ." Zora told him firmly.

Kalebize glanced at Matt and Zora then let out a slight sigh and nodded. "You are all too kind." He replied. May I ask what new hospital sakashi is going to?" He asked immediately after. Matt looked at Zora then firmly looked kalebize in the eye and said, "a mental hospital that deals with dementia and memory loss patients but I cannot tell you where." He told kalebize. "mainly because you're still under arrest for not, so come now. Let us get going," Matt spoke with a strong tone and straight face. Kalebize nodded and began to walk. "hold on." Matt spoke firmly. "take your gown off and put these on." Matt spoke shortly after as he handed kalebize his new prison clothing.

Kalebize took the clothing and took off the hospital clothing. He then slides the shirt over his head and guides his arms through the armholes. Immediately sliding is legs through the pants and pulls them up and adjusts the clothing to fit comfortably. "ok good now let's go." Zora watched then said after he finished. Zora gently grabbed kalebize's arm and scanned the bracelet on his wrist. A small part of the bracelet opened and released a small chain with a handle at the end of it. Zora grabbed the handle, allowed kalebize to take hold of his folder of information and then led kalebize out to the hallway. "its not we don't trust you, it's required to bring in new prisoners by this bracelet chain. To show we have control. " Zora told kalebize calmly.

"yeah I figured, I don't mind." kalebize replied starting at the ground as he walked beside Zora.

Matt followed behind them watching to make sure everything goes smoothly. Once they arrived outside, they led him to a white van. Matt walked up ahead and opened the side door of the van. Kalebize stepped into the van and slid over and kept silent. Zora stepped in after and took a seat next to him. Matt closed the door shut and walked around the van and opened the driver's door and stepped into the van and turned the van on and began to drive to the magic prison. Kalebize closed his eyes and leaned his head against the side and held his folder close to his chest and began to dose off to sleep. Zora glanced and him but kept silent.

Meanwhile, the nurse had fully loaded sakashi into the mental hospital vehicle and closed the back door. "alright, she's ready to go. When she wakes up be sure to tell her that her best friend said he is coming for her soon." she told the male driver handing him a folder with kalebize's photo and information inside. "ok, thank you." the driver spoke before getting into the vehicle, turned the vehicle on and began to drive away.