CHAPTER SEVEN - Missing Asha

Shortly after sakashi and kalebize had left for their new destinations, a few nurses were searching for Asha. "What do you mean you can't find her, she is still on the clock and hasn't logged off yet." The lead doctor asked in concern and frustration. This doctor was an older man and kind. But serious when he works, his hair was pure silver and he was short and was a normal Weight. His name has Dr. Lewis.

"We searched everywhere Dr, she's nowhere to be found.." the second lead nurse replied to him. This nurse was known to be the second-best in the facility and Asha's rival. her name is Sasha, She has long purple hair and broad shoulders. She's average weight and average height. Sasha has a cocky personality and extremely prideful. She doesn't care about everyone's success but her own and tries to convince everyone she is the better nurse and deserves to be a lead nurse. She despises Asha and competes with her every chance she gets. When she found out Asha had gone missing Sasha became thrilled and excited, she appeared to be worried and sad to gain trust and hope to be placed in charge. "Go inform the manager and put this building in an emergency employee search. It's not like Asha to just disappear for 4 hours." Dr. Lewis told Sasha.

Sasha nodded. "So am I in charge of the nurses then?" She asked, "no, until she's found I'll take charge." Dr. Lewis replied immediately knowing her true intentions.

Sasha glared at him at first before she walked to the manager's office and became furious. And kicked a medical cart on the side of the hallway causing some equipment to fall over. "I hope something happened to her so I can promote to her position. I hope she's never found." She spoke in jealousy at first before taking a deep breath. "Nah what am I saying? We are still a team. I hope she's is At least ok." She then spoke in some real worry and compassion.

Sasha arrived at the office and knocked on Christopher's door. "Pardon me, sir, we have a problem, may I enter?" Sasha spoke through the door. Christopher looked at the door and glared and walked away from the window he stood by watching the outdoors. He opened the door and looked at Sasha. "Is this an emergency?" Christopher asked her firmly. "Yes, it's about Asha," Sasha replied looking at him. Christopher stepped off to the side and allowed Sasha to enter them closed the door. "Tell me, what's going on?" Christopher asked her. Sasha sat down in a chair and began to explain to him where Asha was last seen and how she has gone missing for over four hours. "We don't know where she is sir, doctor lewis thinks we need to put the hospital under a missing employee search," Sasha told him firmly.

Christopher became silent at took a small box from his coat pocket and slid a cigarette out, placed the box back into his pocket and flicked the lighter and lit the cigarette up and Inhaled before exhaled. "I see, I agree, no one leaves until she's found," Christopher spoke calmly. "I might have been the reason, I forgot to take my medicine and so I lost control of myself and got a bit Rough with Asha. I may have scared her and she's avoiding me and her duties for now, if she isn't back by tomorrow morning I'll report her missing to the authorities." Christopher told her. "If you see her, tell her I would like to apologize, keep me updated." He told her and opened the door.

Sasha nodded, kept silent and walked out. She didn't look back and continued to walk straight and grabbed a notepad and began to make notes. She felt if she finds Asha, she would be rewarded and gain her spot in the facility. She smirked and began to put in more effort because her eyes are now on promotion. Christopher sat in his chair and rubbed his forehead and sighed. "What have I done?" He asked himself in complete concern for Asha. "Did I go too far? I'm sorry Asha." She mumbled then immediately looked at his computer screen and began looking at every camera recording to try and spot something that could lead him to her finding.

Christopher searched for hours and couldn't find anything, he's found Asha when she was working but nothing after the time he lost his control. He took his glasses off with his right hand and rubbed his eyes then slid the glasses back on and continued to look, he spotted when she encountered matt and Zora and seen she lead them to question kalebize. He then glanced closely but found nothing wrong. Zora knew there were cameras set up all around the hospital so when they took Asha Zora had used the power that he had stolen from someone else and created an illusion and transferred them into a different dimension that will not allow a camera to pick up what really happened. This power is called "deception to the naked eye." Christopher played that small part of the recording but continued to find nothing suspicious. All he could see and believe is she lead them to their needed place and walked down the hall and left.

He stopped watching the camera and stood up and walked over to the window and lit another cigarette and began to take another few puffs. He watched the clouds and began thinking of anything possible to help him find her. He couldn't lose her as an employee. She's his top skilled nurse and knew how to lead well. He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and clicked on asha's contact number and called her. He placed the cell up to his right ear and listened to it going straight to her voicemail. "Asha, I'm sorry I missed your call, leave me a message bye-bye ." *beep* Christopher closed his eyes and softly spoke. "Asha, I'm sorry for my behavior, if your hiding from me please come back. I need to rightfully apologize to you.." he softly spoke before ending the call* he took a few more huffs before putting the cigarette out.

Sasha spoke with everyone around and got little to nothing of the whereabouts of Asha. She became a little more irritated knowing she will not get a promotion if she cannot solve this. She walked over to Asha's office and looked around in her office. She found a few reports solved that she like written by Asha, she knew they would help benefit her in several ways, so she stole those reports and walked out and closed the door and walked down the hall. She went into her office and closed the door, she sat down and changed the reports to claim them as her own. She then placed them in her drawer on the side of her demand before closing the drawer and locking it.

'attention all employees, Asha has been missing for more than 5 hours now and still hasn't been spotted, please stay alert and search for her, Christopher demands everyone to keep searching until she is found. If she is still kissing by midnight tonight, you may all go home and get some rest but everyone will become suspects and will need to be questioned. thank you.' the receptionist spoke firmly through the intercom. Sasha rolled her eyes and grumbled. "tssk. Thanks to her I'm here late." Sasha mumbled frustratedly and began to slam her belonging around.

Back in a dark place in the back of a moving vehicle laid Asha unconscious. She had been taken, tied up by zip ties holding her arms behind her back and her legs tied together. She had duck tape over her mouth and a light bag over her head. She was being taken to an unknown place. The driver had blue hair to his shoulders. He was humming to a song and tapped the wheel. His eyes were narrowed and had the eye color of scarlet red, a small scar was spotted a crossed his forehead. He occasionally glanced in the review mirror to keep an eye on Asha and grinned.

Asha began to regain consciousness and opened her eyes. She tried to adjust her eyes and realized she still couldn't see anything. She tried to move and quickly learned she couldn't move and began to panic. She became frightened and wondered where she was and where she was going. What was going to happen to her? Tears began to fall from her eyes as she laid their hopeless. She heard a man humming and tried to move.

" no reason to try and move sweetheart" the man spoke to her as he watched her struggle.

Asha stopped and began to shake. The man pulled up into an old abandoned location and stopped the vehicle next to some broken cars. He opened his door and stepped out and walked to the building, opened the back door of the building and headed back to the vehicle. He opened the back of his van and lifted Asha over his shoulder and closed the door. Walking Inside the building with Asha and laid her down on a mattress on her right side and latched a chain on her ankle that's been attached to the wall already and walked with the door and. Sealed the door closed and got back into the van and began to drive away.

Asha wasn't sure where she was taken to, she still couldn't move and very frightened. All she could do was lay there and wait to find out what was to come.

Two hours later the man had returned and the door swung open and closed, Asha remained still listening to the sound of footsteps and bags. She listened to the bags being placed down on a counter and the man's voice talking on the phone. " yes she's here, finish what you need to do then meet me here. Well done." the man said before hanging up. Asha closed her eyes and tried to remain calm. Her heart pounded and her stomach ached. The man's footsteps got closer before he yanked the bag off of her head allowing her to see. Asha squinted her eyes from the sudden light and tried to move, she slightly turned her head to look at the man and immediately recognized him and became petrified.

"you know who I am, don't you sweetheart? He asked as he grinned at her.

"thats right I'm not dead. I'm still alive. The name is Wesley." he told her and gripped her shoulders flipping her on her back. He then yanked the tap off of mouth and tilted his head. " You're a beauty." he told her with a smile. Asha flinched as she openened her mouth and breathed heavily and looked away feeling her bodyopened her mouth "let me go.." she spoke quietly. Wesley looked at her and chuckled. "I'm sorry little lady. I can't do that. You have some amazing power I want from you. But don't you worry I'll make your death pleasant for you." Wesley told her Psychotically. Wesley stood up leaving her tied on her back on the mattress. He walked to the door and opened the door walking out to make another call. Asha believed she was going to die. She thought of her husband and closed her eyed praying she will make it out alive. she was confused Wesley was alive, kalebize told her he killed him. Unless Wesley found a way to fake a death.

Meanwhile, midnight had arrived and Christopher released the employees that had worked for 12 hours or more. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in his chair. He took a few sipes and became anxious and worried about Asha. He felt guilt and anger with himself. He felt like a scumbag who tried to take advantage of his best known nurse.

When he got up, he grabbed his coat and walked out his office. He greeted the night shift staff and informed them of what has happened. Once he had everyone up to date he walked past Sasha's office only to find her asleep from exhaustion hunched over her desk. He sighed and knocked on her door and entered and gently shook her shoulder to wake her. "Sasha. Go on home now." He told her softly.

Sasha woke up slowly and sat up rubbing her eyes. "I'm sorry. I ." She replied half asleep.

"Its ok. Just go and Get some rest." He told her. Shortly after he walked outside. He noticed his van had been stolen. " you have got to be kidding me." He mumbled. He immediately called the police and put in a stolen car report. He then made a missing employee report right after. Once Christopher finished on the phone. Sasha walked out and saw Christopher. "Boss, your still here?" She asked walking up to him. Christopher glanced at her and nodded. "My van is gone. Someone stole it.." he replied then began to walk. "Have a great rest. You can return at 3pm." He told her. Sasha felt bad for him and offered a ride but Christopher rejected and continued to walk. An hour later when he arrived home, he walked straight to his room and collapsed on his bed and passed out. On the left side sitting on his light stand was a picture of him promoting Asha to lead nurse.

Christopher has always liked Asha, but this time he hated himself for allowing his feelings for a married woman get the best of him. His little black cat he owned jumped up on the bed and laid by his feet and began to purr.