CHAPTER NINE - conflicts

Leemodo happens to be greeted by another man in the room. this man looked young and up to no good. The man was wearing a long hospital coat and had a mask over his mouth, his eyes were cold and dull with medium length brown hair. Walking further into the room, he noticed sakashi sitting up awake with a blank expression to her face. staring at the ground to her right she kept silent. The man looked up and spoke directly and firmly. "excuse me, sir, I'm a bit busy, I need to give her this shot directed from sir Joel, can you come back in say 10 more minutes?" leemodo shook his head feeling uneasy. "for what?" he paused "No, I'm her counselor and I'm required to take her out for a bit, get her some fresh air, she just woke up and you're trying to give her a shot the first second she's awake? No, The shot can wait." he replied firmly. Standing face to face with this random man Leemodo glared and kept his stern expression. "besides, I never seen you before now beat it." Leemodo leaned forward and hunched over this man's face, his eyes began to glow and tension began to fill the atmosphere.

The man glared back at him and began feeling slightly nervous. "oh I'm sorry but the manager said to..." he spoke before getting interrupted again. " I don't care what you're told, do it later." leemodo spoke with a harsher voice. His eyes began to turn black with a cold and heartless expression. Sakashi blinked slowly gradually glancing up watching these two men and felt slightly on edge. "" she asked slowly before gently laying back down Holding her head. The man glanced at sakashi and sighed then glared at Leemodo, "fine but if we get into trouble. This will be your fault." The man spoke frustratedly before exiting the room. Leemodo rolled his eyes and shrugged, he slowly approached sakashi and sat down in the chair next to her. "You're currently in the hospital, you had a very bad event that happened. Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Leemodo asked her passionately.

Sakashi lowered her hand from her forehead and looked at Leemodo, "hospital? Wait, for what? What happened to me?" She began asking and started to panic. sitting back up fast, She grasped her hair with both fists and became frightened. "What is attached to me? What is happening to me?" Tears began to drip from her eyes causing the heart monitor the machine to pick up here heart rate going faster. She frantically grabbed the cords attached to her then began yanking them off of her arms and began shaking.

Leemodo immediately grabbed her hands and held them tightly to his chest and wrapped his right arm around her head then rested his right side of his face over her head. "Shhhhhhhh, easy, calm down sakashi, it will all be ok." He spoke gently to her. Leemodo closed his eyes and focused on using his body to activate his calming energy to ease and relax sakashi. Leemodo has two mastered powers. The power to calm and relax, and the power to fill a room full of fear and intimidation. He was known to having the 'split' personality because he's brutal yet tender. He knew martial arts and how to fight, yet gave passion and love. Leemodo kept focused and filled the room with his calming and comforting energy. Sakashi tried to push him away from her at first, she kept crying and looked away shutting her eyes tightly. Fortunately, sakashi felt a sudden warmth in his arms that calmed her down. She eventually stopped trying to push away and laid in his arms. She began to breathe slower and rested her head into his chest slowly opening her eyes and kept silent. Her tears began drying on her cheeks and let out a giant deep breath. "you ok now?" leemodo asked her softly. Sakashi kept silent and gripped his shirt tightly leaning into him as if she didn't want to be let go. "who am I?" she mumbled before yawning and grew heavy-eyed. Leemodo gently detached her from the bed and placed her gently on a wheelchair. "I'll tell you all about it in a little bit. Let's get you some fresh air." he began to push and roll her out the room. He walked down the hall with her and scanned his Id tag and walked her out of the hospital. sakashi sat there looking around at her surroundings. Walking to his car and gently grabbed sakashi's hand and lifted her into the front seat and strapped her in. Leemodo never confirmed a road trip, but only to be taken outside for a walk and To get some fresh air. The suspicious man who wanted to give sakashi a shot was seen spying on leemodo, he sat in a black car wearing a hoodie with the hood over his head. He still had the mask on and had sunglasses on. He watched where leemodo walked to with sakashi before pulling out his phone, taking a picture of him putting sakashi in a back seat of his car then immediately made a call. Once he left a message and hung up the phone he put the phone back into his pocket. Stepped out his car and walked back to the mental hospital.

Leemodo got into his car and reversed out and began driving down the street. He glanced into the mirror to check on sakashi and noticed her sitting there nervously. She was sitting straight and looking down at her feet. Her hands were clenched on her knees and she seemed tense. Leemodo sighed silently and looked back at the road and spoke softly. "Don't be scared sakashi, I'm here to help you remember who you are and keep you safe now. Please Trust me." She kept silent, looking at her feet and nodded.

35 minutes later, Leemodo pulled into the address given to him. "Well we are here. Time to." He spoke before turning around to look at her and paused as his eyed widened. "Sakashi?" He then spoke suddenly in a slight worry. Sakashi was sitting there crying harder. She then clenched her hands on her knees with a tighter grip and started to tremble. Shutting her eyes tightly looking away. Leemodo immediately stepped out of the car and walked around and opened the back door and knelt down looking at her. "Sakashi, what's the matter? Talk to me." He told her he made sure to give her space and not reach for her so he wouldn't scare her or make her feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately sakashi wouldn't calm down. She began to cry more rapidly and her breathing began to speed up until she began to hyperventilate trying to breath. Her chest pounded in pain and she felt a deep heartache. She didn't understand why she was feeling like she was, but she felt scared and broken. She leaned away from Leemodo and scooted to the left side of the car and leaned against the door. Leemodo's concern grew more as he slowly stood up and Stepped inside the back seat and sat down and closed the door leaning his back against the car door to face her. "Sakashi, you don't have to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you, I can't do that if you don't let me.." He told her with a passionate voice. Sakashi began to hunch over and clench her hair and pull. Her eyes tightly shut while tears rolling down her face as she kept hyperventilating causing her chest to feel more pain. She started to feel dizzy and restless. "Leave me alone." She suddenly yelled out and screamed. Sakashi opened her eyes and noticed a pocket knife in the side door and grabbed the knife, released it allowing the blade to pop and appear. She unexpectedly slit part of her right wrist. blood oozed out fast, right before she went to make another slit, Leemodo immediately leaned over and grasped her wrists tightly. "That's enough." Leemodo spoke firmly at her and scooted closer. "No!" Sakashi screamed and fought against him gripping the blade tighter. "Drop it." He firmly told her and kept his grip. Sakashi stood upward and Began to grit her teeth staring at Leemodo, leaning over him trying to break free from his grip. "Let me go!" She yelled at him while her hand clenched tighter on the blade as she then tried to stab him. Leemodo looked at her calmly and kept his grip on her wrists. He felt her blood drip down her wrist and some splatted on his face. The more she struggled. The sweet smell of flesh blood began to increase and run down her arm. He noticed her face Began loosing color, knowing she's loosing blood he closed his eyes and reopened them. His eyes began to glow bright blue looking directly into sakashi's eyes. "Put the knife down." He firmly told her one more time. Sakashi's eyes were bloodshot and full of tears, she looked at Leemodo then shut her eyes and clashed her teeth together before dropping the knife on the back seat floor. Her body shook rapidly feeling weaker from loss of blood. Her clothing became soaked in her blood. " let.... me....." she spoke one more time before collapsing directly into his chest knocking him over on his back. Leemodo took a deep breathe and wrapped his arms around her and sat himself back up slowly. "Everything will be alright." He whispered in her ear while she shut her eyes and passed out. His eyes began to fill with tears feeling sorry for sakashi but quickly shook his head and stopped himself. He held her close into him and opened the car door and stepped out. He made sure to lift her and gain a better control on her and used his hip to shut the door. He then quickly sped walked to chandlers door and used his elbow to ring the door bell.

Meanwhile, there was another masked man wearing a black hoodie watching from a distance through Binoculars sitting in a silver vehicle with black tented windows. He set the binoculars down on his lap and lifted his camera snapping a few pictures of Leemodo holding sakashi drenched in her blood. The man's eyes shown to be dark brown and his hair was black. He watched untill Leemodo was greeted by chandler and brought the girl inside the home. He lifted his phone and typed a text message that said 'location identified, framing in process.' Then presses send. Once the message sent he started his car, pulled out and left.

Leemodo gently laid sakashi on the couch and grabbed his cleaning kit and began gently cleaning out sakashi's cut wounds. Sakashi's body reacted to she slight pain and twitched but didn't wake up. Once the wounds were cleaned, he wrapped her wrist in bandages to allow the healing to start.

Chandler walked into the living room from the kitchen with a damp rag and placed it over her forehead. "So what the hell happened? You looked panicked." Chandler asked Leemodo with a firm glare while handing him a new shirt. Leemodo sighed, pulled his shirt off and slid the new shirt on. He began to explain the whole story to him. " well, when I arrived, I noticed she was scared and crying, so when I tried to relax and calm her she freaked out and took my knife and cut herself. I'm not sure what is bothering her but she remembers nothing at all. She's lost and confused and this is going to be harder then I'm anticipating for. " Leemodo paused and glanced at her. " I just want to know who she is so I can help her better. All I know is her name is sakashi with a best friend named kalebize who's now in prison, i have her information but I haven't been able to read over it just yet, but nevermind that. What the hell is going on? Why did you tell me to bring her here in the first place. She needs to be in the hospital to better help her." He spoke and asked him firmly.

Chandler sat down on the chair and sighed then began explaining everything from the beginning. Leemodo then got serious and sat down next to sakashi and leaned forward thinking while he listened. Two hours had passed. Sakashi was still asleep peacefully while chandler and Leemodo happen to still be discussing the whole situation with sakashi and Asha missing. They began coming up with ideas and solutions to break kalebize free from prison and get his help to keep sakashi safe and also rescue Asha. Leemodo tried to figure out how to also council sakashi and keep her safe without blowing his cover. Moments later leemodo received a text message from joel stating "where are you with sakashi? its time for medicine." however he was not aware of the text. His phone was set on silent with no vibration, His phone was in his pocket.

Another hour passed when sakashi began to wake up and open her eyed. She stretched her body and yawned. When she realized where she was she quickly sat up keeping silent looking directly at leemodo while she stood up and backed away to the opposite side of the room. Remembering what had happened in the car she looked down at her wrist and noticed it was wrapped in bandages. ther clothes however wasn't touched. She kept backing up until her back touched the wall and then slid down the wall and sat on the floor against the wall. Chandler looked at sakashi and glanced back at leemodo. "is everything ok?" he asked.

Leemodo looked at sakashi and sighed then looked at Chandler. " May we have a minute?" He replied. "sure." Chandler replied as he stood Up and began walking to the kitchen. Leemodo glanced back at sakashi adjusted his glasses with his right hand and slowly stood up, slowly walked over to sakashi then knelt down in front of her. Sakashi flenched and pressed her palms on the ground lifting herself straight looking to the left. She felt nervous and unsure of how to respond. "I'm sorry." she suddenly blurted out. "for what?" leemodo replied with slight confusion. "you did nothing wrong." he told her. "look I'm going to help you, but you have to trust me ok?." he told her softly. She nodded looking down. Tears began to fall from her eyes once again. She looked confused and scared. Leemodo gently brushed his right thumb over her eyes and wiped the tears. "relax, I know you're scared and have no idea who you are and what is going on but I will not leave you feeling alone." he then slowly tucked his right finger under her chin and push up lifting her chin and looked her dead in the eyes. "your name is sakashi, you have a best friend named kalebize, who actually went through some hell to save you. Something terrible happened to you. And I plan on helping you remember so you can finally be set free from this suffering. Until then, Come to me and I will be your anchor." he told her again before standing up and offered his hand to her. Sakashi sat there at first silently before seconds later gently grabbing his hand. Leemodo pulled her to her feet and gently hugged her. The warmth she felt soothed her. She began to lean more into his hug until she was fully pressed into him. Leemodo looked down at her and kept his right arm wrapped around her tightly. His cheeks became faint pink as he placed his left palm over the top of her head.

Chandler walked into the living room with milk and cookies and noticed sakashi and leemodo hugging and glanced directly at leemodo. " I um, I have some milk and cookies." he spoke softly. "thank you." he pulled away from the hug and looked at Chandler. "sakashi would you like some milk and cookies?" he asked her looking at her. Sakashi stood there silent and looked at the floor. She nodded her head slowly and walked over to the couch and sat down on the edge. Leemodo followed her and sat down next to her and leaned back making himself comfortable. Chandler smiled and joined them setting the snack on the small table in front of them. "listen I need to make a fast report. I'm going to my room to type it. I'll be back in about an hour, do as you please." he told them before exiting the room.

Leemodo nodded and leaned forward and grabbed the glass of milk and cookies before leaning back again and offered them to sakashi. " here you are." she spoke in a chipper voice.

Sakashi took the glass and couple cookies and gradually began eating and drinking. Leemodo smiled and pulled out his phone and Noticed the text. He opened it and read it. He sighed and replied. "I'm sorry, I just got this. Give me a couple more hours. I got her opening up to me and need some time." he pressed send and closed his phone. Sakashi finished her snack and set the Glass down and leaned back. She kept silent and began twirling her thumbs. Her body started to shiver slightly because of the ac blowing directly above her. She thought about the warmth from her councilors hug that caused her cheeks to blush. Leemodo looked at her and got slightly worried. "are you feeling ok? You look flushed." he asked her with a concerned facial expression. "I'm ok." she replied quietly. Her body began shivering more so she started to hug herself.

Leemodo noticed and leaned forward grabbed his jacket from a chair and turned to face her. placing the jacket around sakashi and smiled. "can't let you be cold now can I?" he chuckled. Sakashi smiled for a few seconds then immediately frowned. "thanks." she replied. She began to stand up but gave herself a head rush trying to get up fast and fell backwards.

Leemodo caught her back with his right palm and pushed her back up. "carefull." he told her with a chuckle. Sakashi felt embarrassed and hid her face then ran to the bathroom. She shut the door and felt her heart pound leaning against the door. Leemodo smiled and grabbed a controller and turned a gaming system on and chose a two-player game of racing. He thought maybe helping her engage in a game will help her open up. Waiting for Sakashi to return and offer a game. As he waited he couldn't stop thinking about this girl. Something about her keeps his interest compared to other females. So he began to tell himself. "she's just another patient." but when he did, his interest in her gained more curiosity.

Chandler walked out and smirked, "you like her don't you?" Chandler asked. Leemodo glanced at Chandler and rolled his eyes. "no, don't assume non-sense like that, she's just a patient of mine." he replied with a slight irritated flustered sigh. Chandler smirked and kept silent. He knew how to hide feelings and ignored leemodo. "yeah if you say so." Chandler sat down and looked at the tv.

Leemodo glared at Chandler and narrowed his eyes. "don't start with me!" he spoke firmly. "shouldn't you be making your report?" he asked with some irritation. "no, I was, until my 2nd team lead nurse Sasha sent it to me completed because she was bored. So I'm going to use it and give her the recognition for it." he replied not knowing she stole another report Asha had completed.

Sakashi walked out to Chandler chuckling teasing leemodo about something. She felt the tension and wanted to avoid their small conflict and turned around. Leemodo looked at sakashi and glared back at Chandler. "see you're scaring her, stop your annoyingness." he firmly told Chandler. "sakashi, come on out, don't mind us, let's have a race." he yelled out to sakashi with an excited voice offering another controller. Sakashi stopped and looked back gradually. "ok, but I don't know how to play." she quietly replied walking over and sat down next to leemodo. "that's ok, ill show you, say, let me teach you and I'll bet you will win against Chandler." he told her in a betful voice glaring at Chandler. "oh?" Chandler smirked. Sakashi looked at them and kept silent. Leemodo, grabbed sakashi's hand and pulled her into his lap and sat her between his legs on the couch and leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her and placed the controller in her hands and cupped his hands over her hands. "yes!"

Sakashi froze at first and got slightly tense but gradually relaxed. Chandler smirked and leaned forward taking the controller and began to pick his car. Sakashi looked down as his hands cupped over hers and blushed deeply. She swallowed and felt her heart pounding. Leemodo began to show sakashi the bottoms waiting on Chandler and whispered in her ear. "we will win together, but I want you to have the feel for it first then set you on your own to beat me." he spoke to her softly. Chandler glanced over and smirked. "alright, start!" Chandler yelled out. The game started and leemodo controlled the car but allowed sakashi to be the one holding the controller. They played and played and played for 4 hours. And not once did Chandler win. Leemodo had forgotten about the text, he was focused on this game. sakashi eventually leaned her head into leemodo and relaxed sitting in his warmth and comforting surrounding, she gradually let the controller go and just watched the competitive racing. After another 30 minutes, Chandler looked over in defeat and sighed then giggled. "you win but look." he told leemodo looking at sakashi. Leemodo looked down at sakashi and noticed she had fallen asleep, her head was tilted to the right leaning against his chest. her legs dangled over the edge and her arms here folded acrossed each other on top of her stomach. Leemodo smiled and leaned further back and allowed sakashi to lay down flatter. He set the controller to the right of him and gently wrapped his arms under her legs and back to lift sakashi over on the couch to sleep. "just like a couple." Chandler busted out with a chuckle. "shut up!" leemodo immediately responded and stood up lifting sakashi into his arms. Sakashi unconsciously mummbled something and stated asleep. Her arm dangled over then suddenly gripped his arm and turned her head and pressed into leemodo. "you can stay tonight if you want to. But give her the guest room. You can sleep out here. Unless you wanna..." he offered before being interrupted. "stop right there and don't say it." leemodo spoke immediately cutting Chandler off. "i actually have to get her back to the hospital. If I don't they will question everything." he replied.

"I see, well be careful." Chandler replied and opened his door. "ill see you a text about getting kalebize out." he told him moments later. Leemodo walked to the door holding sakashi close into him and nodded. Chandler opened the door and seen them out then closed the door. Leemodo walked to his car and opened the passenger side and gently placed sakashi on the car and buckled her. Then gently pulled a small handle releasing the seat to fall flat like a bed.

He closed the door and walked around and opened his door, steeping on and shut the door. He pushed his key in and turned the car on and began to turn his lights on and leave. It was 9:36 pm and he knew he was in trouble. Once he arrived at the hospital. Joel and that unknown man who tried to give her a shot we're waiting for them with furious facial expressions. Leemodo sighed and parked his car and stepped out. "ok look, I'm her councilor, she needed me to open up. Please understand. Besides, I showed her a video game and she ended up playing longer then I expected." he told them.

Joel glared at leemodo and signed. "well at least let me know where the hell you go with her, I'm giving you a warning, next time won't be so easy."Joel sternly told him. "understood." leemodo replied, he opened the door and unbuckled sakashi and lifted her into his arms. He walked her into the hospital and walked her to her room.

Joel and the unknown man watched them before turning to each other and smirked.