CHAPTER TEN-Conflicts and pain

11:00 pm at night, sakashi was sleeping tucked into her bed cozily. The clock ticked as time went by. Leemodo sat in his office down the hall from sakashi and read all the information. He even read about kalebize and discovered new information about them. He dug deeper into his research and looked them both up and read up on their history's. He leaned forward on his desk and wrapped his left hand over his mouth focused and began thinking about everything he's discovered. He began gently tapping his nose with his left pointer finger before moving his hand from his face down to the desk. He looked down and began taking some notes.

Meanwhile; as leemodo was distracted with his research the man from before silently walked into sakashi's room, he kept the lights off and approached sakashi with a needle. He once again had a white mask on and his eyes this time had a bright red glow to them. He gently lifted her arm and stuck the needle through her skin and injected her with the shot. Sakashi jerked and tilted her head to the right. Once he was done he looked back at the door and pulled out another needle. He stuck the needle through her skin again and took some blood from her pulled the needle out then sealed the little blood sample. He quickly placed it in his pocket. He shortly after placed the bandaid over her shot mark and turned around fast. He jerked and his heart scattered at the sudden sight of Joel. "oh, it's just you. I thought you were." he uttered. "leemodo?" Joel asked and walked into the room then looked directly at sakashi. "leave, I need to do something real fast." Joel demanded moments later. The unknown man nodded and seen himself out. Sakashi was still asleep but gradually began moving and waking up. Joel walked over to her and placed his hand over her forehead and closed his eyes. He then smirked and felt she still had a slight hint of power inside her that could potentially increase with time and allow her to regain her powers. He immediately knew if that happened she could take back the power stolen from her and double in strength. He opened his eyes and pulled his hand away and grinned.

Sakashi opened her eyes then blinked a few times to adjust into clearer sight. She looked at Joel and kept silent and became nervous slightly. "hi there sakashi." Joel told her. "I'm the manager of this hospital, just thought to come meet and greet." he told her seconds later. "h-hi." she replied and looked around. "wheres leemodo? I." she asked him. "he's in his office, let me go and get him." he replied to her. He began walking towards the door and placed his hand in his pocket and pushed a small button.

A bright green light turned on above Matt and sora. They looked at each other and grinned and opened a slide door and stepped out of a van. Matt slid the door closed and walked with sora into the hospital. Joel stepped into the office of leemodo and slapped images on his desk. "what the hell are these about?" Joel asked him firmly. Leemodo looked at them and looked up at Joel. "so you followed me huh? No trust in me what so ever." he replied adjusting his glasses. " I didn't say I followed you. But they were sent to me and I have to ask why you're both drenched in her blood?." he immediately replied. Leemodo sighed and looked at him. "she was scared and tried to cut herself. She slit her wrist once. So I stopped her. Which is why it took me so long to help her open up." leemodo replied and stood up. Matt and Sora walked into the office and looked at leemodo. "we had a report about a leemodo carrying a bloody patient?" matt asked. Leemodo glared at them all and became agitated. "you all need to back the hell off! I had to stop the girl from cutting herself. Then I took her into a friends house to calm her down. I did nothing wrong!" he yelled in frustration.

Joel looked at leemodo then signed. "Can you go with matt and give a small report then? Because when I had a visited with sakashi, she was very frightened of you when I asked her if she would like to see you." Joel told him. Leemodo glared at Joel and became confused. "what? Why? Let me see her!." he told Joel and began to step forward. "nope, you're coming to talk first buddy." matt told him firmly blocking the door with his arm stretch and palm open planted on leemodo's chest.

Leemodo stopped and grew furious. "fine then afterwards, let me see her!" leemodo demanded. "fine." Joel replied. Sora left the room with Joel and closed the door.

Matt glared at leemodo and sat down in a chair. " let's just talk right here." he told him and brought out his notepad. Leemodo knew something was fishy and sat down slowly and folded his arms leaning back into his chair.

Sora and Joel walked into sakashi's room suddenly opening the door. Sakashi jumped and looked over at them. "leem...." she started to speak then paused looking at two different men and looked down. With a soft voice she mummbled. "wheres my counselor?" sora walked over to her and knelt down. "did he hold you against your will in the car?" sora asked her. "um, yes, he held my wrists tightly and I couldn't move. It also hurt at first but... I cut myself and he was only trying to stop me. He never hurt me.." she replied. Sora smiled and had a small device that records voices, hidden in his pocket that recorded her. Unfortunately, sakashi wasn't aware he recorded her reply and only kept a small amount and left out part of her reply. "i see, well come with me and I'll take you to him." he told her. He offered his hand to her and smiled softly. Sakashi took his hand and nodded. She stood up from the bed and slowly began to walk alongside sora. Sora held her close and stopped momentarily, and handed Joel that small device. Joel grinned and stepped aside. "He's in his office" joel told them and watched them leave the room. Joel pushed the play button and heard sakashi speak. ' um, yes, he held my wrists tightly and I couldn't move. It also hurt' "perfect." he spoke to himself before leaving the room.

Sakashi was walking down the hall, she saw the office door of leemodo's and reached towards the door. Sora grabbed a small cloth and immediately covered her mouth and grabbed her arm pulling her into him. Sakashi's eyes widened while she felt herself being yanked back. She began to struggle at first but couldn't find the strength. Sora's arm wrapped around her retraining her arms from letting up and dragged her into a room and closed the door. "sleep my sweets." sora whispered in her ear. Pressing the clothe harder into her mouth and nose until she passes out. Sakashi's vision began to blur while she shut her eyes in fear. Tears fell from her eyes and began to wish to see leemodo. Sora leaned over her body and gripped her shoulder hitting a pressure point and forced her asleep. Sakashi went limp and fell unconscious. Sora caught sakashi and flipped her around and wrapped one arm under her legs and the other arm around her back. He lifted her up into his arms and walked out of the room. he walked past leemodo's office and walked down the hall. Sora walked over to a supply room and placed sakashi on a small transfer bed, pushed her to the front and stopped at a receptionist to sign her out. Once she was confirmed to leave he began to push her out of the hospital. He walked over to the van and slid the door open and lifted sakashi up and placed her into the van. Sora then placed some tape over mouth and then slipped a bag over her head. He quickly taped her wrists together behind her back and stepped out the van. He shut the door and walked back into the hospital and walked down the hall. Once he opened leemodo's door he walked into yelling and arguing. "what the hell do you mean? I never hurt the girl! Someone forced her to speak like that didn't give you the full reply to whatever question they asked her! We played a game after she calmed down." leemodo spoke angerly. Sora glared at leemodo and back at matt. "well clearly this was her own words. and games? You mean sexual assault game? Or just assaulting her kind of game! she started to cry over it. So no, you will not be seeing sakashi. you're fired!" Joel told him immediately. Leemodo looked at Joel and became beyond angry. "I'm being falsely accused of lying about. Sounds like a framing to keep me away from her!" he yelled out. Sora sighed and lifted up a picture. " you're in the car holding her against her will just like she said." no do as your told and see yourself out. Sakashi will be fine without you. Besides I talked to her, she's scared and told me she doesn't want to see you ever again. She feels violated. ." he told leemodo. Matt then grabbed leemodo's arm and pulled him forward. "Time to leave. Or we will escort you out ourselves." matt told him firmly.

Leemodo glared at joel then at sora and matt. He yanked his arm away from Matt and walked out his door. He looked down the hall towards sakashi's room and then turned and walked towards the exit. Leemodo stormed out the building and punched the wall and walked towards his car.

"perfect, 7 o'clock tonight then, don't be late." Joel spoke before exiting the room.

Sora and matt walked out the room and walked down the hall. They eventually walked out the hospital and walked to the van. Matt stepped into the van and started the van. Sora slid the side door open and got on and slid the door shut. The van pulled out and left.

Leemodo sat in his car slamming his palm on the wheel in anger. He grabbed his phone and scrolled down his contacts and clicked on chandler, the phone began to ring. "Hey, we have a slight problem." Leemodo spoke frustratedly. "Yeah, I got fired, they won't let me see sakashi and apparently someone took pictures of me holding sakashi when she slit her wrist and had her blood On me." He replied. "Alright be there soon." He replied once more before hanging up the phone.

He turned his car on and pulled out and left the hospital. Completely unaware sakashi is in more danger then he's aware of. He hoped she would be safe In the hospital until he can figure out how to sneak her out. He drove back to chandlers house and parked in his driveway. We stepped out and walked to the door and knocked. Chandler opened the door and invited him in. Leemodo began explaining everything that took place. Chandler became skeptical and began discussing through the issue with Leemodo.

Meanwhile as they discussed, sakashi opened her eyes and saw black. She tried to move around only to realize she couldn't move. She became frightened and began to grunt in distress. "Hmm she's awake." She heard a man's voice and stopped moving. Her body trembled in fear not knowing where she was. She felt a man's arm grab her arm and left her upward then leaned her into his chest. His hands began to slide down her shirt and grope her body. Tears fell from her eyes and wanted the security of Leemodo. She continued to feel this man's hands roam her body and eventually heard his voice breathing harder. He grabbed his knife and cut her shirt and then tore the shirt apart then pulled the shirt off, exposing her bra. She began to move her legs in a struggle. She felt her neck being biten suddenly that caused her to jerk. She couldn't see who was touching her or where she was. She didn't know what was going to happen to her. Sora slid his hands into her pants and slid downward. He gripped her thighs before massaging her private area. Shortly after began fingering her shortly after. Sakashi became restless and panicked. She moved and kicked her legs around as tears began to fall from her eyes. "Hmmm your body is beginning to crave." He whispered in her hear and pulled her pants off. Sora laid her back down on the floor of the van, gripped her hips and slid her between his legs. Shortly after he unbuckled his belt and angled his body above her. He zipped his zipper and pulled his pants down enough then slid his boxers down. He grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs up and over his shoulders and held them tightly. Matt looked in his small mirror and chuckled and kept driving. "Couldn't wait?" Matt asked.

Sora grinned and began to slide himself into her and began thrusting immediately. He felt how tight she was and let out a sudden moan and He leaned forward; he bent her legs forward as he thrusted harder and pressed deeper into her. Sakashi shut her eyes and gave up fighting with her legs. She felt pain throb through her body and her stomach began to hurt. She then only wanted it to stop. She wanted to be left alone. With her mouth sealed shut and unable to make a sound, She only groaned in pain.

Hours past and 7:00pm lurked near. "Hey sora it's almost 7. We are here and need to head inside now. " Matt suddenly spoke out as the van stopped.

Sora held sakashi in his arms leaning her against his chest as he sat against the van wall. "Oh I know, just waiting now. We were done a while ago." He replied. "well 30 minutes ago, I just couldn't stop this time." he replied with a chuckle. Sakashi was still stripped down with a bag over her head. Blood dripped down her legs and her body trembled and shook rapidly. Sora wrapped a blanket around her and lifted her up into his arms and stood up. Sakashi was awake and felt physically worn down. Her body felt cold and numb.

violated in every way to her knowledge she groaned in pain. Sora jumped out the van and walked to the door. Matt closed the van doors and walked over and opened the door to their hideout and entered right after sora and sakashi. Sora placed sakashi on a chair and took the bag off her head. With a sudden bright light sakashi narrowed her eyes and tilted her head towards the right. Once her eyes adjusted she looked up and saw three mend, And became panicked. She felt like she knew these men deep down by couldn't remember anything. Tears dripped rapidly when she noticed another girl. This other girl was chained to the wall and stripped down aswell, her body looked beaten and mistreated. Physically devoured with dark bruises throughout her body. She sat there with a pail look to her face and had been starved. This other girl was asha, the missing nurse that had gone missing a few days ago.

Sakashi tried to stand up but within seconds, felt her hair being gripped hard and pulled by sora. she was yanked aggressively to her knees on the ground and bent down until she slammed into the ground face forward.

A man with blue hair known as Wesley walked over to sakashi with a knife and cut her arms free. He grabbed her right shoulder and flipped her to her back, leaned over her and grabbed her wrist and slit her wrist a few times. "You wanted to hurt yourself so bad. So let me help you." He told her before pointing the point of the blade to her chin and slowly slid it down her Neck to her chest. Sakashi's breathing increased faster as he heart beated faster in fear. Wesley then chuckled and stabbed sakashi in her side above her hip and twisted the blade into her. Sakashi couldn't scream so she shut her eyes and grunte. bent her body inwards and shut her eyes. Wesley yanked the blade out and leaned down and smelt her neck. "Hmm the smell of sweet fear and pain. Your aroma smells amazing." He whispered. Wesley leaned up and gripped her right ankel and and suddenly bent it forward until he heard a *snap*. Sakashi grunted louder in pain. A sharp pain shot through her eyes causing her vision to blur. Her ears began to ring while her head throbbed. Her body shook rapidly and her right leg went completely numb. Wesley gripped the tape and ripped it from her mouth. Sakashi gasped and screamed in pain suddenly and immediately threw up. Wesley then leaned down and kissed her closing his eyes. He gripped both her wrists and pressed down keeping her pinned. Moments later sakashi's eyes widened and tried to move her head away. Her body felt weak and she lost a lot of blood. She struggled the best she could until she passed out from exhaustion.

Wesley kept his mouth on hers and began to use his ability to steal power and began sucking the last little bit of power she did have left from her body from her mouth into his body to complete his goal.

Asha watched silently and closed her eyes and felt num. wanting to die, tears fell from her eyes, She didn't care about anything anymore. She longed to end all the suffering and just die and give up on life. She didn't want to be tortured anymore. She wanted a normal life free from heartache and pain.

Matt and sora chuckled and began to get prepared for their next young female victim. Wesley leaned upward and grinned. "Azusa, Luke, pick your girl and do as you please now, I'm done with them and now it's time to find the next victim." he told them as he stood up and walked into his room. Wesley didn't care about anything but taking power from girls to increase his power. He craved power and to see girls in pain. Whereas luke and Azusa craved sexual satisfaction. Azusa ( sora ) nodded and lifted sakashi's body up and took her to his room. Luke ( matt ) looked at Asha and grinned and walked over to her and tilted his head. "looks like your mine now." he told her before he shut the lights off and everything went dark.