CHAPTER 11 - please come to my rescue!

Hours passed that night, the sound of screams and discomfort filled the room. These girls believed they were going to die at one point. Locked in a dark cold place feeling there would be no hope for them anymore. Asha had been physically and mentally violated. She sat in this cell stripped from her dignity, with her body badly bruised and beaten down, she could hardly move. Her body shivered and looked Pail. Asha coughed and groaned in pain. With her arms and legs tied together, she only could tilt her head to find a comfortable position. Her hair had been trimmed and tangled.

Matt was seen standing in front Of Asha sliding his fake security uniform on ready to start another search. "Hmm I'll be back, but this time when I return you might luck out tonight." He told her with a Psychotic voice. He turned his body to face Asha and grabbed her right arm pulling her up. Asha felt like she hadn't had any food for months and felt beyond weak. She couldn't find the strength to stand and fell limp. Matt wrapped his arm around her belly and lifted her up and tossed her aggressively onto a small mattress. Asha bounced slightly on the mat but felt as if she landed on stone. She groaned in pain and gasped for air due to the fact Her rib cage had been cracked and bruised causing it hard to breathe in certain positions. Matt threw a blanket over her and walked out the cell. He shut the door and placed his keys in a slot and locked the door. Asha began to cry In pain and wondered if chandler or anymore she worked with noticed she was gone. She longed for someone to find her. Matt walked over to Azusa's room and entered. "You ready?" Matt asked. Azusa was already dressed and was seen sitting on his bed. "Yes." He stood up and made his way towards Matt. "Where is sakashi?" He asked him not seeing the girl anywhere. "Oh, she's right there." He replied and pointed over to the left.

Sakashi was wrapped in bandages from the wounds from Joel. Unfortunately, she wasn't in a comfortable position to recover from it. Both arms hung over her head in chains that had been attached to the ceiling. Her feet dangled inches from the ground with chains clamped to her ankles that strapped her down to the ground. She wore a seductive outfit That revealed her body to his liking. Sakashi's head has been dangling downward. Her hair covered her face flowing down to the ground. Her eyes had been blindfolded with a long piece of tape over her mouth. Every time she tried to move, her body throbbed in pain. "damn, you got a bit brutal don't ya think?" matt looked at asuza and asked. Azusa grinned and looked at sakashi pervertedly and grinned, "hmm I haven't even done anything to her yet, I was busy taking care of all her small injuries so she wouldn't bleed out and die. But when I return it will happen. Then maybe ill decide if I want to kill her or have more fun." Azusa replied. Matt chuckled, "oh I see." Azusa walked over to sakashi once more and gripped her hair and lifted her face up to force her to look at him. "this is what you get for trusting people so easily." he told her as he watched tears flow from her face. "ok let's go." he let go and pushed her head back and walked towards the door. Sakashi's head flew backward then dangled back down as she shut her eyes and grunted in pain. Tears kept flowing and decided she wanted to end her life. She tried to move yet stopped the moment she felt a sharp pain shoot through her body. Matt and Azusa walked out the room and slammed the door. They locked it and left their hideout and got into their van and left to return back to the hospital.

Asha blinked slowly as the light above her flickered. She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep from exhaustion and physically worn out. Meanwhile, Christopher and leemodo took a trip to the prison to speak with kalebize. They drove all night until they arrived. Leemodo stepped out immediately and walked to the entrance. Chandler stepped out and followed behind leemodo. They eventually got greeted by the entrance guard and stopped. "hold it, and you two are ?" The guard asked them cautiously. Chandler pulled out his identification card and handed it to him. "Name is chandler. The manager from the hospital. This is Leemodo from the mental hospital. We are here to visit a prisoner." Chandler spoke calmly. The Guard looked at the card and then back at them and nodded, "alright someone will escort you. But please make sure you are not armed or you will not make it far." He told them and reached down to his walkie talkie. "We have to hospital visitors here to visit someone. Please escort them." He spoke into it. The entrance doors opened and the guard guided them through.

Leemodo and chandler walked through and met with three other guards and followed them into the building. No words were being spoken as they walked. The atmosphere felt tense and firm. Everyone was strict and serious. Leemodo glanced over and looked at all the prisoners yelling and screaming. "alright who is it you boys need to see?" One of the guards had asked. " a man named kalebize." Chandler replied immediately. "Ah, the newbie that doesn't talk much. He's actually Farley quiet and calm. This way." The guard replied. " how much to break him out? If I have evidence of his innocents?" Leemodo asked as they walked down the prison halls.

The guard looked at Leemodo and replied. 10,000 pounds. Unless you have enough proof, then it will only be 1,000 pounds." he replied. "Here we are boys, wait here while we go get him for you." the second guard told them.

Chandler and leemodo nodded and walked into the room sat down and waited. "do we have that money to even spend?." leemodo asked Chandler. " I have 2,000 pounds but if we can provide enough evidence of his innocents, we could break him out and save Asha and get sakashi out of that hospital," Chandler replied. leemodo nodded and leaned back against the chair and waited.

About 10 minutes later the door buzzed open and the guard allowed kalebize to enter. " you have 30 minutes." The guard closes the door and kalebize walked over and sat down silently. His arms were cuffed together and he wore a solid black uniform. "What is it you want?" Kalebize asked then. He didn't look at them at all. He only looked at the ground or his feet. He looked stressed out with dark bags around his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair was tangled.

"Kalebize, have you slept at all since you been here?." Chandler asked him slightly worried. "No, I can't rest properly without knowing how she's doing, is she ok at least?" Kalebize asked as he gradually looked up to them. Leemodo blinked and looked down and kept silent. "well as far as we know she's recovering in the mental hospital. She's currently confused and doesn't know anyone at all. Leemodo here is.." chandler paused. " well, was her counselor, but he got framed somehow to make him look like he hurt her. She got scared and cut herself. So when Leemodo tried to calm her and stop her. Someone took pictures with him in the middle of restraining her and with her blood on him. So now she's currently there and we are not sure how to check on her." He told him with a concerned voice. "But that's not all. We are here to ask for your help, we believe Wesley isn't dead and you're innocent from murder.." Leemodo spoke shortly after. Kalebize froze at first then widened his eyes looking directly at Leemodo. "What?" Kalebize spoke with a sudden frustrated angry voice. "Chandler and Leemodo spent nearly 15 minutes explaining everything that has happened to their knowledge. Kalebize clenched his fists on his knees and began physically shaking. His eyes turned blood red and his facial expression come off ready to kill. "Get me out of here! I have a feeling that framing was a setup and sakashi is in danger now, get me out and I'll help you find that girl Asha and keep sakashi safe." Kalebize told them with a promise. "I will not rest will those three men are dead!" He spoke with pure anger and seriousness. Leemodo glanced at Kalebize and completely understood his feeling and anger. "You love her, don't you?" Leemodo asked him folding his arms. Kalebizes' face immediately turned at Leemodo with pure hate and clenched teeth. His narrowed eyes of anger suddenly changed and shown as a tender loving expression. His eyes raised and turned into his normal calm blue eyes and immediately looked down and kept silent. "She's my best friend." He replied as he fought himself from emotions. Leemodo sighed and closed his eyes. "I see" he replied. "We will get you out of here ok? I know where these men are hiding, I'm going to try and snap pictures, we will come back for you and bail you out." Chandler promised kalebize. He placed his hand on his shoulder. "We will reunite you both again and help her remember you the right way, try to sleep tonight and we shall return." He told kalebize seconds later. Kalebize nodded and stood up. Leemodo immediately felt sympathy for kalebize and kept silent. He knew kalebize deep down loves the girl and he knew that very moment he shouldn't get attached to her. It would make the situation for sakashi harder on her to choose. Although he knew his feelings began to develop, he didn't want to ruin anything. The guard buzzed and opened the door. "Times up." kalebize walked out silently and went back to his cell. Chandler and Leemodo got escorted back to their vehicle.

Kalebize stepped back into his cell and sat down on his bed. Knowing his precious friend is in danger and those men are still out there he became troubled. He thought about everything talked about and came to realize he wasn't delusional when he believed those security guards he spoke to was indeed two of those men he wanted dead. "It all makes sense now. I swear to God if they touched her again I will Castrate them." He mumbled to himself and slammed his fist against the wall.

Hours past sense that visit and the magic stealers found another young female victim. While these three men began to beat and molest this girl, taking her power within her Asha and sakashi listened to her screams through the wall. A couple of hours later they listened to the sound of the girls' last words and screams of life. Asha became frightened and horrified at the sound and tried to force her body to fight through the pain and move. Sakashi dangled in the room and hoped to make it out alive. She realized she didn't want to die. Luke walked back into his cell room and glanced directly at Asha and tilted his head. "You look frightened my dear." He spoke to her Psychotically. "You scared I will kill you too?" He asked her before chuckling. He shut the lights off and walked over to the mattress and laid down beside Asha and wrapped his arm around her waist. The smell of fresh blood arose and Asha wanted to throw up. Her body shook in fear until she passed out again. luke untied her legs and spread them apart and began doing as he pleased to her as she was unconscious.

Azusa entered his cell room and walked past sakashi and walked to a table. With sakashi still blindfolded she couldn't see who it was or what will happen. Azusa grabbed a rod and tested its flexibility. He then began to smack sakashi causing her body to bruise immediately. Sakashi began to scream internally and moved around struggling. About an hour of torture, she felt hands fondle her again. His hand stopped directly on her belly and rubbed gently. "Hmmm, I will soon find out and depending on if you are or not. It Will decide your fate." He spoke suddenly. Sakashi was confused about what that meant but she knew it wasn't going to be good. Azusa grabbed his keys and unlocked the chains releasing her arms and Ankles from the shackles. She dropped fast and fell into the arms of Azusa. He caught her and lifted her over his right shoulder. Sakashi grunted in pain. Azusa walked over to a small bed and laid her down gently and took the blindfold off and ripped the tape off. He then leaned over her and kissed her. Sakashi shut her eyes and laid there and twitched. Azusa pulled away from her and grabbed her broken ankle and wrapped a cast on it. And unwrapped her side and cleaned her side wound before he changed the bandages. " you.... beat me then bandage me? You don't make any sense. Leave me alone." Sakashi spoke with a faint and soft voice. "Hmm, I only gave you a few bruises because I wanted to see your strength, be thankful I didn't do more, besides I'd rather you not die on me right now anyway." He replied to her immediately. He placed a blanket over her and stood up. "Listen, I will find out soon if your pregnant or not. If you are, I'll nurse you back to health and you will be mine and mine only. But if your not. I will kill you." Sakashi's eyes widened and slowly turned her head towards him. "Pregnant? then why beat me?" She asked before coughing. Her eyes began to fill with tears in horror. "Yes, pregnant, , I didn't hit you anywhere to harm development. And besides it's just the beginning stage. If you are pregnant, once the baby is born I'll decide if I want to continue to keep you for my own pleasure or kill you then. But for now, sleep a bit." He told her and opened the door walked out and shut it. "What's the baby goal for?" Wesley asked immediately when Azusa stepped out of the room. Azusa locked the room and turned and faced Wesley. "So I can have someone to raise and train to continue what I do, follow after my footsteps, so when the day comes when I do die. My legacy of crime with continue. And because I wanted something from the girl that she won't ever get back. If I choose to keep her alive I want her to be constantly reminded of how that child was born." Azusa spoke with pure evil with no insanity. Wesley chuckled and rolled his eyes and began to walk with Azusa. "Idiot," Wesley replied with a chuckle.

Luke walked out from his room and locked it and walked alongside Wesley and Azusa. They all gathered the dead girl's body and transferred her out to their vehicle to dispose of her.