CHAPTER 16- Kalebize

"let me tell you about a young boy, a boy who never knew his parents." kalebize said before he began to reflect back from what he remembers.

*going back to his past*

"Mommy I'm gonna go out and play." this little boy said while he opened the door. This little boy was named hunter. He stopped when he saw a small basket sitting on the porch. He slowly approached the basket and saw a baby. "momma!!! There's a baby out here!." hunter yelled out and gently lifted the basket. It was Kalebize, he was found by a family who lovingly took him in. His new mother came out and took the basket from hunter and fell in love with him. "aww so precious." she said while she looked around and walked inside the house. "who could do this to their baby." she asked and pondered. Hunter bounced up and down curiously about the baby. "are we gonna keep him." the boy asked his mother. " yes." she replied. " I think we shall call him kalebize," she said softly. The father entered the room and noticed the baby in his wife's hands and tilted his head. "whos that?" he asked. The woman smiled and replied. "we found him on our porch, I can't just let him die, so we are gonna adopt him." the father looked at the baby boy and smiled softly. "He's cute, but no more because you know our situation." the father replied. For several years kalebize grew up with this family. He had a great life with these people. He had a mom and a father, he had a brother he became close with. For several years he believed they were his natural family.

But he always wondered why he still felt different. He didn't like what they liked and he liked what they didn't like.

One day he and hunter were outside playing a simple game of cops and robbers. Kalebize had the turn to be the robber and so he ran off to prepare his next plan while hunter waited. Hunter at this time was ten years old and kalebize was six years old.

Kalebize ran up and hill and before he was going to charge down and begin the game he noticed another house. But this house looked abandoned. Kalebize got curious and looked back and towards hunter but continued forward. He slowly approached this building and peaked in a window. It appeared to be abandoned and no one living in it for several years. He quickly ran back towards home and found hunter and ran as fast as his feet could allow him to run. "hunter, you wanna do something else?" he yelled out before he stopped in front of him and leaned over breathing heavy. "what do you mean?" hunter replied curiously. "I found an abandoned house we can maybe explore." kalebize told him. "just right up that hill." he pointed. Hunter got curious. "ok but not too long. Supper will be ready soon." hunter replied. They both ran up the hill and ran to the house. Once they arrived at the door. They noticed it was cracked open. Little did kalebize know this was his real parent's old house. Little did he know his life would change that day.

Kalebize slowly opened the door and began to look around. "woe!" kalebize said in amazement. " maybe we can make this out clubhouse." he told hunter in excitement. "yeah maybe, let's head home and come back tomorrow." hunter told him, hunter felt off and felt like he needed to leave. "hold one just a minute." kalebize said and ran up the stairs. We walked into a small room and stopped. He saw a little girl shivering in. Corner crying. "hey, are you lost?" he asked and slowly walked up to the girl. The girl looked at kalebize and panicked and began to move away. She seemed very skittish and scared. Her dress had blood and had several rips. Hunter walked into the room and noticed the girl and didn't know how to respond. "hey? Do you live here? Were sorry, kalebize let's go." kalebize shook his head. "no something is wrong." he replied. "hey little girl it's ok. Where're your parents? What's your name? You ok?" kalebize asked her. The girl shivered as tears fall. "they are after me... Run! Leave don't bother me." she suddenly replied in fear and crawled under the bed. Hunter knew the girl was in danger and immediately knew they needed to leave to tell their father. "kalebize let's go get help." kalebize looked at Hunter but didn't want to leave the girl. " I don't wanna leave her," he replied. Moments later they heard two grown manly voices talking and chuckling. "hey little girl, we know your hiding in here. It's the last place to hide." they heard being spoken. Hunter got scared and whispered. "Quick get under the bed with her kalebize. I'll protect you," he replied. Kalebize nodded and got under the bed and crawled over to the girl and placed his body over her. The girl shut her eyes and started crying louder. Kalebize gently covered her mouth to help lower the sound. "shhh." he tried to calm her. He then whispered. "hunter get under here too." he told hunter. Hunter looked back and thought about it but knew his father always taught him to face his enemies and protect those you love. Hunter stood tall and waited. Once we saw the men she got even more scared. "oh, well well well, we have a little boy instead!" one of the men said. Hunter began shaking when he realized these men are kidnappers. "get out of my house!! My momma and daddy will be home soon." he yelled out. The men laughed. "sorry you're needed." they told him before the shut the door. One of the men walked over to hunter fast and grabbed hunters' arm and lifted him off his feet. "put me down!." hunter screamed and struggled. The man walked over holding hunter by the shirt to the other man. "Here." hunter quickly slid out of his shirt and landed on the ground and ran towards the window. Unfortunately, the men were to fast and grabbed both his arms and yanked him back and slammed him to the ground and used some tape to tape his arms and legs together. They lifter hunter up and opened the door. "let me go." hunter yelled. The girl became frightened and kept crying hard. Kalebize didn't want to lose his brother as he then whispered, "whatever you do, don't move or make any noise." he let go of her and ran came out from under the bed. "hey, leave my brother alone!!." kalebize threw a rock at them. "kalebize!! Run!!!." Hunter yelled as tears fall. One of the men chuckled and walked towards kalebize. "how many are there?" the man asked.

Kalebize glared and replied backing up terrified. "just me and my brother." he replied before running and jumped out the window.

The man who had hunter walked to his carriage while the other man chased kalebize. Kalebize knew how to hide and before the man could catch up kalebize found a hiding place. The man searched until he could hear two adults yelling out "kalebize!!!, hunter!!!" the man stopped and turned back and walked back. Kalebize waited to make sure the men were completely gone before he ran out and headed back to the abandoned house. Tears fell hard but he wanted to know if the girl was ok. Then he will go and tell his mom and dad with the girl. Kalebize felt like it was all his fault for losing his brother and wanted to find him and save him.

A few minutes after the men had left kalebize ran back to the house and ran up into the room and looked under the bed. " hey you still here." he asked and saw the girl was still there. He sighed in relief and reached out to her. "Please come with me. I'll take you home. We need to go tell my parents about hunter"

The girl nervously stretched her hand out and took his hand then crawled out. "what's your name? My name is kalebize." he asked her. "sakashi." she replied. "that's a pretty name. Let's go. My daddy will help us." he told her. They both stood up and began to walk towards the door. Unfortunately, they both didn't realize that another man who was also apart of kidnapping kids came back to make sure there were no more kids. He turned the corner fast and grabbed both their wrists. "well well, they were right, and here I thought it was only one. Kalebize tried to kick the man only to be lifted off his feet. The man held both sakashi and kalebize up by one arm and chuckled. "you kids think you can outsmart us? This is what we do." sakashi's screamed and held her arm as it hurt. Kalebize tried to fight but couldn't do much. The man held on to both of them as he slammed them both on the bed and taped them both back to back and taped both their mouths shut. He then zip-tied their feet together and lifted them up and began to walk to his carriage. Hunter has already been taken so they still had been split apart. From that day on kalebize hasn't ever seen hunter again. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Since he knew he had met sakashi he wanted to be just like his brother and protect her. This started his journey with sakashi. For years they were used as work slaves. Kalebize had been beaten and punished multiple times to sakashi wouldn't have to go through it. One day on a normal day of work kalebize noticed one of the kidnappers wanted to trade another kid for sakashi, he wanted her for unpleasant reasons. " I heard she is the daughter to a fire dragon, she wields the power of a dragon and can fly, I want that girl, for her power and because well she's a little beauty. By that time sakashi was twelve years old and kalebize was fourteen. Kalebize wasn't about to let his precious friend be taken from him or harmed. That's when he leaned his ability. He worked hard for years and gained the power of strength and speed. But he had an unknown power that he felt hasn't awakened yet.

Within those seconds of watching the men grabbing into sakashi. Sakashi was scared and kept screaming "no, I want to stay here! I'll do anything" she yelled as tears fell from her eyes. Kalebize shut his eyes and began to suddenly increase his strength. He snapped chains that held his wrist and used sudden speed to immediately appear behind the men! That's when his unknown power activated. His hands lit up and created a sword and he struck the man that grabbed onto sakashi and twisted the blade through his chest. The other man grabbed sakashi and held a knife to her throat. "boy, make one more move and I'll kill her!" the man threatened kalebize. Sakashi shut her eyes and shook in fear. Kalebize stopped and looked at sakashi then smiled softly. He dropped the sword and a tad like he gives up. The man lowered the knife from sakashi and smirked, "good boy, now go back to work!." the man told him. Kalebize used his speed once again and ended up behind the man, jumped and wrapped his arms around his neck and immediately snapped it. He jumped down and pushed the man forward and watched him collapse dead. "you ok?" kalebize asked sakashi in concern. Sakashi began to cry as she ran into his arms and hugged him. "Thank you" she replied

Kalebize hugged her back and closed his eyes. He wouldn't let her go as he pulled her alongside him and released every kid's chain that was bound there and lead them all to safety. Unfortunately, he still could never find hunter. He knows he was in a different location. From then on he lived his life searching for hunter and protecting his best friend sakashi. He didn't know where he was and couldn't find his parents either. He worked on training himself until he learned how to strengthen and get stronger with the power he activated. After a few years after that sakashi found her hidden power and didn't know how to control it not did she know how to use it. So kalebize and sakashi spent years training and working hard to grow stronger together to fight off the enemies they face.

* back to reality*

"so there you have it, that's my life story." kalebize told them. Chandler kept silent and looked at kalebize "wow." Chandler said. Leemodo had a complete better understanding of why kalebize loves sakashi so much. He sighed and wanted to just let him have her yet he also didn't want to give her up either. "kalebize I." leemodo spoke softly before pausing. Kalebize smiled softly and looked at leemodo. "its ok leemodo, you can't stop a heart when the heart loves someone. If she chooses you I will be ok, I will still always be her best friend, I also want to still find hunter. If there is even a chance he's still alive. I only recently learned I was adopted by them but I still want to find him." kalebize spoke softly.

Leemodo and sighed. " I will help you find him." leemodo replied. "me too." Chandler replied. "what about you leemodo? What's your past like." kalebize asked full of curiosity?

Leemodo sighed and looked at them.