CHAPTER 17 -Leemodo

*going back into leemodos past*

Leemodo wasn't like the normal kids, in fact, he was a little trouble maker. He didn't care about anyone else but his own self. Whenever anyone wanted to talk with him or be a friend he rejected and became rude and nasty. For years he avoided other humans and made girls cry. He lived as if he found amusement and pleasure in hurting other people. Leemodo never smiled nor did he even care about anyone. People avoided him and began calling him the neighborhood loner who's nothing but rude and nasty. People wondered why he was such a brat and mean. But there was a reason. He only learned to become the way he was because all he has to look up to was a father who wasn't ever around because he was in prison for life. His mother was a drug addict. He lived with his siblings and raised each other in life. Leemodo was a very sweet and friendly kid before his life changed. Leemodo stopped caring when his mother left them all for more drugs. He built up hate and anger for his parents confused and not understanding why they were willing to mess up their family and choose drugs and crime to be placed in prison. Leemodo only cared about his siblings, He looked up to then like role models and wanted to be like them. Unfortunately, his siblings were not the greatest examples. But no one knew about his home life.

One day when he was walking home he stumbled upon this girl. She had been cutting herself because she was being abused by her father. Leemodo didn't care at first but he felt a slight attraction to her and sighed. He walked over to her and stood there. "why are you cutting yourself?" he asked her but with no warmth, sympathy or care in his voice. "why should you care? All you do is find joy in other people's pain, so just leave me alone." she replied to him and slit her wrist again deeper. Leemodo grabbed her wrist and yanked her around to face him. "stop hurting yourself.." he told her and grabbed the small blade and yanked it from her. "hey give that back." she yelled out. Blood dripped everywhere on her clothing and the ground. "he took his jacket off and grabbed her wrist and wrapped her arm the best he could. "no, you need to go get this wrapped and cleaned." He told her. "Again why should you care about someone like me, your the one who has no emotions at all and find it funny other people hurt.." she told him and yanked her arm away from him. Leemodo sighed and grabbed her wrist again and picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. She was younger and smaller then he was and could easily be picked up. The girl was eight years old and Leemodo just recently turned twelve. "Put me down!" she yelled and squirmed but he ignored her and kept walking. About 15 minutes had past and he was still walking to the nearest hospital. the girl gave up and just hung there silently but angry. "What's your name by the way?" Leemodo asked suddenly. "lahana." She replied but in an angry tone. Leemodo stopped and gently placed her back on her feet. He looked at her and widened his eyes. "Lahana you look really pale.." he told her. "Good because I wanna die." She replied before she began to feel light-headed. Leemodo looked at her arm and noticed his jacket was drenched with her blood and dripped. He looked down the sidewalk and noticed a splat trail and realized she's losing a lot of blood. Lahana began to sway back and forth and about to lose her balance and collapse. He immediately lifted her up and began running. "Look just because I'm mean doesn't mean I want anyone to die. I just don't know how to feel or act because I don't have a great life." He told her. Lahana glanced at him and kept silent then closed her eyes, she was losing consciousness. "Lahana stay awake! Don't you fall asleep on me." He told her. He finally arrived at the hospital, he began breathing heavy and loud and ran inside. "Help, my friend, she's bleeding out and she's falling asleep!" He yelled out. Lahana opened her eyes slightly only to see nothing but a blur. She mumbled, "you called me friend." A tear left her eyes while a nurse took her immediately and ran for the emergency room. Leemodo followed but got pushed back. "Sorry kid, you can't come along for now." He was told. Leemodo became angry and glared. "No, let him go with you. This might be fatal and you wouldn't want her to possibly die without them having each other." The security guard told the nurse. The nurse sighed and nodded, "come, just stay out the way." Leemodo turned and faced the guard then bowed slightly "thank you, sir." He thanked him and followed the nurse.

The nurse laid the girl down and hooked her up and took a small blood sample to find out her blood type. She immediately cleaned out her arm and began closing up her deepest cut and wrapped her arm to stop the bleeding. While the nurse was doing what she needed to do Leemodo held on to her other hand and stayed silent. "Is she your girlfriend?" The nurse asked to try and distract him. " no, but we are friends. She could be but only if she is ok." He replied. The nurse sighed and nodded. "Alright, little man. Keep an eye on her and if that machine stops beeping and makes a long solid beep you push this button," she told him and walked out to find her blood type. Leemodo gulped and held her hand close to his chest. "Leemodo?." She mumbled as she began to try and wake up. But still out of her right mind. She felt dizzy and lightheaded. "Yes?" He replied. "My father and mother abandoned me. They hate me. Will you leave me to?" She asked him with a mumble. "No, I promise you I will not leave you. And when you get better, be my girlfriend. I promise I'll do better and treat you good." He told her. Lahana smiled. "Thank you, you are kind." She replied before she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Seconds later the heart monitor stopped beeping and became a solid beep. Leemodo panicked and freaked out and shook her hand. "Lahana!" he yelled and pushed the button given to him immediately. Three nurses ran into the room and pushed him back. "Wait out in the hall please." They told him and pushed him out and shut the door. Leemodo began feeling something painful in his chest. He realized he began to feel emotions and found himself tearing up. He rubbed his eyes and felt a wetness. He confused himself and looked down at his hands. "What is this? I never felt this before.?" He asked himself. He began to pace back and forth until the door opened. One of the nurses walked out and looked sorrowful. She knelt down and hugged Leemodo and released him. "I'm sorry but she's passed away. She lost to much blood and we couldn't find enough blood in time to save her." She softly told him. Leemodo became puzzled and ran past the nurse and back into the room and looked at her. She laid There lifeless and Pail. Leemodo because to shed more tears and turned around and ran out of the room. He ran down the hall and eventually ran out of the hospital and began punching the nearest tree. "Why do I even care!? Why does this hurt!? Why?!? Why??." He kept yelling to himself. He realized what he had a desire to do with his life. And that was to become a counselor and help people through hard times. He decided he wanted to help instead of being rude and mean. "Lahana, for you I will help other people just like you, I will save more lives." He spoke and promised himself and Lahana. From that moment on. He changed and became a person everyone liked and felt comfortable to talk to. The older he became the more he helped other people through difficult situations. When he turned eighteen years old. He got a job as a mental counselor.

*back to reality*

Leemodo sat there pausing and swallowed. " I wasn't the kind kid but lahana was the one who changed me. And because of her, I became someone to care for and feel emotion. That's why I began to like sakashi because she reminded me of lahana, sakashi gave me the same kind of feeling. And I don't want to lose another girl I care about. I don't want to watch another person I wanted to help die because I was too late..does that make sense? " he asked. Kalebize sighed but kept silent. Chandler looked at leemodo and looked down. "well we all have a dark past. Just different stories. Now that we know each other more. Let's stick together for now on and be each other's rock when we need help because now we don't have to be alone anymore.." Chandler told kalebize and leemodo seriously. "sure." kalebize replied. " I hope Asha recovers and as far as sakashi, may the best one right for her win." kalebize said and smiled at leemodo. "yeah, regardless of what will happen in the future, we will always be friends and family." leemodo replied. Kalebize smiled and lifted his hand and formed a fist and pushed it forward.

Leemodo formed a fist and connected with kalebize. Chandler followed along and connected his fist as well. Making a new brotherhood bond, not by blood but through friendship and loyalty.