CHAPTER 19 - sakashi remeets kalebize and leemodo

While Chandler had been discussing ashas results. Kalebize and leemodo had entered the room where sakashi had been staying. Sakashi laid on the bed silently. Her arm was hooked up to a machine that gave her medication for pain. She glanced over and saw leemodo and kalebize and became slightly nervous. With her memory loss illness. She was officially diagnosed with dementia. causing her to have a short term memory. She didn't recognize leemodo or kalebize and began to cry. The only thing she remembered was Azusa and what he did to her. She began to have small flashbacks and began to panic. Her breathing picked up heavy and fast causing her heart rate to beat faster. "please don't hurt me." she told them with a loud voice and looked away from them and shut her eyes. Leemodo walked over to her slowly and gently grabbed her hand and held her hand tightly keeping silent. He closed his eyes and focused and began to activate his special ability and release a calming atmosphere. Kalebize stopped and closed his eyes looking away from sakashi and began to fight himself from breaking into tears. Kalebize took a deep breath opened his eyes and walked over to the other side of sakashi and slowly knelt down and sat on the edge of her bed. Sakashi felt slightly calmer but flinched and shook in fear not sure how to respond. "please don't touch me. I'm tired, I don't feel good." she then mumbled looking down. "ill do anything just not that." she replied again before closing her eyes then reopening to stare at the ground. "we are not going to hurt or touch you, we are here so you can meet who rescued you from that horrifying place." leemodo softly replied to her. Kalebize smiled softly and tilted his head to the right. "that's right, I'm kalebize, and this is leemodo." kalebize told her softly. Sakashi looked up and kept silent while she looked at them. She blinked a few times looking at their faces and looked back down to the floor. "you might not remember us, but we are actually people you know personally, kalebize is your best friend, I'm your counselor." leemodo softly told her and gripped her hands. Sakashi looked at leemodo and back at kalebize and had a confused expression to her face. She began to try and think of how she knew them but couldn't remember anything. " I'm sorry I have no idea who you are," she mumbled quietly still frightened.

Kalebize sighed slightly and suddenly leaned his forehead against here's and smiled softly. "we know, we know you will probably not remember us, but that's ok. Because I wouldn't mind starting over and giving you new memories with us. The new ones that you can smile to and not fear. " he told her with a happier tone of voice. Sakashi kept silent and kept looking down but began to tear up before she quickly pulled her head back and pulled her hands away from leemodo and pushed kalebize back. "no, I don't want to." she told him and began to assume they would be new memories of new traumas for her to live with. New assaults and new games they will play. She began to imagine both kalebize and leemodo's faces forcing her down and taking advantage of her body. Leemodo sighed and hugged her suddenly and kept silent. His warmth and special ability began to quickly calm her down and allowed sakashi to just drop all defense and rest easy in his arms. Kalebize tried to ignore that rejection but couldn't stand feeling heartbroken from the rejection and began to fight his emotions. He shut his eyes and focused. He began to tell himself to be a man and not cry, crying means his weakness and pushed passed the hurt and reopened his eyes. He lifted his hand and suddenly created a dozen worth of some colorful flowers in his hand and gently set them next to her. "sakashi, I promise I will not give up. I can push me away, but I will not walk away, you are my best friend, and when I say I swear I will not harm you. That means I will not harm you. Your safety is more important to me than my own happiness. Please give us a chance for leemodo and me to show you we are friends. Not your enemy." he told her bluntly. Leemodo kept silent and smiled softly and loosened his hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head. He then wrapped his right hand around her hair around the back of her neck gently. "its ok to not be ok, but please know, not every man will be that filthy and horrid. We will take care of you." leemodo whispered before he gently kissed the top of her head and smiled. Kalebize ignored what he saw leemodo do and gently grabbed her hand and slid a bracket around her wrist. "I made that for you years ago. I hope one day you will remember me." kalebize told her and smiled. "I'll give you your space. If you want to talk ill be waiting," he told her again before he began to walk towards the door.

Leemodo pulled away and stood up and smiled and nodded. He turned around and began to follow kalebize. Sakashi looked at the bracelet and looked at kalebize then leemodo and went to say something but hesitated and paused then quickly looked down. She felt calm and relaxed after the sudden hug and comforting words but still felt scared. She doesn't want to go through a forceful experience again and scared that these two men will just do the same thing to her at one point. She closed her eyes and tried to forget everything that happened and just focus on getting better. But she keeps thinking about these men. She grew a curiosity about them and a craving to know more about them. She felt as if they are truly different and won't harm her. She watched them leave the room and began to cry again. She wants to find security and safety but doesn't know how or where to get it. All she can think of was the terrible things that had happened to her physically and mentally. She tried to forget but azusas face could be clearly seen. She turned to her side and closed her eyes to rest more. She fell asleep moments later and slept for a few hours before she began having a nightmare of her living that experience all over again. She began to get restless and groan in fear in her sleep. Tears fell from her eyes and began tossing and turning. Kalebize had been sitting in the guest lounge reading a book that kept his mind occupied from worrying. Leemodo left to go check on Chandler and see bow he is fairing. Moments later a nurse approached kalebize in the lounge. "hello, um kalebize? Sakashi she's acting quite restless right now and I feel like you should be the one to wake her. If she panics ill take over but I personally feel like it should be you she sees." she told him shyly. Kalebize looked at her and nodded and stood up setting the book down and walked to her room. The nurse followed behind and kept silent. Kalebize walked into her room moments later and walked over to her bed and immediately grabbed her hand and held her hand tightly. Sakashi was asleep and fighting the nightmare, she became more and more restless by the second. Kalebize began to slowly and softly sing sakashi's favorite lullaby as he held her hand. Sakashi's head stopped swaying back and forth and tilted towards kalebize and came off relaxed. Kalebize finished singing and knelt down and gently kissed her forehead and closed his eyes connecting foreheads again, tears left his eyes and dripped onto her cheeks. Kalebize began to whisper into her ear. " I will fight for you, please remember me soon darling, I love you." the nurse smiled and watched silently and felt as if she should leave him for some alone time. And walked out of the room. sakashi's eyes began to slowly open and began to faintly see an image. Kalebize leaned back and looked at her and smiled. Sakashi adjusted her eyes and could clearly see kalebize but didn't flinch. She looked into his eyes and became locked into them. "why are you crying for me?" she suddenly asked before sitting up and looked away. Kalebize looked at her and smiled softly with love in his eyes. "because you're my best friend. I'm just glad you're alive." he replied to her and hugged her immediately after. "let me take those nightmares from you." he then whispered in her ear. Sakashi's eyes widened as she leaned into his arms. She then narrowed her eyes and became relaxed but kept silent. She didn't hug back but she began to feel slight trust. Kalebize began singing the lullaby she loves into her ear again softly without letting her go, his arms wrapped tighter into a more comforting wrap while he sang, he paused and whispered. "do you remember me?" he asked before he continued to sing again. Sakashi didn't respond but still felt relaxed. She listened and blinked in his arms until she fell asleep. Kalebize smiled and felt her body go limp from passing out as he stopped singing. He gently shifted his body to get a better grip on her to lean her back and slowly lowered her back into her bed and placed the blanket over her and leaned over and kissed her passionately and quickly. He pulled away and quietly walked over to the chair in the room and sat down. The nurse entered and stopped suddenly and began to whisper. "everything ok?." she asked. Kalebize nodded and gave her the thumbs up with a slight smile. The nurse nodded and walked out quietly. Kalebize watched sakashi sleep peacefully for 32 minutes before he dosed off and passed out in the chair.

Hours later and sakashi woke up, she opened her eyes and looked to her right and saw kalebize sitting in the chair asleep. Keeping silent she looked down at the bracelet and noticed writing. She lifted her wrist and read what it said. 'never lose hope, never forget, and always know that you are loved.' -your best friend forever, kalebize'. Sakashi quickly glanced at kalebize and then looked down she began to ask herself. "will I ever remember who I really am? Does this guy actually truly love me?, why can't I remember anything? " she gripped her wrist and pressed her arms against her chest and closed her eyes. "Should I trust him? " she asked herself before she began to feel conflict with herself wanting to trust him but still wants to doubt and hesitate. She thinks about that other man shortly after and opens her eyes she thought of his head kiss and remembers the warmth and security she immediately felt around him. Sakashi sighs and drops her arms and sits in silence. About 15 minutes later she sighs and looks at kalebize and slowly pokes his arm. "hey, um mister." she whispers. Kalebize jokes awake and smiles softly. "hey, you feel better?" he asked her. "I'm fine, I." she replied and paused looking down. " it's ok if you can't remember me. If you want to gain happier memories and live free and happy just tell me. I would be honored to help you. I will never touch you and go against your will." he told her firmly. Sakashi looked at him and took a deep breath. "do you want a family? Are you ok if that other man can be apart.? I'm pregnant but I don't want to be alone with a baby.?" she asked him suddenly. After realizing what she asked she became embarrassed and flushed in her face. Sakashi lifted her hands and covered his face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so desperate or flirty or anything. I just don't want to be alone and," she mumbled shyly. Kalebize looked at her giggled then grabbed her hands pulling them over to his chest and leaned forward. looked at her dead in the eyed and replied. "of course, I already had planned to adopt that child and together leemodo and I will help you raise this child, we will protect you and keep you safe, I will swear on my own life that I will make sure nothing happens to you again, even if it kills me." kalebize's words shocked sakashi as she became brighter flushed and froze in place. Kalebize leaned forward and kissed her forehead and leaned over to her hear and whispered. " you choose, me or leemodo and that's who you can claim as this child's new forever father. You choose who you want to live life with. Regardless we are both going to stay in your life, but take your time, don't feel rushed. We want you to be happy and have a real relationship. Even if it's not one of us. But we will support your every wish and desire as long as it will bring you happiness and no harm. " he told her before pulling away. " I will be back, I need to go see where leemodo is and bring him here.." be told her before making his way to the door. Sakashi watched him but kept silent. Her heart skipped and she wasn't sure how to even respond. She gripped the blanket and began to cry tears of joy. She began to trust kalebize and believed he was sincere and not lying. "has my suffering or pain and torment finally end?" she asked herself before closing her eyes and held her hands into her chest. She waited for kalebize and leemodo to return as she went through small checkups and scheduled appointments with nurses. She felt anticipation to see these two men again. Hours later went by and she was eating her evening meal when she heard a knock. She looked up and froze as her eyes widened to what she had seen walk into her room.