CHAPTER 20- Sasha helps chandler, chandler returns the favor.

Meanwhile, chandler had been sitting in a chair in his office. He was asleep for a few hours after his checkup. Chandler is improving normally and has nothing concerning to worry about. However, chandler was diagnosed with chronic depression. He is easily sad and emotional over tragedies that occur with people he cares about and can feel miserable. Now chandler has been in love with Asha for a quite a while. He's kept that love hidden for seven years and hasn't spoken about it until recently to Leemodo and kalebize. He's been pondering when he should reveal his feelings to Asha herself. But now with Asha In a life-threatening situation, he's not sure if he will even be able to tell her now. Chandler slept and began to have a nightmare of Asha dying and became restless and began crying. His body twitched until his body jolted awake causing adrenaline to rush through his body and eventually numbed his whole body.

He began to breathe heavily and sat forward and grabbed his face with his right hand and began rubbing his face. A silent knock was heard on his door and chandler quickly looked towards the door and stood up and walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob turned it and opened the door and was greeted by Sasha. "Oh, Sasha? What's up?" He asked her and opened his door open and looked at her. "Um, sir! Um... Chandler you look terrible, you need to go get some proper rest." She told him while she looked at him. Chandler looked as if he hasn't gotten any sleep for weeks. His personal hygiene has begun to slack and his clothing hasn't been changed for a few days and began to slightly smell. Chandler sighed and looked down. "Do I really look this bad?" He asked her calmly. "You look like you stopped caring about everything, I know you're depressed but I need to get you fixed up again so you can feel better too." She told him and smiled. "But first I wanted to tell you that Asha is suspected to wake up in three hours. Everything we can do for her that's not harmful to the baby was all successful and she's looking great, so if you wanna be there when she wakes up then you can do that if you'd like." She told him in slight excitement. "Really?." He asked her and began to perk up. "I'm so glad." He spoke while tears of joy began to fall. Sasha smiles slightly and sighed. "You're hopeless." She told him and grabbed his wrists. "Come let's get you dressed and cleaned up." She told him and began to pull and lead him down the hall. Chandler willingly followed her but pulled out of her hand and walked next to her. A few moments later they walked to the receptionist to inform them they are taking a two-hour lunch out of the building. Once they were confirmed Sasha took chandler to the local barbershop acrossed the street. There, he got his hair cut and groomed he also had gotten a nice shave and began to get rid of the scruff on his face. Once they completed that they walked next door from the barbershop into a clothing store. Chandler looked around and slid a shirt by shirt from the racks trying to find a shirt that catches his eye. "Hmm how about these over here? Gotta look nice, after all, your also the boss anyway so you need to look great." Sasha called out and told chandler. Chandler looked over and walked over to her and looks at the options and then looks at Sasha. "Hmm thank you." He told her and grabbed a few options. He walked to the dressing station and began to try on some clothing. asked about 45 minutes later chandler walked out in a completely new shiny suit. He looked stylish and cleanly cut. Sasha smiled and looked away fast. She began to gain a small crush on chandler but didn't want to make things difficult for chandler so she decided to act like normal. Chandler smiled and took a deep breath of fresh air. He turned and looked at Sasha and smiled at her. "Sasha, thank you for everything. What would I do without you.?" He asked her and began to walk. Sasha looked at chandler and smiled and shortly began to follow after him. "Not a problem." She replied to him and then quickly frowned and looked down. "Sasha why are you frowning?" He asked as he walked. "Sasha looked at chandler and smiled. "Oh nothing, I'm just tired." She replied. She immediately wondered how he noticed her frown without even looking at her. She began to feel more aj an attachment and began liking him more. She walked alongside and kept silent. Chandler entered with Sasha. "You may go home now and get some proper rest, thank you for everything Sasha." He told her. His eyes looked at her with a glossy impression. "Your welcome sir, thank you, I'll see you tomorrow, I hope your visit with Asha goes well, bye!." She told him before she quickly ran out and left. Chandler only has seen Sasha as an amazing employee who had finally put someone else above herself and lent a hand. He was proud of her and gained more trust for her. He decided to promote her into something better once she returns to work. Unfortunately, Sashas feelings began to skyrocket and grow. She couldn't stop thinking about chandler and how kind he is. She walked home silently and sighed. "I stand absolutely no chance with him." She whispered to herself. She began to slightly tear up because she wants to tell chandler but doesn't want any complications knowing Chandler's heart loves Asha. "She wins everything." She mumbled to herself and began to get herself agitated. Sasha arrived home and unlocked her door and walked inside. She turned her light on only to find herself in a tough situation. A sudden hand covered her mouth and slammed her against the wall. A man with a mask around his face appeared pinning her arms above her head and shoved a knife to her throat and began to laugh evilly. This man's cold red eyes were sharp and alert Looking at him. "Shhhh, make a sound and you die." He told her. Sasha kept silent and began to cry while her body trembled. The man felt her body up and began to take everything that had value to exchange for money. He was known to be a highly unidentified wanted criminal of burglary. The man finished feeling around Sasha and flipped his knife about and slammed the handle hard into her head and knocked her out unconscious. Sasha dropped to the ground and fell unconscious. The man looked at her and pulled some duck tape from his pocket and began to duck take Sasha's arms behind her back and around her mouth. He then lifted Sasha's body and drug her to a closet and threw her inside, closed the door and locked it from the outside. He continued to search her house for more valuable riches before leaving her home silently. Her house had been stripped clean, her little cat had even been taken by this criminal.

Unfortunately for the criminal, he wasn't aware chandler secretly followed Sasha home to make sure she got home safely. He felt something off and felt like he needed to make sure she was ok. Once the burglar finished his rounds through her house he opened the door and stepped out. He closed the door silently and began to back up and eventually turned around to move on to the next location. Only to find himself immediately slammed against the door. Chandler gripped the man's neck aggressively and punched the man in the gut. "who are you?" Chandler asked him sternly. The man smirked and headbutted Chandler and immediately kneed him in the gut, grabbing Chandler by shoulders and elbowed him directly in the back of the neck and slammed his thump into Chandler's pressure point. Chandler had still been recovering and wasn't at his full capacity and strength and collapsed unconscious immediately. The burglar quickly took off running and got away from that location. About an hour had passed since that encounter. Chandler had awakened and opened his eyes quickly sitting up and help his head. His head pounded and throbbed. He checked for blood on his head and even the ground but thankfully had nothing. He quickly ran into Sasha's house and looked around, he didn't see her anywhere so he began to open closet doors. After a few closet searches, he finally reached the last closet door. It was locked from the outside and he knew immediately she had to be locked inside. He unlocked the door and opened the door, he found her unconscious still and arms tied behind her back with tape over her mouth. He leaned down and untied the rope and pulled the tape off. He gently lifted her up and walked out the door and immediately took her back to the hospital. Once he arrived and handed Sasha to some nurses he explained what had happened to everyone that needed to know for records. He shortly got on the phone for law enforcement and began giving information as detailed as possible.

Meanwhile, Sasha was thankfully unharmed. about another fifteen minutes after she has arrived at the hospital she has come to her consciousness and only seemed to have a mild headache and traumatized. However, knowing Chandler cared enough to follow her and saved her from that extra distress. She began to believe she could have a chance with him romantically. She wondered if he secretly likes her now. Why he followed her and why he saved her. Her interest and attachment had grown more for him and she isn't sure what to say. Her check-up had finished and she was sent to leemodo once he was available for counseling. She told leemodo everything that she went through and felt. Most of the time she cried and shook in fear. But once she calmed down she managed to share in detail that trauma and life-threatening event in detail. Leemodo listened intensely and wrote down several notes. Leemodo then knew what to say and how to lead her through an emotional recovering discussion. But just before leemodo dismissed, Sasha suddenly spills out her feeling for Chandler and tells leemodo.