CHAPTER 21 - asha awakes.

Three hours had passed since asha's few treatments are given to her. Asha had the few bullets removed and her infected wounds cleaned out and treated properly. After the medicine is given into Ashas body to help her heal from any unnoticed infections that are safe enough to take during pregnancy. Asha was detected from a professional OBGYN doctor to only be about a week pregnant. everything he examined and checked cautiously never looked threatening. Which lowered the risk for any death-related situation, the ultrasound picked up nothing serious that could cause a threat and the development to the baby. The pregnancy was just as normal as anyone else in their beginning stages. So the doctor immediately permitted Asha 'clear' from the life-threatening danger zone into the mild rating.

She is permitted to be placed into a cat scan safe enough that won't bring any kind of harm. The doctor smiled but sighed knowing he still has to keep Asha on oxygen. Her breathing was still very low from her crushed lungs. The doctor walked out and reported all the results. The front counter nurses had been asked to inform other doctor's permission to get Asha into immediate cat scanning to locate everything needed to be done that requires surgery. However, he did not recommend and permit any actual surgery to be done unless her life depended on in or if she wakes up and decides what she wants to do. He explained every detail and had the nurses update Asha's information. Once he had finished he walked to his next patient's room; Sakashi.

The front counter nurses were all amazed at how Asha recovered well enough to be marked out of the life-threatening situation. But still had a concern knowing she needs a lot of surgery in several areas to prevent becoming a living vegetable. They sent results of the new updates to everyone needing to know and continued along with their requirements. Asha still has to have her rib cage fixed, spinal cord fixed, a couple smaller broken bones in her arms and legs fixed and treatment given for her punctured lungs. Otherwise, she is recovering just fine.

The news eventually spread and a copy of Asha's results printed through chandlers printer. Chandler was still on the phone discussing important information to the police about everything that's happened between the three magic stealers, Asha, sakashi and now Sasha. They informed him to never leave anywhere without having someone with him now. He is most likely a new target to take down for messing up their crimes and evil plans. Until they catch these men chandler had to practically hide.

Chandler sighed and understood then shortly agreed. He asked them to kindly go to his home, pick up his cat and take her somewhere to be properly taken care of until it all ends. Once he had finally hung the phone up and ended that call he sighed and leaned over this desk and rubbed his face with both hands while his elbows leaned against the desk. He glanced over at his printer and slowly stood up and walked over to his printer and grabbed the paper. He began to read it. With a focused stern look, he reads the results. As tears began to fall he smiled and looked up while his hand pulled the paper down to his legs. "Thank heavens she's ok." He told himself before setting the paper on top of his desk. He quickly whipped his eyes dry and began to walk to the door and out of his office.

"Am I able to go see Asha now?." He asked the receptionist. the receptionist smiled and nodded. "She's she's currently on just a "watch" until she wakes up to make further progress." She replied to him. "Alright thank you kindly." He told her and began walking down the hallway. His heart began to pound and he slightly started to feel uneasy and nervous. Not understanding why he still chose to keep walking. Once he turned and walked into her room, there he saw her; he saw her asleep wrapped in many bandages. Her body looked better but swollen. With an oxygen mask over her mouth. He slowly walked over to her side and gently grabbed her hand. He knelt down on his knees on the ground and placed his forehead on her hand. "Asha, I'm so sorry for everything." He gently spoke to her. A nurse walked by her room and peaked in then stopped and slightly smiled. She quietly grabbed the doorknob and quickly and quietly pulled the door shut for privacy. Chandler leaned against her bed holding her hand close to his head without letting go. Minutes past without moving as he sat there in silence. Minutes gradually started to build. Until about an hour later chandler had fallen asleep. Without letting go of Ashas hand chandler slept alongside Asha peacefully. That hour quickly turned into three hours before Ashas hand began to twitch. Asha gradually began to slant her eyes open until she managed to fully open them. Once her eyes fully adjusted she slowly looked over. She felt someone's hand and noticed it was chandler. She didn't move much and just watched chandler sleep until her body began to ache. She began to move her head and legs and quickly learned how stiff she felt. That's when tears began to fall from her eyes. Chandler began to feel movement and jolted awake and quickly sat up. Accidentally giving himself a sudden head-rush he lost his balance and fell over letting Ashas hand go and fell backward onto his bottom. Asha glanced over at chandler and then glanced back over to the wall as tears fell rapidly. All the terrible memories done to her kept repeating into her mind. Chandler immediately pushed himself up and grabbed the red button and pushed it to call in the nurses. "Asha, your awake!! Thank god your ok! I'm sorry I." He began to talk to her. Asha kept silent and wouldn't look at him. As nurses came running inside the room. The nurses began to perform and began to check up on her and began asking her questions. Chandler kept feeling himself being pushed back and watched asha begin to feel slightly overwhelmed and panicked. Chandler sighed and spoke up "ladies there is no need for several of you. Give the girl some space. Don't overwhelm her.." he told them firmly. Half the nurses apologized and left without a problem. While three stayed back and checked her vitals and blood pressure and other important needed checkups. Chandler sat in the chair watching her silently. Asha calmed down and was trying to figure out how she was rescued from her nightmare. She glanced at chandler several times and slowly and steadily answered a few questions the nurses needed to know.

"Alright, thank you, Asha, I hope you have a fast recovery. We will come back shortly. If you remember our boss Chandler he's got a few serious issues to address with you then our surgeon also needs to discuss some stuff. Let us know if you need anything.." a nurse told her. Asha nodded and kept silent watching the nurses walking out. Asha glanced over at Chandler and kept silent. The door shut and Chandler sighed before walking over closer to Asha. "look, I'm so sorry I first want to tell you I'm sorry. None of this would have never happened if I didn't act the way I did. I..." he told her before she cut him off. " it's fine, I actually need to tell you something." she told him bluntly. "what is that?" he asked her. "When I said I was married, I lied. I just didn't know how to act because everyone seems to do that to me, everyone wants my body to play with. Iv been used because I'm the girl that almost every man just sees as eye candy. So I lied and said I was married to scare most males off. However you. Yes, you did scare me. But I also knew about your secret struggle. I know about the special medication you have to take. But none of that matters now." she began to cry and get herself worked up and began to cough. Her lungs shot in pain and began gasping for air. Chandler became panicked and flipped a switch to allow the mask to do its work and help her breathe. Once Asha felt she could breathe better. she began to breathe steadily. Moments later her eyes had widened as tears rolled down her face finding herself in chandler's arms being hugged. "Forgive me asha... I failed you. It doesn't matter you lied, what matters now is your ok. I won't pass my boundaries with you. If I do. Kick me in the nuts.." he told her firmly. Asha laid in his arms and kept silent as she closed her eyes. She reopened her eyes and pulled out of his arms slowly with the little strength she had. "Did you rescue me?" She asked him without hesitation. "Yes." He replied. "I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner." He replied as his eyes began to water. Asha smiled softly and looked down. "thank you, she told him. Still being clueless of the pregnancy she sat in silence.

Chandler sighed and looked at Asha and stood up and firmly looked at her. "now Asha please don't panic. But after all the examinations they did on you once I got you here we're not good. You have a lot of broken bones and a punctured lung. You need a lot of surgery done. Because if you don't your body might eventually turn you into a vegetable." he told her calmly without acting to fearful. Asha nodded and looked down. She figured she had a lot due to how much pain she felt and how she could hardly move. "however, we can't exactly give you that surgery unless we get your decision on something important. We also discovered you're at least a week pregnant." he told her with hesitation. Asha immediately looked up at Chandler and became puzzled. " I'm what?" she asked him and began to feel disgusted with herself. Chandler sighed and closed his eyes and gently lifted her hand. " Asha you have a few options. You get rid of it and go through with the surgery. Or we could transfer the fetus into a tub and let it still live and grow. Either way, it's your choice." He told her calmly. Asha kept silent looking at the ground before she sighed and looked at chandler. " it's not the baby's fault. I don't wanna kill it just because something had to happen to me. I'll choose a tube. So it can still live. But I don't think I want to keep it." She told him. "But I'm not sure, I might all at the same time. But I mainly just don't want to raise a baby without having a father. I don't wanna be a single momma who's most likely gonna struggle. And I don't want to be constantly reminded of who the real father is." Tears flowed out her eyes as she spoke scared and uncertain of how things are going to turn out. Chandler smiled softly and gently placed his hand on her chin and lifted her face gently up to look at him. "I will help you if you decide to keep the baby Asha. I'll be the adopted father you want and need. I won't let you do this alone." he told her firmly before pulling away. "Asha, I care for you more then you know. But before I push boundaries and come off inappropriate due to the fact I'm your boss and you're my employee. I will back off. I don't want you to feel like I'm sexually assaulting you or making you uncomfortable. But if you need help. I will be here Asha." he told her before standing up smiling. " I have to go now, I'll come to check on you soon!" he told her before walking towards the door. Asha kept silent and watched him. She didn't feel uneasy around him anymore. Rather she felt a slight attachment. She felt the warmth and a pull. However, she also felt undeserving and filthy. She didn't want to be touched ever again. fear began to rise of any thought of anything sexual in the future. She began to fear going on dates, being alone with another male and began to imagine the worse. She sighed and closed her she's resting on the bed. But couldn't stop thinking about how she still has trust in Chandler. How she doesn't want him to ever leave and how kind he truly is towards her. Moments later she heard a knock on the door and watched a surgeon walk in. Asha immediately got nervous and felt highly uncomfortable. Her body grew tense and began breathing faster. The oxygen mask began to do it's work and reacted to her breathing then slowly allowed her to breathe easier. The surgeon kept his distance and began to fill her in on all the needed surgery. He asked her questions and what she would like to do. Asha slowly and quietly told him everything she desired. The surgeon nodded and immediately turned and walked out the room.

The surgeon walked down the hall and stopped into the OBGYN and informed him about the tube baby. Chandler was walking down the hall after taking a few minutes to eat. He walked by the OBGYN and overheard some talking. He stopped and leaned against the wall still out of sight and Eased dropped.

"Yeah, she told me she wants her manager chandler to be in the room for the baby transfer and surgery! Wonder why? Does she like him? " the OBGYN asked. "I don't know. Maybe there's something going on between them. If that's the case chandler could get in trouble." The surgeon replied. Chandler smirked and began to walk away and continue his walk. Moments after he continued to walk, chandler ran into Leemodo.