CHAPTER 22-A little bit of everything.

"Sakashi!! Relax!!!, calm down will you!" A doctor was trying to hold her down and calm down as sakashi screamed and panicked. Sakashi tossed the tray of food causing the food she never finished to bounce and splat everywhere on the floor. The doctor had no choice but to restrain her and use belt clips and hold her down on the bed strapped to the bars on the side. Sakashi continued to scream and yank her body around in complete pure terror. A few nurses had ran into the room and began to try and help calm her. They gently touched her shoulders and tried to hold her head in place but quickly learned sakashi wasn't going to stop tanking her head and body around. She began to growl and grunt until she began to cough hard and gasp for air. The doctor sighed and walked out of the room and suddenly slapped himself for even considering how he approached her moments before sakashi panicked. "Damnit. Who would have thought walking in with one picture of sora would trigger so much emotion in her.." the doctor told himself. By that time kalebize had returned to visit and saw the doctor looking puzzled. Kalebize stopped and looked at the doctor. "What's wrong?." He asked him, he could hear sakashi still screaming and panicked. "What happened in there? Why is she screaming?" Kalebize asked firmly and defensively. " I was going to talk to her about any memory she had to share about sora. She saw his picture and froze when I asked "can you tell me what you remember about this man? She flipped out and went crazy." He replied. Kalebize sighed and looked at the doctor without a calm expression. His eyes glared and looked angry. " you are a doctor, not a counselor. You should of known that!! Of course, she's gonna remember and panic! I'm going inside!!." He replied and reached for the door. "No!." The doctor said and grabbed the knob. "You are not permitted yet, the girls are in there and going to give her something that will relax her and put her to temporary sleep. They just need to get past her crazy actions right now. Her arms are strapped down but she's got a strong will to fight. She's uncalmable right now. ." the doctor told him. Kalebize rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat with his left hand and immediately shoved him out of the way. "bet." he told him as he turned the door and walked inside. One nurse had sakashi's head held straight as her arms where wrapped around her head and pressing down on her shoulders. The other nurse was just about to inject sakashi with medicine to cause her to sleep for a few hours. Sakashi's hair was tangled in front of her face, her eyes were bloodshot red and filled with terror. Her body shook uncontrollably while tears rolled down her cheeks. She made small whimper sounds that signaled her terror. Kalebize became furious and glared at both nurses. "stop and back off! Now!" he told them both. The doctor walked inside and glared at kalebize. "sir, you have no business demanding our staff around.." kalebize glanced back as his eyes looked cold and furious. "I said back off of sakashi! Can't you see you're not helping her at all!" kalebize replied and walked up closer. The two nurses stopped and immediately released sakashi and walked out of the room fast terrified and would rather just leave. The doctor became pissed off and left the room immediately and stormed down the hallway to report the problem to the boss. 'Chandler'.

Seconds after the doctor and nurses had left. Sakashi began to struggle again to break free. Kalebize slowly walked over and I strapped her wrists. He found himself stopped as his eyes widened in shock feeling sakashi immediately hugging him with her arms wrapped tight around his waist. Her body trembled and she began to weep. Kalebize sighed and wrapped his right arm around her and placed his hand over her head and held her close. "I'm so sorry they held you down like that. Are you ok?" he asked her calmly. Sakashi never replied, she kept silent and continued to stay pressed into kalebize feeling his warmth, his comfort, and security. She listened to his heartbeat and gradually calmed down. She felt as if she was being over the top dramatic but the picture had sent her into the memories of horror she wants to run and hid from. She doesn't want to remember anything. All she wants to remember is who she used to be. The trauma she now has to face is devastating and she doesn't know what to do anymore. She's scared and wants it all to end. Kalebize kept silent and sat beside her not letting her go. He began to gently and slowly slide his left arm around her other side and gently began to rub her back. "look what he's done to you, it isn't fair, your light was bright and new, but he didn't care, he took the heart of a little girl, and made it grow up to fast." he because to softly sing. He continued to sing the song called 'broken girl' until he finished. Tears had dried and she had calmed down completely. Kalebize leaned down and kissed the top of her head while a small tear fell from his eyes. He wants to tell her, he wants to give her all the love he has for her. He feels like he's dying inside loving someone that seems out of reach. Moments later sakashi's arms slowly fell limp and slid down to the side. Kalebize felt the tight grip loosen and slowly leaned back and glanced at her and noticed sakashi had peacefully fallen asleep. Kalebize smiled and slowly lifted her up and pushed her back onto the bed. Once she laid back comfortably. He lifted her blanket and covered her. He let out one more small smile and leaned down and this time kissed her directly in the middle of her forehead. He shortly slid over to her ear and whispered. " good night, I love you." he quickly leaned back up and sat down in the chair and continued to watch sakashi to make sure she wasn't gonna wake up and panic.

Meanwhile, the doctor kept storming down the hall until he approaches Chandler having a discussion with leemodo in the hallway. "my apologies boss but we have a problem! A visitor is harassing and demanding our staff to stop doing what's needed for a patient. We have a patient that went crazy and had to put her to temporary sleep but he...." he was ranting before bluntly interrupted. "stop, was the patient sakashi and the visitor kalebize?." Chandler asked. "um well yes, but he..." the doctor started to reply then interrupted again. "then let it be." Chandler told him bluntly. Leemodo glared at the doctor and sighed. "kalebize only interferes if he sees a real reason to. If you were scaring her he was, of course, the man was gonna act." leemodo replied. " I was just trying to ask her about sora, then she flipped her ever-loving mind." the doctor replied. Chandler glanced at him. "you're not her counselor, leemodo is, leave that to him!" Chandler spoke firmly. "yes sir." the doctor replied and found himself even more pissed off and stormed off down the hall.

"ok but in any way, what do you mean I need to be more careful around Sasha?." Chandler asked leemodo.

Now before the doctor had approached Chandler and leemodo. Chandler was stopped by leemodo in the hallway.

" Chandler!! How is Asha doing?." leemodo asked. "she's doing better. She's finally awake and not in the danger zone between life and death at least." he replied. "hows Sasha doing? Will she be ok?." he asked leemodo knowing she's in a mental state right now. Leemodo sighed and reflected back to the discussion.

"Alright, you may leave now. Our next session will be tomorrow at 11 am.." leemodo told her.

" I think I like my boss." Sasha suddenly blurted out. Leemodo looked up and took his glasses off. "come again?" he asked slightly shocked and not sure how to react. Sasha signs as she sat there and gripped her knees with both her hands. " I think I like Chandler. Recently after Asha has been missing and all, he's become more kind and sweet around here. And since Asha has been back he's been so kind to me. He's been too nice and protective. He's made me feel cared for and asked about how I'm doing and looking after me. Now I'm not sure if I'm feeling attachment because of the kind attention. Or if I might have a chance with my boss. I know he loves Asha, it's obvious. But it also feels like he could love me too.." she told him and blushed. " I think I'm in love with my boss! What do I do?." she asked him bluntly. Leemodo listened and looked at her and placed his glasses back on. " I wouldn't say he likes you, he is madly in love with Asha, however with almost losing Asha, of course, he's going to take better care of his employees, of course, he's gonna protect his employees. Don't necessarily assume he likes you. He's most likely just being protective and kind because he wants to prevent anyone else from getting hurt.." he told her gently. Sasha felt a slight disappointment and stood up. "ok thank you for your help." she replied to him before leaving.

*back to leemodo and chandler*

"well let's just say she is doing better but you need to be careful about how you act around her," he told him.

After the small discussion with the doctor. Chandler looked back at leemodo. "What do you mean I need to act more careful around Sasha?." He asked bluntly. "I can't tell you, I would if my session with her wasn't confidential but it is. And so if you really think about it. You will figure it out. All I'm going to say is be more careful." he told him before he placed his hand on his shoulder and began to make his way down towards sakashi's room to pay a visit and properly council her.

Chandler stood there unsure and confused as he shook his head and walked towards Sasha's room to check on her until he noticed Asha being rolled out her room. Chandler stopped and walked over to them. "so what's going on now?" he asked. "well we are taking Asha down now to the test tube room, she wants to transfer the fetus into a tube and still allow it to grow. However sir, will you mind coming along, Asha wishes for your company." the nurse informed him. Asha kept silent and laid on the bed and wouldn't look at him. Chandler smiled and nodded. "of course." go ahead and take her to the room. I'll be there in about 10 minutes." he told her. The nurse nodded and continued to push Asha down the hallway. Chandler walked the opposite way and walked into Sasha's room. He gently knocked on the side of the door and walked inside. "hey are you doing alright?" he asked. Sasha looked up and Chandler and smiled softly. "yeah, I can go back to work now.." she replied to him. "how's Asha?" she asked him. "shes better. Listen get some sleep and rest and after your session tomorrow with leemodo, then you can continue work if you would like. For now. Get some rest alright.? I have to go. But I'll see you later." he told her before he walked back out and made his way to the tube lab room. Sasha smiled slightly and kept looking down. She felt her heartache but had to keep telling herself to forget about her feelings because it's never going to happen.

About 10 minutes later Chandler had arrived into the tube room and saw Asha ready for operation to remove the fetus into a development tube. Chandler walked over to Asha and gently grabbed her hand and lifted her hand and knelt down* everything will be ok Asha. I'll be here when you wake. Asha smiled. The nurse had then given her some medication to put her to sleep to feel nothing. "alright Asha count down from 100 for me." the nurse told her. Asha smiled slightly and began to count backward. "100, 99,98,97,96.." she began to slow down as she began to fall into unconsciousness. "95,94." Asha had then fully passed out unconscious. The surgeon and nurses began to start the operation. Chandler watched Asha sleep and kept a hard eye on the heart monitor.

Meanwhile, while everything was happening. Back where Azusa, Westley, and matt are. In a small dark damp cave, drops of water could be heard dripping with a small candle light reflecting off the cave walls allowing sight on the boys. there the three magic stealers stayed. They were eraged and furious. They began to plot the newest attack. However not for a new female. Rather an attack on Chandler, kalebize and leemodo.

Matt began to smoke and blow smoke around and grinned. "exellent plan, they will for sure not interfere with us this time.." westley grinned while azusa sat on a small piece of a log silently with a stern straight face.

"look out boys, your heads or going to be on our display!" matt spoke violently before westley blew out the faint candle showing the only light they had.