Chapter 24- Sasha part two

Rubbing her head sitting on the ground Sasha looked up and got scared and embarrassed. "Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," Sasha told Asha and gently grabbed her hand. Asha helped lift Sasha to her feet and smiled. "Oh, that's ok.." Sasha looked at Asha and nodded then continued to walk as fast as she could. Asha quickly grabbed Sasha's wrist and pulled her back. "Are you ok?." Asha asked her seeing something was off and strange about her deep in her eyes. Sasha looked back at Asha as tears began to fall immediately and stood there silently. She looked down and pulled her wrist away from Asha to wipe her eyes. "No, my mother just decided to kick me out. She doesn't love me at all, Now I have nowhere to go," she replied. Ashas eyes widened and felt bad and worried for Sasha. Asha closed her eyed and then looked at Asha again and gently grabbed both her hands. "Come home with me then!! I could use a friend." Asha offered with no hesitation. "My father is a doctor and I help him out all the time at the hospital.." she told her with slight excitement. Sasha's eyes became wide and looked at Asha. "You... you help at the hospital?." Sasha asked. "Yes." Asha gave a reply immediately after then smiled. Sasha felt relieved and excited. She was wondering if she goes with Asha If that will help her become a nurse like she wants to become when she's older. "Sure, I'll come. I kinda want to be a nurse when I grow up anyway. Maybe I can learn more about the hospital." Asha told Asha with a smile as her tears stopped. Asha giggled and smiled, "of course" Asha replied before pulling her along.

Five years later Sasha turned thirteen years old. Her friendship with Asha had become close and strong. They became best friends and did almost everything together. Asha viewed Sasha as her own sister. And Sasha finally found that love she longed to feel in a real family. Asha and Sasha studied together on becoming nurses. They took special classes to get into early nursing school opportunities. Life for Sasha was blooming and starting to look great for her future.

Until one day Sasha ran into her mother.

Sasha was walking back one day from one of her special medical classes and hummed to a tune her and Asha always sang to. She looked up and noticed her mother. She was being beaten and slapped by a man on the side of the road. Sasha still loved her mother Zoey but stopped and watched, She didn't know how to react. The more she watched the harder this man would beat Zoey and punch her hard. Sasha felt a sudden want to help her mother regardless of how she was treated and took a step forward. "Stop!!! Leave her alone!." Sasha shouted and ran forward. She then Longed forward and grabbed onto this man's arm. The man grumbled and reversed his body and grabbed Sasha's head of hair and yanked her off his arm. "Get off me girl." He yelled out to her and grabbed his pocket knife and pushed the little lever and caused the blade to flick open. Before Sasha knew she felt her hip getting stabbed by a sharp knife. Sasha screamed in pain and let go of the man and bent forward into a ball. The man yanked his blade out of her hip and tossed Sasha hard into the ground. Sasha slammed hard into the pavement. Her body trembled and throbbed in pain. Zoey got furious and began yelling. "How dare you interfere with my business. Now I hope you rot and die." The man immediately grabbed Zoey's throat and held the blade to her throat and grit his teen inching forward till his face had been inches from her face. "Shut up woman, you are a disgrace." Sasha felt pain and bled everywhere. Tears fell from her eyes, her body throbbing in pain. Yet there was no greater pain the hurt she felt in her heart after hearing her mother react the way she did after she tried to help her.

Moments later, Sasha looked at her mother with tears in her eyes and witnessed the man slitting her mother's throat. Zoey's arms dropped to the side and died immediately. The man then dropped her mother's body and looked directly at Sasha. "You!! You're a witness, I can't have you live.!" He yelled at her. Sasha became frightened and screamed as loud as she could. The man looked around and chuckled seeing nothing else around.

"You're out of luck girl." The man told her before the man knelt down. He stretched his arm out to grab her neck. Sasha shut her eyes and braved herself to be killed. However, seconds later Sasha didn't feel anything happen and so she opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes became widened to see Ashas father having that man's face slammed against the wall with a gun to the man's head. Sasha breathed heavier but also felt relieved. Ashas father held the man in a strong control and got the police involved. Moments later Asha has arrived with a paramedic and immediately tended to Sasha.

"Sasha!! Are you ok?." Asha asked worried as she leaned forward and skid on the ground on her knees to her and hugged her as tightly as she could. Sasha's eyes filled with heavier tears and hugged Asha back and cried loudly. Sasha eventually lost more blood than needed and fell unconscious collapsing into Asha. The paramedic lifted Sasha up and placed her into the transfer bed, pushed her into the ambulance and began to drive fast to the hospital. Asha looked at her hands and looked at the blood. Asha knew she wanted to become a nurse to save lives. She then made a promise to herself she would work hard and become the best nurse in that hospital. After Sasha had recovered her challenge and began to study again and work at becoming a nurse. She and Asha became nurses and began to advance in their dreams.

Sasha has moments of flashbacks and depression over her mother, but Asha was always there to help her through those difficult times.

Five more years later Asha was promoted into the lead nurse, and Sasha became a second lead nurse. Sasha became slightly jealous of Asha and wondered why Asha always seemed to get more recognition then she did. That's when Sasha felt like telling asha she's upset with her and jealous. Now Asha wasn't trying to upset her and trying to explain to her that she worked hard for that promotion. Asha and Sasha fought over who's better for a long time. They agreed to become rivals and show by their actions and achievements who's the better nurse.

*back to reality*

Sasha opened her eyed after thinking of everything and felt guilt. She still felt that pain knowing chandler is obviously I lnlove with Asha. "Damnit, why does she always have to be better than me?." She asked herself. Tears began to fall all over again. "Yet I almost lost her this time. It was almost her to die now.." she mumbled to herself. "Forgive me! Asha.. my sister... my only real friend.." she mumbled to herself. "Just because she's a lead nurse doesn't mean She's better than you. You both are amazing girls, I just fell in love with her because she's my ideal kind of girl."

Sasha heard from somewhere as she became wide-eyed and looked back to see who said that. Long and behold, it was chandler leaning against the door. "Let's talk," Chandler spoke softly. Chandler wanted to help Sasha release everything she's been hiding and bottling up for the longest time. However chandler still only loved Asha. But now he's unsure and scared, he's going to have to choose between two.