Chapter 25 - Sasha’s confession. Ashas full recovery.

Sasha glanced at chandler after his sudden entrance and immediately began to try and control her emotions. She quickly began wiping both of her eyes dry with her right palm. "Oh chandler! I'm sorry I." She began to mumble. Sasha looked straight at him and took a deep breathe. "I was just thinking of my past that's all. I'm ok." She told him and began to walk towards the door to leave. However she was stopped and felt chandler grab her wrist gently and pull her back softly. " it's fine Sasha. We need to talk. And we are talking right now." Chandler's tone of voice wasn't normal. He had a deeper stern sound to his voice that slightly startled and humbled Sasha. She nodded and pulled her arm back from his hand and stood there. "Ok." She replied quietly. "Come to my office please." He told her firmly before walking directly to his office. As he was walking he began thinking about the work policy and started considering how he has violated the work relationship rule several times. He knows the company is strong about having relationships with other employees and is trying to figure out how to either change the rule and allow employee relationships or continue to not allow it. He understands work isn't the place for that and sees the difficulties and fights it could cause on the work property, but also knows you can't stop feelings and attractions.

-work relations-

1.) Employees must not have relationships with bosses. can cause favoritism against other employees or effects work ethics and side traction's. Causes fights and disagreements that will reflect bad on employee.

2.) Employees must not have relationships with each other. Causes distraction towards each other positively or negatively. Such as dissatisfaction with each other, disagreements and even affectionate needs.

3.) Employees must not secretly hook up with other Employees. Causes employees to not perform well due to distraction trying to find time to sneak around or Having disagreements and unable to work together.

-anyone caught in such acts will be lead to immediate termination.

-If anyone find themselves with attractions must ignore and not act upon it.

-all Employees must focus on their responsibilities, understand we are not hear to make friends and relationships. We are hear to save lives and focus.

- if you choose to hook up outside of work. Keep in mind it stays outside of work. And employees will be taking a risk.

- bosses are not permitted to choose favorites. Treat all Employees the same.


-All Employess are allowed to have friendships but must not compete with each other.

-must stay focused at all times and ONLY socialize on breaks.

-must not play favorites.

-must not argue on the clock.

Anyone caught socializing or arguing will be terminated.

Once he arrived inside the office. He grabbed his cup of coffee sat down at his chair and placed the cup to his left side then looked directly at Sasha who followed him walking into his office with her head down and looked embarrassed. Sasha slowly sat down and kept silent waiting to be spoken to.

Chandler sighed and looked at Sasha. "Tell me. What's on your mind? I want you to be honest with me. If your scared about the work rules and regulations, Just ignore them for now. I need you to tell me what's actually bothering you.." Chandler told her before grabbing his coffee cup and taking a sip.

Sasha took a deep breathe and gripped her knees with her hands. Nervous; she began to speak quietly. "I'm jealous, I'm jealous that I'm always last when I'm next to Asha, I'm always under Asha and second compared to her. I worked just as hard and she's still always better then me. I feel pathetic and miserable when I do get recognized or if she's hurt or sad. I I guess you could say I'm just a pathetic jealous girl who envies Asha especially because..." she immediately stops and hesitates to continue. Chandler watches her fight herself from continuing and sighs under his breathe. He sets his cup down and leans forward and locks his fingers together and looks directly into her eyes. "Because why Sasha?" He asked her. Feeling intimidated, she swallowed and her face turned into a dark red color. "Because I...." she started to mumble and stumble over her words. "Sasha it's ok You can tell me. Ignore the rules for just this moment. I won't snitch on you." Chandler told her softly. Thinking she was going to tell him how much Asha had been recognized and praised. Completely missing the obvious signs of her feelings towards him. "Because I." She paused for a second before continuing. "Because I like you...." she finally spoke. Her face continued to flush in red. She felt a slight relief yet now felt an awkward feeling. Chandler smirked slightly and leaned back and tilted his head at her. "I liked you for the longest time. But I chose to never say anything. I knew you liked Asha , I knew you fell in love with Asha more after she went missing. I knew you want to be with Asha. I just want you to be happy. But watching Asha win your heart and I once again lost to her hurts so much.." she finally revealed her real feeling to him but wouldn't make eye contact in shame. "Besides, your my boss, I don't want to get you in trouble, and even if you weren't my boss, I still can't. We are not allowed to have any kind of relationship with each other. " she stated clearly.

Chandler looked at her and for once couldn't speak, he had no words and didn't know how to respond. He knows; he himself had to fight the same feeling. Knowing the rules he still gained feelings for his Employee. He began to feel bad for Sasha and pathetic knowing he never even bothered to see potential in Sasha when he's had someone all along who liked him. He also understood how hard it is to like someone while they showed no interest back. And felt sympathy for her instead. Sasha sat there and closed her eyes. "That's all." She softly spoke. Chandler stood up silently and walked around his desk and knelt down Infront of Sasha and smiled. "Thank you for being honest. Let me figure out what I should do. I need some time to think everything over. Alright." He told her before standing up straight and walked over to his cabinets. "You can either stay in here for a while or you may leave. Whatever you decide.." he told her as he went through his papers and pulled out a file. Sasha watched him and felt the sudden urge to tell him of something she had done. She felt scared but still began to speak. "I stole Asha's last report. I cheated, I stole it and made it as my own. Please don't give me any credit for it." Chandler slightly chuckled and placed the file on the copier and began to make copies. "I know." He replied to her and looked directly at her. Sasha's face turned pail and couldn't speak. "Look I knew it wasn't you because I had already proofed read it while Asha was writing it, relax it's fine.." he told her before grabbing the copies. "Just make up for that and give me your own honest report. I'll see ya around. And keep your head up because you are a very beautiful and talented girl." He told her before walking out of his office.

Sasha sat in the chair and began to cry from feeling overwhelmed and realizing telling him her feelings was the hardest thing to do at that very moment. She stood up and noticed a few new pictures displayed on his wall. She walked over and looked at them. She began to feel special and touched when she saw a picture of him and her together for her most recent recognition for being employee of the month. With a smile she spoke to herself. "I finally did it."

Chandler began to think hard on what to do in this situation between his two most talented girls. He began to feel torn and felt pulled towards both directions. He walked by every room checking on every patient admitted. Even visiting with new admits. He eventually walked by Sakashi's room only to find kalebize asleep leaning over the side of her bed while Leemodo was talking with sakashi and going through his normal session with her. He saw how comfortable sakashi looked and smiled. He began to continue to make his way to Asha. The nurse who is dealing with Asha ran up to chandler and smiled. "Boss everything was a success. The fetus is alive and thriving now in the tube. And Asha is recovering greatly.." Chandler smiled and nodded. "Great. So she's done with all the needed treatment?" He asked her. The nurse smiled and nodded. "Yes. After you left once the fetus was transferred. The surgeon went ahead and gave her everything else needed. After he was done and stitched her up, Everything was a success. Now she's just in the road to heal and recover. However. It's going to be a few months." She told him. "That's ok. I'm glad she's now able to live." He told her in relief. The nurse smiled and showed him all the results and treatment completed explaining everything. Chandler kept his focus on her results and smiled. "Awesome, go and make your updates and reports then monitor Asha when your able. When she's awake please inform me and even inform Sasha. I want them two to talk and have some time.." He told the nurse firmly. "Yes sir, may I ask why Sasha?." Chandler glanced at her and became confused. "Are you questioning me?" He replied immediately. The nurse felt embarrassed and quickly spoke. "No no. I'm sorry. I'll inform her boss. I'm going to do my reports now.." she told him before walking away fast.

Chandler sighed and chuckled. "So easy to intimidate.." he mumbled under is breathe.

He continued to walk untill he walked into his bosses office still holding his copies. Chandler spent an hour and a half inside before coming back out with a smile to his face. He began to walk down the hallways watching everything running smoothly and steady. He looked back into Sakashi's room and found Kalebize and Sakashi eating their lunch together. Leemodo has gone off for his next session with another patient. Chandler smiled and gently knocked on the door. "Hey guys.." chandler spoke. Sakashi jumped slightly and looked up at him and stopped eating. Kalebize looked at chandler and smiled. "Hey! How's Asha doing?." He asked in a slight peachier tone of voice. "She's prospering. I just came to check and see how sakashi is doing." He replied. Sakashi kept silent and looked at chandler. Kalebize looked at sakashi and smiled softly. "She's doing better. But I'm going to stay with her untill she is well enough to be released. Her wishes.." he told him. Chandler smiled and nodded. "That's fine, well. I'll get out of your space. Just wanted to check in.." he told kalebize before turning around and leaves. "See ya." Kalebize replied before continuing to eat with sakashi.

Chandler walked down the hall untill he heard a voice call out. "Chandler.!!!!!" With a confused expression Chandler turned around to see who called him only to become wide eyed at who and what he saw that very moment.

*Hello Everyone!! What does everyone think of the story so far?? Please let me know and feel free to tell me what you love about it or hate about it..thank you for your support...

here's a fun question time.*

1.) who do you think chandler will choose, Asha or Sasha?

2.) who's your favorite character so far?

3.) who should sakashi choose, kalebize or leemodo?

4.) what do you think will Happen when the three magic stealers make their next move?

And lastly;

5.) what do you love or hate about the story?