Chapter 26- Asha and Sasha

"Chandler!" A voice called out before chandler turning around after he had walked out of the room visiting with kalebize and sakashi. Chandler turned around and became shocked. His eyes had immediately widened at who he saw that very second. He was about to go check in on Asha's progress but changed when long and behold Asha walking up the hallways using a walker. Tears began to slowly cloud his eyes before he stopped himself and took a deep breath. He walked forward and approached Sasha who was helping on guiding Asha up the hallway. "Chandler, look who's awake?." Sasha spoke. Chandler smiled and looked at Sasha then back at Asha. "Asha, your walking on your own so soon? Didn't you just have a bunch of operations?." He asked her slightly shocked at the fact Asha is progressing in recovery faster than expected. "Yeah, but I'm still sore, I'm supposed to be laying down resting but I... I wanted to see you." Asha told him. Chandler's eyes widened and looked at Asha. "You wanted to see me? Why?." He asked. Asha smiled softly and looked Chandler directly in his eyes. "I wanted to thank you for putting in so much time just to find and rescue me. You saved my life." She told him before Asha looked at the ground and frowned. "I just can't trust anyone right now. Especially men, Not after what I just...." she spoke softer and with a tone of hurt and sorrow. Chandler sighed and smiled softly and closed his eyes. "That's fine Asha I wasn't gonna expect you to be yourself. Just focus on recovering. I do apologize for what happened before you had been kidnapped. I was wrong. I'm honestly just thrilled you're ok." He told her calmly as he deep down felt hurt and bothered by her response. He understood this was a big trauma and it's an event he couldn't prevent or change. "Ok thank you, but for your offer, I I wouldn't mind you being the one to help me raise the fetus. If you don't mind.." Asha then spoke with a sureness in her voice. Looking down her cheeks lightly flushed in a faint pink. Sasha noticed Asha's and chandler's faint attractions and looked down but immediately smiled to hide her obvious mixed emotions of jealousy and hurt. Chandler smiled and nodded. "I'd be delighted to Asha. Go now, get some proper and much-needed rest.," he told her before glancing as Sasha. Chandler noticed Sasha is deep down bothered and seen her fake smile facial expression hiding her obvious feelings. Chandler suddenly lifted his right hand and placed his hand on top of Sasha's head. "Great Job Sasha, get her back to her room to rest now, have some girl time to.," he told Sasha and Asha before he lifted and pulled his hand away and began to walk down the hallway.

Sasha stood there silently for a minute before she looked at Asha and helped her continue walking to her new room to rest in. Sasha leads Asha to the bed and helped lift and guide Asha into the bed. Asha looked at Sasha helping her but kept silent. "There ya go Asha, your all set now," Sasha told her before looking up at Asha and smiled. "Sasha, I." Sasha immediately looked to the ground and frowned. "Save it, Asha, you don't have to feel guilty about anything. I'm the one who is sorry. I'm sorry I treated you like crap. It's just I was always so jealous of you about everything.." Asha looked at Sasha and he'd no idea how to respond. Asha closed her eyed and kept silent. A nice solid 17 minutes had passed sitting in silence. Asha and Sasha have been thinking and collecting thoughts before Asha finally spoke up and broke the silence. "Do you like chandler.?" Asha asked her in such an unexpected blunt way. Asha's voice tone was nothing harsh but rather sweet and kind. Asha looked at Sasha with a calm facial expression aswell. Sasha's eyes widened but didn't look at Asha and shortly after closed her eyes slowly. "Yes... but it's over for me even if I tried to have anything more with him. You know the policy for work... and...." she quickly paused because she doesn't want to snitch on chandler knowing his feelings for her. She felt it wasn't her place to tell her. "And what Sasha?" Asha replied curiously. Sasha smiled and closed her eyes. "Nothing, I just paused. I didn't know what else to say." She replied quickly. "I see, Sasha if you like chandler, then tell him. You deserve to be with who you like Sasha. I know he's lonely. I'm sure if you told him you like him. He will consider it.." Asha told her with a smile. Sasha grit her teeth slightly and immediately looked at Asha. "Don't you like chandler? I mean I know you had gone through some terrible experiences with men. But that shouldn't keep you from relationships with someone. I know your not married Asha! So why not?." She asked her immediately after. Asha looked down and smiled softly and sighed. "I do, but... I don't always want to be the one to shine. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to not feel like you have to compete with me. I don't always want to be the winner. I want you to win too. So I'd rather see you be happy with a man who I know will take care of you, Sasha. Do you remember what my promise to you was?." Asha replied and asked her.

Sasha's eyes began to cloud in tears and quickly looked down. "I.... you will fight and sacrifice to see me smile and never feel sorrow again, will never let anyone hurt me or try to kill me ever again. ." Sasha replied while tears fall hard down her face. "That's right Sasha. I ended up hurting you making you watch my improvements and made me forget my own promise to you. I don't want you to feel hurt. Especially from me, so Sasha it's ok. If you like chandler Pursue him. He's only going to help me with that fetus. If you want. You and chandler can adopt it instead and be called mom and dad. And I'll just be that crazy aunt.." Asha told her calmly with a smile. Sasha looked at Asha and shook her head. "No, no that's ok, how about we let chandler be with who he wants. May the best girl win." She said with a smile while tears kept rolling down her face. "I'm sorry for being a brat to you. I shouldn't be jealous of my best friend, my sister, my forever and other half. It was wrong of me.." Sasha told her while wiping her eyes dry with her palms.

Asha sighed and smiled. "He doesn't like me, Sasha. Even if he did. I will say no.." Asha told her. "NO, if he likes you then don't stop because of me. Please, I'd only feel worse." Sasha replied immediately. Asha sighed and closed her eyes. "Fine, but I won't make any efforts towards him," Asha told her with a smile. "But you like him, Asha, deep down I know you do," Sasha spoke with a calmer soft voice. Asha sighed and looked at Sasha. "Maybe, I fact I love him, for years in fact. After he saved my life I fell more in love. But. If you truly love someone, you will let them go." Asha told her before looking away. "To see you hurt and loose to me. It makes me hurt. I'd rather sacrifice my needs and wants to see my best friend I promised to protect happy." Asha spoke before laying down. Sasha kept silent for a few minutes as tears began to fall all over again. "You idiot." Sasha suddenly blurted out as she wiped her eyes. Asha smiled while she laid in bed. "I know.," she replied. "I've always been the kind of girl

That hid my face So afraid to tell the world

What I've got to say." Asha started to sing from her favorite show called 'camp rock' she watched all the time with Sasha. "Come In Sasha finish the line," Asha spoke up and sat up looking at Sasha intensely. Sasha smiled and rolled her eyes. "Asha, we are not little anymore.." Sasha replied. Asha smirked and started to sing again. "But I have this dream

Bright inside of me I'm gonna let it show

It's time to let you know." Ashas spirit seemed to brighten back up forgetting about what even happened to her during that moment.

"Sashhhaaaa, to let you knowwww." Sasha smiled and decided to join and started to sing along. " This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me." Sasha sang softly and gradually got louder and sang in more confidence. Asha joined in and began singing with Sasha. "And now we found who we are,

There's no way to hold it in, No more hiding who We want to be This is us!." Asha and Sasha sang loud and proud until they both finished the song. Once they were done they both began to laugh. "Thank you, Asha, for your the best," Sasha told her with a happy tone. "So are you my friend.." Asha replied, they both connected their foreheads together and smiled. "Sisters forever.," Asha spoke. "Sisters forever," Sasha replied.

Now around the corner behind the door stood a man leaning against the door in the darkness. His hands were in his pockets with a serious stern facial expression with closed eyes and no smile. It was dark enough to hardly recognize his identity. The man was listening to everything that happened between the girls. He listened untill they began to laugh, then leaned forward and began to walk away silently.


Who do you think the man at the end is?



or one of the magic stealers?