CHAPTER 33 - Date gone wrong

Sakashi opened her eyes the following morning and looked over and saw kalebize sleeping next to her. Her face immediately flushed brightly and smiled softly. Sakashi leaned over and kissed his forehead gently before she pulled the blanket off her and slid off the bed. She walked into the little bathroom in her room and closed the door to take care of her personal business.

A few minutes later Kalebize opened his eyes and sat up yawning. He then looked around the room and saw a light glowing under the bathrooms door and knew it was sakashi. He smiled and jumped out of the bed and stretched his body out.

Leemodo walked in the room and looked at kalebize then chuckled. "your hair is a mess." he told him with no regret. "yeah yeah I know. Sakashi is in the restroom. I'm gonna go get some food, so could you order sakashi's breakfast?." kalebize asked. "sure can, don't bother coming back today for her. She's got a lot of check-ups and when she's done it will be my time with her." leemodo told him. "ok see ya around then have fun!." kalebize replied as he walked out the room and towards the cafe'.

Leemodo smiled and sat down and waited for sakashi. A few moments later sakashi walked out the bathroom with her hospital gown on but with wet hair from a shower, she looked up and saw leemodo. "oh uh hi." she told him. "hi there." he replied. They smiled at each other and started to talk about her breakfast options and checkups. Within twelve hours of the day she had her breakfast, three checkups, lunch and then two more checkups after that. Leemodo recommended she eat her dinner before they go out because he's got a different plan for a date. Sakashi went ahead and ate dinner at six o'clock and finished at about six twenty-four. Sakashi looked forward to this date with leemodo and watched the time. She knew he would come to get her by seven pm, she saw the time just hit six-thirty and grabbed the box that said 'date #2 ' opened it and grabbed the yellow skirt and blacktop. She went into the bathroom to change and closed the door.

seven pm finally came and leemodo walked into her room, he didn't see her at first and got a little worried. Until he heard a door open, leemodo looked over and immediately blushed as red as a lobster. His mouth dropped and lost all train of thought. Sakashi walked out dressed and ready, her hair was curled and pulled up. Her outfit on her looked stunning. Leemodo stared at her and felt his heart pound in his chest. Once he could refocus he smiled and walked to her and hugged her close. "you look absolutely stunning." he told her. Sakashi smiled and leaned into him. "you look great yourself." she replied with a smile. Her face flushed as she began to think about how she's been blessed with two amazing kind men in her life. "come, the event starts at 7:45 pm.." he told her and pulled away. He gently took her hand and walked out of the room.

Leemodo led sakashi to his vehicle and helped her on. They drove to a special location for about fifteen minutes. Once they arrived Sakashi noticed it was a very fancy building. "what's this place?" she asked in excitement. "a ball." he replied with a smile. As he stepped out the car and walked around, opened the passenger side door and offered his hand. " I can't dance though." she told him as she grabbed onto his hand and stepped off. Leemodo chuckled and closed the door and walked with her to the building. "that's fine ill teach ya ." he replied.

Sakashi began to feel nervous and nodded as she looked down. They walked into the building, checked in and made their way to the dance floor. The party had started and everyone cheered. The Dj spoke and got everyone pumped up in excitement. Once the music began. leemodo looked at sakashi and started to dance like a nerd. "just let your body move, don't worry about everyone else, just have fun." he told her. Sakashi still felt nervous and looked at everyone dancing. Standing as still as possible. Leemodo smiled and grabbed her hand and began spinning her, flipping her around. Sakashi squealed at first and began stumbling over her feet. However, she smiled and started to giggle. After several songs of exciting fast music, some softer romantic music played. Leemodo smiled and pulled her into him, placed his hand on her waist and held her hand with his other. "place your hand on my shoulder and waist then follow my lead." he told her. Sakashi nodded and did just that.

The romantic music echoed around them as leemodo led the dance. Leemodo kept sakashi's focus and stayed locked into her eyes as he mumbled sweet things to her. Allowing everyone around on the dance floor to become faded. Sakashi could feel the magic from leemodo calm her every nerve as she held on to his hand tightly. however, she couldn't count how many times she accidentally tripped over her own feet. She felt embarrassed and kept mumbling to herself something. Leemodo smiled as their feet had slid around the glass marbled floor. " you're doing great, just keep doing what you're doing." he whispered as he kept the lead. He watched her closely as her hair spun out and flopped around more with each spin. The slow romantic music hummed around them for a long time. Sakashi smiled while she rested her head on his chest, Sakashi listened to his heartbeat and closed her eyes. Leemodo swayed back and forth with her slowly with a smile and watched the surroundings close. the music gradually faded until it stopped, Sakashi leaned up and looked back towards the DJ. "the music stopped?" sakashi said confusingly. "yes it did I think they are having a dance break, for now, let's go get some food and drinks." Leemodo replied to her as he gently locked his fingers into hers. Sakashi nodded as she gripped onto his hand and followed him over to the drinks.

Leemodo approached the tables and began to grab a few cookies. Sakashi began looking at everything trying to figure out what to eat. "excuse me? sparkling water for the lady?" spoke a sudden server offering Sakashi a glass of sparkling water on a silver tray in his hand. Leemodo glanced at the glass then looked directly at the server. "why only her?" Leemodo suddenly asked the man defensively. Sakashi hesitated as she saw leemodo's skeptic behavior and said nothing. the server smiled softly. "sir, I assure you every lady here tonight gets a special sparkling water. look around, you will see a glass in every ladies' hand." the server replied to him calmly. Leemodo glanced around and nodded. "alright," he allowed the man to give Sakashi the drink. Sakashi slowly took it and looked at the water. "th...thank you." she quietly told the server. "my pleasure." the server responded as he bowed. he then turned and walked to prepare more glasses.

"you let me know if you feel any different after you drink that," he told Sakashi calmly yet firmly as we wrapped his arm gently around her shoulders. Sakashi nodded and began to drink it. Sakashi and Leemodo enjoyed the food and drinks they received for themselves as they talked. moments later the music started back up and people began to return to the dance floor. Sakashi smiled and grabbed leemodo's hand and gently pulled. "let's go back and dance now. I feel fine." she assured him and kept tugging. "alright," he replied with a chuckle and followed her lead back over to the dance floor. a fast exciting upbeat song began to play and leemodo smirked, he began to suddenly flip her around as he danced with her with more speed and pull. they danced and spun around for the whole song. Sakashi gained more confidence in herself and smiled with joy and excitement. Leemodo watched sakashi having real fun and felt pleased. The lights were shinning multiple colors around the room and reflected off the walls. As they danced three new men arrived in tuxes, they wore black beanies and face masks. One of the men looked at Leemodo and suddenly pulled out a pistol and shot at Leemodo. The crowd screamed and all fell to the ground. The Dj pressed the emergency bottom as he fell to the ground behind his DJ stand. the music still played loud and filled the room with everyone's panicked screams. Leemodo already spotting them, immediately hunched over Sakashi and pulled her to the ground with him. Sakashi presses into him close as fear filled her mind gripping onto his shirt. "I got you," Leemodo whispers into her ear. "I need you to be brave and hide. I'll take care of them." he told her seconds later. "no, I'm not leaving you." she told him. Leemodo looked up to look at the men still holding onto Sakashi. "I need you to run and hide sakashi." he told her again. "no!" she told him as she gripped onto him tighter.

The group of men steps forward with confidence as the one man pointed his pistol to everyone on the ground. "everyone stays down if you don't want to die." the man yelled. With whimpers and everyone's cries of fear, the men walked around making sure everyone followed their orders. They don't want to bother everyone. however, they want Leemodo dead and take Sakashi to a well known auctioning event being help in a few days. One look of leemodo tells them he's not easy to take down. They expect easy targets but they quickly learned that's not possible. Sakashi began to look for a possible way out safely. Leemodo closed his eyes and covered Sakashi's eyes an began to activate his power, leaned into her and kissed her suddenly. Sakashi gripped his shoulders tightly as she began to kiss him back. He then pressed down on a pressure point and put her to sleep peacefully. Sakashi's body went limp and fell asleep. "I'm sorry Sakashi," he spoke softly as he gently laid her down. Leemodo stood up and began to run fast towards these men. The man with the gun smirked and looked directly at leemodo as he pointed the gun towards him. He fired the gun and kept firing at leemodo repeatedly. Leemodo kept running towards him and knew the man would panic shoot and had a chance to reach him before getting shot. The gunman watched leemodo get closer and sure enough began to panic and shoot frantically. the other two members scattered and ran on both sides of the room. As Leemodo dodged the bullets as much as he could he slides his hand in his pocket and pressed speed dial for kalebize. Leemodo smirked and grabbed a sudden chair and threw the chair at the gunman... the chair struck the man's face as he tried to lift his hands and prevent the chair from hitting him. The man fell backward and dropped the gun. Leemodo noticed he is close enough to the man and suddenly kick the gun away from the man's hand and flipped back around and grabbed his shirt. lifting this man up he began punching him in the face as hard and I merciful as he could. "who are you?" Leemodo yelled. The man didn't know how to fight and couldn't do anything to defend himself.

As leemodo was caught up on this gunman the other two slowly made their way around until they found sakashi. One man lifted sakashi up into his arms while the third man ran towards Leemodo to help his partner. The people were all coward and scared laying on the ground crying and shaking. no one bothered to help. They only watched and would rather keep themselves safe. Afterall they didn't know Leemodo or sakashi so why should they bother? The man that held sakashi slowly walked to the exit making sure to stay out of sight. Leemodo continued to punch the man until the gunman stopped struggling. Smashing his fist Into this man's face into a bloody pulp. Leemodo at first felt like he couldn't stop until the man's blood covered his face. Leemodo stopped and dropped the man, blood dripped from his fists as he leaned down and pulled the mask off the man and realize he had beaten this man to the point he killed him. his face full of bright flowing blood falling from his face. The man didn't look recognizable and wondered why this man came to kill him. By the time leemodo turned around he heard a shot fired. Leemodo's eyes became widened and looked to his left. There stood one of the other men. Before him. The man held the gun at leemodo and had shot his gut. The man pulled the trigger again and shot him in his chest a couple of times. Leemodo looked down on his body and watched blood bleed through his shirt. He glanced back up and watched his surroundings blur. He noticed Sakashi being carried away and grit his teeth and collapsed to his knees spitting up blood before flopping over to the ground. blood spilled out fast on the ground as the pain throbs from his guts, blood felt warm, but not in a pleasant way. It feels like someone is squeezing his organs as hard as they can to crush them. Breathing slower and heavier he closed his eyes and tried to get up. his body felt weak and couldn't move. Chills began to cover his body as he began to feel cold. Tears left his eyes as he grunted in pain. "sakashi." he spoke softly he blinked as his vision began to blur more and more. "this is how Its gonna end huh.? " he thought to himself before falling unconscious. The second man sighed at his dead friend but ran out the exit. "that was a success." the man yelled. He stopped suddenly as he looked up and became frightened.


1.) is Leemodo dead?

2.) why do you think the gang member is frightened?