Chapter 34 -Troubling times.

Trembling before he collapsed to his knees. The gang member fell to his knees and immediately began to beg for his life. The gang member began to weep in fear. He knew he wasn't strong enough to fight this sudden visitor. The man slowly looked up with tears flowing down his face to look once more at his other friend who is now dead. There was a man in a black hoodie holding his friend by the throat with his left hand, his friend's feet were lifted from the ground with blood dripping down his body from his tilted head and blood gushed from his stomach that poured to the firm ground. Blood flowing down this sudden man's arms staining this man's clothing in blood. The man held a knife with a tight grip in his right hand. As crimson red blood dripped from the knife. His hands covered in this now dead man's blood. The hooded man looked directly to the last gang member trembling. The cold look reflected from his eyes and looked as if he had pleasure in killing someone. His sudden smirk sent shudders to the last Gang member. His hand; tightly closed and gripped around the cold surface of the metallic grey knife. He seemed to have no sense of humanity in his expression. He opened his left palm and dropped the dead man to e ground and turned his body towards this last gang member. His heart became cold as stone, the way he had brutally killed this man. He began to feel bloodthirst. The hooded man walked towards the last gang member and began to chuckle. "You guys think it's funny to kidnap innocent girls? Well, then I will say it's fun to kill off them kinds of people from this world." The gang member trembled and became frightened. He gained enough strength to stand up and began to run as fast as he possibly could. At first, he thought he was able to escape until he heard a *bang*. His eyes widened and immediately collapsed dead to the cold ground. Blood poured and formed a puddle on the ground around his head. The hooded man lowered his hand after taking a headshot with his metallic black pistol And turned his head to the right. He walked over to the gang members van and opened the sliding door, what he saw disgusted him. With 4 unconscious women tightly tied up. He immediately dialed 911 and reported the whole case. Including himself. After the call, he pushed his hood off his head. It happens to be kalebize. He untied the woman. And glanced over to the left. He noticed a blanket move and gripped the blanket and pulled it towards him. He immediately grits his teeth as he saw sakashi unconscious and reached over and pulled her over closer to him.

Kalebize felt her pulse and sighed in relief.

Kalebize leaned over and wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her close to him. He felt anger build up within him as he tried to calm down.

Sakashi suddenly woke up as if it's an emergency as if something dangerous happened. Her heartfelt heavy. She sat up and screamed. "Leemodo!!!!." With a minor buzzing in her brain from a headache. Kalebize pulled away and looked at her and grabbed her face with his palms gently. "Sakashi! Sakashi! Calm down! It's ok." Sakashi looked at kalebize but still felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in her abdomen. Tension grew in her face and limbs, her mind replaying the last attack from the dance and how Leemodo was their target. Her breathing became more rapid, more shallow. In these moments before her personal hurricane within her heart, she looked at kalebize once more and realized who he was. She gripped his arms and began to weep. "Leemodo, where is he? They are gonna kill him." In seconds she was curled tight in kalebize's arms as he held her tight, he doesn't know the answer, he hasn't entered inside the building yet and hasn't seen him come out and is dreading the worst outcome. her only movement in his arms he felt come from sakashi was rapid trembling of her limbs and salty tears darkening his sleeves. There she stayed in his arms weeping. Police had arrived and began to take the scene of the crime. Opening her eyes from weeping in kalebize's arms, she lifted herself and looked at kalebize, "is Leemodo ok?."

Kalebize sighed and placed his forehead on her forehead and closed his eyes and wrapped his right hand around the back of her head and gently gripped her hair. "He hasn't come out or have I seen him." Sakashi kept silent before suddenly pushing him away and immediately ran to the entrance. "Sakashi!." Kalebize yelled before chasing after her. Sakashi ran and ran inside. The police tried to block sakashi and keep her from going inside but she managed to get passed them. When she ran in she looked around and immediately saw Leemodo laying in a pool of blood. Her eyes became petrified and began to weep heavily. Sakashi was unable to move at first as blood gushes from his wounds. she ran to his side collapsing on her knees beside him. "No, No, No" she whispered, feeling the blood soak her dress. "Don't leave me! I mean it! LEEMODO? " she shouted as she searched frantically around her. Tears left her eyes as she held on to his hand tightly. her body began to shake. Kalebize has to convince the police to let him pass to get to sakashi, they agreed and let him pass. He walked over to her and knelt down and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Sakashi allowed him as she also felt the comfort she needed during this sudden moment. Kalebize kept silent and slowly moved his finger over to his neck and checked for his pulse. Kalebize went wide-eyed feeling a low pulse. He pulled away and suddenly pulled his shirt off and pressed his shirt against his wound on his gut. "he's alive still." he spoke frantically. "sakashi find another clothe and put pressure on his chest wound for me now!!" Sakashi looked at kalebize and immediately slid her black dress jacket off and pressed it against his chest. Tears flowed still but she acted calmer and determined to try and save his life. Waiting for the paramedics to come, they both worked together to stop the bleeding. Sakashi's dress became soaked in his blood but she didn't care, Her bare shoulders started to chill and goosebumps appeared on her skin from the cool air.

the ballroom was empty. Everyone had left immediately shaken up from the sudden terror. but there laid Leemodo fighting for his life with the two closest people he had there by him to try and save him, he still had some hope. moments later the ambulance arrived and immediately took action and ran to leemodo. They surrounded them and told them to move back after thanking them for their temporary help. Kalebize stood up and gently grabbed sakashi's arm. "come on, they will deal with the rest." he told her calmly. "no!!!." she yelled and refused to leave his side. Kalebize sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back by force. Sakashi screamed "no" at first but immediately stopped and looked down as tears fell from her eyes harder. the medics then began tending to his wounds and hooked him up to equipment before moving him to the transport bed. Kalebize flipped sakashi so her face faced him and hugged her tightly. holding her close into him he closed his eyes and wrapped his right hand over her head. Sakashi wept hard in his chest and trembled. "shhh, he's gonna be ok now." he whispered softly. Sakashi said nothing. The thoughts are accelerating inside her head. She began to feel so sick the leaned over and threw up all over the ground. Kalebize sighed and pulled her hair back and kept holding her in his arms. "he's gone." She said as she stared into the blood all over the floor. Kalebize sighed and lifted her up and began to carry her, "he will be ok sakashi, let's just go back to the hospital." Sakashi kept silent and closed her eyes as he began to think about how Leemodo is dead. He kept telling herself he's gone...

Kalebize kept calm and looked at sakashi as he carried her back to the hospital. "On the side note sakashi, I was told you might be discharged soon. So that means you can finally go home to your own home!." He told her. Sakashi opened her eyes but kept silent. Kalebize sighed.

* 27 hours later from that very moment*

Leemodo laid in the hospital bed hooked up to several monitors and tubs. thankfully he was awake. blood was donated to him and pumped into his body as soon as he arrived at the hospital that night of the attack. His eyes fixed on the window until Sakashi walked in slowly... Sakashi was then permitted discharge and wanted to see leemodo before she left. She gave kalebize and leemodo both full rights to help her care for the baby growing inside her. He turned, knowing already what face she would make, He sighed and closed his eyes as he faced her. "I'm ok hun," he spoke but his voice sounded scratchy. Her eyes became clouded as her bottom lip trembled. she ran to his bedside and hugged him immediately. Leemodo hugged her back and smiled softly leaning his head close against her's. Sakashi pulled away and couldn't help but notice one injury to another on his body. Only bandaged. She saw blood bleeding through the bandages and could only imagine what he is feeling. Reflecting back to seeing him in the ball dying and taking in the gore that was upon him. Leemodo felt her sorrow in her heart, wanting to be strong and calm, Sakashi blinked and looked at leemodo. the expression on her face showed a need to weep heavily for him "It's alright hun. but I'm ok. I promise," he told her as he wrapped his left hand gently around her cheek., "you can cry if you need to." he told her softly as he smiled. It was all the permission she needed, she released all her emotions and wept hard. Then leaned her head down on his shoulder and wept. her body trembled and began to hyperventilate from her heavy sorrow.