CHAPTER 36 - love is difficult

Morning came, about 8:46 Am Leemodo and sakashi were still sound asleep. The nurse knocked before entering and entered she began to speak calmly. "alright leemodo let's check those...." she stopped unexpectedly and smiled softly before slowly backing up not sure how to react to the sudden sight of them asleep. Kalebize saw the nurse immediately leave the room after walking inside moments ago and shut the door, she began to walk down the hallway. Kalebize stopped her for a second. "is everything ok?" he asked the nurse.

The nurse smiled softly and nodded. "yes, I'll come back in about 30 minutes. He's currently sleeping with sakashi and I think they did something last night. So I wouldn't go in there yet." she told him then continued to walk. Kalebize stood there silent and stared off in space. He could feel himself getting angry. He couldn't imagine sakashi being that quick to just be ok with something like that. Especially after what happened to her. He glanced at the door and glared. He began to step forward and walk towards the room. He grabbed the door handle and pressed down and opened the door without warning and entered. Kalebize then realized the nurse was right. However, Sakashi was still asleep Still only in leemodo's shirt. She was angled in a position on her side that exposed her full bare legs. Kalebize saw her clothes laying on the ground and looked at Leemodo and began to feel frustration. Leemodo woke up seconds after the nurse left and was sitting up just waiting for a lecture from kalebize. His arms folded with his eyes closed. He was still shirtless, only wrapped in bandages covering his wounds.

"come one. Let me hear it." leemodo suddenly spoke but without eye contact. Kalebize kept silent for a few moments, his fist clenched the door handle. "I've poured warmth and love into her for years. And I always remember how she loved it, I know she does, now since she lost her memory of me she doesn't know her own feelings. You turn her to love you for your own selfish desires and to shut me down. It hurts. Every time is a new wound to my heart watching her like this. a new scar to add to the collection of brokenness.." kalebize began to speak frustratedly. "easy there man. Nothing happened, it almost happened yes but it stopped, she wanted to stay with me tonight! Besides, we both agreed that this is a fight for her love and whoever she chooses, we will be fine. You think I'm just going to let you have her that easy, I made my choice. I won't lose to you." he replied. Kalebize immediately looked at him and glared. "her clothes on the ground and her being half-naked doesn't tell me nothing happened." he began to yell a little louder. Sakashi jolted awake and sat up fast, startled she began to slightly panic. Leemodo looked at sales as reached over to her then wrapped his arm around sakashi and pulled her into him. "relax hun, it's ok. It's just kalebize." he told her softly. Sakashi looked at kalebize and realized she was supposed to go to her new apartment to check it out with kalebize. "kalebize, I'm so sorry. I forgot.." she began to look down feeling terrible. Kalebize looked at sakashi and smiled. "You know I have never stopped loving you. but I need you to try real hard to remember who you are, try not to go cold and forget everything. The hurt watching you like this covers my whole being like skin to my bones." sakashi looked confused and looked down to the floor and began thinking. Leemodo glared at kalebize and became frustrated. "that's not very nice to say you know." he told kalebize before feeling an urge to piss him off. He smirked and lifted sakashi's chin with his right hand to face his and suddenly kissed her. Sakashi was caught off guard and became wide-eyed. She didn't know how to respond except to kiss him back. Kalebize closed his eyes and immediately turned around and stormed out the room.

Sakashi suddenly pulled away and looked to the door. "is he ok? I." she became worried. Leemodo signed, "he's fine. But go ahead and get your clothes on. I have my checkup soon. So go to him for a while." he told her softly. Sakashi nodded and stepped down from the bed and began to put her jeans on, then she slid the shirt off. Leemodo looked away as his face turned red at the sight of her breasts. She strapped her bra on and slid her shirt on. She looked over at leemodo and smiled. "I'll be back to visit soon," she told him before sliding her slip shoes on and ran out the door. leemodo smiled softly and sighed. The nurse re-entered his room and began to check his wounds.

Sakashi walked down the hallway searching for kalebize. She searched the whole building before she realized he isn't anywhere to be found. We signed and walked to the front counter and asked the receptionist if she knew where kalebize went. She was told he left ten minutes ago. She thanked the receptionist and began to walk to the exit. She walked out of the door and began to look around. Sakashi slid her hand in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the paper with her new address on it and read the address. She then stood at the bus stop waiting for the next bus.

Kalebize sat in the car him and leemodo share, he sat in the parking lot smoking and staring at a picture he took of sakashi and him in his phone. "damnit, did I lose?." he asked himself out loud. "NO, stop! Leave me alone." a girl's voice echoed. kalebize looked up and out his window. He immediately noticed sakashi by the bus stop being harassed by some bum. He watched for a while before stepping out of the car.

Sakashi looked scared. "no stop let me go!." she kept yelling at this man who held her wrist trying to get a kiss from her. "come on baby, just one kiss!." he told her firmly and groped her breasts with his hand. "let go of me!." She yelled before head butting him in the forehead as hard as she could. The man released her for a moment and grunted before he got angry. "You little bitch." He yelled at her before raising his hand to slap her. Sakashi flinched and shut her eyes and looked away. Seconds later she felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes and saw kalebize holding the man's wrist. The man looked at kalebize and grumbled. "Who the hell are you to get involved with my woman and me." He yelled before going to throw a punch at him. "Your woman?" He asked before blocking his swing and grabbed his neck and slammed him into the ground. "She's my girlfriend!" Kalebize told the man before snapping his wrist back and broke it. The man screamed in agony. Kalebize released the man shortly after. "Let's go, hun. Did he hurt you?." sakashi shook her head and walked over into kalebize's arms and hugged him. The man groaned before he yelled out. "you monster. You broke my wrist." kalebize wrapped his arm around sakashi and looked at him. "there's a hospital. Go get checked and leave my girl alone next time." he told him and began to walk towards the car with her.

Sakashi looked at kalebize then looked down silently. She started to slightly smile, she liked when he called her his girlfriend and leaned her head against his chest. Kalebize kept silent and opened the car door and allowed sakashi to get into the car, Once she got on. He closed the door and walked around and got on his side. He started the car and began to drive. There was a long silence before kalebize looked at her and calmly asked her. "Sakashi, you don't have to tell me. But did he pressure you?." Sakashi looked at him and shook her head. "No, he felt how I got scared and stopped. I was the one trying to make myself ready. But my conscience wouldn't let me. So nothing happened.." she told him as her head faced the car floor.

Kalebize kept driving silently for about another 10 minutes before he stopped on the side and looked at her. "Sakashi, don't ever force yourself to be ready for that kind of stuff. It will happen when your fully ready. With whoever you want to be with sakashi. True and real love for your mate will help you be completely ready. So don't ever feel rushed ok? If he can't wait for you and understand that. Then he's not that right mate for you. You understand?" Sakashi nodded and kept silent. "Kalebize, can I tell you something?. She asked. Kalebize looked at her and smiled. "And what's that?" sakashi took a deep breath before she faced him and asked. "why is love difficult? I love both of you the same. And I can't be without either of you. I can't decide, And it hurts." she confessed. " whenever I'm with you I think of leemodo, when I'm with him I think of you, I feel like a slut, I feel like I'm cheating." She began to weep as she shut her eyes and placed her face into her palms. Kalebize sighed and grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms away from her face. "Sakashi look at me." He told her. Sakashi glanced up and locked eyed with his. "True love has no time limit. Take your time. Really think about who you truly want. I have already told you I will never stop loving you, I have loved you since we were little kids, and I want you more than anything. But you have to decide." He told her before suddenly kissing her gently. Kalebize felt he still has a chance. He felt part of her has come back. her bravery to fight back with that bum showed him her self defense reaction is beginning to return to her. He believes as long as he keeps trying to help her remember her identity, she will remember him eventually. Kalebize wrapped his fingers around her neck and kissed her tighter and firmly with love and passion. Sakashi's eyes filled with tears as she kissed him back. She felt something different. Something missing when she's with kalebize. She wants to find what's missing and whispered into his ear. " I want to go all the way with you, right now I feel ready with you more than before or with anyone else I, I love you." sakashi closed her eyes as tears flowed from her eyes. Kalebize paused and looked at her.


1.) will kalebize go through with sakashi's request or will he reject?