CHAPTER 40 - An unexpected surprise.

"Alright, give me 24 hours." The red-haired man spoke sternly on the phone before ending the call. He began to smirk and used both his hands to grab his hair and pull it back and tie it up. He walked over to the preparations he created in this abduction of sakashi. His identification was still unidentifiable. He was someone who went around finding criminals and helps with their dirty work. This man felt like he would earn a well amount of money with this abduction job given to him. But he won't earn his treat until the job is done. He looked at the location of the dungeon cell he was assigned to bring sakashi to. It had to be a secret place that was hardly known about. windowless and sound-proof. "They better pay me well or I will be their worst nightmare." He mumbled to himself. The kidnapping itself was going to be a drag. Especially knowing sakashi has two strong men protecting her. He's been watching her for a few weeks now. he knew when she's with someone and when she's alone. He decided to bring a small puppy along with him to draw in interest in sakashi. He walked to his blue sports car and opened the door and placed the puppy inside before he hopped inside. When he pulled to her new house. He noticed she had company. Kalebize and Leemodo were over celebrating her release from the hospital and new home. He smirked and stayed in the car. He began to wait until his biggest problems would leave for the night.

All this man cared about was money. He didn't care what he had to do to receive the money. , however, Kidnapping wasn't his thing, but he needed cold hard cash or he was looking at his own personal problem that dealt with a death threat. Someone wanted that girl and they asked for his help. He agreed, only to be paid for it. it wasn't wise to ask why they wanted this girl. And why she was so special to them. He is just the delivery man and after he brings the girl to them. debts were considered paid.

After three hours passed. The man heard some voices. The man slowly glanced over and noticed kalebize and Leemodo walking towards their car. Sakashi was spotted watching them leave through the window. The man smirked as he watched them both get into the car and eventually leave. "Let the fun begin." The man mumbled to himself as he opened the door and grabbed the puppy. He placed the puppy down and allowed it to run. The puppy ran over to Sakashi's yard and started sniffing around. The man began talking loudly acting as if he was trying to 'catch' the puppy. Making it look like a runaway puppy. Sakashi began hearing a man's voice outside and she slowly approached the window and glanced outside. She saw the puppy and then a man running after it. "Come here boy, no sit, hey, come!." Sakashi felt like she wanted to help the man. She slowly walked over to the door and opened the door and stepped out. "Do you, uh, do you need help?." She offered the man shyly. The man looked up at her and smiled. "Yes, please!! Thank you so much!." He replied to her. Sakashi then knelt down and started calling the puppy. The puppy kept running around but eventually made its way over to sakashi. Once the puppy approached close enough sakashi grabbed the puppy and stood up. "Here ya go, sir." She then spoke and looked up with a smile. But as soon as she recognized the man as he approached her, sakashi's eyes became widened. "I have to go inside now." She told him nervously as if she was in a hurry. Sakashi handed the man the puppy and went to immediately go inside. The man grabbed the puppy and grinned. As sakashi stepped inside and grabbed the door to shut the door. The man used his other arm to push the door open and walks inside causing sakashi to back up fast. "What's the hurry honey?" He asked her as he closed the door behind him and smirked. He gently tossed the puppy on the floor and allowed it to run around the house. "What do you want?." She asked nervously as she kept her distance. "I just want to thank you for your help." He told her as he took a few steps towards her. sakashi became scared. "Your welcome. You can leave now.." she told him while she shifted her body and turned around to run. The man then grabbed her wrist and yanked her back and slammed her back against the wall. "Oh? I'm sorry darling. I can't leave without you!" He told her. Sakashi tried to scream but quickly found herself yanked and flipped into his arms as his left hand covered her mouth with a special kind of cloth filled with GHB. "Shhhhhhhh." He whispered into her ear. Sakashi began to cry in fear until she began to feel drowsy. The man reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a zip tie and wrapped both her wrists together and zipped it tightly. Sakashi felt drowsy from the cloth but managed to stay awake. Her body felt weak and began to collapse and lean over towards him. He gripped sakashi's arm to keep her up then wrapped his arm around her waist and gently dragged her along with him and walked over to her bedroom and pulled her black silky pillowcase off her pillow. "Let me go! Please!!" She mumbled at him as her tears grew. "Hmm no." He replied to her and pulled some duck tape from his pocket and taped her mouth shut before placing the pillowcase over her head. "I'm leaving the puppy here." He whispered as he lifted her body up into his arms and walked with her to the door. Sakashi unable to move began to shake; She's scared. Horrified. She doesn't know what's going to happen to her. The man glances out the window to make sure no one is around. He quickly opens the door and lifts her up better into his arms and wraps his coat over her head and presses her into him and makes it look as if she's asleep. He quickly walks out and walks to the car and places her in the back seat. Buckles her in and shuts the door. He steps into his driving side and starts the car. "It's done." He speaks loudly as he chuckles. He closes his door and begins to drive away.

Sakashi sits there as tears fall harder and harder. Feeling more drowsy from the drug she starts to fight herself to stay awake. Uncertain of what's to come she starts to fight and struggle.

The man watches her through the mirror and tries to think of her as a found lost girlfriend to his new boss, but as she struggled began to get on his last nerve. He slammed on the breaks and stepped out of the car. Sakashi let out a grunt at the sudden stop. The man opened the door and unbuckled the belt and lifted her up. He pressed a button on his keys that automatically opened his trunk. He roughly tossed her into the trunk and slammed the trunk door closed. Sakashi grunted and whimpered loudly. He stepped back into the car and began driving again. As he heard sakashi whimpers in the trunk, he tried to ignore her but his guts twisted in disgust. He'd never thought of himself as a moral man, but perhaps he felt like he was messing with something bigger then he is anticipating.

About 3 hours' worth of driving he finally arrived at the location he needed to take this girl. He stepped out. The car and pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and called. Waiting a few seconds he spoke. "She's here! Now, where's my reward.?" The man listened as he went wide-eyed. "Excuse me?." He replied in Annoyance. "You're telling me if I do that I'll earn more?." He replied. The man sighed. "Fine. See you in 2 hours." The man replied for the last time and ended the call. He frustratedly tossed his phone into his car and walked over to the trunk. Once he opened the trunk he looked at the girl. Sakashi wasn't moving, she had fallen unconscious from lack of oxygen. The man checked her pulse and felt a slight pulse. He lifted her up and closed his trunk door. He began to walk to the broken down rugged building. He walked inside and carried her into the basement, he roughly let her legs go causing her legs to drop and smack the ground. Her feet began dragging against every step as he carried her down. Once he reached the bottom of the basement. He walked into the cell and sat her in a sitting up position and grabbed his pocket knife and slip the zip ties off her wrist then chained her wrists to the wall. He stared at her for a moment and smirked. He pulled the pillowcase off her head. Sakashi looked like in high distress but The dim light that broke through the small cracks made her skin sparkle and glow. The man closed his eyes as he didn't want to touch her. He wasn't interested in doing anything like that to a young girl. But he wanted a bonus. He looked at the girl and pulled her pants off. Then he took his knife out again and cut her shirt off. He looked at her body and began to feel some lust. But he still didn't want to touch her. "He didn't say how, he just said to pleasure her." He mumbled. He leaned down and pulled the tape off her mouth and began to kiss her gently. Sakashi began to come to her consciousness as oxygen filled her lungs again.

She felt someone's crusty fingers dig into her cheek, sakashi began to shift her head back and forth. The man continued and kiss her neck. Sakashi opened her eyes slowly and when her eyes fully adjusted to her surroundings she went wide-eyed. He began to smirk At her. Sakashi became frightened and began to attempt a scream. However, he kissed her again that caused Her scream to mate and sound stifled. She could hear him panting, the pleasure in his breath, He was not doing much but rather only doing enough to claim what was to be rightfully his as a reward. He did not speak much to her as he kissed around her body. Sakashi knew there no need to fight or even make a sound. She knew she couldn't do much anyway to stop him. His fingers caused her to release a few moans and whimpers. She hated this kind of touch. It wasn't the same as the tender moments with the two men she loves. "Stop." She spoke softly as she could barely speak. "Hmm your sounds don't tell me you're hating this.." he told her in her ear as he breathed heavily in her ear. " now if you don't want to lose your voice. Then I wouldn't say a word. I'll unhinge your jaw if another sound were to leave your beautiful soft lips.." he threatened her. He only kissed around her whole body. And inserted his fingers. Sakashi became hopeless again. That was how she was to remain, silent.

The man finished with his fun and looked at her as she sat there naked and in tears. "Sorry girl, but I need to succeed in duties to get paid.. your fortunate I didn't penetrate you," he told her as he sat down next to her and allowed her head to lay on his shoulder. Sakashi felt weak. She couldn't even lift her head. she laid against his shoulder weeping. The man saw her body color change and knew she was becoming cold. He placed a small blanket over her.

Moments later he heard footsteps. The man stood up and waited. Sakashi slowly looked up to see who wanted her. "Well done, name your price?." A man spoke and asked her kidnapper. "Hmm 1 million." He replied. The other man chuckled. "How about 2 million?." He responded as a bag had been tossed towards her kidnapper. The red-haired man grabbed the bag and looked inside and smirked at all the money. "I'm done here.." he told the man and walked passed him with his money. The red-haired man began to walk up the stairs and eventually disappeared.

Sakashi kept silent staring at the ground. "Long time no see baby!." The man spoke as he walked into the light. Sakashi looked up and became wide-eyed. "You!." Sakashi said before her eyes clouded with heavy tears. She looked down and knew what was going to happen to her.

Question time:

1.) who do you think the new man is?




2.) do you think the red-haired man's identification be revealed soon?