CHAPTER 41 - Sakashi’s unfortunate experience for a favor.

"Yes, it's me again." The man spoke loudly before he knelt down in front of sakashi. "How's this baby within you doing?." The man asked before he moved closer into the light fully revealing his identity. Sakashi kept silent and looked down knowing she guessed right, it was Azusa. However, he doesn't seem too scary to her anymore. She wants to hate him. She wants to see the man dead but her heart doesn't feel that way. She felt a connection to him that she didn't want. She shut her eyes and looked away from him as her tears fall from her eyes. Azusa tilted his head and tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted her face back up. "Hmm you seem different, why aren't you trembling at the sight of me?" He asked her. Sakashi slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. "I could ask the same question." She suddenly whispered softly to him. Deep down she was scared, she didn't know what was going to happen, but she managed to hide that fear. Was it because he's the father? Was it because he's the softest when it came down to all the members? She couldn't figure out why, but she felt like she was going to be ok. She could be wrong and didn't hold her breath and hope in that feeling. Azusa looked at her and smirked then brushed his finger acrossed her lips. "How so? I'm still me! The criminal that going to make your life hell." He told her firmly. Sakashi blinked at him silently. "You're not scary anymore, besides I'll submit to you." She kept her eyes locked into his eyes firmly. "Just don't bother with kalebize, Leemodo or chandler." She told him as tears kept falling from her dull eyes. Azusa chuckled. "Oh I'm sorry but the boys are out to kill them off. So I'm sorry, but I won't touch them as you wish," he replied before pressing his lips onto her lips hard and firmly. His hands gripped her upper arms and squeezed. Sakashi's eyes widened and began to hesitate. She worried about what's going to happen to kalebize and leemodo. Was this how it all ends? She's trapped in misery for the rest of her life. While the men she cares for the most die? However, she noticed Azusa wasn't as touchy or physically rough with her. It was like he was acting more generous to her. She decided to begin kissing him back willingly. Azusa pulled his lips from her and grinned. "The boys and I talked it over before you arrived. You will have more freedom but only if you agree to become mine willingly. That means do everything I tell you to. Never try to escape, just provide our food and clean. Kinda like what a wife and mother are supposed to do. If not, you will be locked away from ever seeing daylight again and you will suffer."

He firmly told her as he gripped her arms. Sakashi looked at him then slowly tilted her head down and looked at the dirt ground. "so what's it gonna be sakashi?" he asked her with a firm glare. "fine, but only if you call off the murder of them.." she looked back up as tears fall. "and allow me to tell them my choice to their face so they don't try to interfere.." Azusa tilted his head and thought about it for a second and grinned. He released his hands from her arms and stood up before he pulled his cell phone out and walked up the stairs. Sakashi could feel her heart shatter. But she would rather give up her happiness in order to give the ones she loved the most a chance to live. She pressed her head against the wall and sat there with her arms in chains.

About 17 minutes later she heard footsteps walking down the stairs. Sakashi glanced up and saw Azusa. "they agreed. But only after something that you will not like done to you and neither will they like what will be done. Fortunately, your lucky I called them just now because they currently have both of them in captivity. And we're about to die, but my call and your request saved them." he told her with a chuckle. Sakashi froze but kept silent. Her heart began to beat fast as she immediately looked at the dirt ground. Thinking of all the possible things that could have happened. "they are on their way now with them. So once they arrive, we will get this done. Then afterward. We will allow you to wish them farewell." he told her in a softer tone of voice as he knelt down and placed his right index finger under her chin and lifted her face. Sakashi being forced to look up at him began to feel her heartache even more. She felt it shatter and wondered if they will even keep their word and let them live. Her eyes glistened in the small amount of light breaking through any kind of crack in the walls. Her eyes clouded with tears. Azusa looked at her breaking down and wrapped his hand around her neck and kissed her gently. Something about Azusa changed and she couldn't understand why he was acting kind in a slight way. He's a heartless criminal. Azusa couldn't help himself and grabbed the key in his pocket and opened the chain brackets holding her wrists. Her arms flopped down to her sides. She digs her fingernails into the ground and lifted her legs up gently trying to back up away from him. Unfortunately, Azusa gripped her arms and leaned over her as he began to kiss her harder and firmer. Before she could react more she knew she was already easy access due to her being naked already. Her cold body slowly began to shake in nervousness. She wasn't comfortable and wanted to escape. She wanted to be in the arms of someone who truly loves her. Azusa laid her down forcefully and kept kissing her before moving to her neck. Moments later, he used force and began to have his way with her. He didn't care about her tears and screams. He waited too long for her return. He ignored her pleas and took what he wanted. Almost 45 minutes had passed since that moment and sakashi was shivering cold on the ground, her body bruised from marks and dirt stuck to her body making her filthy. With heavy weeping and body pains, she laid there silent. Azusa standing by the stairs texting his partners as if nothing happened. Sakashi gently wrapped her weak arms around her belly as she still believed the unbaby was her only happiness. She only wished its father wasn't a criminal.

"Alright, they have arrived.." Azusa said before walking over to her and gripped her left arm and pulled sakashi to her feet. Wesley and luke could be heard walking down the stairs. Sakashi slowly looked up to the stairs and saw Wesley and luke coming down the steps pushing two tied up men with bags over their heads down with them. They pushed the men down to their knees roughly and removed the bags from over their heads. Sakashi whimpered in pain as she tried to run towards the two captive men she saw. Azusa gripped her arm and wouldn't let sakashi move forward and go to them. Her weak legs trembled and wobbled as her legs collapsed to her knees. When she saw who those two men were she began to feel her heartache more. Leemodo had his mouth taped shut with a blindfold over his eyes. He had a giant head wound on the side of his head that caused him to act out of his conscious. He wobbled side to side falling in and out of consciousness groaning, The other man was kalebize, however, he was at his full conscious. He only had clothing shoved into his mouth with the tape placed over his mouth to keep his mouth quiet. He had a black eye and several cuts on his arms and face. Sakashi suddenly screamed in terror. "don't kill them!!! You promised me." her mind was so upset she easily assumed the worst. Wesley laughed hard before placing his knife to kalebize's throat and pressed it against him while he gripped his hair with the other hand. "calm it down girl or I will kill him.." he told her firmly. Sakashi trembled and dug her fingers into the ground. Her head knelt down and faced the ground. Tears splatted the ground rapidly like rain drops. Kalebize watched sakashi as he knew what happened to her before he arrived based on her naked weak appearance. Azusa released his hand from her arm and lot her tremble on the ground. Azusa kept silent and watched kalebize. He saw how kalebize felt hopeless and weak through his eyes. He knew he felt like a failure all over again. Luke dragged leemodo over to the wall and chained his wrists to the wall. Leemodo by that time was full out cold, his head flopped down and his wound began to drip blood. Wesley grinned and pulled his knife away from kalebize's throat, and pushed kalebize over to his side. "now then since you calmed down. Let's get this done. And if you're a good girl ill let them go." he told her. Sakashi nodded as tears fall hard, she placed her hands over her face and wept. Azuza knelt down silently and gripped her upper arm and pulled her back up to her feet. Kalebize glared at Azusa in pure hate as Luke chained his wrists to the wall next to leemodo. Kalebize glanced at leemodo and noticed he was completely out of conscious and if he doesn't get the medical help that he needs; he might die. Kalebize struggled but felt weak. He just needs to wait until the paralyzer injection wears off for him to activate his magic and strength.

Azusa then attached sakashi to a pole with a rope. Her arms above her head. And her wrists tied tightly together her hands began to lose blood circulation. Wesley then decided to protest that he wanted to take her first, right there on the spot. Kalebize's eyes began to go wide-eyed and wanted to stop them. He then understood why they brought them there and haven't killed them yet. Azusa grinned but still didn't come off as he even enjoyed himself. His eyes said otherwise and seemed bothered. Kalebize observed Azusa, he still wants to kill them but he feels Azusa might have a change of heart. Unable to speak he screams. But all is heard is his muffling. Wesley grinned and gripped her bare hips and made her kneel down to her knees as he lowered her arms, her hands still tied above her head, with her hips higher than her torso. Wesley allowing his pants to drop, he sat down under her and began holding her with both his hands on her hips, plunging into her. Sakashi immediately began to scream. She was already physically done from Azusa a little while ago. He yielded for a quick second to laugh and began to cause her more pain by showing no mercy. Luke wanted to join In. He stepped behind her and dropped his pants before he forced his way into the narrower passageway and driving hard, made her scream even more. Her eyes almost seemed as if then we're going to pop out. Drool fell from her mouth as tears poured from her eyes. She could feel her stomach ache in pain. Azusa watched before he decided to walk up the stairs and leave. Kalebize was so furious he began to feel bloodthirst and the want to spill blood until nothing of them is left. Pulling and tugging on the chains his wrists began to bleed from breaking his own skin. After several minutes of watching sakashi Endure another rape, Wesley stopped before he pulled out and let her go, luke followed shortly after. sobbing and befouled by tears, luke cut the rope and watched her as she slipped to the cold ground. only to feel someone's knees against her face after her head being lifted to a man's lap. she realized that her mouth was not to be spared from this. Wesley wanted her to clean him off before he would Finally they let her go, he pushed her off and stood up. Lying on her back in front of kalebize she continued to weep. She didn't think that this was the outcome She had to experience just to allow kalebize and Leemodo to live. But she began to smirk. "Now, let them go." She quietly mumbled as she took long hard and heavy breathes. "Yeah not yet, you know that," Wesley told her. "Azusa get down here!!." Wesley yelled loudly. A few seconds later Azusa walked down the steps with three glasses of wine. "I was just waiting, here have a drink." He offered. Luke watched kalebize closely making sure he doesn't get loose. "Why didn't you stay and join?." Wesley asked as he grabbed a drink. "I already had her earlier.." he replied. Kalebize closed his eyes to try and contain his anger. He could hear ice being clunked around in their glasses of wine as they laughed and drank. About 2 hours luke was seen wrapping leemodo's head after cleaning it out. Wesley ordered to care and help Leemodo for sakashi's sake. Sakashi was sitting up sitting by Azusa with a blanket wrapped around her. She kept silent as she stared at the ground. Kalebize watching sakashi close, but he was also busy plotting three deaths in his head. "Alright sakashi, time to talk. Azusa you stay and monitor them. I'm taking a shower. Once I'm done I'll see if I let them go or kill them. Based on how things turn out." He told him before walking up the stairs. Luke chuckled and followed Wesley. Azusa nodded before he stood up and walked over to kalebize and yanked the tape off his mouth and pulled the cloth out for him to speak. Immediately kalebize began to cuss him out in pure anger. "Shut up will ya. Sakashi has something to tell you." Kalebize glared and looked at sakashi silently. Seeing how she doesn't even look at him and begins to hesitate and cry. He knew they are forcing her to make a hard decision. He can guess what he's about to hear and begins dreading.

Sakashi blinks as she stares at the ground and opens her mouth. "I'm staying with Azusa. I agreed to become his lover and his only. So please don't come back to me. I'll be fine. That's their promise to me. I'll be taken care of if I submit to him. And you guys will be left alone.." she refused to look at them as she closed her eyes then became silent.

Kalebize figured it was going to be that. But he refused. "Sakashi, all you have to tell me right now is you want to be happy and free. And I'll get you out of here. Don't let them scare you. I can't die that easy. Don't do this!!! Think of your happiness!!." Azusa monitored but kept silent. He's allowing sakashi to choose their fate. Sakashi slowly stood up. Her body felt weak. "Don't come back to me. It's over, I'm serious. I already thought about it. He's the father. The baby needs his real father. It's for the baby, not you." She told them before she tried to take a step, she felt complete weakness and faint when she began to wobble. Azusa grabbed her arm and pulled her over into him and allowed her fall and lay into him. "SAKASHI DON'T DO THIS!! THIS ISNT YOUR REAL CHOICE!!" Kalebize began to get angry and yell. "kalebize thank you for everything but please stop. I want to. I'm not being forced. I want to stay from my own will. So don't come back to me. Tell Leemodo that to." She told him. With no tears, she leaned her body into Azusa. "I'm done. Now can you take me to whatever room you have for me?" She told Azusa. "Alright.," Azusa told her as he carried her up the stairs. Kalebize weeping from anger knew sakashi isn't serious. He began to scream her name over and over. Azusa shut the door to the basement that muffled kalebizes screams. He took her to his room and gently placed her down on his bed. He walked back to his door and closed it. He turned around and looked at her. "Sakashi." He whispered her name and looked down. Sakashi looked at him and kept silent. "Were you serious about what you said or did you just say it because of feeling forced?." He asked her. "And be honest. Regardless of what you say I won't do anything."

Sakashi hesitated as she kept silent at first and looked down. "I was serious, you're the baby's father. And I feel a connection to you. Do I love you? I don't want to but I." She paused as she's confused at what she's even saying. How can she love her rapist like that? What's wrong with her? Why does she feel like this? "My heart feels like I do, if you really didn't change in any way. Then why didn't you join them? You would have joined them if you didn't change at all. You looked like you were more upset at what happened to me . Prove me otherwise. I'm your captive now. You can beat me or do whatever you want to me, but I still believe you are different. Either that or it's because your the father and I feel obligated to be with you." she told him as she wept sitting on his bed. "just keep your word and make sure they leave alive." She wrapped her arms around her belly and laid down under his blanket to warm herself up. Azusa kept silent and looked at her. He opened his door and walked out closing the door. Azusa walked to the kitchen and began to prepare some healthy foods for her to eat. Sakashi laid there and wept herself to sleep.

Wesley finished his shower and walked to the kitchen, he then discussed what happened and what the decision is with Azusa. "she told them what we needed her to say. Just keep your word and let them go. But make sure they don't try or find this place. Because if they do try to come anyway. Then." Wesley smirked. "Then kill them, yes I know. Remember though Azusa I'm only not killing her because you want her so bad. She's still worthless to me. I own her magic so that makes her an empty vessel now." Wesley told him. " I know, that's why I'm making her useful by feeding us and baring my child to raise into one of us," Azusa replied before taking a plate of food to his room. Wesley smirked and watched him. "hmph. Such a softy, Luke! I need you to find a way to make them forget sakashi even existed. In the meantime get them ready to leave. I don't need them knowing the location.."

Luke chuckled and stood up from the couch and walked to the basement door, opened it and went down.

Azusa walked Into his room and found her asleep. He stood there and watched her quietly. His eyes glimmered and let out a very small smirk. He placed the plate of food down and a glass of milk on the small side table and went to his closet and grabbed a long shirt then approached sakashi pulled the blankets away. He them began to dress her in his longest shirt. He sat down next to her and leaned down kissing her forehead.

Seconds later he heard a loud noise, he stood up and opened the door to a crack and peaked out. He saw wesley and Luke dragging kalebize and leemodo out to their van. They both were unconscious and with bags over their heads. Azusa looked back at sakashi and sighed. He felt something was wrong for once in his whole criminal life and began to reflect on his whole life. He then slid into his bed and laid next to sakashi. He didn't wrap around sakashi. But rather flipped his back to face her and gradually fell asleep.

In the meantime, while sakashi and Azusa slept. Wesley and Luke took kalebize and leemodo back to where they originally ambushed them. Once they had arrived on the scene, Wesley pulled off to the side, he stepped out and opened the door before he grabbed and yanked kalebize and leemodo out and threw them on the ground. Luke, walked over to kalebize and injected kalebize with an unknown injection. "you know we could steal their magic because I don't know if the injection I just gave kalebize will erase his memory, it's just a test." Wesley was leaning against the van and lit a cigarette. "you can." Wesley told him. "just make it quick." he was busy puffing on his cigarette. "besides leemod's magic is worthless. Don't bother." Wesley said as he puffed away, Luke smirks and pulls the bag off kalebize's head and presses his fingers against his eyelids to force them open. He looks into kalebize's eyes and begins to observe his magic ability before he starts to use his magic to transfer kalebize's magic into him. 15 minutes into transferring magic, luke stops and holds his head. "damn, this guy had a ridiculous amount of magic. I can't take any more. I only got half his magic." he spoke out loud. Wesley huffed and stood up from leaning against the van. "let's go. If he doesn't have all his magic. He will be easy to kill.."

Luke nodded and stood up. They both got into the van and began to drive off to return. Leaving kalebize and leemodo unconscious and tied in thick chains.


1.) do you think sakashi made the right decision?

2.) do you think Azusa could have a change of heart?

3.) do you think Azusa and sakashi fell in love unexpectedly without realizing it?

4.) what's going to happen now?

5.) will kalebize and leemodo remember what happened and come for sakashi anyway or give up?