CHAPTER 44- life living with criminals

Rewinding back to Sakashi, as the day went by and kalebize began his mini\-adventure through the day. Sakashi was found in Wesley's room cleaning up his clothing all over the floor, she was ordered to clean every room before she got fed. Wesley sat in a chair in the corner and monitored her. As sakashi cleaned his room Wesley stared down into her soul. Sakashi wouldn't look at him but still felt his stares at her and felt uneasy. She made his bed, organized his belongings around, wiped down any filth and dust. Placed all dirty clothing into a basket and swept. Once she completed the first room she stood up straight and faced him. "Your room is done, may I continue to the next room?" She asked him as her eyes stared at the floor. Wesley grinned and stood up and walked over to her and grabbed the back of her neck and lowered her down to her knees in front of him. "After one more thing." Sakashi kept silent and dreaded what she was about to do. Azusa walked inside the room and noticed what Wesley was about to make her do. "sakashi I need you to clean Matts room. The smell is bothering me, Wesley leave her alone will ya she has work to do.." he spoke as he turned and left. Wesley smirked and knelt down to her face and gripped her hair and lifted her head back to look at him. "You got lucky this time around but next time I'll be sure you do something first." He told her sternly. He stood up and let her hair go and walked out of the room. Sakashi trembled a bit before she stood up and headed towards Matt's room. Wesley was still slightly buzzed and still flirtatious, he felt like shoving sakashi on a bed and lay with her for a bit but knew Azusa would stop him. He only continued to watch her every move. As the day passed sakashi dealt with Wesley following her everywhere she cleaned. Matt only gave her hell by his harsh words and physically shoved her around to work faster. Azusa did nothing to help sakashi. He acted as if he never changed. Sakashi knew he's holding back to keep his secrete but she wished he would still try to help her. All\-day she had cleaned and scrubbed the place down until every room had been cleaned and organized. Sakashi was by the closet putting cleaning supplies away when she closed the door and backed up into Wesley. She turned around and noticed his vibe felt a little scarier. "Did I miss something?" She asked him nervously. "Yes." He told her as he couldn't ignore his selfish desires and his needs back anymore. He stepped forward and opened the closet door and pushed her back into the closet as he stepped in with her. "It's just you and me now girl! Azusa went to get food for you to prep. And Matt well he's asleep, so let's fool around for a bit." Wesley told her as he grinned. Sakashi trembled and couldn't move anywhere. She tried to move away but only fell into supplies. "Don't worry it will be quick!" He told her before he grabbed her shirt lifting her up into him. He flipped her around so her back pressed against his chest. He held her waist close into him with his right arm and pulled her pants down. His breathing began to increase heavily. She could tell he was still slightly intoxicated and began to tremble. She felt like screaming but when she attempted to scream she felt his hand cover her mouth as he forced himself directly into her anal. Sakashi jerked and struggled only to cause herself more pain. He began to thrust hard and fast in and out of her anal and moaned into her ear. And occasionally but down onto her neck sucking on her skin giving her a dark Hickey. He kept his hand over her mouth and leaned forward and forced her to lean forward as well. Sakashi couldn't stop him. She felt weak and hopeless. Tears flowed down her cheeks rapidly as her body throbbed in pain. Her legs began to tremble and lost strength. Wesley lowered his body pushing her to her knees. He landed on his knees and continued. His arm pressed her torso up closer into him and pressed into her further. Sakashi tried to scream but instead felt his hand press harder over her mouth. She fell forward untill she laid flat on the closet floor shutting her eyes. Wesley moved down along with her. She could hear his heavy breathing, his moans and wished he would stop. Wesley continued at full force until he finish inside of her anal About 15 minutes of this brutal treatment he pulled out and grabbed her shoulders and flipped her to her back and shoved his penis into her mouth, sakashi became wide eyed and shut her eyes as tears continued to fall from her eyed. The door suddenly swung open and Azusa grabbed the back of Wesley's shirt and yanked him off of sakashi, pulled him out of the closet and threw him onto the floor. "What in the fucking hell man? This is my woman now. Not yours!" He began to yell at him. Wesley chuckled and slowly stood up. Azusa was furious and looked at sakashi. Sakashi Laid there weeping rapidly. "Hey now what all the drama now?" Matt asked as he came out of his room yawning. "Go ahead then, take her right here, right now then!" Wesley challenged him. "Besides I'm your leader, you dare stand up to me?" He then firmly told him. "Yes, Wesley. Your still intoxicated and always extra hormonal. This is my woman that you allowed me to have so that means don't touch her anymore, besides I will later. She's got cooking to do." He told him firmly. "oh brother." Matt said as he turned and went back to his room. Wesley sighed and nodded. "Fine fine, that is the last time.." Wesley told her before walking back to his room. "go get her cleaned up first will ya." He told him before closing his door. Azusa looked down at sakashi and knelt down and sighed as he lifted her up Into his arms and pressed his forehead Into heres and grit his teeth. "I'm so sorry hun." he whispered into her ear. Sakashi kept silent as she continued to weep. Azusa stood up and walked to the bathroom and gently sat her down on the toilet. He turned on the water and filled up a bath for her. "alright ill head out now and give you privacy." he told her. Sakashi grabbed his wrist but didn't look at him. Azusa looked at her and sighed. "ok. I'll stay." he told her softly. Sakashi kept silent and pulled her shirt off and stepped into the bathtub. She sat there as she lifted her legs up wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin in her knees. Azusa sat on the toilet seat and closed his eyes and kept silent as she bathed.

Sakashi wept silently and closed her eyes. She Wanted freedom, she wanted to go home. She hated living in this captivity. After sakashi felt done with her bath she stood up and grabbed a towel. Azusa looked at her and continued to keep silent. Sakashi stepped out with the towel around her. "I'm ready." she told him softly. "alright.." he told her as he stood up and wrapped his arm around her and lead her out and straight to his room. Sakashi then slid a long shirt on and sat on his bed. Azusa sat down next to her and just hugged her. His hug felt nice to her. He wasn't rough or cold-hearted towards her. She leaned into his hug, he felt warmth and tenderness. The feeling she missed. Sakashi suddenly looked up and faced him before kissing his forehead. "thank you for stopping him." she told him. She stood up and began to walk to start cooking. Azusa grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into his lap and kissed her gentle yet firm. Sakashi went along and kissed him back. Azusa then released her and smiled. "Ok you can go cook now." he told her. Sakashi nodded and walked out of the room. She had no idea how to cook, she figured she could come up with something simple. She stopped and stepped back the second she saw Wesley drinking more wine. Azusa stood behind her and knelt down to her ear. "its ok. I'm here" he told her as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her gently forward. Wesley looked at sakashi and grinned before walking over to the couch and sat down and continued to drink. Sakashi grabbed supplies and began to prep and figure out what to make. Azusa figured out that sakashi was clueless and found ways to hint at her and help her out secretly without speaking to her. Eventually, sakashi had prepared a meal. She taste-tested It and became slightly amazed at how it didn't taste all that bad. Wesley Azusa and Matt all gathered around the table, sakashi began to serve food before she sat down beside Azusa and watched them eat silently. Azusa looked at sakashi and told her to eat. Sakashi nodded and helped herself to some food and began to eat. Everyone ate in utter silence. Azusa finished and waited for sakashi to finish. Matt and Wesley finished and dismissed themselves. Wesley left the house and Matt went down into the basement, he began to prepare tools to get ready for a new task. Azusa knew what they were preparing for and sighed. "what's wrong?" she asked as she finally finished. "nothing but I need you to stay in the room until I tell you to come out." he told her. "why?" she asked and blinked at him curiously. "they are finding their newest victim and take her magic, rape her then kill her.." he told her. Sakashi looked down and felt sorrow. "kill her after all that torture? That's so cruel. And you do this normally?" she asked him. "yes and you were supposed to be killed too. We did the same thing to you. But kalebize stopped us and saved you. The worse I see you suffered is memory loss." he told her. Sakashi looked down and realized kalebize wasn't lying to her all along. "so why not kill me now? Why keep me trapped here alive?" she asked. " I already told you. I stopped your death because I wanted you. Then I ended up falling in love with you. That's why they haven't tried to kill you. Because I asked them not to. Otherwise, If I tell them I'm done. Your practically dead." he told her as he looked down. sakashi looked at him and stood up and leaned forward towards him and kissed him directly on the lips suddenly. Azusa became wide-eyed and wrapped his arm around her and kissed her back. Sakashi pulled Back and smiled slightly and began to collect all the dirty dishes. She walked to the kitchen and began cleaning them immediately. Minutes later Wesley come back and pulled an unconscious teenage girl into the house. Her arms were tied up behind her back and her legs tied together. Her head was covered inside a heavy brown bag. She had light purple hair and light brown skin. She was only 16 years old with water and ice magic. Sakashi looked over and got scared and dropped a plate in the sink and cracked it. Wesley looked up at sakashi and glared. "did you just break a plate?" he asked her. Azusa sighed and stood up. "Wesley, you have broken more plates then she has, chill out." he told him as he walked over to her and looked into the sink. he chuckled. Wesley Grumbled. "help me with this girl will ya. And you're on rape duty tonight!" he told Azusa firmly. Sakashi could feel her heartache for this girl. "I'm going to the room now." sakashi said before quickly walking to the room and shut the door. Wesley laughed. "sakashi is scared," Wesley said in amusement. Azusa looked at Wesley and smirked. "that's why I'm going to skip the fun tonight. I have her to torture, so you and matt have fun. When your done ill take the girl and kill her then toss her body into a hole and Burry her. how's that sound?" Azusa suggested? Wesley grinned. "alright, when your out doing so, Matt will keep an eye on sakashi. Because I will end up doing something."

Azusa chuckled, "well I was actually going to bring her with me to watch what I do in detail. You know like a warning to her of what will happen to her if she disobeys." he told him. Wesley smirked, "that sounds better. Alright be ready in about two hours." he told him as he continued to drag the girl down into the basement. Azusa sighed and walked Into the bedroom. He found sakashi by the window staring into the evening sky. "the sun looks pretty when it sets huh?" she asked while she turned and looked at him. Tears were flowing down her cheeks in sorrow. Azusa sighed and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her head and hugged her. "sakashi, I switched to the murder task. You and I are going to take the girl afterward to kill her." he told her firmly. Sakashi immediately pulled back and stepped back and away from him. "I don't want any part In that! I won't do it." she told him firmly. "relax hun, that's what I need him to think. We are going to set her free ok? I'm not going to kill her. So please just play along if you want to save her." he assured her. Sakashi looked at him and nodded and stepped back into his arms. Azusa closed his eyes and hugged her close. "we have two hours.." what would you like to do? He asked her. Sakashi smiled softly and pulled away. "can we just rest? I feel tired." she asked him. Azusa smiled and nodded. "Alright," he told her. "lay down for me. I have a tool for me to check the baby's heartbeat. I wanna hear it.." he told her. Sakashi nodded and walked over to the bed and laid down. Azusa then walked over. His finger began to form into a white glow. He pressed his finger in her belly and closed his eyes. He focused and moved his finger around until he caught a heartbeat. He observed and smiled. "sounds fine." he told her. "I wish you could hear it, but my trick only works in my head.." he told her. sakashi smiled. "that's ok, as long as it's still ok. I'm happy." she told him. Azusa looked at her and smiled softly as his finger went back to normal. Sakashi leaned forward and grabbed his shirt pulling him over next to her. "now get over here so I can cuddle with you." sakashi told him. Azusa chuckled softly and laid next to her and wrapped his arms around her and hugged her as he kissed her forehead. They rested together and cuddled. They both removed clothing but still only just cuddled and talked.

Two hours later Wesley had walked into the room unannounced and looked at them. Sakashi immediately looked down and looked like they just got done with something. Azusa smirked. "are you done now?" he asked. Wesley nodded. "yep, turned out we nailed another virgin. It was great." he told him. "Now get ready and get rid of her." he told him before walking out the room. "poor girl," she mumbled. Azusa said nothing as he stood up. Sakashi stood up and walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of pants and put them on. Azusa smiled and looked at her. "your too cute in my clothes." he told her. Sakashi rolled her eyes and slowly walked out of the room. The girl was sitting on a chair with a bag over her head. She wobbled back and forth as her arms tied up behind her back. Azusa walked out and grinned. "alright let's get this done.." he said as he attached a chain to sakashi's wrist suddenly and attached the other end to his wrist. Wesley grinned. "oh smart.." he told Azusa. Sakashi looked down as she began to weep. "I don't want to do this." she said to Wesley. "please just let me stay here.." she asked. Matt walked out of the basement and stood next to Wesley as he laughed. "have fun sakashi!!!." he told her as him and Wesley chuckled. Azusa grabbed the girl's arm and yanked her to her feet and began walking and pushed her out the door forcefully dragging sakashi alongside him. Sakashi began to try and pull back but kept finding herself being dragged along. Wesley and Matt turned and went back down into the basement to clean up.

After about a two-hour walk up into the mountains. Azusa stopped and placed the girl gently down to her knees and allowed her to sit down. He faced sakashi and unchained her wrist. He also released his wrist. Sakashi stood there and looked around and wanted to run and hide from him but she knew she wouldn't get far having hardly any energy left, Having no shoes to protect her feet from rocks, she stood there silently. Azusa lifted the bag from her face as he then became traumatized and backed up from her. "what the fuck? oh hell no!." he said out loud. Sakashi stood there and looked at the girl then at him. "what?" sakashi asked and became confused as she watched Azusa hug the girl and wept. "Sabrina? Is that you?" he asked. The girl began to weep as she leaned her face into his shoulder. Azusa pulled back and released her arms and then gently pulled the tape from her mouth. The girl sat there on the ground and looked down. Azusa looked at sakashi and looked down. Sakashi walked over to the girl and knelt down. "hey, don't worry. We are releasing you ok?." the girl looked at sakashi. "thank you for helping him change into a better person, I can see it." she smiled weekly and began to cough hard. Her body trembled and collapsed into Azusa's arms. Azusa caught her and held her into him. The girl then fell unconscious from over-exhaustion. "who is she?" she asked. Azusa sighed and held her close unto him." my youngest sister, she just has a different father, but the same mother. The last time she saw me was when she was 9 pleading I would change my ways but I ignored her." he told her. Sakashi became wide-eyed and immediately hugged him. "isn't this a reason to leave them and do what's right?." she told him. "its not that simple hun." he told her. "besides they don't know I had a sister otherwise they wouldn't have chosen her." he told her. Azusa felt her cold body and tried to warm her up with his body heat. Sakashi suddenly stripped naked. "here put these on her. She needs to get warm." sakashi told him as he nodded and grabbed the clothes and began dressing her. Azusa heard late-night hikers and placed Sabrina on the ground and slid a piece of paper in her pocket. "let's go. I'm sure those people coming will get her some help. Sakashi nodded and grabbed his hand and ran with him behind a rock. the hikers happen to be a couple of men, they saw Sabrina and freaked out before running over to her. They immediately contacted the police to report a hurt girl, they lifted the girl up and continued down the path and rushed Sabrina to safety. Sakashi watched until they went out of sight and looked at Azusa. He sat there and began to weep. "I need out, I can't do this anymore if my sister got involved. Sakashi sighed and wrapped her arms around him. "you're already someone I'm truly falling Inlove with. You're doing more to change and make better choices rather then you are with a crime." she whispered into his ear. "I'm proud of you, is it weird to say I love you?." she asked him before kissing the side of his head. Azusa slowly wrapped his hand around her arm and smiled. He turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as he pulled her over his shoulder and into his lap. Sakashi kissed him back and gripped his shirt.

Azusa stood up and lifted sakashi into his arms and held her close. Sakashi being naked could feel the cold night air. Azusa suddenly leaned into her as close as he could to keep her warm. Walking back he told her they are going to have to move to a further location. The police will trace his clothing back to their hideout. Sakashi sighed and nodded. Once they arrived. Wesley and Matt were inside waiting. Wesley looked at sakashi and chuckled. "had a little bit more fun with her I see.? But how did the murder go?" Wesley asked him. Azusa placed Sakashi down. "go and get dressed." Azusa told sakashi firmly. Sakashi kept silent and walked to the room. Azusa sighed. " I had a small problem. Just as I was about to make my final attack to end her life, stupid hikers we're coming so I just dropped the girl and took off with sakashi. But I'm sure by the time they get her to any help she would have bled out and died." he told him "so I released all my frustration of failure out on sakashi." He told him. "I see, so I assume we need to move to our next location then?" He asked him firmly. "Yeah, the clothing I ripped off sakashi was accidentally left by the girl. So I'm sure that's enough evidence to tell the police about our location. And of course my identification.." Matt sighed. "I'll go pack." He said as he stood up and went to his room.

Wesley nodded. "Well, then we are leaving tonight then! Next time we will all go so the job is done." He told him as he then walked to his bedroom. Azusa sighed and walked to his room.

Sakashi sat on his bed and blinked. Azusa could tell sakashi was worn out and tired. He walked over and sat next to her. "We are leaving tonight. We will be in the van because our next location is about seven hours from here. So during that drive, you need to sleep." He told her softly. Sakashi kept silent and nodded. Azusa sighed and stood up and placed his belongings in a box. He went outside and placed his box into the van and walked back inside. Walking back into his room he smiled softly as he found sakashi asleep on his bed. He gently lifted her up into his arms and walked her out to the van. Wesley has shut the trunk with all the belongings, some food and drinks for a long trip and looked at sakashi. "was she seriously that tired?" He asked Azusa. "Yeah, I molested her several times today and she got molested by you remember?" Azusa told him. Wesley chuckled and opened the side door and placed a blanket down on the floor of the van against the wall. "Then she can sleep then," Wesley told him. Azusa nodded and jumped into the van and laid her down on the blanket. Sakashi was so tired she stayed asleep. "Keep an eye on her. I'm going to go get a few things.." Azusa told him as he walked back inside the house. Wesley looked at sakashi and grinned as he took zip ties and zip-tied her feet together. He then attached several zip ties together before zipping one of her wrists to an attached metal part of the van. "girl Your so lucky Azusa took to you enough to save your worthless life. Otherwise, you would be dead by now." He mumbled to her. Matt came out and looked in the van and smirked. "Who's driving first?" Matt asked. Wesley smirked, "Azusa will, I'll sit in the front with him to chat. I'll be next to drive then you will for the last two hours." Wesley told him. "Alright, then I'm sleeping.." Matt jumped in and laid down next to sakashi. He placed headphones into her ears and began listening to music. Wesley rolled his eyes and leaped out before sitting in the front passenger seat. Azusa walked out with another blanket and his weapons. He looked inside the van as he saw sakashi tied. He sighed, "you do realize she's not going anywhere so no need to tie her down." he told Wesley as he tossed the blanket over sakashi and tossed his weapons further in the back. "just in case. Just shut up, your driving for a few." Wesley replied. "fine." Azusa said as he shut the van door and walked over and got into the van. He started the van and began to drive.

Seven hours worth of driving they traveled. Azusa and Wesley chatted for a while before they switched, Azusa moved to the passenger seat and glanced in the back to look at sakashi before Wesley continued the drive and chatted more. The last two hours of the trip, Wesley pulled over and turned around to look in the back, he saw Matt still asleep so he threw a canned soda at Matt to wake him. When Matt woke up and sat up he was angry. Matt and Wesley began Griping at each other for a while. Azusa got into the back with sakashi and laid down next to her. Azusa began snacking on some chips and began to think of things. Wesley, Azusa, and Matt talked with each other until they arrived at their new location. Sakashi had slept through the whole trip. As the three boys transferred belongings into their home, sakashi continued to sleep. Wesley and Matt began fussing over rooms while Azusa put the food they had away. Sakashi slowly woke up and sat up. She quickly realized her legs had been zipped together and her left wrist was zipped to the van. She signed and sat there silently. She looked out the van door since it was opened and looked at a new location. She had no idea where she was. After about tenish minutes Azusa suddenly appeared and smiled softly. "hey, your awake, sorry but Wesley wanted you tied." he told her before crawling inside the van, grabbed his knife and cut her wrist and legs free. Sakashi sighed and followed Azusa out of the van. Once her feet hit the ground she noticed the sun rising up. She stopped to admire the beauty of the sunrise. Azusa smiled softly and began walking to the house. Sakashi began to turn and follow Azusa into the new house. When she walked inside. She followed Azusa to the very back of the house before the found the room she's staying in with Azusa. Wesley and Matt wanted to make sure if sakashi ever tried to escape she would have to get passed their rooms before the got to the exit. After a couple of weeks passed, sakashi had fully adjusted to her job, she adjusted to her duties as their prisoner. She became used to being captive and didn't care anymore. As long as she was fed and taken care of, she didn't care. Azusa treated her perfectly fine, however, he did get toxic Periodically.

Sakashi's new life started to be a constant mix of fear and happiness with mixed emotions. She got used to Wesley and Matt, Wesley was nothing but an alcoholic and flirtatious, Matt was toxic and abusive. Azusa was a softy, however, he had his toxic days. But her only source of comfort and happiness was with Azusa. She focused on Azusa. She chose to stay, She had many opportunities to leave. A few times she was left home alone giving her a chance to escape. But she chose to stay, her actions eventually built up their trust in her. And believed she was serious and wouldn't leave them. Their tests had been a success. Wesley knew she was perfect for their gang and began treating her better. Matt began to buddy up and treat her like a friend. Sakashi's life gradually got better. As two years passed, she slowly began to forget about kalebize and Leemodo. She was ok with her life. Her life of pain and sorrow began to end. She believed this was her happiness. They allowed her to have more rights and freedom as she lived with them. The better she took care of them, the better they treated her. However the secrete between her and Azusa remained unspoken.