CHAPTER 45- Red-haired man’s identity and information.

"Tell us now spike!!." An Interrogator demanded. The red-haired man smirked, as he sat in the chair with his arms cuffed to the chair behind his back. He refused to speak. The interrogator became furious because nothing he attempted to use against him to make him talk had worked. The red-haired man was a professional criminal. His name is spike, he is 36 years old and is 5 foot 7. He worked for the mafia and helped criminals with their duties if needed, as long as he got paid for it. His eye color is hazel, and he had long red hair that flowed down his mid-back. His power was unknown because he never uses it. He is obsessed with money and drugs. His body built was Average, his personality is sarcastic and laughs at everything. He enjoys mental torture and feels no remorse. After 24 hours of the police trying to get him to talk they gave up for a while. Spike chuckled like a Psychopath as he rocked himself back and forth. Once the interrogator returned he brought someone with him. Spike immediately became quiet and glared. "What's the meaning of this? Let go of me!" A woman demanded. She looked over and noticed spike and became wide-eyed. "What the hell did you do now?" She yelled suddenly at him in anger. Spike kept silent. The officer released the woman and looked at her "You see, your son has been apart of a kidnapping. He refuses to talk and tell us where he took her. And he's also a well known wanted criminal anyway." He told her. The woman looked at spike and walked over to him suddenly and slaps him in his face. "What the hell??? Just tell them or I'll beat your ass until you can't physically sit or stand!." She yelled at him. The offices grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "No need to go that far Mrs!." He told her. Spike kept silent at first before sighing and looked down. "I'll talk to my mother but not you. If you want information then ask her afterward." Spike mumbled. The officer looked at spike and immediately walked out of the questioning room and locked the door. He walked over to a window to the room that would show inside the room but from the inside the room the window would come off as a mirror. The officer pressed a bottom and turned on the speaker and listened.

"Son? Why have you become like this? Do you realize how this makes me feel knowing my baby boy is a criminal?" She told him. Spike looked up at her and sighed again. His biggest weakness was facing his mother. She's the only person he truly loves and will die for. "Mom when I got into drugs. It's not because I wanted to. It's because I always watched you struggle and try to make mends meat. I met someone who worked in the mafia when I was out one night shooting up. He asked me if I wanted to join them and live a better life. I was curious and joined them. That's why I have been paying for your monthly bills because the life of a criminal allows me to earn wealth! I have become rich. I don't enjoy what I do. I only do it for you." He told her as he stared at the table. His mother sighed and closed her eyes. "Where is the girl spike? You can still change by telling me where you took the girl." She asked him. Spike looked at her and gulped. "A hidden house in the north forest. Once you enter the north forest you drive about 15 minutes straight. You take a right at the first road split. It is blocked off and forbidden which is why no one has found them. After you get on that road you will drive thirty minutes down the road and to the left you will see a house hidden behind some trees. That's where she is. " he told her. His mother closed her eyes and looked down. "Thank you, son." She told him. The officer took notes and kept his focus on it. Now during that time when spike was talking to his mother was the time when Azusa and sakashi were with Sabrina in the mountains. The officer listened to the conversation until he felt he had enough information. He pressed the bottom and allowed spike and his mother to have a private conversation.

The officer walked to his office and began to research and go through his information. Spike and his mother talked a bit longer about private things. His mother was able to talk to him about serving his time and doing the right thing. She doesn't hate him and never will abandon him. She was disappointed but will still be with him through this. Knowing his mother just didn't abandon him, her encouragement helped him break down his wall and began to weep. After about a two and a half-hour conversation. This mother buzzed the bell to leave. Spike sat in his chair and kept silent. The police walked into the room and uncuffed him from the chair and lead him to his cell.

After about another hour his mother left the station after reporting the needed information to them And went back home. As his mother left two men arrived holding a young teenage girl and ran inside the station. "Someone help. This girl needs help. We found her unconscious in the mountains. We were out hiking!" One of the men spoke frantically. The officer at the front desk immediately called for the ambulance to get her to the hospital. "Alright thank you. Help is on the way to get her. I'm going to need you guys to fill out this report and give us as much detail as you can."

Sabina was taken to the hospital. Her clothes were sent to the police for investigation. Thankfully Sabrina was well cared for after that. However, When she woke; she refused to talk. All she did was weep. Chandler walked into her room and sat down in Infront of her. He calmly talked with her and decided to show her a picture of Wesley Matt and Azusa. He asked her if they had anything to do with her rape. She immediately began to tremble. She looked away fast and got nervous. "Those two, that one is not a bad man." She quietly mumbled as she pointed at the men showing him Wesley and Matt were the ones who hurt her. And Azusa as a good man. "That man?" He asked as he looked at Azusa in the picture. "All three of these men are wanted criminals. Are you sure he's done nothing to you?" He asked her. Sabrina nodded. "Azusa is my brother... he's the one who actually let me go and live. He also had a wonderful girl with him. I know she's the girl who helped him change his evil ways." She told him softly. Chandler looked at her and sighed. "I see, that girl is someone else's girlfriend. He kidnapped her for himself. And we are actually looking for her." He told her Sabrina looked at him. "Oh well, she's fine. He's kind to her." She told him. "Please don't kill my brother. Give him a chance. I know he can change." She asked as she wept. "It's his friends who hurt me and took the only power I just learned to control away," Sabrina mumbled. Kalebize immediately walked into the room. "Azusa clearly let you live because your his sister." kalebize told her. Sabrina looked at kalebize and went wide-eyed. "your?" Chandler looked at Sabrina then at kalebize. "this is that girls boyfriend kalebize." Chandler told her. Sabrina looked down. "be careful. As I was raped I do remember Wesley ranting about this kalebize and how he is plotting your death." kalebize smirked and huffed. "he can bring it on! But Look you said you saw sakashi with Azusa?" Kalebize asked her. Sabrina nodded and looked down. "yeah, she's ok. Azusa is treating her kindly. She seemed comfortable with him. Which is why I thought they were lovers." she told him. "but where did you come from so suddenly? How did you know what I told chandler?" she asked him? Kalebize smiled. "I was standing behind the door and listened." he told her as he sat down in the second chair. "oh, well please my only request is to give Azusa a chance. He can change. He actually looked distraught and acted like he doesn't want to do crime anymore." she told them. Kalebize signed. "fine. I won't focus on killing him. But if he doesn't show any sort of change. I can't promise you what I would do." he told her. Sabina looked down and nodded. " I understand." Chandler sighed. "Well thank you for talking to us. Get some rest now. We will need someone to check you for any possible Disease given to you from them." Chandler told her calmly. Sabrina nodded.

Moments later kalebize felt his phone vibrate as he looked at it and stood up immediately and answered the phone. Sabrina looked at kalebize and smiled softly. "That girl is lucky having a handsome man devoted to saving her. I wish I had a love life." She mumbled. Chandler smiled softly and stood up. "He will come eventually. Just get some rest now. And I'll check on you tomorrow." He told her and walked out the door behind kalebize.

Sabrina nodded and laid down. Chandler shut her door gently and looked at kalebize. "Alright, thank you for everything." He said before hanging up and smirked at chandler. "Found her." Chandler smiled. "Oh really?" He asked. "Yeah, we have a location. And on the side note. I filled them in on what Sabrina told us. And they told me the clothes she wore matched with Azusa's DNA on the clothing. So she's isn't lying." He told chandler. "That's great news.." chandler replied with excitement. "Unfortunately they told me not to go check it out. They already have officers on their way there now to bring her home. I have a meeting to attend soon." Kalebize said. Chandler sighed and looked down. Just seconds later his phone vibrated again. Kalebize answered. He immediately went quiet and his mood dropped into a sudden disappointment. Chandler looked at kalebize and waited. About a minute or two later kalebize hung up and dropped his phone. "What happened?" Chandler asked softly. " they had abandoned the location and left.... they knew.... they knew and took advantage and left. Now she's somewhere out there still trapped." He told him and suddenly punched the wall in sudden anger. Chandler sighed and looked down. "I'm sure she will be fine, if She sticks close to Azusa, I'm sure she won't suffer." He told him. "That still doesn't make me feel any better. She's being held captive and probably forced to do things she's not ok with." He told him.

"I know," Chandler replied. Kalebize began to walk down the hall and left the hospital angrily.

Back at the prison, spike was sitting in his cell. He heard a buzz and doors open. "Get up, you have court." An officer told him. Spike stood up and walked out and walked towards the courtroom. As he stood before the judge. He received his punishment. He's being charged with many felonies, he has stolen, murdered, kidnapped, robbed and much more. Spike closed his eyes and listened. He admitted guilty at the end. "but, we will allow you to live life outside of prison, you will wear an ankle bracket and will he monitored everywhere you go at all times. We are giving you a chance to change your actions, but the moment you continue your nasty habits you will be brought back and in prison for life." the judge suddenly told him. Spike looked up at him in shock and nodded silently. Once dismissed he couldn't understand why they are allowing him to be partially free. He didn't deserve this freedom. The officer placed the ankle bracket on him. But now this is his opportunity to prove to his mother he can change. Once he was set free. He looked at his ankle. He saw a red light flicker on it. It was tight enough on him so it can't be easily removed. He knew if he tried to take it off he would be thrown into prison permanently. He began to walk and head straight for his mother's home. If he was going to succeed. His mother is the person to hold him accountable.