CHAPTER 46- diagnosed with Retrograde amnesia

During the first week when Leemodo has been admitted back into the hospital. Nurses and doctors had been observing Leemodo and collecting information about his injuries and so forth. Five days after he was placed into the coma he began to wake up. Leemodo opened his eyes slowly before adjusting his sight to the sudden bright light. He wondered where he was. The nurse saw him waking up and smiled and ran out to the nurse station. "He's waking up!" She yelled in excitement. his personal doctor who was assigned to Leemodo immediately walked into his room and began to tend to him and help him so he doesn't panic. After about thirty minutes of getting him situated and checked on. Leemodo was able to rest in a normal bed. He didn't speak much. He only answered questions when asked. When the news spread around and got to Chandler, leemodo found himself being visited a lot as if everyone knew him. Leemodo began to feel a but overwhelmed. Chandler texted kalebize before going to see leemodo. Once the message was sent, He walked to go see Leemodo. Chandler was about to enter his room when the doctor walked out and stopped. "oh? Hey boss." The doctor told him. "Hey, hows he doing?" Chandler asked. "Well, from what I managed to find out from him is concerning. I am diagnosing him with Retrograde amnesia." The doctor told him. Chandler sighed. "That's when someone can't remember recent events correct?" Chandler asked.

"Retrograde amnesia affects memories that were formed before the onset of amnesia. after a traumatic brain injury, he may be unable to remember what happened.

Its caused by damage to the memory-storage areas of the brain, in various brain regions. This type of damage can result from a traumatic injury, a serious illness, a seizure or stroke, or a degenerative brain disease. But in his case. When I observed his brain, his attack to the head is part of this case. Thankfully he's healing fine, there's no blood in the brain but he does have a small tumor growing on his brain that we must remove Immediately. But Depending on the cause and how hard he took damage to the brain, retrograde amnesia can be temporary, permanent, or progressive." The doctor told him. Chandler became worried and listened as he stared at the doctor tensely. "The extent of retrograde amnesia can vary significantly. Some people may only lose memories from the year or two prior to having the injury or disease. Some people may lose decades of memories. But even when people lose decades, they typically hang on to memories from childhood and adolescence." The doctor added. Chandler sighed and looked down. "So how did he act, just so I know how to approach him," Chandler asked. "Well he seemed to know his own identity, he knows he's a counselor and hasn't lost any skills in that. But when I asked him about certain people or if he remembers what happened to him he became confused. He doesn't remember what happened at all, he doesn't know who kalebize, you or even sakashi are. So when you do visit him. He's not going to know you." He told him. Chandler sighed again. "Alright thank you," Chandler told him before walking into the room slowly and gently knocked on the door to let Leemodo know someone is coming in. The doctor began to walk down the hall to file the reports into the system. "Hey Leemodo?, my name is chandler. The CEO and boss here.." Leemodo looked over and nodded. "Hello, It's my pleasure to meet you." He told him. Chandler closed his eyes and sighed. "Listen Leemodo. I really hope you can recover your memories back. This has to be a pain for you." He told him calmly. Leemodo smiled slightly and looked down. "I mean I guess, it's not like I forgot who I am. I'm sure what I did forget isn't important to worry about." Leemodo told him. Chandler looked up at him. "Well actually. What you did forget is important. Your best friends kalebize and sakashi. Kalebize will be here soon.." Leemodo looked at him and looked back down. "Oh ok. All I wanna do it get back to work. People need my help." He told chandler. "Well, you can when you get better. I'll come to see you in a little bit later on. I got work to do. See ya." He told him before walking out of the room. Leemodo nodded and leaned back into his bed. Chandler stopped and pressed his head against the wall and grit his teeth. He doesn't understand why he feels hurt. But he does. He's bothered at the fact his friend doesn't remember him or what's important to him. He sighs and leans up and continues to walk. He sends one last text to kalebize and warns him of his results. When kalebize read the text he froze and stared at the text before throwing his phone against the hospital wall from the outside in frustration. "Damnit not another case of memory loss! I can't deal with this!" He yelled suddenly. Civilians walking around looked at kalebize as if he was going crazy and walked fast away from him. Kalebize picked his phone up and walked into the hospital and went straight to Leemodo's room. When kalebize walked into his room without warning him. "You're just going to forget about me that easy aye?" He asked. Leemodo sat up and looked over. "Wait who are you?" Leemodo asked in confusion. "Kalebize! You know, your best friend." He told him. Leemodo tried to remember him but doesn't recognize his face or anything. "Um, yeah I don't remember you. I'm sorry." Kalebize sighed and sat down. "Leemodo look, you might not remember me now, but I swear I will help you remember me!" He told him calmly yet firmly. "Ok, so um thanks for coming I guess." He told him. Kalebize looked up at him and smirked. "ya." kalebize replied and walked out of the room.

Asha walked calmly into leemodo's room with a picture in her hand. "leemodo? Do you have time to talk?" she asked. leemodo looked over at her and nodded. "ya, I guess. And you are?" he asked. "My name is Asha. The lead nurse. I'm also the CEO Chandler's assistant." she told him with a smile. "oh I see, well what do you want?" he asked her. Asha walked over and handed him a picture of him, kalebize, sakashi, her, Sasha, and Chandler at sakashi's house party. "can you recall this moment?" she asked. Leemodo looks at the picture and focused on it. He tried to remember but had nothing. He shook his head and sighed. "who are all these people?" he asked her. Asha sighed. "well. That is clearly you, this girl right here next to you. That's sakashi. And there is kalebize, Chandler, Sasha and I. We are all your friends." she told him as she pointed to each person. Leemodo felt disappointed not being able to remember anything. Yet he still managed to smile at the picture. "we look so happy." he calmly told her and stared at sakashi. He felt a slight attraction to her but didn't understand why. Asha smiled softly. "we are because we are family. It's ok if you don't remember but I believe you will eventually. Because we won't give up on you." she told him. Leemodo looked at her and nodded and looked back at the picture. His eyes once again looked directly at sakashi. Asha smiled. "well you can keep the picture. It's almost lunchtime. So get some food and eat up!" she told him before walking towards the door. "thank you." leemodo suddenly told her. "for what?" Asha stopped and asked him as she turned her head and looked at him. "for letting me keep this picture." he told her with a smile. "oh your welcome." she told him and walked out the room. Leemodo looked and observed the picture, he wanted to memorize the faces of these people. Little did he know. He won't remember their faces like normal immediately. He will forget who he has met and talked to that tied to jog his memory. For days kalebize, Asha, Sasha, and Chandler switched off trying to get leemodo to remember them through the day. Unfortunately. Each day that passed, he would forget everything. Kalebize began to get frustrated he felt nothing was going to trigger his memory, he was living the same responses and moments with leemodo every single day and wanted to give up. But then he realized how important leemodo is to him and everyone. He refused to give up and continue to come to visit him daily. He was determined to help him remember. He wasn't about to lose his best friend to memory loss like he has with the love of his life.

Leemodo lived this way for several months, and as leemodo saw his friends daily. He couldn't recall any of those moments. it seemed like a never-ending merry go round. will leemodo ever remember them? Of does he have to live like this for the rest of his life? Chandler began to lose his patience. However, kalebize wouldn't give up. He believed leemodo would start remembering eventually. Kalebize began to visit him more often throughout the day instead of just once a day. After a while leemodo was able to keep a steady memory of kalebize, from there, kalebize made sure to keep leemodo's memory of him firm. Leemodo started to remember kalebize better and began rebuilding a friendship up with him. Kalebize felt a success and enormous growth and began planning for his next step to help him remember more. One step at a time.