CHAPTER 51- Death Deception

While Azusa was making his way back to bring sakashi back home, he was about thirty minutes away. He forgot the walk would be a nice distance and sighed. He then wanted to cut that time and began running.

During that time the doctor stood up and pushed his doctor coat off and ripped it to many pieces before reaching into his pockets, pulling out a small packet of pig blood and began applying the pig blood all over his coat. Sakashi slowly began to wake up at the sudden noise the doctor was making and looked at the doctor. "Um, what are you doing?." She asked before finding the man's hand cupped over sakashi's mouth leaning over her. His eyes looked different and stone cold. His expression quickly became dangerous. Sakashi sat there and looked at him wondering what he's planning to do. "Shhh, you're coming with me, but I need to do something to keep those men from coming first." He whispered into her ear before suddenly ripping sakashi's clothing off and stood up tossing pieces of her clothing around and pouring the pig blood on them as well. Sakashi sat there completely naked and immediately curled up into a ball wrapping her arms around her legs to cover herself. She deep down didn't want to be taken by someone else so she stood up with the little strength she could bring herself to run and began to run towards the location of the home with Azusa. She screamed, "Azusa!." hoping for him to be near and come. However, before she got very far, she felt her arm being grabbed and yanked back by the doctor. sakashi squealed and felt her back being slammed against a tree. Her head began to throb in pain as she grunted. The doctor knelt down and smirked. "sorry girl but you're on my list of girls to sell." he told her as he gripped her arm and yanked her to her feet. Sakashi wobbled and looked down weeping. Blood dripped down her legs considering she just gave birth. The doctor yanked her along until he walked up to a hidden van in the trees. Sakashi looked at him and stopped as she hesitated. "did you plan this?." she asked scared. The doctor smirked and then let out a laugh. "yes, I keep my van up here for a reason just like this. I'm not a real doctor. I'm an auctioneer who finds girls like you and then sells them. With your condition however you may sell for a decent price." he told her as he stopped in front of the van with sakashi and tied her hands behind her back with rope. Sakashi tried to struggle and break from him but his strength out measured hers. He then quickly slapped duck tape over her mouth and taped her legs together before tossing her into the back of the van. Next to sakashi was a caged bear. Sakashi began to tremble as she was forced to lay next to a beast that looked starved. The man then opened the cage door and released the bear out into the wild after throwing pig blood all over the bear's face. Sakashi wondered why the bear never attacked only to realize the bear must have been trained and domesticated.

"go! get out of here." the man yelled at the bear waving his arms at the bear. After taking a few sniffs the bear looked at the man then got spooked and began running off. The man chuckled and shut the van door and walked over to his seat. He got onto his van then lifted his phone and dialed a number. He waited a few seconds as his phone rang. "got her, on my way now." the man suddenly said. "alright, see you soon then." the man said before hanging up the phone. This man's name is known as Erfan, he has short black hair and has a small amount of facial hair. He identifies as a professional doctor. However, he's really an undercover auctioneer who finds people to auction off. He is 169 pounds and 5 foot 6. His eye color is sky blue and wears a headband around his head. He is also apart of the mafia spike used to engage In. As Erfan drove sakashi out of the mountains and to the secrete auction building. Sakashi laid on her side weeping and began to wonder if Azusa will assume she ran off or if he will know she's been kidnapped and not fooled by a fake death. At the time sakashi could only think about her baby boy waiting for her and Azusa. She wanted to be found by them and return home.

After a while, Azusa arrived on the scene and looked around. He then immediately noticed the doctor's coat and Sakashi's clothing on the ground. He ran over to the clothes and saw the blood-stained on them. He felt his heart beat rapidly and began to panic. He saw the rips and shreds left from the clothes and looked around seeing blood spilled everywhere. He grits his teeth wondering what attacked them. He continued to search the area in hopes he could at least find their bodies. He began tearing up as he began to see bear tracks. He gulped and followed the tracks until he found the bear searching for food. He observed the bear and saw blood all over his face and believed it was the bear that attacked the doctor and sakashi. He glared at the bear and wanted the bear dead. However, he didn't have any kind of weapon on him and decided to head back to inform Wesley and Luke. He knows Wesley would come back out with him to kill this bear. He stood up and began walking back towards home.

If only Azusa walked a little further into the trees would he of found tire tracks and change the whole investigation. Unfortunately, Azusa turned around and left before he found the tire tracks, believing sakashi was attacked and killed. As Azusa journeyed back to his home he wept and knew he at least still has a piece of sakashi with him. His goal is to raise their baby boy and change for the better for sakashi and still keep his promise to her.

Once he had arrived he walked into the house and kept silent. Luke looked over and had a confused expression on his face. "What's wrong? Where's the girl?." He asked. Wesley walked out and looked firmly at Azusa. "A bear attacked them and killed them both." He told them as he threw both the doctors and sakashi's clothing on the ground. Wesley kept a straight cold stare as Luke looked down with dissatisfaction. "Would you come to help me hunt this bear and kill it? I need revenge!." He requested. Wesley sighed and nodded. "Let's go. Luke keep watching the child and we will be back. " Wesley told Luke before grabbing a few blades and firearms. Luke nodded and continued to relax on the sofa. The baby was still asleep and looked peaceful. Azusa walked out of the building and looked up at the night sky and closed his eyes. Wesley came out and walked past him. "Let's go." He told Azusa as he continued down the path. Azusa opened his eyes and began following. Once they arrived at the scene Azusa looked around with Wesley. However, Wesley was observing everything. He began to feel something is off. But didn't want to assume anything just yet. "Where did you last see the bear," Wesley asked Azusa.

"Up this way," Azusa replied and began to lead Wesley. After a few minutes of walking, they found the bear. "There!." Azusa said as he gripped his Rifle. Wesley looked at the bear and observed it's actions. Wesley wanted to make sure of something and stood up and walked towards the bear. "Hey!." He yelled out to the bear. Azusa pointed his rifle immediately on the bear and waited. The bear didn't know these people and sensed danger. The bear reared up on his two back legs and started growling while waving his paws. Wesley saw the blood all over the bear's mouth and grabbed his machete. Wesley stopped and lifted his blade and pointed it directly at him. "Azusa!." Wesley yelled. Suddenly several shots were fired and several bullets struck the bear weakening him. The bear growled and landed back on all fours and began to run. Wesley and Azusa followed the trail of blood left behind from the frantic bear. After about an hour by. Wesley and Azusa returned from the dark Forrest with blood all over their clothes and Wesley's machete. "Well, that was a success.." Wesley stated. "Yeah, now that it's dead I can rest knowing the killer of sakashi is dead.." Azusa said. His heart still ached and wanted to hold her close to him. "Say, why not get another chick! There's an auction tomorrow. Let's go check it out and see if another girl flatters you." Wesley offered. "Hmm, no thanks," Azusa replied and walked back. Wesley sighed. "well we are still going to the auction tomorrow, you hear? We still have our normal job to do regardless if she's around or not. Don't forget that!." Wesley told him firmly. "Yeah, I know.," Azusa replied. Once they arrived back home they both cleaned up and shortly after they told the whole story to Luke. Once they ate their dinner Wesley and Luke went to bed. Azusa took the baby boy and stayed up all night taking care of the baby the best he could as he wept in grief silently. He thought about leaving but realized if he would leave and abandon his friends. They would cut his life off and the baby. He decided to wait a little longer to better plan the betrayal. His love for sakashi and his son gave him a desire to do what's right and stop his evil ways. Struggling with how to end it all without losing his life.